Kent Paul Scarborough is a successful entrepreneur from Australia who has achieved success in his professional life and personal life too. He believes in striking a balance between work and life. This has helped him to reach new heights in his professional career while carrying out things he loves to do. He explains work life balance as the measure of time spent in completing job responsibilities in contrast to the amount of time spent with family and one’s hobbies and interests.
People who are able to maintain a good work life balance are more productive as they discover the art of making the best use of the time to meet the requirement of every sphere of life. Kent further says that it is vital to learn how to build a better balance between work and life to avoid problems in personal and family life. Before getting insight into management of work life, one must understand as what does work life balance means. Work-life balance refers to a system wherein a person distributes his time to meet all the professional and personal obligations.
Kent Scarborough explains that a perfect balance between work and life must be maintained for better future prospects.
Remember there is no perfect “work-life balance”
It is not necessary that you have spent a productive day at work and same day got time to spend with your family. Although, this seems to be an ideal situation but it’s not always possible. Always look for realistic goals even in work life balance. Kent says that balance is not achieved everyday but over a period of time.
Work what you love
We all know that work is an expected societal norm and career should not be restrained. You should always do a work wherein you feel happy. Although, it’s obvious you won’t like every aspect of your job but it needs to be exciting enough that you don’t hesitate to go to your office.
Prioritize your health.
The overall physical, emotional and mental health always remains the main concern in one’s life. If you’re struggling with anxiety or depression then think therapy seems to be a solution. If you are a victim of any chronic disease then never overdo work as it prevents you from getting better and leads to many more off days in future. So, prioritize your health first and this will make you a better person and an employee.
Unplug Yourself
Cutting ties from outside world at frequent intervals allows you to recover from weekly stress and give you space for positive thoughts and creative ideas to implement. Kent Scarborough recommends that you, as a human being, must be ready to unplug yourself from the outside world for some time to make us more energized when you’re on the clock.
Sometimes, truly unplugging can be done which means sparing time for vacation and shutting work completely for a mental recharge and worklife balance.
Spare some time for yourself and your loved ones.
Work is important for all. But, remember you’re an individual before taking any position. So, always prioritize your hobbies to keep yourself energized and happy. Work-life balance requires deliberate action. Mark the calendar for romantic and family dates and this will make you spend quality time with your family without any work life balance conflict. Kent says that work keeps you busy but never forgets that you shouldn’t neglect family.
Create work boundaries and hours
Create boundaries for yourself and your colleagues to avoid any burnout. While leaving office, avoid thinking about any upcoming project and start thinking about your family or hobbies. Consider having a separate computer or phone for work so that you can shut it off after work hours. You can also use different browsers or emails for work and personal use to maintain work life balance.
Always respect your workplace limits and expectations while keeping a family time. Always pay attention to most productive time for work and block that time for most important work activities. Avoid checking messages and email after every few minutes as this leads to wastage of time and hampers the productivity.
Kent Paul Scarborough highlights that people who maintain a successful work life balance always outperform others and rise in their career. So, maintain the equilibrium and live life to the fullest.