Constructed Answer

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Singing Bowl

Medallion: Susan Cabnet, Julia Claus, Christopher Darway, Jacqueline Ott, and Diane Marie Rosetti Carved Box: Jonathan Bonner and Johnny Jackson.

oil paint on sheet of tin, brass, nickel, video 6m 7s 2019

Philadelphia College of Art Commemorative Medallion

page 8 & 9 Marilyn da Silva Dwelling I

silver, pearl, hickory 28" x 27" x 5", 1970

copper, brass, gesso, color pencil, sand 21" x 12" x 10", 1992

page 4 & 5

Put Out the Fire I-III

Boris Bally Brave 4: Breast Plate 100 gun-triggers* (steel) mounted on stainless cord, 925 silver, 750 gold *weapons courtesy Good4Guns Antiviolence Coalition, City of Pittsburgh, PA open 26" x 11-1/2" x 2", 2013 Brave 3: Necklace 100 gun-triggers* (steel) mounted on stainless cord, 925 silver, 750 gold *weapons courtesy Good4Guns Antiviolence Coalition, City of Pittsburgh, PA open 27 x 16 x 1-5/8"; double-looped 19"x 11"x1-5/8" 2013 page 6 & 7 Taehyun Bang Grind an Axe to Make a Needle an actual axe, video 7m 7s, 2019

assorted material/assorted sizes. pendant of varying sizes between 40 – 60 mm. 1992-93 Boxers & Briefs Brooches (excerpts from the periodictable of underwear) sterling silver, limoges enamel on steel, pearls. 4 x 4 x 0.5cm, 2008

page 18 & 19 Stephen Saracino Columbine Survival Bracelet sterling silver, mokume gane, 8" x 6" x 3", 2004 War Trophy. Nation Building, 3rd Place. sterling silver. 8" x 10" x 4", 2010

page 14 & 15

page 20 & 21

Michael Nashef

Mel Someroski

Come See What I Have


concrete, dyed concrete, sterling silver, gold leaf. 13" x 7" x 6". 2018.

enamel on copper. 4.5", 1987


Grandma’s Gate

enamel on copper. 4.5", 1987

John Michael Kohler Arts / Industry Residency. hand-fabricated and lathed waxes, sand and urethane molds, cast iron. 5" x 4' x 4' I 13 x 122 x 122 cm, 2015. Photo Credit: Tom Burazin

concrete, copper, white bronze. 13" x 7" x 7". 2018.

page 22 & 23

sterling silver, copper 2 1/4" x 7.5" x 1.5", 1993 page 10 & 11 Holland Houdek

Intestinal Apparatus Intestines Replacement hand-fabricated copper, pierced, copper fittings, Swarovski crystals (686), bead-blasted, patina. 11" x 7" x 5" I 28 x 18 x 13 cm. 2017. page 12 & 13 Keith Lewis 35 Dead Souls electroformed pendants

page 14 & 15 Marissa Saneholtz (detail) She knew better than to hold her breath copper, vitreous enamel, sterling silver, stainless steel, pearls, silk, digital print, archival adhesive, wood, 20" x 10", 2018 (detail) It was difficult for her to show the customary restraint copper, vitreous enamel, sterling silver, stainless steel, pearls, silk, digital print, archival adhesive, wood. 20" x 10". 2018.

Into Exile

Reneé Zettle-Sterling Object of Mourning Veil #5 and #6 clothing from my deceased loved ones acrylic, copper, brass, fabric. 24" x 14" x 13", 2014 One More... copper, cast paper pulp, adventurine, faceted beads, fabric, and trim. 13" x 13" x 10", 2019 *commissioned for School of Art Collection for this exhibition.

CONSTRUCTED ANSWER A contemporary metals exhibition inspired by tragedy, trauma and violence that celebrates the resiliency of the human spirit. Curated in response to a Commemorative Medallion made by Philadelphia College of Art students (now University of the Arts) in honor of the students who perished at Kent State University on May 4th, 1970. Featuring: Boris Bally, Taehyun Bang, Marilyn da Silva, Holland Houdek, Keith Lewis, Michael Nashef, Marissa Saneholtz, Stephen Saracino, Mel Someroski & ReneĂŠ Zettle-Sterling.

January 24 – February 28, 2020

FROM THE CURATORS The response of the world to the deaths of four students at Kent State University on May 4th, 1970 at the hands of the National Guard of the United States was intense and deeply felt. Visual artists used the occasion to create works that honored the victims and, in some cases, criticized the situation that caused their deaths. Many artists sent the work they created in response to the event to the School of Art Collection at Kent State University to show support for the people immediately effected. Some of the notable artists who made and donated work in honor of the Kent State students who lost their lives were, Richard Hamilton, Ruth Gikow, Chuck Close and Nathan Oliveira. In one special case, a group of students from the Philadelphia College of Art (now called The University of the Arts) made a Commemorative Medallion to honor the victims. Students in Olaf Skoogfor’s Jewelry class who designed and created the Commemorative Medallion were; Susan Cabnet, Julia Claus, Christopher Darway, Jacqueline Ott, and Diane Marie Rosetti. Students in Dan Jackson’s woodworking class, Jonathan Bonner and Johnny Jackson, designed and carved a box for the medallion out of hickory. Julia Claus then travelled to Kent, Ohio on June 7, 1970 and presented the piece to Kent State University President, Robert I. White.

This exhibition has been informed and inspired by this compelling piece. The medallion has also played a central role in the School of Art's stewardship of the School of Art Collection at Kent State University. The object highlights not only the unique history of the school and the many artists who have worked, studied and visited Kent, but also the important role a “teaching collection” can have in helping to share the research of others as we seek to better understand the “how” and the “why” art is made.

Andrew Kuebeck Assistant Professor and Area Head of the Jewelry/Metals/Enameling program Co-curator Constructed Answer Anderson Turner Director School of Art Collection and Galleries Co-curator Constructed Answer

PCA Student Julia Claus Presenting the Commemorative Medallion to Kent State University President, Robert I. White, June 9, 1970



Student Makers Medallion: Susan Cabnet, Julia Claus, Christopher Darway, Jacqueline Ott, and Diane Marie Rosetti. Carved Box: Jonathan Bonner and Johnny Jackson silver, pearl, hickory 28" x 27 " x 5" 1970



Boris Bally

Brave 4: Breast Plate 100 gun-triggers* (steel) mounted on stainless cord, 925 silver, 750 gold *weapons courtesy Good4Guns Anti-violence Coalition, City of Pittsburgh, PA, open 26" x 11 1/2" x 2", 2013


Brave 3: Necklace 100 gun-triggers* (steel) mounted on stainless cord, 925 silver, 750 gold *weapons courtesy Good4Guns Anti-violence Coalition, City of Pittsburgh, PA open 27" x 16" x 1 5/8"; double-looped 19" x 11" x 1 5/8", 2013


Taehyun Bang

Grind an Axe to Make a Needle an actual axe video 7m 7s 2019


Singing Bowl oil paint on sheet of tin, brass, nickel video 6m 7s 2019


Marilyn da Silva


Put Out the Fire I-III sterling silver, copper approx 2 1/4" x 7.5" x 1.5", 1993

Dwelling I copper, brass, gesso, color pencil, sand 21" x 12" x 10" 1992 Dwelling I Far beneath our souls revealed a sanctuary from our grief. Return to dust as we first came dreaming of a place called home. Banners furl in night’s still breezes beckoning to the heart that weeps. A treasure lost is far from gone when a memory a dwelling becomes.


Holland Houdek

Mechanization John Michael Kohler Arts/Industry Residency hand-fabricated and lathed waxes, sand and urethane molds, cast iron 5" x 4' x 4' I 13 x 122 x 122 cm 2015 Photo Credit (for both): Tom Burazin


Intestinal Apparatus Intestines Replacement hand-fabricated copper, pierced copper fittings, Swarovski crystals (686), bead-blasted, patina, 11" x 7" x 5" I 28 x 18 x 13 cm, 2017


Keith Lewis

35 Dead Souls electroformed pendants, assorted material/assorted sizes pendant of varying sizes between 40 – 60 mm, 1992-93 on loan from Susan Cummins (pictured here)


Boxers & Briefs Brooches (excerpts from the periodic table of underwear) sterling silver, limoges enamel on steel, pearls 4 x 4 x 0.5cm 2008


Michael Nashef

Come See What I Have


concrete, dyed concrete, sterling silver, gold leaf 13" x 7" x 6" 2018

Grandma’s Gate concrete, copper, white bronze 13" x 7" x 7" 2018


Marissa Saneholtz

(detail) She knew better than to hold her breath copper, vitreous enamel, sterling silver, stainless steel, pearls, silk, digital print, archival adhesive, wood 20" x 10" 2018


(detail) It was difficult for her to show the customary restraint copper, vitreous enamel, sterling silver, stainless steel, pearls, silk, digital print, archival adhesive, wood 20" x 10" 2018


Stephen Saracino

Columbine Survival Bracelet sterling silver, mokume gane 8" x 6" x 3" 2004


War Trophy. Nation Building. 3rd Place sterling silver 8" x 10" x 4" 2010


Mel Someroski (1932-1995)

Imprisonment enamel on copper 4.5" 1987


Into Exile enamel on copper 4.5" 1987


ReneĂŠ Zettle-Sterling

Object of Mourning Veil #5 and #6 clothing from my deceased loved ones, acrylic, copper, brass, fabric 24" x 14" x 13" 2014


One More... copper, cast paper pulp, adventurine, faceted beads, fabric, and trim 13" x 13" x 10" 2019 *commissioned for School of Art Collection for this exhibition.



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