Wajir county e

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KENYA TRANSITION INITIATIVE SUPPORTING INNOVATIVE DEVOLUTION ACTIVITIES The Kenya Transition Initiative provides fast, flexible and uniquely targeted assistance to Kenyan state and non-state actors conducting innovative devolution activities. The Initiative works through its office in Mombasa to provide support to local organizations, predominantly through grants. DEMOCRACY, RIGHTS, AND GOVERNANCE In August 2010, more than 12 million Kenyans voted in a referendum which adopted a new Constitution mandating sweeping changes. Again,

in March 2013, more than 12 million Kenyans voted for a new, representative government that includes county governors, county assemblies, National Assembly members including women’s representatives, a Senate, as well as a new President. USAID will continue supporting these millions of Kenyans to achieve the envisioned reforms, gender equity, and the devolution of authority and budgetary resources to new county level governments. Americans share Kenyans’ belief that participatory governance will address the historical injustices that fueled past violence and will enable accelerated and inclusive economic development for all Kenyans.

POPULATION AND HEALTH USAID invests in population and health programs that improve the survival, well-being and productivity of the Kenyan population – especially for poor, marginalized, and underserved communities. USAID partners with the Government of Kenya at the national and county levels to reduce the burden of major infectious diseases such as HIV/ AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, address the main causes of childhood disease and maternal mortality, and meet family planning needs. This includes crosscutting work to strengthen health care systems and capacity, supporting national government to formulate key policies and guidelines, and assisting counties to better plan, manage, and finance quality health services to meet local needs.

Wajir youth age 18 - 35 have joined a growing network of more than one million Kenyan youth across the country who are actively engaged in developing their communities and working together to improve livelihoods. USAID’s partner Education Development Center is supporting Wajir youth to organize village-level bunges, elect county leaders, and send representatives to the National Youth Bunge Association. 2


AGRICULTURE AND BUSINESS The U.S. President’s Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative, known as Feed the Future, can help counties increase rural incomes, enhance food security, and improve nutritional status of rural families. Activities focus on increasing the competitiveness of key values chains, including wholesale market operations, agriculture input services, and linking smallholder farmers to domestic and export markets. USAID works with the private sector in agriculture processing, banking, clean energy, and export promotion through many firms. Expanding private sector opportunities and stimulating investment with county government incentives and outreach is within the mandate of the USAID Financial Inclusion in Rural Microenterprises program. USAID can support county government to develop an investment promotion plan. EDUCATION USAID’s Education for Marginalized Children of Kenya Initiative is a partnership with the Ministry of Education and Aga Khan Foundation. It increases opportunities for quality education for primary school children historically marginalized by cultural practices and poverty. The program works in close partnership with community based organizations in each county where the program operates to encourage effective learning, especially improved reading skills, through parental participation, promotion of local initiatives and improved teaching and education management. YOUTH USAID’s program has empowered close to 1,000,000 Kenyan youth to lead their own development, build their communities, expand their economic opportunities, and become responsible members of society. USAID supports programs that provide youth with access to financial services, leadership training, health services, conflict mitigation strategies, and workforce programs. USAID supports innovative private sector-led scholarship and mentorship programs for orphans and vulnerable children that empower the next generation.

NATIONAL AND POLICY PROGRAMS Underpinning the front line programs that USAID supports at the county level are dozens of national level and policy programs that support health systems strengthening, education, legislative and regulatory work, civil society strengthening and the procurement of health commodities such as antiretroviral drugs and mosquito nets.

PARTNERING WITH USAID USAID partners with non-governmental organizations, private sector enterprises, and government entities that successfully respond to competitive solicitations. USAID posts solicitations on two public websites: www.fbo.gov and www.grants.gov. Search for Kenya to find the relevant solicitations. In the early years of devolution, USAID assistance to counties will be delivered through USAID partners. Some of these partners, listed on the back page, already have offices or field staff working in Wajir County. Others may work out of Nairobi, but are able to offer technical assistance in Wajir County. To learn if a USAID partner can help you address a specific challenge or take advantage of a specific opportunity, start by talking to USAID. Here is contact information for the USAID staff with whom you can speak: Strengthening working relations with national bodies such as the Parliament, Transition Authority, National Cohesion and Integration Commission

John Smith-Sreen Jsmith-sreen@usaid.gov 020 862 2853

Capacity building for county preparedness

John Langlois Jlanglois@usaid.gov 020 862 2105

Conflict, M\and Reconciliation

Sam Kona skona@usaid.gov 020 862 2482

Building effective working relations with county civil society organizations. Improving public outreach and citizen engagement

Monica Azimi mazimi@usaid.gov 020-862-2005

Promoting gender equity and women’s empowerment

Betty Mugo Bmugo@usaid.gov 020 862 2394

Strengthening Health Systems at the County Level

Maria Francisco MFrancisco@usaid.gov 020 862 2360

Prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS

Rene Berger Rberger@usaid.gov 020 862 2258

Improving maternal health and child health services

Sheila Macharia Smacharia@usaid.gov 020 862 2234

Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of malaria

Kaendi Munguti kmunguti@usaid.gov 020 862 2292

Youth empowerment, youth livelihoods, youth access to finance

Winifred Adhiambo wadhiambo@usaid.gov 020 862 2016

Scholarships and leadership training for orphans and vulnerable children

Lucy Kithome lkithome@usaid.gov 020 862 2249

Increasing access to education for marginalized children

T. Wambui Gathenya tgathenya@usaid.gov 020 862 2268

Improving reading outcomes in the early grades

Chris Pagen Cpagen@usaid.gov 020 862 2755

Feed the Future

Millie Gadbois mgadbois@usaid.gov 020 862 2023

Expanding private sector opportunities and stimulating investment with county government incentives

Benson Kimithi bkimithi@usaid.gov 020 862 2243

Wholesale market operations, agriculture input services, and linking small holder farmers to domestic and export markets

Harrigan Mukhongo Hmukhongo@usaid.gov 020 862 2245

Protecting wildlife and natural resources; strengthening working relations with Kenya Wildlife Service

Enock Kanyanya Ekanyanya@usaid.gov 0714 606 526

Resilience and disaster management

Isaac Thendiu Ithendiu@usaid.gov 020 862 2255




In Wajir, 5,958 pregnant women received services to prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to child – an important step towards achieving an AIDS-free generation in Wajir

USAID’s Capacity Kenya Project has trained 27 health workers in Wajir

USAID supports 4,720 Wajir children orphaned, or left vulnerable, by HIV/AIDS

USAID supports 22 Wajir youth through Equity Bank’s Wings to Fly Scholarship Program

In Wajir County, the U.S. Government supports 175 people on antiretroviral therapy, improves drug supply chains, and increases access to HIV/AIDS counseling and testing

USAID and Aga Khan Foundation have partnered to support 38 primary schools in Wajir through the Education for Marginalized Children in Kenya activity


Prepared by: USAID/KENYA GIS Facility Nairobi, May 2013

The boundaries and names used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the U.S. Government


USAID-SUPPORTED PROGRAMS ACTIVE IN WAJIR COUNTY POPULATION AND HEALTH PROGRAM APHIAplus Imarisha (Northern Arid Lands) Dr. Kennedy Manyonyi, Chief of Party Tel: 0723 727625 Email: kennedy.manyonyi@amref.org Ruth Tiampati, USAID Tel: 020 862 2226 Email: rtiampati@usaid.gov

Leadership, Management, and Sustainability Karen Caldwell, Chief of Party Tel: 0703503359 Email: kcaldwell@msh.org Peter Waithaka, USAID Tel: 020 862 2330 Email: pwaithaka@usaid.gov

Funzo Kenya Dr. James Mwanzia, Chief of Party Tel: 0713 817 938 Email: jmwanzia@intrahealth.org Peter Waithaka, USAID Tel: 020 862 2330 Email: pwaithaka@usaid.gov

Nutrition & HIV Program Dr. David Mwaniki, Chief of Party Tel: 020 1462 0402 Email: dmwaniki@fhi360.org Rolf Campbell Insta Products (EPZ) Limited Tel: 045 22961/2 Email: rolf.campbell@yahoo.com Ruth Tiampati, USAID Tel: 020 862 2226 Email: rtiampati@usaid.gov

Health Commodities and Services Management Dr. John Chimumbwa, Chief of Party Tel: 020 271 4839 Email: jchimumbwa@msh.org Alice Micheni, USAID Tel: 020 862 2231 Email: amicheni@usaid.gov

Kenya Pharma Steve Hawkins, Chief of Party Tel: +1 (202) 955-3300 Email: shawkins@chemonics.com James Batuka, USAID Tel: 020 862 2420 Email: jbatuka@usaid.gov


Partnership for an HIV-Free Generation Rosemarie Muganda-Onyando, Chief of Party Tel: 020 387 7177 Email: RMuganda@path.org Rene Berger, USAID Tel: 020 862 2258 Email: Rberger@usaid.gov

DEMOCRACY, RIGHTS, AND GOVERNANCE PROGRAM Peace Initiative Kenya Jebiwot Sumbeiywo, Director Tel: 020-862-2394 Email: Jebiwot.Sumbeiywo@rescue.org Betty Mugo, USAID Tel: 020-862- 2394 Email: bmugo@usaid.gov

Kenya Political Processes Strengthening Program John Tomaszewski, Chief of Party Tel: 0727 588 050 Email: jtomaszewski@iri.org Zephaniah Aura, USAID Tel: 020 862 2000 Email: zaura@usaid.gov

Uraia Civic Education Grace Maingi, Chief of Party Tel: 020 213 5561 E-mail: gmaingi@uraia.or.ke Zephaniah Aura, USAID Tel: 020 862 2000 Email: zaura@usaid.gov

Shujaaz.FM Multimedia Youth Communications Initiative Rob Burnet, Director Tel: 0726 -052-372 Email: rob.burnet@wts.co.ke Monica Azimi, USAID Tel: 0724-256-758 Email: mmcqueary@usaid.gov

Kenya Civil Society Strengthening Program Kassie Mcilvaine, Chief of Party Tel: 0721 392 222 Email: kmcilvaine@pactworld.org Monica Azimi, USAID Tel: 020-862-2005 Email: mazimi@usaid.gov


EDUCATION AND YOUTH PROGRAM Yes Youth Can North Eastern Province Amina Issa, Chief of Party Tel: 021 717890 Email: AIssa@edc.org Dr. Lucy Kithome, USAID Tel: 020 862 2249 Email: lkithome@usaid.gov

Education for Marginalized Children in Kenya Alex Alubisia, Chief of Party Tel: 020 232 3233 Email: alex.alubisia@akf-emack.org Dr. T. Wambui Gathenya, USAID Tel: 020 862 2268 Email: tgathenya@usaid.gov

Wings to Fly Scholarship Program Ms. Ivy Mwai Tel: 0711 026 000 Email: ivy.mwai@equitygroupfoundation.com Dr. Lucy Kithome, USAID Tel: 020 862 2249 Email: lkithome@usaid.gov

Global Give Back Circle

FEED THE FUTURE PROGRAM Resilience and Economic Growth in Arid Lands - Improving Resilience Robert Groelsema, Chief of Party African Development Solutions (Adeso) Tel: 0729 473908 Email: rgroelsema@adesoafrica.org Amber Lily Kenny, USAID Tel: 0708 284 227 Email: akenny@usaid.gov

Kenya Arid Lands Disaster Risk Reduction WASH Program Doris Kaberia, Chief of Party Tel: 020 272 6047 Email: doriskaberia@fh.org Martin Mulongo, USAID Tel: 020 862 2000 Email: mmulongo@usaid.gov

Financial Inclusion for Rural Microenterprises Mark Rostal, Chief of Party Tel: 0707 918 665 Email: mark_rostal@dai.com Benson Kimithi Tel: 020 862 2243 Email: bkimithi@usaid.gov

Catherine Kiganjo, Chief of Party Tel: 0722 168 480 Email: catherine.kiganjo@kcdf.or.ke Dr. Lucy Kithome, USAID Tel: 020 862 2249 Email: lkithome@usaid.gov



U.S. Agency for International Development PO Box 629, Village Market 00621 Nairobi, Kenya Telephone +254 20 862 2000 Fax +254 20 862 2680/ 2682 http://kenya.usaid.gov

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