Ag Families - Third Quarter 2020

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Agriculture FA M I L I E S









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Agriculture FA M I L I E S


EDITOR Zirconia Alleyne ADVERTISING 270-887-3270 DESIGNER Maegan Saalwaechter

Skylar Newton won the crown for the 2020-2021 title of Miss Ky High School Rodeo Queen. Skylar is a junior at Caldwell County High School. She will compete later this summer in Guthrie Oklahoma for the title of National High School Rodeo Queen. Skylar will also be competing at the National Finals in the events of barrel racing, pole bending and breakaway roping.

CONTRIBUTORS Zirconia Alleyne Gage Johnson Kentucky Dept. of Agriculture Jon Russelburg Avery Seeger Michele Vowell CONTACT US 713 S. Main Street Hopkinsville, KY 42240 270-886-4444 ABOUT US Agriculture Families is a quarterly magazine serving those whose livelihood grows from the ground up in the southern Pennyrile. Inside you’ll find new and useful agricultural information, ideas for cultivating great things on your farm and a host of other fun activities for everyone in your family. Agriculture Families also seeks to educate readers about the role agriculture plays in the local economy. Photos provided

Sydney Newton attended the Martha Josey barrel clinic June 9-11 in Karnack, Texas. Martha Josey is a world renown barrel racing champion. While there she competed in the final barrel race of the clinic at the ranch and won the champion saddle with a time of 16.861. She was invited back to the ranch to compete in the Jr. World barrel race as well as the Reunion barrel race in August. Later this summer Sydney will travel to Guthrie Oklahoma to compete at the National Little Britches Finals. She will compete in barrel racing and pole bending. Sydney is a junior at Caldwell County High School.

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Lifting a 12- to 15-foot PVC pipe up to a combine auger, D’Avian Phillips catches a sample of freshly harvested wheat for testing at the Bruce Research Farm on Fort Campbell Boulevard in Hopkinsville. Using a few ounces of wheat in a plastic bucket, Phillips logs data onto a spreadsheet to compare to different grain study samples from several 18-acre plots across the farm. “We test the moisture,” he said. ”We can calculate the test weight along with the bushels to determine the difference in the studies.” Phillips, 21, Cadiz, is a summer intern for Nutrien Ag Solutions Tennessee/Western Kentucky division. “This is my first time being a part of a research farm and participating in weighing grain in a study,” he said. Although he is learning new agriculture skills as an intern, Phillips grew up working on his grandfather’s horse and cattle farm. After co-oping as a Trigg County High School senior at RB Farms in Cadiz, he decided to pursue agriculture as a career. This fall, he will be a senior Agriculture Systems and Technology major at Murray State University. “Growing up, I enjoyed being out on the farm so I knew I wanted to do something with agriculture,” Phillips said. “I enjoy equipment and being in

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the field -- just being behind the wheel and getting to see it in the field and understanding how it works and different ways to use it. The technology and equipment is starting to progress, so (I’m) learning to use that in ways that help to maximize the growers’ profits.” To get the Nutrien internship, Phillips attended MSU’s Hutson School of Agriculture career fair after a professor promised him extra credit for a class. There, he met Nutrien Ag Solutions intern lead Misha Madding. “I’m not the kind of person to go around a crowd of people and not know nobody, so I went for the extra credit, and it ended up paying off in the long run,” he said. Phillip’s supervisor is Dustin Dossett, Nutrien’s research farm manager since 2012. Dossett said the research station is a corn, wheat and soybean rotation farm, owned by Mike Bruce. He said the farm plants different types of hybrid crops in different soil types across 90 acres of land to gain information about growing strategies for farmers. “Less effort, more input and healthier soil,” Dossett said. “… All this information leads us to the greatest return on investment. “We use this farm as a training tool for our salesmen, as well. That’s one reason Nutrien has this out here. Everybody can learn -- our new

salesmen, our young salesmen, our interns,” Dossett continued. “... That’s what’s great about the research farm. We’re always learning every day.” Dossett said interns have worked at the research farm every summer since 2013. He said internships are key to making contacts with key agriculture professionals, while learning skills on the job. “Out of college, they are looking for people who can put their shoes on and go out the door and don’t have to be pushed,” Dossett said. “When you get into the agronomy world and the retail of ag, you have to be a self-starter. Something has to be done and you do it. That’s what I try to teach.” The COVID-19 pandemic cut short Phillips’ in-person school year, so he started his Nutrien internship a month early in April. “We were out here trying to plant corn and soybeans,” Dossett said. “He was just thrown into the fire at my busiest time of the year.” Despite his previous farming experience, Phillips said he has learned a lot in the past three months. So far, he has helped with a variety of trials with different seeds, herbicide treatments, in-furrow fertility, 2x2 treatments with corn and corn hybrids. “It’s like drinking out of a fire hydrant here,” he said. “Dustin, he does really well, feeding me information and giving me the knowledge I need to understand what’s really going on and explaining how things work. We’ve got over 70 different studies going on out here.” This summer Phillips’ focus project is a dollar-for-dollar test plot

looking at 9-23-30 granular fertilizer vs. an all liquid, in-furrow fertility program. Before the end of his internship, he will make a focus project presentation to the Nutrien division managers. “It’s a learning experience,” Phillips said. “(Dustin) knows I’m learning. He understands that so he’s doing the best he can. We’re in it together.” To gather more data and experience, Phillips plans to work at the research farm until he returns to college in August. He said the internship has been beneficial in his pursuit of knowledge and in preparing for a career. “I feel like you’re gaining knowledge and getting experience for the future,” he said of the internship. “So, if I do decide to continue with Nutrien and a position comes open, I’ll be able to know what’s going on. I’ll have the networks and the connections throughout the company because I meet new people every day. I get to see what everybody does. That’s what I feel an internship is about. You’re evaluating the company and the company is evaluating you.” Dossett said Phillips has been “one of the best (interns) we’ve had out here so far since 2013.” “He keeps me on my toes and makes sure I know what’s going on,” Dossett continued. “He stays on me as much as I stay on him. That’s what makes him a good intern. He keeps me looking for information so we keep growing.”

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Third Quarter 2020 Agriculture Families 5

CAN HEMP HIT THE MARK? Prices, pandemic and progress challenge growing market


The COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t shut down farming and CARES Act funding has been allotted for farmers who have taken significant losses; however, it appears the hemp industry was feeling the heat long before the global health crisis ensued. Along with initially being excluded from COVID-19 relief funding, hemp market prices have continued to slide since last year and processors struggle to keep up with the amount of hemp now being grown and the amount of money needed to operate large-scale facilities.

COVID-19 The USDA originally excluded hemp and tobacco from its list of eligible commodities for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program. The department said hemp and tobacco were excluded because it had not been proven to be one of the commodities that suffered a 5% or greater loss from the pandemic. The department circled back after an article in “Marijuana Moment” to note that the two excluded commodities would be consider for relief funding if it was determined that those markets experienced a 5% or more decline during this time. Agribusiness economics professor at Murray State University Dr. Jeffrey Young said, “I haven’t seen much interaction between the pandemic and hemp — there is obviously a lot of ‘internet pseudo science’ ... but there’s no univesity clinical trials to back that up.” Research on the uses of hemp, specifically CBD for food products, has been a slow play as the FDA works to determine if CBD is indeed safe for consumers. “There is research being done, but I haven’t seen any conclusive results,” Young said of the FDA’s research. “I understand their hesitation, but without those guidelines — say they release their guideline tomorrow and say, ‘We’re not going to greenlight this, we’re going to move CBD back into controlled substances,’ that would shut it all down.” Young — who is chief econommist for the Center for Agricultural Hemp at MSU — said anyone who is growing for CBD is “banking” on when the FDA releases its research and guidelines.” Whether those guidelines will be positive is still in question and part of the risk that looms in growing hemp for CBD.

PRICES SLIDE Recent data from Hemp Benchmarks, which follows the pricing index of hemp and its byproducts, shows that the industrial hemp market has been facing price slides over the past year. According to its May 2019 to May 2020 percentage change graph, wholesale prices for CBD biomass slid 81%, refined hemp oil fell 75% and CBD flower in bulk saw a pick in August 2019 before dramatically declining 55%. Young said farmers aren’t seeing the wholesale prices for their crop at the same level they were just two years ago. “Certainly I think we (already) saw the high of prices for farmers -- the highest prices they’ll see for a long time -- if ever,” he said. “And, farmers’ ability to scale up last year far outpaced the ability of processors to take that material and process it. It’s easier to plant more hemp than it is to build an entirely new facility to process that hemp.” Several hemp processors filed for bankruptcy over the passed year, leaving farmers with more crop than they could sell. “Farmers kind of caught up ahead of the race, and there was a lot of unsold harvested material at the end of the season, so that really tamped prices down by quite a bit,” the economist said. “A lot of processors were already shutting down due to the financial difficulties that came out last year.” Young said he has heard some farmers say growing hemp during the state’s industrial hemp pilot program was “a fun but expensive experiment.” “Some have gotten out of it, but some are staying in the game this year again,” he said. “They’re optimistic that they can pull out of this.”

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This chart illustrates the dramatic erosion in wholesale prices in the U.S. hemp market over the past year. It also reinforces the data illustrated in the Correlation Matrix, which has consistently shown that price movement in the hemp-CBD supply chain is strongly correlated. The major exception is the price for smokable CBD Flower, which rose through last summer as deman manifested amongst consumers. However, with plentiful supply in the wake of the harvest, rates for high-CBD Flower have plunged after peaking in August 2019.

MOVING HEMP FORWARD This year, the Kentucky Department for Agriculture allowed farmers to solely apply for hemp storage licenses instead of being required to grow new hemp in 2020. KDA released guidance on how to properly store the crop, tips on how to find a new processing facility and advised farmers to speak to a lawyer if a previous processor broke their contract. Young said the hemp industry needs increased knowledge, demand from consumers and guidance from the FDA to move it to the next level. “If we could find pockets of demand, then the justification for growing this crop at all increases,” he said. “I do think some clarity from the FDA, if it were positive, could remove a lot of the risks and some of the uncertainty.” He also noted that an influx of cash for processors would be ideal for facilities to “consistenly stay in operation and pay farmers.” Young said overall the more people know about hemp, the better, including farmers sharing their own knowledge with one another. “If farmers could create cooperatives to negogiate better prices, more secure contracts, it would kind of fill in the gaps in the chain,” he said. Although it’s too soon to decide if hemp has lived up to the hype, Young said that’s what leads to innovation. His grandfather, Harry Young, is known as the pioneer of no-till farming in the 1960s. Young said the patriarch and many other farmers found soil erosion a culprit to productivity. “He thought, ‘There’s got to be a better way,’ and here we are years later, and we have very large, very extensive farm equipment specialized for the purpose of planting, harvesting and cultivating crops without disturbing the soil any more than we have to,” Young said. “That has really helped matters in this region but really all over the world. That’s one example of how innovation has an attraction to agriculture.” Young said that persistent attraction to innovation is what will instill optimism for hemp. “Innovation will happen,” he said. “It is happening, and I think it will continue.”

Third Quarter 2020 Agriculture Families 7


Almost a century later, a purchase of 350 acres has become a mainstay attraction in the Christian County community. After receiving money from a World War I bonus, Guy Corley purchased the initial piece of land that would later be named Christian Way Farm. Guy began to grow crops and then passed the farm down to his son Edwin Corley. Edwin eventually served in the military and pursued an education. He then raised a family of six, all who went off to school and pursued careers that led them away from the farm. A degree in farming from Western Kentucky University and 10 years of a cropless farm later, Edwin’s son and current owner Milton and his wife/ co-owner Janie Corley had the rest of the farm deeded to them by Edwin and the opening of Christian Way Farm ensued in 1998. With a new house built by Milton on the farm property, the farm took on new life. The implemen-

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tation of pumpkin farming as well as farming tours skyrocketed its success. Creating innovative ways to bring folks to the farm and attending conferences in Africa such as the World Farmers for Christ conference, Christian Way Farm continued to grow over the years. Entering into their 20th anniversary of the farm’s official opening, Christian Way is now home to an 18-hole mini-golf course, a lawnmower train, animals for kids to pet and feed and a slew of other activities to participate in on the farm. But as the Corley’s planned multiple events for the year, a wrench known as the COVID-19 pandemic was thrown into the gears of their smooth operation. Janie Corley said they had to temporarily close the farm’s daily activities and took a big loss due to inability to entertain students with their educational farm tours. “The other aspect of what we do are educational

Economically, there were some things about what’s happened in the last few weeks that the math should not have added up, but because of God’s faithfulness, he has totally taken care of us. Janie Corley

tours,” Janie said. “Because all of the school systems and the day cares have been closed, we lost a lot through the school tours. We probably had over 1,000 children on our schedule from April to July, which that business is just lost business to us because the children aren’t and can’t come.” Luckily for them, as things began to open up across the countr y, the possibility for them to reopen for customers became increasingly probable. After getting back into the swing of things at the end of May, they recently hosted their first event since reopening, but there were still challenges they have been facing because of the pandemic. “The whole mess with COVID and then reopening, it has kind of thrown me off track,” Janie said. “We have another event next weekend, and I just was talking to our marketer about the fact I can’t seem to get everything.” On top of being able to reopen and have events, regulations to help stop the spread of the virus also makes planning for events at an outdoor space like Christian Way Farm even more difficult. “No. 1, we weren’t sure until the governor released requirements about camping, we didn’t know at what point we could even do this,” Janie said. “And we were late May, middle of May, finally making the decision ‘Oh hey, we can be open.’ So then you have to quickly go shopping and buy all of the things to put in your store and make sure you have all of the necessary things to keep things sanitized.”

While the time the farm was closed was hard for the Corley’s, they were able to take some positives away from it. The couple got to relish in the extra time they had to spend together and had hope for the future, thanks to their faith and the name their farm is built on. “The name of our farm is not because we’re in Christian County, which we happen to be,” Janie said. “It is very much a faith-based business for my husband and I. And if I could go back and say how did the pandemic affect us, the one thing I would add to that is that it really caused my husband and I to really reconnect with our faith and realize no matter what is going on in the world around us and no matter whether or not our income looks secure, the one thing that this has reminded us is how God is faithful in taking care of us. Economically, there were some things about what’s happened in the last few weeks that the math should not have added up, but because of God’s faithfulness, he has totally taken care of us.” With more events forthcoming and the reopening of the community progressing, the Corleys feel blessed with the opportunities God has given them and are looking forward to seeing the faces of Christian County back at Christian Way Farm. “For us to just be encouraged that God’s got it, we have to be that way as farmers,” Janie said. “You know when you put a seed in the ground, I can’t make that seed grow, but God does. And that’s what we’ve seen him do again in the last few weeks.”

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The COVID-19 pandemic forced many Kentucky businesses to close in late March. The closures left many Christian County farmers with crops but no one to buy them. Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture Ryan Quarles and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture kicked into gear to help keep food on local tables. In late April, KDA relaxed the guidelines for residents to receive food from food banks. Every month, Feeding America Kentucky’s Heartland brought a truckload of fresh food to Christian County residents. The monthly distribution sites took place at the West Kentucky Fairgrounds and the Oak Grove Community Center. “Christian County is the largest county in our 42-county service area, and we realize there may be many barriers for individuals, families and seniors to have access to much-needed food items,” Jamie Sizemore, FAKH executive director, said after a June distribution. “It’s important we take the food to the areas where accessibility may be an issue.” Quarles echoed that sentiment. “This is an extremely tough time for many Kentuckians who have lost their jobs or had their income slashed because of the coronavirus pandemic,” he said in April. “Our citizens have enough to worr y about than where their next meal will come from.” During the business closures, Gov. Andy Beshear deemed farmers markets essential businesses. Thus, the Downtown Hopkinsville Farmers Market opened May 8 and Christian Way Farm opened May 16.


Precautions were put in place to allow market shoppers and vendors a chance to see what was available while maintaining social distancing standards. “The way our farmers markets have adapted to this crisis represents a template of sorts for how other businesses could consider operating during the pandemic,” Quarles said. The CARES Act funding secured $16 billion of direct relief for farmers affected by the pandemic. The USDA created the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, which would send up to $250,000 to eligible farmers in Kentucky. Quarles said Kentucky’s 75,000 family farms continued to work throughout the entire virus, and still work today as the virus continues to spread. “Kentucky farmers don’t need to be told their work is essential,” said U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell in a May news release. “They know their tireless labor is critical to meeting the needs of families across the country.” Throughout the pandemic Quarles has repeatedly said the best way to support local farms is to buy local. He said in March that local and regional food systems — farmers markets, farm-to-school programs, etc. — could lose nearly $700 million in sales due to the pandemic. “So while it is good to thank a farmer, remember one of the best ways to show your gratitude is by purchasing from farmers and businesses,” he said. “And if you make a habit of it, you can celebrate agriculture all year long.”

APPLY NOW The USDA is accepting applications for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program through Aug. 28 at

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Cadiz-Trigg County Tourist & Convention Commission

Visit us online at Third Quarter 2020 Agriculture Families 11

CONSTRUCTION OF AG EXPO CENTER WELL UNDERWAY Opening is estimated for the fall WRITER: AVERY SEEGER Construction of the new ag expo center is well underway, according to Brandon Garnett, regional vice president for southwest Kentucky for Farm Credit Mid-America and who serves on a committee that is overseeing building of the facility. Garnett shared that the bids for the building have all been accepted and the main frame of the building is already in place. The roof will be completed this week. However, he said construction had been pushed back some due to weather. “We got behind because of the wet weather this spring — it was so wet all spring,” Garnett said. “So, we kind of fell behind, but it’s on track right now and things are going good.” Despite the delay, Garnett said the construction of the building is about halfway done. While construction has seen some delays due to wet weather, Garnett said the COVID-19 pandemic had little to no effect on the construction of the new facility. “(COVID) hasn’t really impacted it,” he said. “It’s all outdoor work and construction has been an essential business so it hasn’t really impacted the progress.” At this point in construction, the steel beams of the building are all up and constructed with the roof slated to be finished this week. The next phase of construction will be finishing the sides of the building and beginning work on the interior of the facility. That includes, electrical work, plumbing, ventilation, etc. Garnett said he projects that the expo center may open in the fall, should construction see no more major delays due to weather. “We’re feeling really good,” Garnett said of the progress so far. “The construction is progressing really well and I wouldn’t necessarily say we’re behind schedule on it considering where we’re at in this phase.” Garnett also said the costs of construction are “in line,” meaning they

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have stayed within the budget of the facility. The facility is a $1.7 to $2 million project. Garnett said while the building has not yet been finished, it has already attracted interest in being used for events and programs. “We have seen a really good amount of interest in people wanting to utilize the facility for local programs,” Garnett said. “We’ve had numerous people that have reached out about doing different things that are agriculture related — livestock, equine type of events. So, we’re excited at the fact that we’ve had the amount of interest that we’ve had from people that are facilitating youth programs in the community and the build is not even complete.” Once complete, the 45,000-square-foot facility will be able to host events, such as 4-H/FFA shows and competitions, farm machinery shows and demonstrations, horse shows and other livestock related events. The extension will be able to host private, commercial or tourism-related activities that require a large indoor space as well, the release stated. The new ag facility will be a metal building with a dirt floor where livestock shows and other similar events can be hosted, and it will also include a meeting room, restrooms and space that can be utilized for serving and as a kitchen and concession area for the facility. Garnett previously said he and others envision the new building “first and foremost” as a place that will be used actively from an agricultural perspective by the community’s youth, 4-H and Future Farmers of America participants who will take part in livestock-related programs and others. The facility is owned by the Christian County Ag Foundation, which county manager for the Christian County Extension Service Jay Stone previously explained is the private, nonprofit group that owns all of the extension services’ grounds and buildings in Christian County.

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Third Quarter 2020 Agriculture Families 13

KDA LICENSES HEMP GROWERS FOR THE 2020 SEASON Economic numbers show industry maturing; however, national supply, regulatory issues remain WRITER: FROM THE KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles announced May 29 that the Kentucky Department of Agriculture licensed 960 hemp growers to grow up to 32,000 acres and 150 hemp processors and handlers for 2020. The department also licensed 4.6 million square feet of greenhouse space for production. “Hemp continues to draw much attention, and these new numbers reflect an industry that is still maturing,” Quarles said. “The nation’s hemp industry is reacting to a market which is evolving in the face of supply chain issues and the uncertain future of cannabidiol products after the Food and Drug Administration’s years-long struggle to provide a regulatory framework for nutraceutical or food products. We will continue to work with our Cabinet for Economic Development to draw new investment for every sector of the hemp economy, including fiber and grain, into our state.” Of the 960 licensed growers, 157 have not requested growing sites, but intend to store hemp from last year’s harvest for marketing in 2020. The Department is waiting on completion of about 60 additional processor applications. The online application portal is open yearround for processors and handlers and the KDA reviews these applications on a rolling basis. The KDA oversaw 978 licensed growers and 210 processors in 2019. Kentucky growers reported growing 26,500 acres of hemp in 2019. The deadline to apply to grow for the 2020 season was March 15, significantly later than the November deadline from previous years in an effort to allow growers more time to plan for the 2020 season. The KDA also announced economic data from 2019 provided by

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licensed hemp processors as part of an end-of-year filing with the agency. Processors and handlers reported $193.9 million in gross product sales in 2019, according to reports licensed hemp processors provided to the Department. That compares with $57.75 million in gross product sales in 2018. Processors reported spending $207.3 million on capital investment projects in 2019, as compared to $23.4 million in 2018. Processors reported paying Kentucky farmers $51.3 million for harvested hemp materials in 2019, up from $17.75 million in 2018 and $7.5 million in 2017. Hemp processors said they employed 1,304 people in 2019. “While these numbers show growth, they likely do not account for the national volatility in the hemp market over the last few months,” the commissioner said. “It is important for growers and processors to remember what we have been saying for years: proceed with caution, as you would in any new business. We urge everyone to move forward in a cautious manner, especially in the face of the uncertainty from FDA.” In 2019, Commissioner Quarles, who serves as vice president of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, helped draft policy language adopted by the organization urging the Food and Drug Administration to develop “clear guidance to bring safe, legal products to market.” In January 2020, Quarles sent a letter to Kentucky’s federal delegation to describe how the FDA’s “bureaucratic paralysis” is hindering growth in Kentucky’s hemp industry, citing a Wall Street Journal article titled “Adding CBD To Food, Drink Was A Hot Trend, Until FDA Chimed In.”

AREA HEMP PROCESSORS AND HANDLERS The following companies are some of the current Kentucky Licensed Processors/Handlers in the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) Industrial Hemp Research Pilot Program. This is not a complete list of processor/ handlers. The list includes only those License Holders that elected to have their contact information publicized. HALCYON THRUPUT, LLC Hopkinsville, KY Contact: Zebedee Hackett-Reicher 320-828-4957 Drying Services

HEMPISTRY, INC. Madisonville, KY Contact: Bryant Din 626-278-2551 Specializes in floral material

INDUSTRIAL HEMP SOLUTIONS, LLC D.B.A. GLOBAL HEMP SOLUTIONS Hopkinsville, KY Contact: Jeremy Luciano 360-553-2171 Specializes in floral material and industrial processing/extraction

LASKOWSKI, SCOTT Madisonville, KY Contact: Scott Laskowski 270-399-6291 Specializes in floral material

MOYER, KATIE D.B.A. KENTUCKY HEMP WORKS Crofton, KY Contact: Katie Moyer 270-305-4057 Specializes in grain, seed cleaning and root processing

MCCOY AND MCCOY LABORATORIES Madisonville, KY Contact: Colin Menser 270-821-7375 Specializes in laboratory analysis

KHP, LLC Cadiz, KY Contact: Andrew Milburn 719-640-6543 Specializes in floral material

RESONATE FOODS Eddyville, KY Contact: Matthew Willse 270-557-9196 Specializes in grain, floral material, hemp genetics, high volume extract, bulk extracts, full service consulting

INDICA HOUSE KENTUCKY White Plains, KY Contact: Elain Milam 270-871-4465 Specializes in floral material

HUGHES, VALERIE Adairville, KY Contact: Valerie Hughes 270-772-2772 Specializes in grain, floral material and laboratory analysis

BLUEGRASS FARMACEUTICALS, LLC Belton, KY Contact: David Tumey 240-314-9216 Specializes in floral material, laboratory analysis, turnkey product development, microencapsulation, nanotherapeutics, heterocyclic photocatalysis and cannabinoid profiling

LIFE ACTIVATED, INC. Adairville, KY Contact: Kimberly Jean Weldon Coleman 270-847-0526 Specializes in floral material and broker

FULLER FARMS, LLC Beaver Dam, KY Contact: Johnathan Fuller 270-775-2771 Specializes in floral material, broker and laboratory analysis

SIMPLY-CANNABIS, INC. Murray, KY Contact: Terry Dale Workman 270-435-4090 Specializes in floral material and broker

AMHEMP KY LLC Murray, KY Contact: Gregory Clark 270-227-5230 Specializes in fiber, floral material and broker

AG SCIENCE SOLUTIONS INC. D.B.A. SHYNE LABS Franklin, KY Contact: Allan Huang 270-282-8262 Specializes in floral material, broker and laboratory analysis

JADE PARTNERS, LLC Murray, KY Contact: Edward James Duff 215-416-1202 Specializes in floral material and broker KENTUCKY BIO SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL, LLC Murray, KY Contact: Robert Huttick 267-228-7584 Specializes in broker WILSON, GREG Murray, KY Contact: Greg Wilson 240-291-0120 Specializes in fiber THREE RIVERS BOTANICALS, LLC Murray, KY Contact: Jamie Wade 270-293-7848 Specializes in floral material, broker, laboratory analysis, and seed cleaning

BASHAM,TRAVIS Bowling Green, KY Contact: Travis Basham 270-784-5012 Specializes in floral material HATCHER, CARA Bowling Green, KY Contact: Cara Hatcher 270-799-5901 Specializes in broker HEMP SOLUTIONS, LLC Paducah, KY Contact: Dean Dome 270-519-1422 Specializes in broker EMERALD POINTE HEMP, LLC Mayfield, KY Contact: Ezekiel Green 270-804-0669 Specializes in broker

SOUTHERN KY HEMP, LLC Alvaton, KY Contact: Robert Henderson 270-392-0286 Specializes in drying services

Third Quarter 2020 Agriculture Families 15



Looking forward to 2020 and beyond, we recognize that Kentucky’s growing hemp community faces some significant challenges on the horizon: declining market prices, access-to-credit challenges, and a business climate that has been hindered by bureaucratic inaction at the federal agency level, particularly in FDA and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. These challenges mean there is inherent risk for those farmers and entrepreneurs who choose to enter this new market. As always, a cautious approach is the best approach. In addition to getting your grower’s and storage license for hemp, the KDA also provides the following guidance for hemp harvest you haven’t sold.

STEP ONE Store your hemp in a facility that is dry and secure. Like other crops, harvested hemp floral material needs to be kept in a state with low moisture content. To prevent theft, consider securing your barn or other storing facility with a lock or alarm system.


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16 Agriculture Families Third Quarter 2020


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STEP TWO Continue searching for a buyer for your hemp. We know that hemp prices are volatile, so it makes sense to stay on top of current market conditions. To that end, is one resource that could be useful. In addition, KDA maintains a list of processors who wish for their contact information to be made available to the public. If you haven’t already done so, take a look at the processor/handler list at and consider contacting processors to ask about their interest in your harvest. It is also acceptable for you to sell hemp to out-of-state processors, provided that it is legal for that company to possess hemp under the laws of that state. Remember, shipped hemp must not contain more than 0.3% total THC and must be properly labeled, accompanied by the hemp licenses of the origin and the destination, and contain a Certificate of Analysis. We see a lot of communication on social media sites between companies and growers, so you may consider searching for a buyer online.

STEP THREE Explore your legal options. If you had a contract with a processor who promised to buy your harvest but didn’t follow through on that promise, then you may need to contact an attorney to discuss what options you might have to hold that processor accountable. Because KDA is not allowed to provide you legal representation or legal advice, you will need to contact an attorney in private practice.

STEP FOUR Tell FDA that the bureaucratic foot-dragging must stop and we need action now. Earlier this year, Commissioner Quarles met with U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials to press them for clarity about the future of CBD products. He also laid out his concerns in a letter to Kentucky’s senators and congressmen explaining that the federal bureaucracy’s inability to make regulatory decisions is one of the biggest obstacles to growth in the hemp industry. You can show your support by submitting an online comment here to FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

IDEAL FOR: Ag Crops Specialty Crops Produce

Third Quarter 2020 Agriculture Families 17

CHRISTIAN CO. EXTENSION SHARES COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS During this unprecedented time of COVID- 19 and social distancing, your Christian County Extension Service has been working tirelessly to ensure that our community has continued to receive the same high level of reliable, research-based information and assistance that our clientele has come to expect. As we continue to meet safety guidelines from the CDC and government officials we have adapted our programming and outreach efforts to ensure that both community and staff are protected. As you can see from the programming listed below, we have been able to successfully modify many of our educational activities and services to fit virtual, take-home, and by-appointment formats.



4-H Project Grab Bags. Each grab bag contained items to complete two to three projects that could be entered in the fair.

Homemaker Learn & Chat Sessions through Zoom provided opportunities for Homemakers to stay connected while learning and socializing safely.

Family Grab Bags. Previously mentioned collaboration between 4-H and FCS. Nearly 200 family bags are being assembled and distributed each week. Virtual Farm Day. An adaptation of the yearly event developed to expose all Christian County First Graders to a working farm. The virtual event included a video series highlighting local 4-H members and their farm animals. There was also a butter churning tutorial. All videos can be found on the Christian County 4-H Facebook page. Virtual exchange with Franklin County, TN 4-H, where teens from Christian County and Teens from Franklin County met via video conferencing and discussed both TN and KY 4-H. Virtual livestock club meetings via video conference. Club Meetings and Officer Interviews video conference. One of our youth (Nick Sanderson) was elected President of the Pennyrile Area Teen Council as well as being elected as a District 7 representative for the Kentucky 4-H State Teen Council. He will help direct teen programs for our multi county area, in addition to serving on the state board to guide programs like our 2021 State Teen Conference. Another youth (Kiara Normile) was elected to serve on the Kentucky 4-H Fashion Leadership Board. She will help guide the KY 4-H Fashion Revue, while learning more about careers in the fashion industry.

AGRICULTURE Reaching Out While Locked In! Beef Management Zoom Webinar Series Beef Zoom Trainings including topics on Beef, Forage and Grain. Tobacco Good Agriculture Practices: Trainings and Mask Distribution

Healthy at Home Newsletters shared with the public through Facebook, email and traditional mail. Chop Chop Nutrition Newsletters emailed and copied for local schools. Family Grab Bags a collaboration with the county 4-H Agents to provide weekly themed educational activity bags for schools, neighborhoods, and the general public. Examples of weekly themes are: “This Little Piggy” (financial literacy activities), “Family Mealtime”, and “Movin’ and Groovin.’” FB Live Presentations addressing various timely topics from Nutrition to Mental Health. Pressure Canner Gauge Checks: by appointment

HORTICULTURE Worked with specialists from the Center for Crop Diversification to provide the Fairview Produce Auction managers information, flyers, and banners as market season began in order to help them stay in compliance with state and local social distancing guidelines. The Integrated Pest Management Veggie Hotline provides growers with timely tips related to pest management on commercial vegetables. This is information not readily available to Amish/Mennonite growers as it is released online but the hotline provides a means of sharing the information more rapidly. During the peak of the COVID-19 Pandemic, information about safety as well as case number were shared weekly on the Hotline. Master Gardeners rather than putting regular meetings on hold, we moved our meetings to Zoom and increased how often we met.

West KY Select Bred Heifer Sale

Virtual Forage Tour

Kentucky Horticulture agents have been working together to host a weekly Zoom training every Wednesday. Topics have included pest management, composting, beekeeping, vegetable gardening and many more.

Farm Visits

Plant problem diagnosis by text, email and on-site visits.

Private Pesticide Applicator Training


For more information on our services and programs please follow our Christian County Cooperative Extension Service and Christian County 4-H Facebook pages or call our office at 270-886-6328.

18 Agriculture Families Third Quarter 2020


Electric Motors • Frequency Drives Dryer Repair • Grain Systems Motor Controls

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630 State Route 1272 Princeton, KY 42445 270-365-2394 Third Quarter 2020 Agriculture Families 19




Kentucky Farm to School Junior Chef is a statewide high school cooking competition designed to offer youth the opportunity to learn valuable skills in recipe development, food preparation, marketing, public presentation, organization, teamwork and community involvement.

VEGETABLE PATCH LASAGNA From Oldham County High School 4 tablespoons vegetable oil 6 cloves garlic 1 ½ cup diced onion 52 ounces low sodium canned spaghetti sauce 15 ounces reduced fat cottage cheese 4 cups reduced fat mozzarella cheese 2 large eggs ¼ pounds fresh kale, chopped ¼ pounds fresh spinach, chopped ¾ pounds green peppers, diced 4 ounces beef broth 1 pounds lasagna noodles, uncooked ½ pounds yellow squash, sliced into ribbons ½ pounds zucchini, sliced into ribbons ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese 1) Preheat oven to 350° F. In a large pan stir in vegetable oil, garlic minced), and onions. Cook until caramelized. Stir pasta sauce into pan. Reduce heat and simmer. 2) Sauté kale and spinach until tender in separate pan. Spread 1¼ cup of tomato sauce into a greased baking pan. Add one layer or noodles and one cup of cheese mixture. Prepare layers as follows: zucchini/squash, sauce, cheese mixture, noodles, kale/spinach/green peppers, sauce, cheese mixture, noodles, sauce, and top with mozzarella cheese. Bake uncovered for 40 minutes.

20 Agriculture Families Third Quarter 2020


DRESSING ¾ cup olive oil ½ cup seasoned rice wine vinegar (may substitute apple cider vinegar) 1 teaspoon Dijon Mustard ½ cup strawberries (cut and packed) ¾ teaspoon onion powder 1 ½ teaspoons garlic powder 2 tablespoons honey ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon white pepper 1) Add all ingredients into a blender. Blend on low till well blended. Refrigerate until use.

CHICKEN MARINADE 12 chicken tenders (1.5-2.0 oz. ea.) 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons Mrs. Dash 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons honey (drizzle just before cooking) 2) In a bowl, mix chicken, salt, and Mrs Dash. Add in olive oil; drizzle with honey. Preheat grill to 350° F or broil chicken tenders to 170° F (approximately 15-20 minutes).

SALAD 6 cups salad greens of choice ½ cup cucumbers (quartered) ½ cup apples (diced) 12 cherry or grape tomatoes (halved) ½ cup blueberries ½ cup of blackberries or black raspberries 1 cup of strawberries (quartered) 6 tablespoons Feta cheese 3) Mix all ingredients into a bowl and drizzle with dressing.

MESMERIZING MELON CHICKEN SALAD From Whitley County High School 1 cup rice vinegar ½ cup low sodium soy sauce 3 tablespoons dark sesame oil 12 cup cantaloupe, sliced 12 cups honeydew melon, sliced 2 cups cucumber, peeled into strips ¾ cup green onion, thinly sliced 8 cups chicken breast, cooked & shredded Optional: 12 cups of salad greens Optional: tortilla or pita pockets

CHICKEN BREAST 6 pound large chicken breast 2 onions, sliced or chopped 6 stalks of celery, chopped 5 cloves of garlic, minced 2 teaspoons thyme, finely chopped 3 tablespoons parsley, chopped 2 teaspoons kosher salt ½ teaspoon black pepper Water to cover

1) Combine all ingredients under chicken breast in stock pot and cook on medium high until chicken is done, let cool, and shred. (Stock is not used for this recipe.) Combine rice vinegar, low sodium soy sauce, honey, and dark sesame oil in bowl and whisk. 2) Add in melons, cucumbers, and onion to the mixture. Place part of this mixture on a plate (using either tortillas or pitas) and add shredded chicken on top. You may add salad greens on top if you like.

Third Quarter 2020 Agriculture Families 21

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NOTE! Information or to consign equipment, Call Delbert Roeder 270.881.2610 Or Amy Ezell 270.604.2880 Receiving Hours: July 23 & 24, 8am to 5 pm; July 25, 8am to 2pm Mon., July 27 thru Wed., July 29, 8am to 5 pm; Thurs., July 30, 8am to Noon CONSIGN EARLY FOR BROCHURE ADVERTISING!! ADVERTISING DEADLINE IS JULY 6TH CONTACT AMY EZELL FOR ADVERTISING. Only Farm Related Items Will Be Accepted. NO WORN OUT TIRES ACCEPTED. All Truck Titles Must Be Fully Executed before final payment is made.

Only Farm Related Items Will Be Accepted. NO WORN OUT TIRES ACCEPTED. All Truck Titles Must Be Fully Executed before final payment is made.

1010 Skyline Dr. - Hopkinsville, KY 42240

Delbert Roeder - Broker - AHO#4090 270-881-2610 Cal Kaufman - Auctioneer - Lic. #NP6114 Brent Schmidgall - Auctioneer

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