Fashion Journal

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Fashion Journal MacKenzie Brown Fashion Business

Table of Contents Page 3-4…………………….………………………….Entry #1 Page 5-8…………………….………………………….Entry #2 Page 9-11………….……….………………………….Entry #3 Page 12-13…………………………………………….Entry #4 Page 14…………………….…………………….Entry #5 & #6 Page 15-16…………………….…………………...….Entry #9 Page 17…………………….…………………………Entry #10 Page 18…………………….…………………………Entry #11 Page 19…………………….…………………………Entry #12 Page 20-21…………………….…………………..…Entry #13 Page 22-23…………………….…………………..…Entry #14


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Entry #1:

Women’s Wear Daily— April 3, 2012

Marc Jacobs is partnering up with Sephora to conquer another facet of the fashion world; color cosmetics. Jacobs claims“Anything to me that is part of the joy, the ritual, of getting dressed — things that women enjoy like bags, shoes, fragrance, clothes, makeup — that’s what fashion’s about for me,” expressing his thrill to enter into the world of makeup. The makeup line is in the early in the process, but meetings are in progress. A launch date is yet to be decided, but many will be waiting anxiously and excitedly.



Entry #2:

Wall Street Journal— March 30, 2012


There have been countless major revolutions throughout the course of history, two examples being the Industrial Revolution and the American Revolution. Most, if not all, revolutions are debated, disapproved of, disliked, etc. Would we better today without certain revolutions or aspects of them? I guess we’ll never truly know at this point because there is no going back. A largely controversial revolution is the Sexual Revolution, including the topic of birth control. As a female who uses birth control I openly admit that I approve the use of

Nam vestibulum dolor quis libero.

the pill. However, I am aware that not everyone shares my viewpoint, whether it be for religious regions or others. Of course everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. I share a similar opinion to the author of the Wall Street Journal article “Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good for Women? Yes”, Ann Patchett. Patchett claims that if one does not approve of the use of contraception, then simply do not use it and view that action as an act of protest. Many women and couples use it due to the choice that they have made to not have a child at a certain time or have a child at all. Birth control created a sense of sexual freedom for women, whether it is viewed as positive or negative. I believe women deserve the right to choose to use contraception and what exactly they use it for. 5

(Article Continued on Next Page.




Entry #3: Vogue—

April 06, 2012 Lingerie is not just for the bedroom any longer. Cropped tops, bustiers, shortshorts and many other little “undie-type” apparel is now a part of pretty, chic daytime wardrobes. Being paired with simple staples as layering pieces make them appropriate for every day and even the office. Feminine, lacy, sheer fabrics have been majorly featured on this season’s runways making layering even easier. The biggest requirement to make these pretty little pieces work is confidence. A woman with confidence can pull off midriff bearing bustiers and silky embellishments in their everyday wardrobe. Personally, this is a spring trend that I am excited for and can’t wait to play



Entry #4: This Spring 2012 Women’s Apparel is full of a fun range of colors and shades as well as big, bold prints. Colors range from bright, popping colors to soft pastels to lovely neutrals. The color report for this season included the following pantones: Tangerine Tango—Pantone 17-1463, Solar Power—Pantone 13-0759, Cabaret—Pantone 18-2140, Sodalite Blue—Pantone 19-3953, Bellflower—Pantone 18-3628, Sweet Lilac— Pantone 14-2808, Margarita—Pantone 14-0116, Driftwood—Pantone 18-1210, Starfish—Pantone 16-1120, Cockatoo—Pantone 14-5420. The most prominent and exciting color for this spring is reported to be tangerine. Of course quite a bit of fun color blocking with these colors will be seen, however sporty stripes have been thrown into the color blocking looks for a new twist. Far from the color blocking, loud, super bold prints styled from head to toe seen this season will be. Majorly seen among these prints are vibrant florals. Silhouettes will mainly embody a girly, flirty feel.



Entry #5: Walking through Target, I observed both soft and hard line merchandise. Many trends dominated the store. I noticed major trend crossovers between the women’s apparel, kid’s apparel and home décor sections of the store. Pastel colors including lilac, pink, blue and green in softer hues were seen throughout the three sections as well as vibrant floral patterns and bright, bold prints. Neutral colors with earthy undertones were a common palette used throughout the store for multiple different products. Ruffles were a common texture among different products such as sweaters, dresses, pillows, etc. And stripes/color blocking was found to be the prominent trends as well.

Entry #6: According to WGSN’s S/S 12 colour reports a common theme and inspiration within colour palettes for kids’ wear, women’s wear and home décor were earth and rock tones, lightened mid-tones, chalky, muted pastels and core and clean neutrals,

According to WGSN’s S/S 12 print and graphics report claimed that bold, mainly flower prints were largely popular.


Entry #9:

I truly love the spring displays at the Free People store in the Water Tower mall. The windows area whimsical mixture of pretty hanging fixtures made of fake flowers and vibrant colors, as most of the Free People displays are. The display effectively translates the vibe, style and overall atmosphere of the Free People brand as a whole.


The home dĂŠcor displays at the Anthropologie stores are my ultimately favorite displays. They never fail to be magically capturing and inspiring. They create a accurate portrayal of the Anthropologie brand and an atmosphere that people want to recreate in their own homes. The displays are effective in both marketing and sales encouragement.


Entry #10: The TV show Pretty Little Liars has a strong effect on the emerging fashions among teen girls. The show is styled to perfection with fashions that are current and trendy, but catapult them further. Obtaining the trends is even easier for girls as they are conveniently displayed on ABC’s Pretty Little Liars portion of the website along with a “how to” guide. One trend that stuck out to me on the show recently was a cut-out denim shirt worn by the character Spencer. Cut-out shirts have become a largely popular style over the past months and its placement in popular TV shows such as PLL has only helped the trend go further.


Entry #11:

Designer: Manning Cartell Collection: Ready to Wear Season: S/S 2012 A department store retailer such as Nordstrom’s, Macy’s, Saks Fifth Avenue, etc. may include this designer’s work as it adheres to current trends, but has a slight twist. The work appeals to a slightly broad age range at a designer price point. I enjoy the high-to-low hemline, along with the uncommon seam placement. The deep slit adds an extra younger flair to the dress and the wooden, “necklace-like” neckline adds a fun, eye-catching element


Entry #12: Product Development Manager As a product development manager, one would manage the creative process of a fashion line or a fashion product. This process includes conceptualization, design, selling and distribution. The product manager will oversee each of these steps as well as every step in between. This career requires such skills as leadership, creativity, problem solving, marketing, etc.

Fashion Buyer As a fashion buyer, one would manage the boosting of sales and profitability through the development of business strategies. Such responsibilities as selecting and pricing merchandise, as well as promoting products require extensive business strategy. Furthermore, buyers visit clothing stores, attend trade shows, meet with manufacturers, negotiate and communicate with stores and manufacturers, stay up to date in the market and much more.

Fashion Designer As a fashion designer, one must know their market. High-end designers must be innovative and create new, fresh fashions. Low cost designers must cater to a more mainstream customer base, therefore basing their designs off of popular, in demand trends. All designers must stay up to date on the fashion industry including trends, audiences, wants and needs, etc. They must also be able to forecast future trends.


Entry #13: Men’s Don’t: STOP THE SAG. Now I’m not saying that showing a little bit of boxer is a bad thing, but if you’re rump is hanging over the top of your pants, I must ask you to pull them up! Grab a belt and keep your pants to a medium rise. The look is much more publicly and professionally acceptable. The “sag” is something no one will miss.

Women’s Don’t: Don’t wear leggings that stop anywhere above the ankle. Leggings are risky and truly hit or miss, therefore I try to avoid them as much as possible. But one thing I can say for sure is to make sure they are not short! Leggings that stop around the knee or midcalf only successfully make your legs look shorter, and no one wants that.


Men’s Do: Own a tailored, well-fit suit! It is a must! All men should at least one suit that fits them to a T. There is nothing sloppier looking than an ill fitting suit, so for special occasions go out and splurge on the perfectly tailored suit.

Women’s Do: Do where fun, bright colors in the fall and winter! Mixing your bright colors with a balance of darker, neutral color pieces can make a great statement in the colder seasons. You shouldn’t have to wait until spring to break out the color.


Entry #14: Fashion Merchandiser The job of a fashion merchandiser combines both business and fashion. As a fashion merchandiser one must be creative as well as business savvy and knowledgeable; versed in marketing techniques and strategies. They determine which products a store should keep in stock, as well as how to visually display them and market them in order to appeal to customers. I would greatly enjoy a career as a fashion merchandiser because of my interest in the fashion industry, as well as my business oriented skill set and interest. I am currently pursuing a degree in fashion business, therefore setting me on the right track for this career. Runway Coordinator As a runway coordinator many responsibilities fall into play. Coordinators must time, create seating charts, choose music, pick and style outfits, set lights, etc. In essence, coordinators are the backbone of the runway show. I take pride in being the behind the scenes individuals who makes everything operate smoothly; therefore I think I would enjoy a career as a runway coordinator.


Fashion Marketing The job of a fashion marketer is to collect the information given to them by fellow fashion buyers, coordinators, merchandise managers, etc. in order to determine and create a desire for the up-coming and next best-selling trends in the fashion world. Marketers appeal to customers’ wants and needs; playing on the desires of men and women to look stylish, younger, sophisticated, etc. A love for fashion, natural ability to sell and impressive communication skills are qualifications a fashion marketers must have in order to fulfill their job of informing the public, media and retailers of a certain client or product. I am currently pursuing degrees in both fashion business and marketing. I hope to combine the both and obtain a career in fashion marketing. The utilization of both the fashion industry and the creative side of business and marketing is my goal for the future.


Images and Information

Page 3: Image: Nars, Francois. 2009. Photograph. Nars 15x15 Beauty Book. Focus on Sytle. Poodle Productions Inc. / Sharon Haver, 19 Oct. 2009. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. <>. Page 5: Image: Page 9: Image: Page 13: Image: 119&start=35&tr=315 Information: 027&start=30&tr=315 Page 14: Information: r/ss_12_print_trend_analysis_flora.html 2012/macro_trends_springsummer2012/cinematic.html 2012/macro_trends_springsummer2012/jpeg_gen.html r_2012/s_s_12_kidswear_inspiration/s_s_12_kidswear_inspiration_primalfuturism.html


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