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Campus Corner

Kappa Psi Epsilon Theta has not let the pandemic stop us. In the Spring Quarter of 2020, a new executive board was voted in by the chapter. The new board consists of John Wright (Regent), Maddie Sweeney (Vice-Regent), Katelyn Coomes (Chaplain, Cole Nunier (Sergeant-in-Arms), Amy Priest (Secretary), Courtney Henderson (Treasurer), Katie Ritchie (Pledge Educator), and Sierra Midkiff (Historian). We started the 2020-21 academic year in July with two of our brothers attending the virtual regional regent’s retreat where they learned more about leading a chapter of Kappa Psi. Shortly thereafter, the new executive board ran their first meeting and has managed to have a meeting every month since; some of which managed to be in person while taking all the proper precautions. The Epsilon Theta chapter also managed to complete a rush process, and recently added 13 new brothers into our fraternity in a virtual initiation session this month. In September, we had multiple brothers attend The Great Lakes Province Fall 2020 Virtual Assembly where brothers from all over the province came together to update by-laws and vote in the new executive council for the province. This was an extra special event because our brother Sierra Midkiff (P2; Historian) received one of two GLP 2020 scholarships given out at the assembly. One of our brothers (John Wright; P2; Regent) was also elected to serve on the Graduate Relations Committee for the GLP Province. In November, our Epsilon Theta chapter participated in the Suicide Awareness Out of the Darkness Walk as one of our service projects for the year. This event was held in downtown Louisville at the waterfront; we were able to walk and participate in activities to memorialize those who we have lost to suicide. Last fall, we were able to host a virtual brotherhood event with the Kappa Psi Chapter at Ohio Northern University where we got to meet with some of their brothers and play games together. This event was organized by our social chair, Brandon Van Zile (P2; Social Chair). This year we had the opportunity to send one of our brothers (John Wright; P2, Regent) to Kappa Psi’s Leadership Academy where he will meet monthly with brothers from all over the country to better his leadership skills. As part of the Leadership Academy, John is organizing a fundraiser where he will be selling tee shirts to honor and remember Brother Matthew Boyd. Matthew passed away in May of 2020, so we plan to have all of the proceeds to donated to The Matthew Boyd Memorial Scholarship at SUCOPHS. There were also many brothers along


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