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The 20-minute community is a planning model that seeks to cluster community resources and amenities, such as education, healthcare, healthy food access, neighborhood commerce, local employment, public parks, and public gathering areas so they are accessible in an easy 20-minute walk, bicycle ride, or transit ride. The goal of the 20-minute community is to establish more resilient neighborhoods that can access essential services without sole reliance on automobile trips.
a. Transit and trails, along with roads, are important for connecting people to places.
b. Essential services, amenities, and infrastructure are distributed more toward the western part of the county.
c. New development can and should better utilize the existing transit, bike/pedestrian paths, and trail network.
d. Development patterns can better support a safe and e ective transportation network.
e. The built environment should be designed to be resilient toward climate change and subsequent hazards and support the sustainability goals of the county.
The 20-minute community composite map (See Figure 5-1) shows a spectrum of concentrations of essential services and amenities, primarily located on the western portion of the county.
Full Ser vice Grocer y + Farmers Market
Transit Stops
Park s + Open Space
Early Education + Child Care Centers
Kindergar ten Through Grade 12 Schools
Public Libraries
Hospitals + Urgent Care Facilities
Higher Education, Communit y College and Training Centers