At the UK Alumni Association we connect alumni and friends, foster loyalty and enhance the lifelong UK experience while preserving the history of the university.
In 2022, we brought our purpose to life by being back together, defining our strategic plan priorities and striving to celebrate this wonderful community.
This annual report highlights the integral role we have in planning and supporting the university’s vision through our programs, our shared experiences, our service and our ability to dream about UK’s future.
One of the decisions we made in 2022 that I am most proud of is the $3 million lead gift we contributed for Alumni Commons, a $9 million project designed to turn a portion of Rose Street into a gathering spot for students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends. The commons area will serve as a destination on campus where we can connect and build new traditions. Much like Bowman has become a focal point of the campus, Alumni Commons will impact this campus, too. We anticipate its completion and opening by fall 2023.
And speaking of Bowman, the bronze wildcat statue that serves as a friendly ambassador on campus turned 10 this year. Can you believe it? He was installed in Wildcat Alumni Plaza by the UK Alumni Association and named for the university’s founder, John Bryan Bowman. We celebrated the campus icon with party hats, balloons and free ice cream.
In February, hundreds of students, faculty, staff and community members joined our inaugural Founders Day Festival in recognition of the university’s 157th anniversary. What a fun day! We look forward to continuing this fun tradition for years to come. For the 158th anniversary, we’re planning to present the Founders Day Award! It will recognize individuals who personify goodwill and a dedication to the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its residents. We’re excited to resume the award recognition and reinforce the university’s land grant mission.
Our 2022 Great Teacher Award winners were honored in person at the Central Bank Center in Lexington. It was the 61st year of the award. Since we were not able to recognize the 2021 Great Teacher winners in person because of the pandemic, we invited them to join us and all 12 teachers were recognized on the floor of Rupp Arena.
We continue to see positive effects from the membership model change that occurred in 2019 with a steady growth of Active and Life Members. We are grateful for their support as they continue to open doors of opportunity and it’s a privilege to keep our Wildcat family connected to UK.
And last, but certainly not least, we are beginning 2023 at full staff. What a difference it makes to have a full house at the King Alumni House. We take immense pride in collaborating with our alumni and friends to advance UK. We have great plans for 2023 so believe me when I tell you that everyone will be working hard.
This year has given us a chance to reengage and reimagine. We could not be more grateful for our Wildcat family and the support we receive each and every day. Go Cats!
Jill H. Smith ’05, ’11OUR PURPOSE
The UK Alumni Association creates opportunities that connect alumni and friends, fosters loyalty to the university and enhances the lifelong UK experience while preserving the university’s history.
• Building Community
• Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
• Achieving Excellence
• Grow the Next Generation
• Empower Alumni
• Expand Reach
• Drive Impact
The UK Alumni Association launched Wildcat Network platform to all alumni on June 8, 2022, and continues to grow through alumni, students and faculty/staff enrollment through campus partnerships and collaborations. As of June 30, 2022, 942 users have registered with 51% displaying the “Willing to Help” badge. There were users in 10 countries and 36 U.S. states, including Washington D.C. and 82% of users are UK alumni. There is high optimism about the continued impact for alumni and students, as well as broader philanthropic efforts.
The association continues to see a growing demand for individual career counseling services and alumni engagement offerings focused on career development, both online and in person. The Alumni Career Services (ACS) team served 8.8% more clients through individual career counseling compared to last year. The team also offered career-related programs featuring alumni/community content experts and ACS staff with 7,500+ contacts.
UK’s fourth giving day, One Day for UK (April 21, 2022), 24 hour day of giving.
TOTAL: RAISED $2,041,622 FROM 2,535 DONORS
• First time promoting UK Alumni Clubs on One Day for UK
• 59 Clubs highlighted through the Alumni Association
• $117,002 raised from 241 donors representing 9.5% of the total number of donors
Fulton County UK Alumni Club – Met $25,000 goal to endow their scholarship.
Cumberland Valley East UK Alumni Club – Won two One Day for UK challenges earning extra money for their club’s scholarship fund.
Chicagoland UK Alumni Club – Came in second on the Facebook Likes Challenge and the Greater Louisville UK Alumni Club came in third, both winning money for their funds.
• 6 clubs included matching challenges
• The Corley Family Endowed Scholarship received $3,775 from 32 donors on One Day for UK
• Built awareness of clubs in geographical regions
• Involved volunteers through grassroots efforts
• Raised funds for scholarships in a new way
The UK Alumni Association is pleased to announce that the corridor between Columbia Avenue and Huguelet Drive on UK’s campus will be known as Alumni Commons. The association made a $3 million pledge toward the $9 million Rose Street Redevelopment Park Project to establish a fund to support the design, demolition, construction, renovation, expansion and other related costs toward the project. The area, which expands about five acres in the heart of UK’s campus, will include terraced lawn seating, a water fountain feature, patio and garden areas and other installations. It will become the focal point for faculty, staff and students on campus and for alumni who return to their alma mater for events and celebrations. Alumni Commons is expected to be completed by fall 2023.
The UK Alumni Association
Membership team developed a new look and theme for all things membership. The fresh feel for membership marketing focuses on UK nostalgia and the “Wildcat family” because at the UK Alumni Association, family is everything. In fiscal year 2022–2023, look for a rollout of the new membership marketing rebranding in printed pieces, emails, social media and on UK Alumni Association membership-related web pages.
43,753 Life and Active Members
15.5M Life Membership Endowment Fund
942 Wildcat Network Members
Facebook Likes
I’m looking forward to Alumni Commons becoming a destination where students and alumni from all over and from different backgrounds can connect and build new traditions that will emerge from the transformation of this space.”
Antoine Huffman
’05, 2022-2023 UK Alumni Association President