With the substantial impacts of the relentless COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth services have become more prominent as healthcare providers have sought alternative options to care for their patients while reducing contact to curtail the risk of COVID19 spread.2 The shift to a more virtual climate could be a driving force to cement telepharmacy as a mainstay option in patient care. Though the need for social distancing may be one of the most relevant benefits in the use of telepharmacy currently, there are many other benefits of telepharmacy such as expanding the pharmacist’s role in patient Author: Amy E. Priest care and improving patient access. However, despite these possible advantages, telepharmacy also Sullivan University College of Pharmacy and Health presents several factors to consider prior to initiatSciences ing this type of service. These factors include current regulations, technology management, and poObjective: To identify clinical opportunities for phartential patient specific barriers. macists using telepharmacy methods and to identify factors to consider prior to initiating telepharma- Arguably the most significant benefit to telepharcy service. This paper will discuss advantages of us- macy practice is expanded access to care, particuing telepharmacy services such as addressing pro- larly for patients in rural settings. There is a disparivider services, expanding the scope of care in rural ty in healthcare access in rural areas which contain areas, and limiting costs for institutions. Additional- approximately 20% of the US population but only ly, this paper will discuss important potential obsta- 9% of practicing healthcare providers.1 To obtain cles that must be managed prior to starting a tele- healthcare access, some people living in remote pharmacy service. These factors include determin- areas must travel great distances. Telepharmacy provides a convenient solution for this patient poping reimbursement eligibility, establishing approulation. Instead of traveling, they could access a priate technology and security infrastructure, and provider within minutes to discuss their medicaassembling an effective team to deliver care. tions and any issues they may be experiencing. Telepharmacy Management – Opportunities and Supporting the notion that virtual healthcare could Challenges improve access, the American Telemedicine AssociThe practice of pharmacy can be closely linked with ation has estimated that telemedicine had already the idea of innovation, especially as United States helped provide care to over 3,000 remote or underpharmacists currently advocate for likely one of served areas.1 In addition to greater access to rural their most significant advances to date: obtaining populations, telepharmacy also provides the adprovider status. The desire for provider status moti- vantage of saving travel time and expenses which vates innovative methods in the profession to furotherwise could be an adherence barrier, particuther optimize patient care and demonstrate the larly for elderly or disabled patients.3 sheer worth of a pharmacist. One example of ongoAside from improving patient access, telepharmacy ing innovation in pharmacy practice is telepharmamay also provide enhanced access to skilled pharcy. Telepharmacy is a broad term used to describe macists for rural hospitals. Some rural institutions the act of providing pharmacy care via telephone have utilized telepharmacy to extend pharmacy and other virtual technologies.1 Telepharmacy can services to a 24-hour period when they otherwise also be categorized under the larger umbrella term could not have sustained access to an onsite pharof telehealth which includes a broader scope of remacist 24 hours a day. In the institutional practice, mote healthcare practices in a variety of healthcare it is often a nurse or technician that is labelling and disciplines.1 dispensing the medications while a virtual pharma-
Telepharmacy Management – Opportunities and Challenges
|32| Kentucky Pharmacists Association | November/December 2020