Report Media and Communication Training - Burao, Somali-land

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REPORT Of Media and Communication Capacity Building Training for the International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) Partners Staff and Management in Somaliland.

Dates: 28th September to 3rd October 2013 Venue: Burao, Somali-land

tABLE Contents E xecutive Summary




Attending Organizations


Activities Carried out:






Day 1 Activities – 28th September 2013


Day 2 Activities – 29th September 2013


Day 3 Activities - 30th September 2013


Day 4 Activities - 1 October 2013


Day 5 Activities - 2 October 2013


Day 6 Activities – 3 October 2013


Achie vements


Conclusion and Recommendation:




List of Participants:


Handouts and Presentation:




REPORT: Media and Communication Capacity Building Training for the International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) Partners Staff and Management In Somaliland. Compiled by Jotham K. Ngotho © 2013

1. Executive Summary I. Objectives From the Terms of Reference and meetings held between the consultant and the client it became clear that training should cater for the media and communication needs of the participating organizations where their region of operation should be factored in significantly. The aim as indicated in TOR is to capacitate the staff and the management of the International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) partners with the skills and knowledge of media and the means to use its different channels under the different circumstances. Skills and knowledge was translated as the document that was adopted titled WORKSHOP PLAN AND SCHEDULE – MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION and it was agreed this document was to be finalized on the day before and on the first day of the actual training.

The key objectives that the workshop aimed to achieve are outlined below: A) Present different existing media tools relevant to the country context of Somaliland (including the uses, benefits and limitations of each tool) B) Increase overall understanding of the importance of communications within development work C) Facilitate the drafting of a comprehensive communication strategy for each ISF funded project in Somaliland. D) Facilitate the workshop itself and deliver the training modules/handouts ensuring that it is conducted in an interactive and participatory style which stimulates the sharing of experiences, feedbacks, challenges, hand-on production assignments submitted by participants; 1

II. Attending Organizations Participants attending the training workshop included staff from the following organizations; 1. The International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) 2. Candlelight for Health, Education & Environment (CLHE) 3. The Agricultural Development Organization (ADO) 4. Somaliland Youth Development Organization (SOYDAVO)

Overview of Organizations attending the Media and Communication Capacity Training 1. The International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) is a Finnish Non-Governmental Organization, (NGO), which has been operating in Somaliland since 2001. ISF is specialized in the development co-operation and solidarity work. ISF believes that the most appropriate approach to empower communities in the developing countries is to promote capacity-building and support local peoples´ own initiatives. Country Coordinator Airi Kähärä from ISF worked hand in hand with the consultant to deliver in accordance to the Terms Of Reference of the consultancy. 2. The Agricultural Development Organization (ADO) is a local non-governmental organization engaged in the development of the communities in Somaliland with particular focus on pastoral and agro-pastoral sectors. For the past two decades, ADO has carved a niche for itself as a professional development agency and made remarkable strides in advancing agriculture and livelihoods of the targeted communities. 2

REPORT: Media and Communication Capacity Building Training for the International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) Partners Staff and Management In Somaliland. Compiled by Jotham K. Ngotho © 2013

3. Candlelight for Health, Education and Environment (CLHE) was founded in 1995 as a non-profit making organization, dedicated to development issues in under-served and/or marginalized Somaliland communities. Since 1995 till this day, Candlelight has grown from a modest beginning of working in one office room donated by another local NGO, and a staff composed of one Director, supported by five volunteer social workers, with highly limited coverage, to far-fledged organization with interventions in all over Somaliland regions and four sectorial departments viz. education, health, environment and income generation. 4. Somaliland Youth Development Organization (SOYDAVO) is a local nongovernmental, non-profit making organization based in Somaliland, Burao have satellite offices in Sool and Sanaag Regions. SOYDAVO aims at strengthening peace and alleviating poverty amongst the rural poor through the use and local resources, therefore aims promoting communities, civil society and community based organizations efforts. SOYDAVO envisages realizing democratic changes in the country towards promoting interdependence, Mutual respect, Cooperation, Transparent accountability with full recognition of equal human rights and equity in participation of power and survival. Based on the wide-range limitations of Somaliland, SOYDAVO involves multi-sector activities ranging, Economic development, Child Rights, Peace building and reconciliation, Democracy, Human Rights, Psycho social Recovering.


2. Activities C arried out I. Rationale From a meeting held in Nairobi, the overall understanding was that ISF partners needed skills and knowledge that could be utilized to engage with the media fraternity so as articulate their work, as such, meet their organizational objectives more competently. Thus, was the need for the training programme with a basic undertaking of developing a comprehensive communication strategy document as part of the capacity building training.

A draft workshop plan and programme was designed by the consultant and approved by the stake holders as a working document that would be finalized during the first day of the workshop as per the meeting held on the 27th September. Attending this meeting that took place in Burao was Airi Kähärä from ISF, Khalid Sahid from ADO and Said Aid from CLHE: in this meeting it was agreed that the first day of the workshop would be used to gage the overall understanding of the participants towards communication and media so as to articulate the workshop plan and programme further to meet the media and communication needs.

The meeting also approved each day ’s schedule, which adopted this format below: 8:00 am - 10: 00 am - morning session 10:00 am - 10:20 am - Break 10:20 am - 12:15 pm - mid-morning sessions 12:15 am – 1:15 pm - Lunch 1:15 pm – 3:30 pm - Afternoon sessions 3:30 pm - Conclude the day ’s workshop


REPORT: Media and Communication Capacity Building Training for the International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) Partners Staff and Management In Somaliland. Compiled by Jotham K. Ngotho © 2013


Day 1 Activities – 28th September 2013

The Day ’s aim and objective, was to gauge overall understanding of communication and media from participants and incorporate additional topics to the training programme. As such, the day ’s activities begun with introductions, the consultant gave an introduction to himself in relations to the subject matter; Media and Communication; Experience and expertise. Abdikari Mahmed from Candlelight for Health, Education and Environment gave an introductory presentation of Candlelight for Health, Education and Environment highlighting the aims and vision of the organisation, a summary of two projects that Candle Light were currently working on with SLF this included Food Security Programme and Stop FGM projects. Additionally Candlelight for Health, Education and Environment also presented their media plan for the organization that was insightful in understanding that senior project coordinators were vast in articulating their engagement with the media. In course of the workshop we got to strengthen the documents. Khalid from ADO gave an introductory presentation of ADO highlighting the organisation’s aims and vision as well touched on the Food Security programme ADO has been handling. The presentations played a vital role in pacing the workshop and allowing participants to relate media and the works they carry out on a daily basis as the main focus for the remainder of the workshop.


The consultant presented the main objectives of the training workshop as per the terms Of Reference and agreed format, whilst participants requested for creative media skills and it was agreed that a practical would be designed to facilitate this, though it was made clear that aim of this training was focusing more on developing a communication strategies and plans for the organisations and running programmes from the organisations.

Discussions and handouts looked at: • Notes and a discussion that describes and explores basic media and communication terminologies was handed out and explained. This looked at definitions and explanations of different types communications. • A discussion on the Importance of the Media to the Work of NGOs, sighting examples from the projects and programmes running in the organisations. • A hand-out that was a clearly had the Components of a Communications Strategy and a discussion followed that looked at the first two components in depth. • Discussion on formal and informal communication channels • An interactive session that begun looking at a Communication Audit where participants listed Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats for Food Security Programme – ADO and FGM programme for CLHE • Assignment for the day, each participant was to give a definition of programme or project objectives that they were currently working on or as part of.


REPORT: Media and Communication Capacity Building Training for the International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) Partners Staff and Management In Somaliland. Compiled by Jotham K. Ngotho © 2013


Day 2 Activities – 29th September 2013

Main aim and objective of this day was to give a sound understanding of the different media tools and communication channels, their advantages and limitations in different situations and examples of communication objectives.

Discussions and Handouts looked at: • Completed communication Audit from DAY 1 adding recommendations to each of the projects an organizations, using the SWOT Analysis tools on ADO and CLHE organisations and FGM and Food Security projects. • Discussion and hand-out with examples on how to define project goals and objectives, as well as communication objectives while siting different methods used by organisations. • Group work was to define communication objectives for these projects/ programmes and organisations • Discussions and hand-outs on media types and media tools, communication channels in relations to advantages and limitations within Somaliland was audience and situations, and organizations and projects. Understanding the difference between physical and electronic media and where appropriate to utilize any of the channels. • Participants listed advantages and limitation of communication channels and media tools in Somali land • Assignment was to continue developing the communication objectives for projects and organisations in relation to most effective media tools and communications channels within Somali land that are in per with project goals.



Day 3 Activities - 30th September 2013

Main aim and objective was to develop specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART) communication objectives for the projects and organisations, a sound understanding of indicators that can be used for the communications objectives and a clear understanding of audiences for the specific programmes and organisations As such, the workshop also provided the need to understand a communication plan thus, the groups were split into 6 groups; these were work groups that begun developing communication plans for the three organisations CLHE, ADO and SOYDAVO and the other three groups begun developing communication strategies for the ongoing projects and programmes; namely CLHE – Food Security and Health Education for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and ADO – Food Security.

Discussions and Handouts looked at • A participatory session that was analyzing and developing communication objectives for the projects/progammes and organisations. Finalisations of indicators for the set of communication objectives for the organisations and projects. Group presentations and discussions on different audiences linked to communication channels and media tools that were discussed on the previous day. • A presentation and discussion on the basic understanding of the components of a communication plan. • Group work focused on developing the communications plan and strategies as per assigned group. • Group presentations on the development of communication objectives. • Presentation and discussion on audiences and related needs. • Presentation and Discussion on objective indicators. • Group work was based on developing objectives indicators as per group as well as the communication plans and communication strategies.


REPORT: Media and Communication Capacity Building Training for the International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) Partners Staff and Management In Somaliland. Compiled by Jotham K. Ngotho © 2013


Day 4 Activities - 1 October 2013

Main objective of the day was to have a comprehensibly understand and track the developments of the three communication plans and the communication strategies , a sound understanding of internal and external audiences as per assignments of the groups. Discussions and handouts • Presentations and discussions by the groups on communication objectives and indicators. • Presentation and discussion on how to better engage Internal and External Audiences through existing Communications channels and media tools whilst meeting their specific needs. • Group work consisted of developing the communications plans and strategy documents while incorporating audiences and communication mix as significant elements.


Day 5 Activities - 2 October 2013

Main aim and objective of the day was based on the role of public and/or media relations, understanding media as an integral audience, the dynamics developing a media plan, and press release with photography. Discussion and Handouts -

Presentation on the basics of Public relations and media relations to for

NGOs and projects and programmes. This session was involved looking at cases how public relations is used by other organizations, -

Advantages and limitations of public relations,


Answering - What is media advocacy?,


Understanding the media practitionors their roles and responsibilities


How to build relationships with those in media for NGOs


Answering and explanations on: What is a media plan?,


Practical on writing a press release.


Basic photography for that accompany a press release 9

VII. Day 6 Activities – 3 October 2013

Main aim of the day was to evaluate participants, summarize the training workshop and come up with a follow up plan and strategy, understanding difference between communication plan, communication strategy and media plan.

Discussion and Handouts • Group presentations and discussions on their press releases from each project • Presented and discussed photos taken the previous day, looking at composition and other photography technics. • One on one session with all participants and evaluation. • Presentation by all groups on the level of understanding of the entire training.

3. Achievements Given that a sound understanding of communication objectives and indicators can be easily narrated by participants of this workshop, additionally below are quotes from the workshop participants:

Candlelight understand in media A) Hassan Abdilahi Farah: Media means transmitting information from one place to another. My favorite media is TVs B) Hassan Ali Deria: Media is means of communicating information to target 10

REPORT: Media and Communication Capacity Building Training for the International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) Partners Staff and Management In Somaliland. Compiled by Jotham K. Ngotho © 2013

audiences and general public and my favorite media is websites C) Mohamoud Sa’ed Adad: Media is the means information to the audiences using different channels of communication. D) Abdikani Saleban Mohamed: Media the means of transmitting information. I prefer the web-based media and journals E) Abdikarim Ibrahim Ahmed:

Media is any channel of communication that

transmits information from one point to another.

Media helps us to

disseminate all kinds of messages like text, video or audio to the audiences. Good examples media are brochures, pamphlets,

sign boards and Social

media ( twitter and face book) F) Mustafe Mohamoud Ali : Media is the channels used to communicate information . My read the websites G) Mustafa Ahmed: Media is publications and broadcasting of audio and visual messages to inform the public what you are doing or aware them. Electronic media is best example. H) Nafisa Mohamoud Shirwac : Media is how we inform the community


stakeholders. Televisions and radios are good examples I) Muna Osman Farah : Media is communication mechanism and I like to read Journals J) Ikran Yusuf : Media is communication tool and I watch Televisions. K) Hodan Abdi Ali: examples of media are websites, journals, magazines and radios. L) Sahra Mohamed Ali : media is information dissemination channels like television, magazines, radio and websites.


ADO media training participants quotes 1. Musa; Media is a two way information sharing process whereby the message is sent through media channels from the sender to the receiver (audience) 2. Rahma; Media is a transmission process that enables people to send the messages and information , also for opinion change 3. Yurub; Media means taking information from the community to public 4. Mohamed; Media broadcasting process whereby information is transmitted from the sender to the receiver 5. Khalid; a process whereby the message is sent through a communication channel that lets information sharing.

SOYDAVO Staff understanding of Media 1. Ahmed Abdi Ali Media is a place where information are always placed in and been seen and/ or heard from. He likes internet 2. Shab’anJama Farah Media is a communication channel and it ’s very important for communication and for being aware of what is happening in our surroundings. She like Internet. 3. Abdiresak Mahmoud Abdi In his understanding about media is where public can share information about the community for the community. 4. Muna Mohamed Hussein Media is the main means for communication or the tool that communication messages are going through, like radio, TV, internet. She likes TV, radio and then Internet


REPORT: Media and Communication Capacity Building Training for the International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) Partners Staff and Management In Somaliland. Compiled by Jotham K. Ngotho Š 2013

Based on the duties and responsibilities of the Consultant the following were part of our achievements: • Participants have a clear understanding of the existing media tools that are relevant to the country context of Somaliland (including the uses, benefits and limitations of each tool) • Participants are equipped with knowledge and handouts that elucidate on the role of communication within their work. • Throughout the workshop four documents conceived and participants begun to develop them, namely: Communication Plans for Candlelight for Health, Education and Environment (CLHE), Candlelight, The Agricultural Development Organization







(SOYDAVO) and Communication Strategy for Food Security and Education on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Projects run by Candlelight for Health, Education and Environment (CLHE), as well as Food Security Project for The Agricultural Development Organization (ADO)


4. Conclusion and Recommendation: Given that this was the first workshop on media and communication, the information, knowledge and skills transferred was quite intensive within the scope of subject matter and duration of the workshop, thus I would like to recommend for two follow up workshops spaced after three to four months that revisit the development of the communication plans and strategies to address the challenges and complications arising on implementation of these documents and systems. Participating organizations on looking at their ongoing projects should develop a Media Strategy and plan that focuses on social media especially the most popular ones in Somali land i.e. Facebook, twitter and google+, however this should not tie down resources rather it should adopt corrective and responsive solutions, this can be overseen by senior management so as to site the growth of the organizations outreach in relation to social media that is the fastest growing communication channel and media tool. The consultant and participants ought to work hand in hand in finalizing the Communication plans and Communication strategies and as it ’s a vital tool in meeting the objectives and achieving the goals from an organizational and project perspective. Participants should be awarded a Certificate of attendance for the Training Workshop that indicates the areas covered, this will be a great motivational tool as well as an empowering tool for the continuation of their careers.


REPORT: Media and Communication Capacity Building Training for the International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) Partners Staff and Management In Somaliland. Compiled by Jotham K. Ngotho Š 2013

5. Appendices Serial number


TITLE CLHE Media training participants


Mustafe Ahmed

Communication officer from Hargeisa


A/qani Suleiman Mohamed

Project manager from Hargeisa


Hassan A/lahi Farah

Togdheer RR


Hassan Ali Derie

Sanaag RR from Erigavo


A/karim Ibrahim



Mohamoud Adaad

Project Manager


Nafiisa Mohamoud

FGM/C coordinator from Hargeisa


Mustafe Mohamoud workers


Muna Osman workers from Erigavo


Ikran Mohamed

Social worker


Sahra Ali

Media officer ADO Media Training participants


Rahma Aided

Gender officer


Khalid Sahid Dirir

Project Manager


Mohamed Abdi

Project officer


Muse Yusuf Rabi

Project officer


Yurub Ismail Jama

Media officer Soydavo


Abdirezak Mohamoud Abdi

Executive Director


Muna Mohamed

Project Officer


Ahmed Abdi

Social worker


Shabcaan Jama

Social worker


Mr Kiiru Ngotho


Airi K채h채r채 CLHE and ADO and Soydavo and ISF updated 21092013


II. Handouts and Presentation: » » Workshop plan and Schedule – Media and Communication - 27/9/2013 » » NOTES on basic Media Terms - 27/9/2013 » » NOTES Guideline Communication Strategy Template - 27/9/2013 » » NOTES Advantages and Limitations of Media Tools and Comm Channels » » NOTES Types of Communication Medium– 28/9/2013 » » NOTES Developing Communication objectives – 28/9/2013 » » NOTES Developing a Plan for Communication – 29/9/2013 » » NOTES Conceptual understanding of media and media – 29/9/2013 » » NOTES Audiences -29/9/2013 » » EXAMPLE Communications strategy woman – 29/9/2013 » » EXAMPLE on communication strategy » » NOTES Audiences » » NOTES Monitoring and Evaluating communication activities » » NOTES developing media contact list » » NOTES on evaluation » » NOTES Public Relations » » NOTES on Social Media » » NOTES Media Plan for earned media » » NOTES on Media Plan - main » » Presentation on Media Relations » » Press Release Format » » Source Book - Developing Communication.


REPORT: Media and Communication Capacity Building Training for the International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) Partners Staff and Management In Somaliland. Compiled by Jotham K. Ngotho © 2013

III. Acknowledgements: I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to Airi Kahara for her exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this project.

I cannot express enough thanks to the corresponding team for their continued support and commitment in seeing this project through: Ahmed Awale, Abdikari Mahmed and Nafisa Mohamoud Shriwa

The completion of this project could not have been accomplished without the support of Nakia Matthias and Samuel Macharia for their assistance in research and design work. I offer my sincere appreciation for the learning opportunities provided by all the participants and members of Burao community.

Lastly, I thank the Almighty, my children, parents, brothers, sisters and friends for their constant encouragement without which this


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