iLikeMath Cares Program Curriculum Guide
Jones Software Corporation is in the business of inspiring scholars K-12 to maximize their full potential. The iLikeMath-Cares Program is an adaptive learning math software tool that enhances procedural math instruction for scholars performing at or below grade level. Designed as a supplemental curriculum “iLikeMath� is a Multi-Tier Support System which helps students build efficacy in math foundations. iLikeMath Cares Program empower and encourage scholars to succeed in life. The iLikeMath Cares Program Curriculum Guide provides a grade-by-grade list of content. Each Scholar begins with an Assessment. This Assessment provides guidance and where the scholar should focus on practice exercises so that they become more fluent in concepts and move toward grade level fluency. After each section of practice various exercisers scholars receive a quiz. Quiz scores determine if the scholar should repeat exercises from the current section or if they have demonstrated fluency in that section and they can advance to the next section. After successfully mastering a cluster of sections the scholars will have concept review and quizzes.
Section 1 Patterns: Digits and Number Words, Place Value, Single-Digit Addition, Single-Digit Subtraction, Addition Problems, Subtraction Problems, Quiz Section 2 Place Value to 1,000s, Single-Digit Addition, Single-Digit Subtraction, Multi-Digit Addition, Multi-Digit Subtraction, Review Place Value to 1,000s, Quiz Section 3 Pattern for Expanded Notation, Adding Multi-digit Numbers, Quiz Section 4 Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers, Measurement, Operation Symbols, Multiplication Facts, Family of Facts, Telling Time, Quiz Section 5 Number Words, Patterns, Cardinal and Ordinal Number, Quiz Section 6 Adding with Carrying, Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers, Standard Measurement for Time, Calendar Time, Quiz Section 7 Unit Concept Review 1, Unit Concept Review 2, Quiz
Section 9 Review: Numbers, Practice: Addition and Subtraction, Quiz Section 10 Test Section 11 Family of Facts, Adding Ones, Tens, and Hundreds, Subtracting Ones, Tens, and Hundreds, Quiz Section 12 Story Problems, Quiz Section 13 Test Section 14 Operations, Multiplication Facts: 6-10 and Review, Using Standard Measures, Quiz Section 15 Place Value and Number Words, Addition with Carrying, Skip Counting and Number Words, Quiz Section 16 Skip Counting and Addition with Carrying, Fractions, Subtracting with Borrowing, Quiz Section 17 Place Value to 10,000s, Relation Symbols, Missing Number Equations, Review: Even and Odd Numbers, Quiz
Section 8 Reading and Writing Fractions, Practice Multiplication, Counting Money, Operations, Quiz
3rd & 4th Grade Content Categories
Section 18 Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Rounding Numbers to 10s, Shapes, Money, Review: Borrowing, Addition: Checking Answers, Subtraction: Checking Answers, Quiz Section 19 Review: Number Order and Place Value, Estimating Answers to 10s, Review: Math Symbols, Quiz Section 20 Equivalent Fractions, Rounding Numbers to 100s, Estimating Answers to 100s, Review: Computation, Quiz Section 21 Review: Addition and Subtraction Facts, Quiz Section 22 Test Section 23 Fact Families, Mental Math, and Addition, Column Addition, Addition: With and Without Carrying, Quiz Section 24 Measurements: Weight and Volume, Review: Bar Graphs and Fractions, Review: Fractions, Quiz Section 25 TEST
Section 26 Place Value, Rounding Numbers to 10s, 100s, and 1,000s, Multiply with Carrying to 10s, Fact Family, Place Value, and Number Order, Checking Addition Problems, More Checking Addition Problems, Quiz Section 27 Subtraction with Borrowing, Number Sentences and Symbols, Subtraction with Borrowing and Checking, Multiplication Practice, Quiz Section 28 Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction, Rounding and Estimating, Fractions Equal to Whole Numbers, Quiz Section 29 Estimate Answers to 1,000s, Quiz Section 30 Fractions, Fractions – Continued, Addition Practice, Time: AM and PM, Quiz Section 31 Review: Addition, Subtraction, and Money, Relation Symbols, Fractions, Add and Subtract to 10,000s, Check Your Answers, Quiz Section 32 Equivalent Fractions, Learn Numbers to 100,000s, Review: Story Problems, Lines, Shapes, and Measurement, Quiz Section 33 Test
3rd & 4th Grade Content Categories
Section 34 Numbers to Thousands Place, Addition and Skip Counting, Quiz
Section 44 Review: Fractions, Review: Word Problems and Money, Quiz
Section 35 Rounding and Estimation, Subtraction with Borrowing, Equations, Quiz
Section 45 Test
Section 36 Reading and Solving Story Problems, Line Graphs, Quiz Section 37 TEST Section 38 Plane and Solid Shapes, Measurement, Quiz Section 39 Number Words and Place Value, Number Patterns, Addition and Subtraction: Horizontal Form, Quiz Section 40 Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Quiz Section 41 Practice Addition and Subtraction, Place Value and Rounding, Multiply with Carrying to 100s, Quiz Section 42 Lines, Segments, End Points, Rays, Angles, Lines, Directions, and Maps, Quiz Section 43 Roman Numerals, Review: Subtraction with Borrowing, Quiz
Section 46 Operation Symbols and Number Sense, Review: Plane and Solid Shapes, Fractions, Missing Number Problems, Review: Operation and Relation Symbols, Quiz Section 47 Review: Expanded Notation and Estimation, Review: Fractions and Place Value, Multi-Digit Addition And Subtraction, Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers, Quiz Section 48 Number Patterns Using Place Value, Measuring Temperature, Quiz Section 49 Operation Symbols, Quiz Section 50 TEST Section 51 Introduction to Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction, Review: Time and Number Sense, Quiz Section 52 Multi-Digit Addition And Subtraction, Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers, Quiz
3rd & 4th Grade Content Categories
Section 53 Number Patterns Using Place Value, Measuring Temperature, Quiz
Section 62 Multi-Digit Addition, Finding Perimeter and Area, Quiz
Section 54 Operation Symbols, Quiz
Section 63 Missing Number Problems, Division Practice, Roman Numerals, Review: Regrouping, Quiz
Section 55 TEST Section 56 Introduction to Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction, Review: Time and Number Sense, Quiz Section 57 Shapes and Symmetry, Rounding and Estimating, Finding Perimeter, Quiz Section 58 Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction, Odd And Even Numbers, Review: Checking Addition, Review: Checking Subtraction, Linear Measurement, Capacity (Dry and Liquid Measurement), Division Facts, Review: Multiplication, Quiz
Section 64 Skip Counting and Multiplication, Review: Telling Time, Quiz Section 65 Review: Subtraction, Perimeter and Area, Review: Fractions, Quiz Section 66 Patterns, Quiz Section 67 TEST Section 68 Prime and Composite Numbers, Multiples, Division with Remainders, Quiz
Section 59 Reading a Calendar, Perimeter and Area, Review: Roman Numerals and Fractions, Quiz
Section 69 Addition and Equivalent Fractions, Money Computation and Roman Numerals, Quiz
Section 60 Review: Multiple Concepts, Review: Story Problems, Quiz
Section 70 Multiplication, Lines, Angles, and Temperature, Review: Addition and Subtraction, Quiz
Section 61 Test
3rd & 4th Grade Content Categories
Section 71 Story Problems, Equations and Grouping, Proper and Improper Fractions, Quiz Section 72 Multiplication Facts For 11 and 12, Fractions and Mixed Numbers, Review: Division and Roman Numerals, Quiz Section 73 Measurements, Multiple Concept Review, Review: Calendar, Quiz Section 74 Test Section 75 Review: Place Value, Review: Subtraction with Borrowing, Multiplication Facts (1), Equivalent Fractions, Review: Rounding and Shapes, Quiz Section 76 Factors and Multiples, Problem Solving with Equations, Quiz Section 77 TEST Section 78 Quiz Section 79 Measurement, Practicing Subtraction with Borrowing, Mixed Numbers, Quiz
Section 80 Review: Expanded Notation and Roman Numerals, Probability and Likelihood, Math Facts, Multiplication and Division, Factors, Multiples, and Variables, Fractions, Quiz Section 81 Multiplication and Fractions, Average and Number Rules, Review: Measurement and Place Value, Symmetry, Quiz Section 82 Review: Money, Multiplication Facts (2), Quiz Section 83 Multiple Concept Review, Quiz Section 84 Quiz Section 85 Fractions, Missing Number Problems, Quiz Section 86 Rounding Numbers and Place Value, Review: Shapes, Perimeter, and Area, Fractions and Patterns, Test Section 87 Shapes, Measurement, and Addition, Time and Measurement, Quiz Section 88 Fractions, Odd and Even Number Patterns, Decimals, Money Problems, Quiz
3rd & 4th Grade Content Categories
Section 89 Practice: Operations and Money, Quiz Section 90 Review: Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers, Quiz Section 91 TEST Section 92 Factoring and Place Value, Review: Two-Digit Multiplication, Fractions, Place Value, and Measurement, Directions, Quiz Section 93 Multiplication Facts, Multiple Concept Practice, Review: Addition With Checking, Quiz Section 94 Fractions, Quiz Section 95 Division, Fractions, Missing Number Problems, Quiz Section 96 Multiplication, Division, Word Problems, Using Graphs, Quiz Section 97 Test Section 98 How Numbers Work, Math Facts, Add/Subtract with Checking, Quiz
Section 99 The Metric System, Fractions, Review: Time, Quiz Section 100 Review: Operations and Rounding, Review: Roman Numerals, Multiplication, Quiz Section 101 Equivalent Fractions, Reading and Writing Fractions, Fraction Computation, Quiz Section 102 Measure: Length, Perimeter, and Area, Measure: Money, Time, and Temperature, Quiz Section 103 TEST Section 104 Decimals, Money, Multiplication of Whole Numbers, Quiz Section 105 Ordered Pairs, Measure: Weight and Volume, Quiz Section 106 Symmetry and Shapes, Roman Numerals, Quiz Section 107 Likelihood and Graphing, Problem Solving, Division and Averages, Quiz
3rd & 4th Grade Content Categories
Section 108 Add and Subtract Decimals, Fractions with Different Denominators Equivalent Fractions and Decimals, Quiz Section 109 Multiply and Divide, Quiz Section 112 Review: Mental Math, Graphs, Likelihood, Mixed Numbers, Sensible Answers, Quiz Section 113 Review: Fractions, Review, Quiz Section 114 TEST Section 115 Review: Addition and Subtraction Computation, Quiz Section 116 Review: Fractions and Decimals, Review: Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers and Fractions, Review: Finding Missing Numbers, Quiz Section 117 Review: Shapes and Symmetry, Data Collection and Random Sampling, Project: Collecting Data, Project: Predicting Data, Graphs, Quiz
Section 110 Test Section 111 Review: Rounding and Estimation, Review: Adding Fractions, Review: Subtracting Fractions, Review: Multiplication Facts, Quiz
Section 118 Whole Numbers, Decimal Numbers, Review: Roman Numerals, Review: Measurement, Quiz Section 119 Review: Number Symbols and Grouping, Review: Perimeter and Area, Review: Problem Solving, Quiz Section 120 Test Section 121 Project: Collecting Data, Project: Predicting Data, Quiz, Problem Solving with Fractions, Fractions, Quiz Section 122 Sizes, Shapes, and Measurements, Word Problems and Equations, Quiz Section 123 TEST
3rd & 4th Grade Content Categories
Section 1 Multiplying Whole Numbers and Decimals, Mathematics Placement Test, Unit 5, Mathematics Placement Test LEVEL 5, Dividing Whole Numbers and Decimals, Whole Number Place Value, Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers, Decimal Number Place Value, Rounding and Estimation, Whole, Number Operations, Real Number Properties, Algebra and Graphing, Measurement, Comparing and Ordering, Decimal Numbers, Quiz: Place Value Section 2 Rounding Whole Numbers and Decimals, Estimating Sums and Differences, Quiz 1: Whole Numbers and Their Properties Section 3 Exponents, Squares, Cubes, and Roots, Order of Operations, Factors and Fractions, Add and Subtract Mentally, Quiz: Rounding and Estimating Section 4 Adding and Subtracting Whole, Numbers, Adding Decimal Numbers, Number Patterns, Quiz 2: Operations and Number Patterns Section 5 Variables, Expressions, Fraction Operations, Determining Rules to Generate Number Patterns, Subtracting Decimal Numbers, Exploring Your Finances, Project: Logical Reasoning, Variable Expressions Equations and Mental Math, Quiz 3: Algebra
Section 6 Review, Data Analysis and Probability, Geometry, Project: Logical Reasoning, Quiz: Addition and Subtraction Section 7 Review, Test Section 8 Estimating Whole Number Products, Test Section 9 Collecting Data and the Mean, Median, Mode, and Range, Perimeter, Area, and Volume, Properties of Multiplication, Multiplying Whole Numbers, Quiz: Multiplying Whole Numbers Section 10 Exponents, Describing Data, Quiz 1: Collecting and Describing Data Section 11 Frequency Tables, Histograms, Whole Numbers and Algebra, Data Analysis, Multiplying Whole Numbers by Powers of Ten, Project: How Much is a Million, Multiplying Decimals by Powers of Ten Line Plots, Stem-and-Leaf Plots, Quiz 2: Organizing Data Section 12 Bar Graphs, Decimals, Project: How Much is a Million, Quiz: Powers
5th & 6th Grade Content Categories
Section 13 Estimating Decimal Products, Multiplying Whole Numbers by Decimals, Multiplying Decimals by Decimals, Line Graphs, Venn Diagrams, Vertex-Edge Graphs, Fractions, Project: How Much is a Million, Solving Multiplication Problems, Quiz: Multiplying Decimal Numbers
Section 19 Area of Triangles, Area of Composite Figures, Area of Circles, Fraction Operations , Ratio, Proportion and Percent, Understanding Division, Estimating Quotients, Dividing Whole Numbers, Remainders, Ordering and Comparing, Adding and Subtracting, Quiz 1: Decimal Numbers
Section 14 Review, Test
Section 20 Geometry and Measurement, Interpreting the Remainder, Quiz: Two-Digit Divisors
Section 15 Quiz 3: Displaying and Interpreting, Data Section 16 Review, Test Section 17 Decimals and Place Value, Fraction Operations, Ratio, Proportion and Percent, Understanding Division, Estimating Quotients, Dividing Whole Numbers, Remainders, Ordering and Comparing, Rounding and Estimating, Adding and Subtracting, Quiz 1: Decimal Numbers Section 18 Measures of Central Tendencies, Line Plots, Stem-and-Leaf Plots, Quiz: Collecting and Analyzing Data
Section 21 Dividing by Powers of Ten, Quiz 2: Multiplying and Dividing Section 22 Decimal Numbers, Length, Mass and Capacity, Integers and Transformations, Equations and Functions, Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers, Dividing with Money, Quiz: Decimal Division Section 23 Review, Multiplying and Dividing by, Powers of Ten, Converting Metric Units, Quiz 3: The Metric System Section 24 Review, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, Choosing the Right Graph, Quiz: Displaying Data Section 25 Project: Estimating Area, Quiz 1: Plane Figures
5th & 6th Grade Content Categories
Section 26 Solid Figures, Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms, Probability, Probability as a Fraction, Listing Outcomes, Project: Estimating Area, Volume of Rectangular Prisms, Finding Missing Dimensions, Project: Triangular Prisms, Quiz 2: Solid Figures Section 27 Making Predictions, Quiz: Probability Section 28 Review, Test Section 29 Project: Estimating Area, Project: Triangular Prisms, Review, Test Section 30 Integers, Test Section 31 Addition and Subtraction Expressions, Multiplication and Division Expressions, The Order of Operations, Test Section 32 Divisibility and Prime Factorization, Greatest Common Factor, Fractions, Quiz: Expressions Section 33 Addition and Subtraction Equations, Multiplication Equations, Functions, Equivalent Fractions, Quiz 1: Factors and Fractions Section 34 Least Common Multiple, Geometry Terms, Angles, Circles, Quiz: Geometry
Section 35 Comparing and Ordering Integers, Absolute Value, Coordinate Plane, Quiz 1: Integers Section 36 Numerical Patterns, Project: Patterns, Quiz: Patterns, Functions, and Equations Section 37 The Coordinate Plane, Comparing and Ordering Fractions, Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers, Quiz 2: The LCM and Fractions Section 38 Changing Decimals to Fractions, Polygons, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Solid Figures, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Project: Patterns, Graphing Functions, Interpreting Graphs, Scatterplots, Numerical Patterns in a Table/Graph, Changing Fractions to Decimals, Quiz 3: Decimals and Fractions Section 39 Project: Patterns, Quiz: Graphing Section 40 Review, Review, Test Section 41 Quiz: Classifying Plane and Solid Section 42 Similar and Congruent Figures, Transformations, Symmetry, Quiz 2: Integer Operations
5th & 6th Grade Content Categories
Section 43 Translations, Reflections and Rotations, Line Symmetry, Project: Constructions, Quiz: Transformations and Symmetry Section 44 Test Section 45 Quiz 3: Transformations Section 46 Review, Test Section 47 Polygons, Regular Polygons, Circumference, Equations, Writing Equations, Addition Equations, Subtraction Equations, Project: Patterns, Test Section 48 The Metric System, Length, Mass, Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Mixed Numbers, Renaming Mixed Numbers, Quiz 1: Adding and Subtracting Fractions Section 49 Capacity, Quiz: The Metric System Section 50 Length, Weight, Multiplying Fractions, Multiplying Mixed Numbers, Dividing Fractions, Dividing Mixed Numbers, Quiz: Perimeter
Section 52 Multiplication Equations, Division Equations, Inequalities, Capacity, Project: Density, Quiz: The Customary System Section 53 Time, Quiz 2: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Section 54 Length, Weight, Capacity, Triangles, Quiz: Area Section 55 Surface Area, Volume, Graphing Inequalities, Quiz 2: More Equations and Functions Section 56 Project: Density, Elapsed Time, Temperature, Quiz: Time and Temperature Section 57 Review, Quiz 3: The Customary System Section 58 Review, Test Section 59 Project: Density, Test Section 60 Factors, Prime Factorization, Ratios, Geometry: Circumference, Rates, Quiz 1: Ratios
Section 51 Area, Squares and Rectangles, Parallelograms, Quiz 1: Equations
5th & 6th Grade Content Categories
Section 61 Solving Volume Problems, Project: Solid Figures, Quiz: Solid Figures Section 62 Review, Function Rules, Graphing Functions, Quiz 3: Functions Section 63 Review, Project: Solid Figures, Test Section 64 Course Review 1, Course Review 2, Exam, Test Section 65 Course Review 1, Course Review 2, Exam Section 66 Greatest Common Factor, Quiz: Factors Section 67 Fractions, Solving Proportions Scale Drawings, Project: Make a Scale Drawing, Simplifying Fractions, Equivalent Fractions, Quiz: Equivalent Fractions Section 68 Least Common Multiple, Project: Make a Scale Drawing, Quiz 2: Proportions Section 69 Converting Between Decimals and Percents, Converting Between Fractions and Percents, Comparing Fractions, Fractions and Decimals, Rounding Fractions, Quiz: Fractions
Section 70 Project: Make a Scale Drawing, Data Analysis: Circle Graphs, Percent of a Number, Quiz 3: Percent Section 71 Review, Review, Test Section 72 Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers, Project: Make a Scale Drawing, Test Section 73 Introduction to Probability, Complementary Events, Sample Space, Estimating Sums and Differences , Quiz: Like Denominators Section 74 Adding Fractions, Subtracting Fractions, Project: Theoretical vs. Experimental Probability, Quiz 1: Probability Section 75 Introduction to Geometry, Measuring and Classifying Angles, Adding Mixed Numbers, Subtracting Mixed Numbers Quiz: Unlike Denominators Section 76 Project: Theoretical vs. Experimental Probability, Angle Relationships, Quiz 2: Geometry: Angles
5th & 6th Grade Content Categories
Section 77 Triangles, Multiplying Whole Numbers and Fractions, Multiplying Fractions, Multiplying Mixed Numbers, Dividing Fractions, Project: Theoretical vs. Experimental Probability, Quadrilaterals, Polygons, Congruent and Similar Figures, Quiz 3: Geometry: Polygons
Section 79 Review, Test Section 77 Collecting Data and Frequency Tables, Project: Theoretical vs. Experimental, Probability, Review, Test Section 78 Perimeter, Area of Parallelograms
Section 78 Quiz: Multiplying and Dividing, Fractions
5th & 6th Grade Content Categories
Section 1 Integers on the Number Line, Comparing and Ordering Integers, Absolute Value, Quiz 1: Integers Section 2 Adding Integers with the Same Sign, Adding Integers with Different Signs, Subsets of the Real Number System Using Variables, The Number Line, Comparing Rational Numbers, Quiz 1: Relationships Section 3 Properties of the Real Numbers, Exponents, Scientific Notation, Quiz 2: Other Forms Section 4 Square Roots, Order of Operations, Quiz 3: Simplifying Section 5 Review
Section 9 Translating Expressions and Equations, Solving One-Step Equations, Solving Two-Step Equations, Quiz 1: Equations with Real Numbers Section 10 Relations and Functions, Functions, Analyzing Graphs, Quiz 2: Functions Section 11 Addition of Integers, Subtraction of Integers, Multiplying and Dividing Integers, Evaluating Expressions, Quiz 3: Integers Section 12 Graphing, One-Step Equations, The Real Number System, Real Number Properties, The Distributive Property, Order of Operations, Exponents and the Order of Operations, Quiz 4: The Real Number System Section 13 Review, Two-Step Equations, Problem Solving, Quiz 4: Modeling with Integers
Section 6 Test Section 7 Subtracting Integers, Quiz 2: Adding and Subtracting Integers Section 8 Multiplying Integers, Dividing Integers, Using Integers, Quiz 3: Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Section 14 Review, Test Section 15 Prime Factorization and the GCF, Simplifying Fractions, The LCM and the LCD, Quiz 1: Number Theory
7th & 8th Grade Content Categories
Section 16 Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions, Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions, Adding and Subtracting Decimal Numbers, Multiplying and Dividing Fractions, Multiplying and Dividing Decimal Numbers, The Real Number System, Real Number Properties, The Distributive Property, Order of Operations, Exponents and the Order of Operations, Quiz 4: The Real Number System Section 17 Review, Two-Step Equations, Problem Solving, Quiz 4: Modeling with Integers Section 18 Review, Test Section 19 Prime Factorization and the GCF, Simplifying Fractions, The LCM and the LCD, Quiz 1: Number Theory Section 20 Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions, Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions, Adding and Subtracting Decimal Numbers, Multiplying and Dividing Fractions, Multiplying and Dividing Decimal Numbers, Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators, Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators, Reducing Fractions, Assessment/Quiz 2: Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Section 21 Comparing and Ordering Fractions, Multiplying Fractions, Dividing Fractions, Applications, More Applications, Assessment/Quiz 2: Percents Section 22 Unit Conversion within Customary Units, Unit Conversion within Metric Units, Corresponding Parts, Indirect Measure, Models and Scales Mathematics 8.0, Unit 4, PROPORTIONAL REASONING, Quiz 3: Measurement/Similar Figures Section 23 Project: Proportional Reasoning, Alternate Project: Proportional Reasoning, Assessment/Review, Assessment/Test Section 24 Rewriting Equations, Quiz 3: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Section 25 Project: Chef for a Day, Review, Test Section 26 Comparing and Ordering Decimals, Rounding and Estimating Decimals, Combine Like Terms, Solving Equations by Combining Like Terms, Distributive Property, Solving Equations with Distributive Property, Quiz 1: Solving Equations
7th & 8th Grade Content Categories
Section 27 Slope, Using Intercepts, SlopeIntercept Form, More Slope-Intercept Form, Non-Linear Functions, Quiz 2: Families of Functions Section 28 Patterns and Arithmetic Sequences, Geometric Sequences, Exponential Sequences, Recursive Sequences, Adding and Subtracting Decimals, Multiplying and Dividing Decimals, Quiz 1: Decimals and Their Operations Section 29 Terminating and Repeating Decimals, Fractions as Decimals, Using Decimals, Quiz 3: Patterns Section 30 Review, Test Section 31 Classify and Measure Angles, Perpendicular and Parallel Lines, Part 1, Perpendicular and Parallel Lines, Part 2, Circles, Quiz 1: Angle Measures and Circles
Section 34 Review, Test Section 35 Working with Variables and Expressions, Translating Word Sentences, Pythagorean Theorem, Part 2, Quiz 3: Indirect Measure Section 36 Review, Test Section 37 Perimeter and Circumference, Area of Parallelograms, Area of Triangles and Trapezoids, Area of Circles, Composite Figures, Effects of Dimensional Changes, Quiz 1: Perimeter and Area Section 38 Symmetry, Distance and Midpoint, Reflections, Quiz 2: Symmetry and Reflections Section 39 Evaluating Expressions, Using Formulas to Solve Problems, Quiz 1: Variable Expressions
Section 32 Classifying Polygons, Interior and Exterior Measures of Polygons, Classifying Triangles and the Triangle Inequality Theorem, The Quadrilateral Family, Quiz 2: Polygons
Section 40 Identifying Number Patterns, Describing Number Patterns, Identifying Functions, Translations, Tessellations, Rotations, Dilations, Quiz 3: Other Transformations
Section 33 Pythagorean Theorem, Part 1, Scientific Notation, The Metric System, Quiz 2: Applying Decimals
Section 41 Review, Test
7th & 8th Grade Content Categories
Section 42 Solid Figures, Euler's Formula, Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms, Surface Area of Triangular Prisms, Surface Area of Cylinders, Surface Area of Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres, Surface Area of Composite Figures, Identifying Function Rules, Quiz 2: Patterns and Functions Section 43 Solving Equations Using Mental Math, Solving Equations Using Addition and Subtraction, Solving Equations Using Multiplication and Division, Quiz 3: Solving Equations Section 44 Solving Two-Step Equations, Quiz 1: Surface Area Section 45 Volume of Rectangular Prisms, Volume of Triangular Prisms, Volume of Square Pyramids, Volume of Cylinders, Volume of Cones, Volume of Spheres, Changes to Volume, Volume of Composite Figures, Quiz 2: Volume Section 46 Review, Test Section 47 Collecting Data, Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion, Bar Graphs, Working with Inequalities, Solving One-Step Inequalities, Quiz 4: Equations and Inequalities
Section 48 Review, Test Section 49 Ratios, Circle Graphs, Line Graphs, Frequency and Histograms, Quiz 1: Collecting and Representing Data Section 50 Constructing Box-and-Whisker Plots, Interpreting Box-and-Whisker Plots, Scatter Plots, Misleading Graphs, Appropriate Displays, Quiz 2: More Data Displays Section 51 Review, Test Section 52 Tree Diagrams and the Counting, Principle, Permutations, Rates, Proportions, Quiz 1: Ratios, Rates, and Proportions Section 53 Converting Customary Units, Converting Metric Units, Similarity, Combinations, Mixed Review of Outcomes, Quiz 1: Outcomes Section 54 Probability and Odds, Experimental vs Theoretical Probability, Disjointed and Overlapping Events, Independent and Dependent Events, Quiz 2: Probability Section 55 Simulate a Problem, Quest: All That's Fair In, Review, Test
7th & 8th Grade Content Categories
Section 57 Review I, Review II, Exam Section 58 Scale Drawings, Quiz 2: Using Proportions Section 59 Converting Between Fractions, Decimals, and Percents, Percent of a Number, Percent of Change, Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions, Solving Percent Problems Using Equations, Quiz 3: Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Section 60 Review, Test Section 61 Theoretical Probability, Experimental Probability, Sample Space, Independent and Dependent Events, Quiz 1: Probability
Section 65 Box-and-Whisker Plots, Stem-and-Leaf Plots, Histograms, Other Graphs, Quiz 2: Organizing Data Section 66 Line Graphs, Bar Graphs, Circle Graphs, Scatter Plots, Quiz 3: Graphing Data and Making Predictions Section 67 Review, Test Section 68 Introduction to Geometry, Special Pairs of Angles, Polygons, Circles, Quiz 1: Basic Geometry Section 69 Project: Inscribed Polygons, Project: Inscribed Polygons, Triangles Quadrilaterals, Similar Polygons, Quiz 2: Classifying Polygons
Section 62 Graphing Ordered Pairs, Graphing Linear Equations, Slope, Direct Variation, Quiz 2: Functions
Section 70 Symmetry, Reflections, Project: Inscribed Polygons, Translations, Compound Transformations, Quiz 3: Transformations
Section 63 Review, Test
Section 71 Review, Test
Section 64 Collecting Data, Determining Mean, Median, and Mode, Using Mean, Median, and Mode, Using Range, Quiz 1: Describing Data
Section 72 Perimeter, Circumference, Composite Figures, Quiz 1: Perimeter
7th & 8th Grade Content Categories
Section 73 Area of Parallelograms, Area of Triangles and Trapezoids, Area of Circles, Area of Composite Figures Section 74 Dimension Changes, Quiz 2: Area Squares and Square Roots Section 75 The Pythagorean Theorem, Applying the Pythagorean Theorem, Quiz 3: The Pythagorean Theorem Section 76 Review, Test Section 77 Classifying and Identifying Solids, Nets, Surface Area and Volume, Quiz 1: Solids
Section 78 Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms, Volume of Rectangular Prisms, Surface, Area of Triangular Prism, Volume of Triangular Prisms, Quiz 2: Prisms Section 79 Surface Area of Cylinders, Volume of Cylinders, Dimension Changes, Quiz 3: Cylinders Section 80 Review, Test Section 81 Course Review 1, Course Review 2, Exam
7th & 8th Grade Content Categories