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By: Ken Zochowski

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This magazine is dedicated to my family.

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When A Window Closes... By: Ken Zochowski

This piece was created in Adobe Illustrator, as most of my pieces in my series are. The goal for this piece was to create an image that is 8.5� x 11�. I created this using mostly the pen tool. I used many different filters and adjustments to create the textures in this piece. I wanted to focus on the man standing in the center so I made him a bold, black shadow. I made the light gleam off him by using the brush tool on his head and shoulders. I also made a glow surround the door because I feature a glow in my series. The concept of this piece was to show that when a window closes, a door opens. I made this to show that there is always an opportunity.

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Blue Moon By: Ken Zochowski

This piece is one of the first pieces that I created using Adobe Illustrator. I made this using a combination of the pen tool and the brush tool. I also used the shape tool to create the moon itself. I made the glow first and then fit the moon inside of it. I then used the brush tool to create the stars and their glow. I wanted to draw attention to the moon so I made it the largest object on the page. I also wanted to use a range of unique colors to fill in the negative space. I chose purple as the best color because most people associate black with outer space, so I decided to be unique with my choice of color. I had to draw a picture that used blue in it. I decided to play off of the saying “once in a blue moon�.

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Tourist Attraction By: Ken Zochowski

I created this image from a photo I had taken of an animal skull. I used a digital camera and Photoshop to create it. I used a series of filters and flares to get the dark and light effect that I wanted. I then selected the skull and repeatedly brushed it with green. I made this piece in the portrait layout because it fit the best. I also wanted to darken the rest of the image to make the skull contrast from the background. This was inspired by the lion statues in front of the Art Institute of Chicago. I wanted to emulate the lions look and feel so I made the skull green as well as camera flashes. I made this piece look like the tourist attraction that the lions have become.

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Oracle By: Ken Zochowski

I created this piece in Illustrator based off a sketch I had drawn. I made a dark alley way with a mysterious glow to show how the city is strange. I made Batman and Batgirl seperatly and then stacked them over the city view. I made Batman the most prominent part of this piece. I wanted him to overshadow the rest of the scenery around him. I used the center of the alley to show how big the city is compared to him. I made this piece for my friend Alex. He is a huge Batman fan, so I decided to recreated on of his favorite scenes. This is the scene after The Joker shoots Batgirl.

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In the Shadows By: Ken Zochowski

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I created this image using Illustrator. I took a picture of an animal skull then placed it in illustrator. I then traced over the image and shadows I also changed to storke to rougher and thicker stroke. This piece was inspired by another piece I had done that featured another animal skull.

I wanted to create a mirroring effect below the skull. I also wanted to make the shadows an important part of the piece. I chose to the colors from the actual picture, but I chose to make them sharp and not dull.

The concept of this piece was inspired by a piece I had done that featured another animal skull. I wanted to make the shadows in the images similar to the drawing.

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Torn Sky By: Ken Zochowski

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This piece was created in Adobe Illustrator. I used the bamboo pen for this piece. I used the pen to trace over my drawing that I had scanned into the computer. I then went over the drawing with the pen tool to fill in the spaces. The final step was to scan in torn and smashed paper for the sky.

This piece was different because I really wanted to experiment with the foreground and background of the piece. I used to leaves as a way to show the distance between the viewer and the trees.

For this piece I had to create an image using unique paper. I decided to use note book paper to provide a hand drawn, doodle feel to the piece.

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By: Ken Zochowski

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Color Storm By: Ken Zochowski

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This is one of my favorite pieces from my old portfolio. I created this using Corel Painter 12 and the bamboo pen. I used a bold color scheme for this piece and used negative space. I used some custom brushes from an artist named “Android Jones�.

I wanted to make this piece standout more than any other piece in my portfolio. I chose to make this swilred and blended because it makes a unique effect.

The purpose of thi piece was to experiment with the Painter 12 program. It is a program that allows the user to do an infinite amount of things.

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Keys By: Ken Zochowski

This piece was created using photoshop and is a part of my old portfolio. This piece is made from images provided by the image vault on the iMac computers. I decided to overlay musical notes on top of piano keys and colored the notes. I also added filters to the image. I wanted to create a lot of contrast between the black and white piano keys and the notes that are colored. This piece was a part of my final project for my digital imagery class.

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Drum Roll By: Ken Zochowski

This piece was created in photoshop using my own photos. I used a filter on the drum head and a motion blur on the drumsticks. I wanted to create the effect that the drum is being played. I wanted the drum to be the main focus. I wanted to create the appearance that the sticks are in motion and in the foreground. This piece was another piece from my digital imagery final. My final had a musical theme and this is one of my favorite pieces.

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One More Roll By: Ken Zochowski

This image was created using Illustrator. I drew a picture of this then I scanned it into the computer. I then traced over everything with the pen tool . I also added the shadows of the dice to keep my this piece within my rules. I wanted to make the dice the central focus of the piece. I made the dice white in order for them to standout from the rest of the piece. I also added a clock to the piece so the wall was not plain. This piece was to be based on numbers. I decided to make the dice the numbers part of the piece as well as the clock.

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Droplet By: Ken Zochowski

This image was created using Photoshop. This was the first project I had ever done in photoshop. I used several images from the school’s Image Vault in order to create this image. I played with the pacity in order the make the fish appear as they are under water. I made the earth the center of this image in order to draw the viewer’s attention. I wanted the earth to be the brightest and most vibrant part of the entire piece. The concept of this piece was to create my first piece of art in photoshop. This was the first time I had used Photoshop to create art.

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Portrait By: Ken Zochowski

This piece was created in photoshop. I used many different filters and adjustments to create this image. Almost every space on this image has some sort of filter on it. I removed the filter from my eye to create a unique effect. I did not center myself in this image. I could have cropped this image, but I chose to leave the negative space in. The negative space fades in and out which is similar to my current series. The purpose of this piece was to edit an image of yourself in Photoshop. I chose this image because it was the best quality image for the assignment.

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Summer Daze By: Ken Zochowski

This picture was taken with my nikon coolpix camera. I then placed the image into photoshop and adjusted the saturation in order to brighten the image. I then added a Photoshop filter to it to created the painting effect. This is one of my favorite pictures. I even based my Computer Graphics final on this image. I chose this image because it was taken in my backyard at the end of the summer. This image is focusing on the ladder. The ladder is the brightest part of this entire piece and it really stands out.

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Shadows of Skulls By: Ken Zochowski

This drawing was created with a series of graphite pencils. I drew the skull that was on display in my school. In this drawing I chose to focus on the shadows of this skull. From the bright highlughts to the dark shadows, I tried to make it as accurate as possible. The purpose of this piece was to experiment with drawing the shadows and not to focus on the physical skull.

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Tricycle Wreck By: Ken Zochowski

This piece was created with graphite pencils on paper. I drew a single tricycle from three different angles and blended them together. It creates a really unique piece. I made one tricycle standout over the rest. One of the tricycles is front and center when the others act like a background instead of the blank paper. This piece was created for my Drawing 1 Final.

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Out to Dry By: Ken Zochowski

This is another drawing for my drawing class. This was created using graphite pencils on paper. The assignmnet was to draw shirts that were hanging from a cork board. In this piece I chose to focus on the dark striped shirt. I wanted it to standout as the most complex shirt. The purpose of this shirt drawing was to draw the textures and waves of each shirt.

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Seat By: Ken Zochowski

This was created using graphite pencils on paper. I drew a chair from three different angles. This is very similar to the tricycle drawing. I chose each angle to make the chair very visible from each of the important parts of it. The purpose of this piece was to show the negative space of each part of the chair.

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Waking UP By: Ken Zochowski

This is the final piece of my new series. This piece was created using Adobe Illustrator. I used a series of feathered edges as well opacity changes in order to simulte waking up. The piece is eyes when a person wkes up in the morning. The blur and bright lights with the orange glow make it look like eyes opening. The purpose of this piece was to create an artwork that is unrecognizable without a title. The title is “Waking Up� to show eyes opening.

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All artworks in this portfolio are created by Ken Zochowski.

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