Ken Shukwan Tung | Portfolio 2025

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Urban Design - MLAUD @ Harvard GSD | 2023-2025

Architecture - MARCH @ Tsinghua University | 2021-2023

Landscape Architecture - BLA @ Beijing Forestry University | 2016-2020


Type: Urban Design, Real Estate Development

ULI Hines Student Competition 2025, Sponsored by Harvard GSD

Instructors: Sean O'Malley, Alex Krieger, Maurice Cox

Team: Ken Shukwan Tung (UD+Team Leader), Teresa Lai (UD), Henry Black (UP+RE), Joanna Ho (RE), Jesumi Gbotosho (RE)

Cleveland Medical

The Cleveland Medical use district. Focused on emphasizes connectivity, centers, retail, office/lab connecting the site to the harmonizes urban functionality restored with a soft edge

Medical Emerging Lifestyle District (MELD) Urban Development Plan

Emerging Lifestyle District (MELD) envisions the redevelopment of a former industrial site in Cleveland into a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable mixedon themes of reconnecting Cleveland to the lakefront, uniting residents both young and old and expanding the ‘emerald necklace’, the development connectivity, economic revitalization, and equitable growth, creating a destination that integrates senior housing, mixed-income housing, cultural and community office/lab space, biomedical manufacturing, staff housing, townhouses, parking, and a clinic. Key elements of place-making include a pedestrian-friendly bridge the waterfront and a smaller parcel which has been developed into a sports arena for both local residents and Horizon Science Academy. This project functionality with the natural landscape, fostering social cohesion and economic vitality in line with Mayor Bibb’s Rescue and Transformation Plan edge and a resiliency strategy for floods. Four mixed-use zones will be developed in turn with a focus on a vocational training center, residential areas,

Lakefront Barriers

We aimed to restore St. Clair –Superior and Hough’s historic lakefront access.

Capturing the future opportunity of CHEERS (Cleveland Harbor Eastern Embayment Resilience Strategy) program

A Centerpiece for the Necklace

Taking inspiration from the emerald necklace in Cleveland, we sought to integrate into the Cleveland’s future lakefront infrastructure.

Young and Old

Understanding co-benefits of interage socializing, we sought to integrate and benefit Horizon Academy

A DAY IN LIFE - ROUTE OF PROGRAMS - Inclusive for All, from Empty-nester to Startup Co-founder



LANDSCAPE STRATEGY - A Green Spline & A Green Landbridge

PHASE I (JAN 2026 - JUNE 2030)

Building a Market

PHASE II (JAN 2029 - JUNE 2033)

Creating a Destination

PHASE III (JULY 2033 - DEC 2036)

Leveraging the Location

“One Erie Plaza”

02 Massport Going Crazy

01 Massport Going Crazy

Type: Urban Design

Type: Urban Design

Elements of Urban Design Ex.1 , Harvard GSD

Elements of Urban Design Ex.1 , Harvard GSD

Instructors: Dana McKinney White, Peter Rowe, Michael Manfredi Collaboration with Mark Philip

Instructors: Dana McKinney White, Peter Rowe, Michael Manfredi Collaboration with Mark Philip

The design is divided into four phases, building a green spine of public green land will be built and accessible to the community, a vocational training center, residential areas, life science sheet and access to capital, this plan offers Massport control a Rational Plan for Non-government

South Boston is rapidly emerging as the hub of Boston –in South Boston. It faces the imperative of optimizing its Boston community and Massport. It aims to build connectivity

a Rational Plan for Non-government Lead Urban Design

Non-government Lead Urban Design

on its west is Downtown Boston bustling with various business activities, and on its east is the great port that at the epicenter of global trade. Mass- port is the largest landowner assets to bring social and economic benefits to the area, given its dual roles as a public authority and a business owner. The design considers the perspectives of both the South connectivity and shape the South Boston waterfront to be a global destination, continuing the established “Massport” Model.

spine that connects South Boston with the Seaport waterfront by extending the Thomas J. Butler Memorial Park to link with Fort Independence and D Street. An estimated 6M sqft community, a newly built 2.9 miles coastal line will be restored with a soft edge and a resiliency strategy for floods. Four mixed-use zones will be developed in turn with a focus on commercial spaces, and light industrial areas. The estimated profitability is about $1.7B, with each phase rolled out over a four-year period. Leveraging Massport’s strong balance control over refinancing and capital return. It will stimulate economic development and cultivate a more dynamic and resilient community in South Boston.

South Boston is rapidly emerging as the hub of Boston – on its west is Downtown Boston bustling with various business activities, and on its east is the great port that at the epicenter of global trade. Massport is the largest landowner in South Boston. It faces the imperative of optimizing its assets to bring social and economic benefits to the area, given its dual roles as a public authority and a business owner. The design considers the perspectives of both the South Boston community and Massport. It aims to build connectivity and shape the South Boston waterfront to be a global destination, continuing the established “Massport” Model. The design is divided into three phases, building a green spine that connects South Boston with the Seaport waterfront by extending the Thomas J. Butler Memorial Park to link with Fort Independence and D Street. An estimated 6M sqft of public green land will be built and accessible to the community, a newly built 2.9 miles coastal line will be restored with a soft edge and a resiliency strategy for floods.


Transform the original hard shorelines into marshland to tackle Sea Level Rise (SLR) flood, with boardwalks that can absorb inundation grant public access to the waterfront.


A green spline runs through the entire site (across three phases) to organically link D Street in

Neighborhood Intergration

Eliminate the noise brought by trucks via building a new tunnel to substitute the bridge. Rezone the area to limit industrial activities to enhance the neighborhood wellness.

Seaport with Pleasure Bay.

A more integrated South Boston Waterfront

Building a green spine to link Pleasure Bay in to D Street in Seaport

Urban Strategy: Use Public Space to Connect Seaport & Pleasure Bay


Mixed-income housing (65% affordable) on Massport-owned land under PPP model.


2A: Multi-use civic building (museum, library, youth hub and daycare center) on Massport owned land under PPP model.

2B: Private development by various developers driven by market on privately owned land.


Versatile development under various models on land owned by other public entities.




1st & 2nd floor retails
retails by the garden


Core Commercial Zone Architectural Detail (Zone D Waterfront Axis Mixed-development Plan)


3 SCENERIO - Waterfront Connected to the Convention Center

Convertable Program Types

(Phase 3 - Flexible Core & Shell Structure) (fit out based on market needs - office, lab, housing)

Campus MassPort in distance

Existing Building


Purposed Garage

proposed - garage

proposed - new massing

Purposed Garage

03 Westwood Intervention

Type: Urban Design

Elements of Urban Design Ex.2 , Harvard GSD

Instructors: Dana McKinney White, Peter Rowe, Michael Manfredi

Collaboration with Pin-yuan Tseng

An Adaptive Reuse

In Westwood, the typical Our proposal seeks train, fostering sustainability fabric, optimizing land enhanced connectivity, Zoning plays a crucial

Tram Station (Middle)
Tram Station (North)
Tram Station (North)

Reuse Plan for Westwood Commercial Center Redevelopment

typical American suburban landscape, dominated by car-centric routines and strip malls, stands on the brink of transformation. to transform this American suburb into a middle-density community, influenced by the linear movement of the communal sustainability and a symbiotic relationship with nature. The innovative plan strategically integrates green spaces into the urban land use and increasing density where needed for economic viability. Key strategies include the introduction of a tram system for connectivity, the development of University Ave as a community hub, and the creation of a central green space for communal activities. crucial role, with four distinct areas around the central green catering to diverse needs.

Tram Station (North)
Tram Station (Middle)
Tram Station (North)
Tram Station (North)

malls, stands on the brink of transformation. Our proposal seeks to transform this American suburb fostering sustainability and a symbiotic relationship with nature. The innovative plan strategically integrates economic viability. development of University Ave as a community hub, and the creation of a central green space for communal diverse needs. Nodes within the community enhance connectivity, and repurposing abandoned train embodies a vision of sustainable, community-centric living, aligning with contemporary aspirations for

Tram Station (North)
Tram Station (North)

04 Teltow Reflow

Type: Academic Work - GSD UPD Option Studio 2024 Spring | Urban Design

Advisor: Dan Stubbergaard (Cobe)

Collabrate w/ Geonwoo Bae


The conventional carbon its industrial heritage and Berlin into a sustainable

We proposed three major Nursery will grow and harvest canal and railroads, making

of Eco-Industrial Urban Development

carbon life cycle causes global environmental chaos. Embracing material circulation is crucial. Can a new on-site recirculation process help? Berlin, with and canal system, struggles with outdated material processing. By revitalizing its canals and introducing three new components, we aim to transform sustainable logistics model.

major intervention: The Material Library will manage local and extracted materials through repair, reuse, refurbishment, and demolition. The Landscape harvest trees, linking industrial and residential areas. The City Factory will produce low-carbon materials and use efficient transport via the Teltow making Berlin a leader in material recirculation.

LOW CARBON DEVELOPMENT- Local Material Sourcing

CITY FACTORY - An On-site Construction Adapt-reuse Strategy

ADAPTIVE REUSE | Repurpose Factory into Open-air Shaded Retail CITY FACTORY | On-site Manufactured

WATERFRONT | An Accessible and ADA Friendly Waterfront


A. Costal Marsh

B. Levee

C. Tidal Ponds

D. Winding Bridges

E. Playground

F. Affordable Housing

G. Market Rate Housing

H. Waterfront Plaza

I. The Steps Square

J. The Dike Park

K. Observation Platform

05 Bayshore Reverse

Type: Landscape & Urban Design

UC Berkeley CED-GAP Studio, 2019 Fall

Site: West Oakland, CA

Instructor: Tommy Haddock

PROTOTYPE -Extract form and site combination


PROTOTYPE -Extract form and site combination

-Extract form and site combination

INSPIRATION -Get form from the experiment

1.Wave variable

Levee from the side of the Yellow River inspired us. By building thesemanmade structure, sediment was accumulated, and forming the natural barriers for

Inspiration from dams on the Yellow River in

1.Wave variable

Inspiration from dams on the Yellow River in

2.Width variable 1.Wave variable

1.Wave variable

2.Width variable


variable 1.Wave variable 4.Other variable

2.Width variable


3.Angle variable 2.Width

1.Wave variable 4.Other variable

1.Wave variable 4.Other variable

Prototype 1

3.Angle variable

3.Angle variable

3.Angle variable

3.Angle variable

3.Angle variable

As the wind is the main factor affect the direction of flow of water at our site. Wind blow was used to simulate the flow of water. Acrylic model was applied to study the sand accumulation behavior over the levee.

As wind is the main driven factor of the ocean current at the site. We use physical model to study the sand accumulation over the levee(sea wall, gorin, jetties, breakwater

OTYPE -Extract form and site combination

hydrological/soil property/ phytocoenosium Angle 60º

4.Other variable: Wetland& Cavity hydrological/soil property/ phytocoenosium Angle


3.Angle variable 2.Width variable 2.Width variable

4.Other variable: Wetland& Cavity

4.Other variable: Wetland& Cavity

4.Other variable: Wetland& Cavity

4.Other variable: Wetland& Cavity

Prototype 2

4.Other variable: Wetland& Cavity

4.Other variable: Wetland& Cavity

4.Other variable: Wetland& Cavity

4.Other variable: Wetland& Cavity

hydrological/soil property/ phytocoenosium

hydrological/soil property/ phytocoenosium

hydrological/soil property/ phytocoenosium

hydrological/soil property/ phytocoenosium

Each prototype formed by the manmade levee and naturally accumulated sediment. The shape of the accumulation was majorly affected by the shape of the levee, location of the levee.

hydrological/soil property/ phytocoenosium

hydrological/soil property/ phytocoenosium

hydrological/soil property/ phytocoenosium

hydrological/soil property/ phytocoenosium

Prototype 3

West Oakland Sustainable Bayshore Development Plan

Rising sea levels threaten vulnerable populations, particularly the homeless in the Oakland Bay Area, as affordable housing shrinks and open spaces disappear. Bayshore Reverse offers a cost-effective, sustainable solution by harnessing natural forces to transform neglected, ecologically inactive bayshore wetlands into mixed-use urban waterfronts. By utilizing coastal sediment accumulation to restore tidal deltas, this approach reduces construction costs while enhancing resilience. Integrating natural processes minimizes environmental impact, fosters equitable development, and creates adaptable spaces where nature and society can thrive amid climate change.


As wind is the main driven factor of the ocean current at the site. We use physical model to study the sand accumulation over the levee(sea wall, gorin, jetties, breakwater

Levee Construction - Sediment Accumulation - Housing Development







Newly constructed levee to protect the shoreline.


A sedimentary wetland and tidal pond was formed and protected the upland area.





Housing units were constructed on the upland area, and the newly formed wetland took the place of the original shoreline.

06 Urban Linkage

Type: Group Competition, Spring 2020 | Landscape & Urban Design

Site: Chong Qing City, CHN

Instructor: Zhongde Wang

Collabration with Dingrui Wang, Zeyu Liu

As cities develop, the transportation spaces in cities where different of transportation are available

In this case, the railway issue of disconnected transportation individuals to effortlessly

Chongqing Elevated

Elevated Bridge Development - Link for Separation

transportation options available to people become more diverse. However, urban transportation planning is often inadequate, leading to fragmented different modes of transportation have difficulty connecting with each other. This is the case in Chongqing, an over-urbanized city where various modes available but switching between them is inconvenient.

railway station, bus station, and subway station are clearly separated, making it difficult for people to switch between them. The design seeks to remedy the transportation stations, a problem stemming from the city's haphazardly designed roads. The solution involves the creation of a system that allows effortlessly transition between various forms of transportation.

ISSUE | Existing Separation of Different Transporation Sites

| Linking the Transportation Sites with ADA Slope

Caiyuanba Railway Station
Caiyuanba Bus Station
Caiyuanba Overpass Bridge
Image Credit: Zeyu Liu (teammate)
Caiyuanba Railway Station
Image Credit: Dingrui Wang (teammate)
Subway Line 2
Waitan Mall

AXON EXPLODED | Tridimentional Linkage System

The bridge design consists of three components: the shape of the bridge, the landscaping and paving on the bridge, and the vertical connection. The space under the bridge includes designs such as a theater. By creating a three-dimensional connection, we aim to reconnect the area that was isolated by the road and create a seamless walking path, addressing urban issues and improving people's lives.

Image Credit: Dingrui Wang (teammate)
Spiral Staircase
Mild Slope
Plantation Layer
Concrete Bridge

The Qianhai Garden Renovation is an experimental project consideration, resulting in the community's public spaces blending with the existing architecture. By addressing the Qianhai Garden Neighborood Renovation

Principal:Yan Meng

Dong, Ken Shukwan Tung

Contribution: Vertical Parking Research, The Qianhai Garden Renovation vehicle ownership was multifunctional, vertical expands the community's Neighborhood

Project: 'Qianhai Garden' neighborhood renovation

Team: Ting Wen, Qinxue Wang, Shiyao Yu, Wenhan Dong, Ken Tung

Contribution: Vertical

Renovation Plan - Vertical & Mechanical Parking Research & Design

Revitalizing framework & Vertical Parking Studies

project located in Shenzhen, originally developed in the 1980s. At the time of its construction, the rapid increase in China's vehicle ownership was not taken into spaces being overwhelmed by parking needs. This project innovatively integrates multifunctional, vertical parking solutions within the community, seamlessly the emerging parking demands, it also expands the community's usable activity spaces.

Renovation is an experimental project located in Shenzhen, originally developed in the 1980s. At the time of its construction, the rapid increase in China's not taken into consideration, resulting in the community's public spaces being overwhelmed by parking needs. This project innovatively integrates vertical parking solutions within the community, seamlessly blending with the existing architecture. By addressing the emerging parking demands, it also community's usable activity spaces.

Research, Developing & Testing Parking Prototype, Assist with Architectural Schemetic Design, Rendering

New Vertical Parking
Rooftop Graden

08 Houston Is So Hot Right Now

Type: Summer Student Program - SWA Group

Urban Design & Landscape Architecture

Principals : Kinder Baumgardner, Natalia Beard, Scott McCready

2024 was the hottest year heat reshapes urban life, responsive plan that integrates Reimagination

Contribution: Overall

of Eco-Industrial Urban Development

year on record, and in Sunbelt cities, the impact was deadly—especially for those relying on public transit, parks, and housing for cooling. As extreme life, we must rethink the frameworks that contributed to overheated cities. In collaboration with Downtown Houston+, we developed a climateintegrates open space improvements, climate adaptation strategies, and social infrastructure to create a more just and livable city.

Overall Urban Design Scheme, Communications, Renderings



Urban Design - MLAUD @ Harvard GSD | 2023-2025

Architecture - MARCH @ Tsinghua University | 2021-2023

Landscape Architecture - BLA @ Beijing Forestry University | 2016-2020


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