01 Features on SMEs. 02 Opinion Pieces. 03 Pictorial. 04 Open opportunities. EDITORIAL
Solomon Irungu N, Managing Editor and Communication Manager, KCIC Consulting.
CREDITS:Executive Editor: Dr. Edward Mungai Editorial Director: Ruth Ndegwa Managing Editors: Ernest Chitechi, Solomon Irungu N. Editor: Michelle Mungata Writers: Pamela Okutoyi, Stephen Kihiko, Vivan Kwame, Arnold Muthanga, Michelle Mungata, Solomon Irungu N. Layout: Moses Kimemia, Michelle Mungata, Solomon Irungu N. Photography: KCIC Consulting Other image sources: pexels.com, pixabay.com, unsplash.com
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | Editorial Piece
EDITORIAL IN 2021 THERE IS NEED FOR A GLOBAL EXPANSION OF SMES The culmination of 2020 and consequent commencement of 2021 is a reprieve to many especially those in businesses because the new year offers a new hope for the growth of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The year 2020 saw many businesses go under while those that remained afloat suffered the unprecedented impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Globally, the pandemic has not only affected how people trade but it has also resulted into major economic meltdowns. Globally, the pandemic has not only affected how people trade but it has also resulted into major economic meltdowns. This year has however started on a high note as Coronavirus cases continue to suppress in some countries while probable vaccines continue to infiltrate in
Additionally, there is need to cooperate adequately with
other states.
different firms to create networks of shared insights in production, innovation and marketing.
Does this year offer a prospect for SMEs that have been struggling to not only produce but also find markets for
There is hope for business development this year and the
their goods and services? What do SMEs need to do to tap
happenings of the past year should not at all dissuade any
into international markets?
entrepreneur from setting ambitious goals. Like the sustainability expert Dr. Edward Mungai says, it is time for
2021 will great year because most of the challenges that
SMEs to set Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs), goals that
cropped up last year will have solutions developing this
appear so big that they are scary to the entrepreneur.
year. There is need for Kenyan SMEs to specifically zero in their business strategies towards a worldwide market
If anything, markets are opening up in Europe, Asia and
outreach. It is paramount, at this very onset of the year, to
America for produce from Africa, and internet sites like
conduct statistical market surveillance with an aim to
LinkedIn have offered platforms for sourcing for these
acquiring unfamiliar markets that they have not tapped
into or even considered before. This will also be strengthened by SMEs engaging in
Happy reading!
advanced innovations for their products, items variation and collaborative ventures like what is offered by Kenya
Solomon Irungu N.,
Climate Ventures (kcv.co.ke).
Managing Editor and Communication Manager, KCIC Consulting.
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | About Live Green magazine
MAGAZINE ABOUT LIVE GREEN MAGAZINE Live Green magazine is a quarterly publication of KCIC Group (www.kcicgroup.org) which comprises Kenya Climate Innovation Center, Kenya Climate Ventures and KCIC Consulting. The publication highlights different topics across business incubation and acceleration of SMEs in the fields of agribusiness, renewable energy, water and waste management and commercial forestry; Investment management for climate-smart enterprises; And consulting for private sector development, sustainability, research, M&E and development communication. The publication also shares opportunities around these fields. In this issue of Live Green, we look at how SMEs can tap into existing international markets as well as create new markets for their products. Further, we have shared some of the opportunities that can be explored by SMEs that seek to expand their ventures especially after a tough business year of 2020. To run an advert on this publication, send an email to procurement@kenyacic.org.
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | Busia’s first private hatchery farm | By Vivian Kwame
iven the current demand for food supply especially in the fish farming sector, business partners Fredrick Mainya and Fredrick Juma were inspired to start Hydro Victoria Hatchery Farm to fulfill one of the pillars of the Big Four Agendas set by the Kenyan Government, food security. “Our farm seeks to address the challenge of poor-quality of fish fingerlings by supplying the market with fingerlings and fish bred under a conducive environment and well fed for very nutritious final products,” Fredrick Juma says during an interview.
Fredrick believes that the fish cage technology is quite
the agribusiness mainly focuses on fish cage farming
sustainable in the sense that the fish get to thrive in high
technology which is relatively new in the Kenyan market
quality water which is rich with dissolved oxygen,
compared to other East African countries and Western
maintained under the right temperature conditions and
countries across Europe.
also contains low levels of Ammonia Nitrate.
“Currently at the farm, we have 65 fish cages where we
The farm recently started the trapping of Black Soldier Fly
mainly produce tilapia and catfish with each cage having
(BSF) and use of black soldier larvae to bioprocess waste
an average of 1500 fish,” Fredrick continues.
into animal proteins. This is intended to lower feeding cost by production of larvae from BSF as an alternative protein
In order to avoid excess supply of production, the farm
feed supply from use of pig waste, chicken waste and
conducts a cycle of production to regulate the number of
dead fish as substrates for insect farming.
fish in the cages. “Aside from our cages, we also manage other fish cages for six investors who recently approached
The remains of the waste grass are used as organic
us. The cages are located both in Nairobi and Kisumu
manure in vegetable farming. About 2,000 small holder
county,” he adds.
farmers shall be contracted to produce and supply larvae from black soldier fly larvae. According to Fredrick, the
In addition to fish cage farming, the farm recently
fishing community in Kenya is on a path of growth given
expanded its 15 fish fingerlings nursing and brooding
that there is a lot of good will coming from the
ponds to 30 ponds allowing it to utilize its Tilapia
government and international donors such as the World
broodstock and improve production from 50,000
Bank and International Food and Agricultural
fingerlings to 200,000 fingerlings per month.
Development (IFAD).
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | Busia’s first private hatchery farm | By Vivian Kwame
The two donors have managed to set up two programs respectively with the aim of supporting the growth of fish farming in Kenya.
Currently at the farm, we have 65 fish cages where we mainly produce tilapia and catfish with each cage having an average of 1500 fish, said Fredrick.
They are: IFAD programme and Kenya Climate Smart
Unfortunately, both youth and women are not able to
Agriculture project sponsored by the World bank which
easily be part of the value chain due to various factors
has been running for two years now.
such as lack of funds and land, he added.
Through programs like this, more women and youth are
Ever since the farm became part of AgriBiz which is fully
able to venture into aquaculture, giving the sector a boost.
funded by both the European Union and Danida, they
“Youth and women definitely have a place in the fish value
have noticed a notable difference in their businesses in
terms of support.
For example, for the youth, aside from fish production
Under the program, they have also received training on
they can be involved in the feed formulation and supply
record keeping and business plan development.
them to other farmers,” he says. As for the women, they can be involved in the storage aspect such as refrigeration of fish, they can also take part in the filleting of fish.
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | Small-scale farmers into the global market | By Stephen Kihiko
HOW TO INTEGRATE SMALL-SCALE FARMERS INTO THE GLOBAL MARKET mall-scale agriculture is the primary source of
Notably, simultaneously raising agricultural productivity
food: it contributes immensely to the food
and strengthening small scale farmers access to the global
consumed in a majority of developing countries.
market will help mitigate the impacts of price volatility for
This high percentage therefore points at the role played by
the benefit of all. In addition, these efforts will go a long
small-scale agriculture in tackling food security
way in enhancing food security and reducing poverty.
internationally, as a source of food and as a source of livelihood for a large number of people living in poverty.
There are a number of actions that could help integrate small scale farmers into the global market including
In fact, according to UN-FAO, two thirds of the global
forming and organizing the farmers into associations.
population living in poverty today is dependent on
Governments among other stakeholders should build the
agriculture as the basis of their income.
value chain infrastructure to help the farmers access the global markets.
Despite the pivotal role played by agriculture in the world economy more so in developing countries, it is
This infrastructure may include warehousing, packaging
characterized by small production volumes of variable
and suitable transport means more so in rural areas
quality. These characteristics reflect the challenges facing
where most small scale farmers are based. Governments
these small-scale farmers including limited access to
around the world may also support small scale farmers
finance among other inputs, low levels of investment,
access global markets through policy intervention at the
limited access to improved agricultural technologies and
macro and trade level.
practices among others. Other efforts include revitalization of extension services It is agreeable that raising smallholder productivity is a
including technical services geared to good agricultural
strategic necessity. Attempts to raise productivity however,
practice and modern markets which will go a long into
will have limited success if smallholder linkages to the
helping these farmers access the global market.
global market are not strengthened simultaneously.
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | Small-scale farmers into the global market | By Stephen Kihiko
According to FAO, two-thirds of the global population living in poverty today is dependent on agriculture as the basis of their income.
To help overcome the limited access to finance, stakeholders should develop financial credit mechanisms that support farmer groups and individual farmers to improve their linkages to the global market. Further efforts that will help integrate small-scale farmers into the global market include development or rather promotion of new models of farming such as contract farming. There is a need to address critical constraints to production for example access to productive land, access to vital farm inputs as well as access to knowledge channels such as training. Integrating small scale farmers into the global market offers many benefits to farmers. Of key importance is that access to the global market will lead to improvement in farmer income. In addition, integrating farmers into global markets will help increase demand assurance therefore stabilizing their income. Even of greater impact, is the fact that small scale farmers will be in a better position to convert from subsistence to commercial farming.
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | For the Love of Herbs | By Michelle Mung’ata
FOR THE LOVE OF HERBS aura Nelima Lubisia, an entrepreneur at heart, has the
Some of the other beauty products made from the herbs
concept of value addition down to a T. The founder of
are herbal waters that she sells in small quantities to
Viakwetu (https://viakwetu.com/) finds
retailers and larger quantities to beauty companies which
innovative ways of developing new products from herbs.
they use to develop additional beauty products. She also
The engineering alumni from Jomo Kenyatta University of
manufactures skin butters and lip balms.
Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) started exploring different herbs out of interest in cooking. This interest led
Nelima has a pick and drop location in Nairobi for
her to discover the different health benefits that they
consumers interested in her products. She says, “The farm
has been highly productive this year. The harvests have been more plenty due to the steady rainfall we have
On her father’s farm in Ndalu, Bungoma County, she set
experienced in the region.” This has allowed her to land a
out to plant a variety of herbs. On the farm you will find
major deal with Quickmart supermarket, to deliver
chia seeds, flax seeds, lemon grass, lemon verbena,
200kgs of chia seeds a month.
hibiscus, rosemary, sage, peppermint, deal and stevia amongst others. She converts the herbs into dried spices,
Nelima is among the 50 entrepreneurs set to benefit from
herbal teas, sweeteners, composite flours and a variety of
the Proof of Concept funding under the AgriBiz program
beauty products. She puts an emphasis on the fact that
funded by the European Union(EU) and DANIDA and
her products are all organic and not chemically treated.
facilitated by the Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC). Viakwetu joined AgriBiz in August 2020. She credits KCIC
Her venture began in 2016 after graduation when she
with empowering her to reach her potential.
quit full time employment in 2018 to focus on her business.On her farm you will find a variety of agricultural
She hopes to expand rapidly into the global market
activities, ranging from fish farming, rabbit rearing and
because the programme has also exposed her into open
chicken farming. The essence of having all these activities
opportunities that are frequently shared in the weekly
is to generate organic manure for the soils to remain
newsletter. “The program has given me confidence in
fertile. In addition, Nelima intercrops herbs with fruit
running my enterprise through the networks I have been
plants, which she also offers as dried fruits. The avocados
exposed to and the mentorship accorded to me through
she grows on the farm are used to make organic pressed
the competent business analysts,” she concludes.
oils that are suitable for use on your skin and hair too.
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Justus M Nguu C.E.O Meru Highlands Dairy takes us round Lisha Milk plant.
Caroline Chepkemboi of EldoTea Enterprises LTD, with some of the farmers
Converting saw dust, coffee husks and maize cobs to a form of energy at Brifurn LTD.
Chief Executive Officer Agriflora solutions demonstrating the process of how they make their organic fertilizer
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | A healthy solution to owning your glow | By Vivian Kwame
DIPSEA CARE NATURALS: A HEALTHY SOLUTION TO OWNING YOUR GLOW n the quest of trying to find a healthier solution for her
Grace, however, prefers to use the products as the main
sensitive skin, Grace Kimunya, an advocate, founded
ingredients for her products given that they are also
Dipsea care naturals which deal with the production of
suitable for external use.
natural skincare and hair products. "Dipsea care naturals started as a passion and interest. I have sensitive skin and
Having been in the green space for a while now, Grace
while looking for a healthier solution, I decided to enroll
notes that what sets her products apart from the others is
for soap making classes," she says.
her packaging. "As much as a good number of people in the green space are selling natural products, they still use
Due to the growing interest from family and friends she
plastics to package their products.
saw it as an opportunity to turn it into a business venture. "During this process, I also started receiving requests from
As for Dipsea care naturals, we use reusable jars made
family and friends who were also interested in trying out
out of aluminum for packaging. For example, the lip
soaps made from natural products such as neem powder,
butter tins can, later on, be used as a jewelry container by
turmeric, baobab tree and moringa powder among other
clients," she says.
natural ingredients," she adds. Unfortunately, the green space also has its challenges. It is Aside from the soaps, Dipsea care naturals also produce
an expensive field. Sourcing both the products and the
lip butter which is made from sweet almond oil, coconut
packaging is expensive and at the same time, one needs
oil, lemongrass and shea butter and beard balms which
to price their products in a way that is not too expensive
are made from argan oil.
for the clients while maintaining the value of the products.
The beard balms, however, are still new in the market
To add to that, being a small business has its challenges
given that they were launched a month ago after she
too. Financial restraints pose the main challenge that
received multiple requests from male clients who felt left
small businesses face, for example, they need funds for
out from the clientele list. Most of her supplies are sourced
branding, marketing among others.
from Amalia Nutritive Supplies, a one-stop health shop that supplies natural products that are specifically tailored for nutritional value, mostly for consumption. LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | A healthy solution to owning your glow | By Vivian Kwame
Dipsea care naturals started as a passion and interest. I have sensitive skin and while looking for a healthier solution, I decided to enrol for soap making classes," she says.
Luckily, the market response has been good. "The market
As for future plans, Grace is looking into having branches
response was average when we started, given the fact that
all over Kenya and Africa at large. She is also looking into
I had a specific target audience in mind. Though on the
expanding her product range and introducing a grooming
good side my sales have been consistent from when we
package for her male clients, something she believes
started," says Grace.
would be a win for her and her business.
As a member of the AgriBiz program which is run by the
Her clients can access her products in Sawa Mall located
Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) and fully funded
in Nairobi. She also recently partnered with Kipusa Beauty
by the European Union (EU) and Danida, Grace notes that
as her stockist for her products which are now available in
the membership has been very beneficial to her business.
their three outlets in Westfield Mall - Gitanga road, Heri Plaza - Karen and Buffalo Mall in Naivasha.
"There has been a notable difference in my business in terms of financial management and business planning
Clients can also access our products via her Instagram
which has been the highlight of the membership. It is
page at dipsea_care.
important to have a business plan because it gives you a sense of where you want to be. The mentorship program by AgriBiz has also been very beneficial to me," she adds.
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | Integrating SMEs into Global Value Chains | By Arnold Muthanga
DIGITAL DIVIDENDS! INTEGRATING SMES INTO GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS THROUGH PRECISION AGRICULTURE. estern farming is laden with swathes of industrial-scale farms that are mostly monocultures. The 'megafarms' occupy vast farming lands and are currently beneficiaries of
and unevenly distributed. Small scale farmers in Africa as well as those in Kenya, are bound with notable setbacks that limit their active command in the global value chains. Among them is the lack of necessary production inputs,
lucrative government subsidies and intense policy
insufficient quantity, inferior food produce quality, stricter
lobbying. Ensue, in Europe and America, is the digital
cross-border regulations and changing consumer
revolution that is in full swing with Blockchain, Internet of
demands such as green consumerism. Further down the
Things, Artificial Intelligence and Immense Reality that has
agri-food production hierarchy, farmers lament expensive
facilitated extensive adoption of sophisticated agricultural
in-person information, irregular contact with field
extension officers, general lack of customized advice and the absence of real-time feedback.
Au contraire, farming in developing countries is done by small scale farmers mostly on two hectares of cropland
Emerging mobile-based applications present themselves
that are dependent on family members for labor. Overall,
as a pathway to improving smallholder farmers' access to
farming in developing countries is characteristic of a low
information, inputs, market, finance and training. Mobile
asset base with typical low access to resources; Capital,
proliferation (70% of the poorest 20% in developing
labor and technology.
countries have access to mobile phones) means that farmers can be targeted to enhance communication
As a result of the 'resource divide', developed countries'
through the acquisition of information on the market,
farm produce is likely to dominate the global value
weather, consumers and enable connecting with relevant
chains. Change to As a result of the 'resource divide',
developed countries' farm produce is likely to dominate the global value chains. We all concede that digital
By adopting mobile technologies, developing countries
technologies have boosted growth, created opportunities
have the advantage of leveraging the opportunity to
and improved service delivery across all sectors.
leapfrog from old farming practices into models that are
In aggregate, the impacts of technology among small
highly optimized, individualized, intelligent and
scale farmers in developing countries have been lagged
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | Integrating SMEs into Global Value Chains | By Arnold Muthanga
Overall, farming in developing countries is characteristic of a low asset base with typical low access to resources; capital, labor, and technology.
The underpinning hypothesis is that digitalization will incentivize smallholder farmers to structure their production, marketing and distribution activities to international standards. This is by increasing farm productivity, enhancing inclusivity, promoting cost efficiency through the decreased use of water, fertilizer and pesticides. Besides, digitalization of the agri-food sector promises environmental benefits through the optimized use of resources that are vital in enhancing climate change adaptation and food system resiliency. This is amidst dwindling access to natural resources such as the increasingly constrained availability of fresh water and productive arable land. The benefits of agricultural digitalization are ecstatic. It however would be inept to conclude that digital innovations and technologies will wholly address the challenges of small-scale farmers in developing countries. They form part of an array of solutions. Related laws, regulations, policies, international trade agreements, social norms and public goods are critical dynamics in both the production and access to international markets.
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
OPEN OPPORTUNITIES 01 Seed and early-stage grants for women's organisations and initiatives.
Spark is seeking for applications to provide seed, early-stage grants to grassroots women organisations and initiatives working to advance gender equality and the rights of women in their communities and globally. Click below for more information and to apply; https://www.advance-africa.com/Seed-and-Early-stage-Grants-for-Womens-Organizations -and-Initiatives.html. Deadline: 1st March 2021
Grofin grants and funding for small and growing businesses in africa.
Grofin is seeking for applications for its it's small and growing businesses fund. Grofin is a pioneering development financier specializing in financing small and growing businesses across Africa and the Middle east. Click below for more information and to apply; https://www.advance-africa.com/GroFin-Grants-and-Funding-for-Small-and-GrowingBusinesses-in-Africa.html. Applications are accepted all year round.
Africa digital rights fund grants.
The Collaboration Of The International Ict For East And Southern Africa (CIPESA) is inviting applications for africa digital rights fund to offer rapid and flexible response grants to select initiatives in africa to implement activities that advanced digital rights. Click below for more information and to apply; https://www.advance-africa.com/Africa-Digital-Rights-Fund-Grants.html.
Africa Women Development Fund Grants.
African Women Development Fund (AWDF) is an institutional capacity building and programme development fund, which aims at to help build a culture of learning and partnership within the african women's movement. Click below for more information and to apply; https://www.advance-africa.com/African-Women-Development-Fund.html.
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | Youth unemployment in Africa | By Pamela Okutoyi
Through their enterprise, Youth in Business Africa, a
someone like their parents, doing backbreaking labor
network of youth entrepreneurs, the two have developed
in the fields and getting little to show for it. Nonetheless,
the world’s only virtual assistant that enables agro
agriculture is the engine driving many African economies.
entrepreneurs access markets, investors and financial
If it was to get the same financial investment as the mining
sector, agriculture would provide more decent jobs and a sustainable chain of food production.
“Previously, we both owned businesses but the challenges we faced as young entrepreneurs were overwhelming. We
With this in mind, two young entrepreneurs, Grace and
sought to find a solution and that is how Market Design
Tim set out on a journey to help fellow entrepreneurs excel
was birthed,” Tim explains.
in agribusiness. LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | Youth unemployment in Africa | By Pamela Okutoyi
“Market Design is a virtual assistant that provides young
With this model, the two entrepreneurs say that investors
entrepreneurs with access to over 5,000 reliable markets
will have an easier time channeling their funds to
and finance. This is combined with a unique formula for
enterprises with feasible products which are
personal development of the entrepreneur and
high in-demand.
organizational development of the enterprise. The goal is to make young entrepreneurs investor-ready with feasible
To cement its activities to promote youth employment in
products for local and international trade,” Tim says.
agribusiness, the enterprise runs a farm, Sifa Farm, located in the semi-arid Kajiado County. The farm
The platform, launched in 2019, has onboarded more
produces and sells affordable, fresh and quality
than 5,000 youth from across Africa with more than half
vegetables, herbs and fruits to provide nutrition, health
of them being in the agribusiness space. The platform, as
and well-being of the majority of urban consumers in
Grace explains, enables buyers of African commodities
Kajiado, Machakos and Nairobi counties as well as, a
both in Africa and the rest of the world meet certified
subset of the export market consumers.
producers. The government and relevant authorities are also able to create awareness of the necessary regulatory
The farm fully employs young women and men who are
processes for trade.
passionate about agribusiness and looking to start their own businesses in that line of work.
The platform, which was launched in 2019, has on boarded more than five thousand youth from across Africa with more than half in the agribusiness space. “With limited access to financing, markets and land, young people must be empowered with continuing support and investment in order to overcome these obstacles,” Tim says. “Directly involving them in the agricultural supply chain and enabling them to develop skills and knowledge is essential and central to the approach of our enterprise.” Since January 2019, more than 3,000 farmers and young smallholders have received training through this pioneering model. Five youth forums have taken place so far across East Africa, bringing youth members together for mentorship and peer-to-peer knowledge sharing.
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | Youth unemployment in Africa | By Pamela Okutoyi
With limited access to financing, markets and land, young people mustbe empowered with continuing support and investment in order to overcome these obstacles, Tim says.
The value being provided by the model is helping consumers enjoy convenient access to fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. In addition, we are offering agri-entrepreneurs a unique platform to access reliable markets, investments and finance. By appealing to the technical strengths and economic ambitions of younger people, this platform allows them to build local agricultural knowledge, learn from older farmers and ultimately carry their legacy into the next generation. Nevertheless, by spreading the use of these digital tools, it provides opportunities to access new forms of financing and reliable markets for their products.
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | How to make millions from horticulture farming | By KCIC Consulting Team
HOW TO MAKE MILLIONS FROM HORTICULTURE FARMING ilian Ngila is an open field horticultural farmer trading
She however says the journey was not easy. Before crafting
in cabbage, tomato and onion farming which she farms
the art of farming profitably, she used to incur losses.
and sells locally with plans of expanding regionally
“Before I perfected the art of farming tomatoes, onions
through the support of Kenya Climate Innovation Center
and cabbages profitably, I used to incur great losses at the
(KCIC). She started out with a grocery store after giving up
a 10-year career in Business Management to jump full time into farming. The store however, was not doing so
I could harvest my produce and hustle through the heat of
well due to lack of enough produce specifically onions,
the day trying to get a buyer. At the end of the day, I could
tomatoes and cabbages.
return home with an empty pocket and no produce to sell the next day,” Lilian explains.
“I saw a gap, and decided to fill it,” Lilian says. “In early 2019, I started Riara Ridge Green Acres Limited, a
After observing the market trends for some time, Lilian
small-scale farming enterprise specializing in production
discovered that to reap maximum benefits, she had to
of onions, tomatoes and cabbages, on a one-acre land.
embrace best practices. “To thrive, crops first need to be
Along the way, I have been leased a twenty-five-acre piece
treated well. I made sure I got the right seedlings which
of land which I currently farm on.”
are costlier,” she says.
When she talks about the returns from her farm, you can
“I bought hybrid seedlings which offer better disease
easily get carried away as she explains how she made her
resistance, higher yield and possess other improved traits.
first million from the farm despite having worked for over
In addition, I invested in drip irrigation rather than
ten years. She has a rider though, “Farming is not for the
overhead irrigation to ensure all the crops are well
faint-hearted; Horticultural crops require timely planning
watered and water is not allowed to collect around the
and months of hard work to get quality products.”
plant as it can lead to rotting.”
When she started, her target was to produce
A total of four workers, who all are youth, tend to the
market–quality products. To achieve this, she had to do
crops weekly, to ensure they are growing under the right
everything right, from preparation of the land, to spraying
conditions. To reduce post-harvest losses, Lilian has a
and harvesting.
policy, “I sell all my produce at the farm.”
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
Kenya Climate Innovation Center | How to make millions from horticulture farming | By KCIC Consulting Team
To thrive, crops first need to be treated well. I made sure I got the right seedlings which are costlier
Lilian says she does not harvest her produce until she has a buyer, a trick that has worked for her and reduced her expenses and market losses. Once she gets a buyer, they visit the farm, negotiate the price and set a date when to harvest. “I only harvest when I have a buyer to avoid incurring extra expenses and losses. I avoid middlemen by all costs and deal directly with market vendors,” Lilian explains. Having walked the journey, Lilian has plenty of lessons for upcoming farmers: she advises farmers to stop burning their fingers and instead embrace these tips for maximum profit gains; Do not harvest until you have a buyer Farm at the minimal cost to get the best that you can Negotiate twice, do not beg Start small and be patient Although the enterprise is doing quite well, Lilian says that she has encountered financial challenges which she hopes that the partnership with KCIC will help stabilize. “I am grateful for the partnership with KCIC as it is very timely. I hope that it will boost me in setting up an irrigation scheme and a seed propagation unit that will help cut our costs and also help small farmers around here get access to quality seeds,” Lilian explains.
LIVE GREEN | Issue 15
A publication of KCIC GROUP Strathmore University Business School, 3rd Floor, Ole Sangale Rd, Madaraka. P.O Box 49162 - 00200, Nairobi, Kenya. Office Line Number:- +254703034701. Website:- www.kcicgroup.org.