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Goal NRE 3 : Proactively plan to adapt to climate change while mitigating its extent. Reduce vulnerability to, and protect people, property, and the environment from natural hazards.
Policy NRE 3.1: Adams County recognizes the need to plan for the future with the changing climate in mind.
• Strategy NRE 3.1.01: Expand, create, and advocate for equitable clean energy opportunities (SP2030 Goal 3). This includes supporting the development of large-acreage solar energy facilities and their associated infrastructure.
• Strategy NRE 3.1.02: Proactively prepare for natural hazards and disasters by implementing the recommendations in the 2020 Hazard Mitigation Plan.
• Strategy NRE 3.1.03: Use sustainable infrastructure to mitigate impacts of natural hazards (SP2030 Goal 11).
• Implement the recommendations of the Mile High Flood Control District as set forth in its plans to preserve the current capacities of drainage basins and corridors located within Adams County. Work cooperatively with municipalities to coordinate the implementation of regional drainage plans.
• Achieve a FEMA Community Rating Score of 7 or better.
• Increase number and quality of flood control/detention facilities to mitigate flood risk.
• Strategy NRE 3.1.04: Promote the use of sustainable building and site design techniques that encourage the use of renewable energy, support energy and water conservation, and provide other benefits to the environment and community.
• Strategy NRE 3.1.05: Expand protections of and establish development restrictions within the Wildland Urban Interface, as delineated in the 2020 Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP Figure 4-50). Reduce noxious weeds and heavy infestations of non-native weed species that contribute to wildfire fuel, water consumption, and decreased wildlife habitat.
• Strategy NRE 3.1.06: Encourage and foster best practices in agriculture, such as regenerative agriculture, to strengthen the health and quality of soil.
Goal NRE 4: Foster responsible resource use, from cradle to grave, including extraction, production, recycling, adaptive reuse, and disposal.
Policy NRE 4.1: Adams County has a long history of mining and landfill uses that have created a visible impact on the landscape. Ensuring the county’s resources are conserved, recycled, and used responsibly will allow for future generations to enjoy the land, water, and air as we do today.
Strategy NRE 4.1.01: Complete a Waste Management Plan to determine strategies needed for reducing waste generation and increasing recycling and re-use (i.e. composting). This plan will also help determine the landfilling capacity needed for future Adams County generations.
• Strategy NRE 4.1.02: Support and promote recycling opportunities for both residents and businesses.
• Strategy NRE 4.1.03: Require waste haulers in the County to report amounts landfilled, recycled, or diverted so that a baseline can be established, and goals can be developed for improvement.
• Strategy NRE 4.1.04: Review and update the County’s Mineral Extraction Plan (2005) to reflect new extraction technologies and methodologies and maps delineating areas of commercially viable sand and gravel deposits.
• Strategy NRE 4.1.05: Encourage post-reclamation uses to be compatible with the County’s long range plans.