PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE President Cathy Hanna’s speech at the 2021 Ray Wirth Banquet on Saturday, June 5.
Good evening. I am deeply honored and humbled to be here tonight.
I wish to also thank colleagues who encouraged me and have continually provided counsel -- Thank you! I would like to thank my family – including four adult children scattered around the eastern part of the country tonight -- for their continued support throughout the years. My husband, Tom, is here this evening. I am so glad we could all be here together – in person! To be able to meet and network is something we once took for granted! Although there are some advantages to attending zoom meetings - such as a casual wardrobe -- I miss networking and meeting with others in person -- even if we have to dress up and put on lipstick! What a great evening!
I’d like to thank outgoing Chairman Don Kupper for his encourAlthough the last year has been full of agement and support. challenges, there have been many positive things we should recognize. Communities I also want to thank have come together to help each other. immediate Past President Joel Thornbury. Pharmacists and stakeholders in all areas Joel did many things to show his support of practice have risen to the occasion to for me as his successor, and I thank him, promote health and wellness in our comand caution him that I will be depending munities. As I look out at everyone this on his continued support throughout the evening, I think of all the contributions year. Joel will be a hard act to follow espe- each of you have made and I am grateful. cially on the social media front- I will need As I asked myself what message to share to drastically up my game! this evening, I decided to focus on the misI also thank our new Executive Director sion of KPhA- to advocate and advance the Ben Mudd, the KPHA Board of Directors, pharmacy profession to improve the health Membership, staff, distinguished guests – of Kentuckians. I know you all share -- and including students! -- and our sponsors. are as passionate about -- this mission with me -- just ask my students! We have I would also like to congratulate each of and continue - to make a profound impact the new Board members. Our members on the health and wellbeing of Kentuckihave shown their confidence in you and ans by focusing on this mission. me by electing us to our respective positions, and I look forward to serving with you.
Advocacy can mean something different for each of us. |3|