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Tech for the people
Using a grant from the Idaho Commission for Libraries, the East Bonner County Library District in late-January purchased several Google Chromebook laptops to be distributed to the Sandpoint VFW post.

According to EBCL Community Engagement Director Vanessa
Velez, veterans were presented with information on how to use the Chromebooks and basic cybersecurity.
“It’s always a priority for the library to reach out to underserved people or communities, and we hadn’t done anything especially for veterans in a while — and with the local VFW so close, we thought they might be interested in partnering,” Velez told the Reader. “Among other reasons, we hoped the computers would make it easier for veterans to apply for the benefits they are eligible for, which mostly require online forms.”
The grant funds came through the Connecting Communities Digital Inclusion Program of the Idaho Commission for Libraries. Velez said EBCL hopes to do similar outreach in the future with the support of other grants.
— Courtesy photos. Words by Lyndsie Kiebert-Carey.