February 14, 2019

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FEBRUARY 14, 2019



OPEN 11:30 am



212 Cedar Street Downtown Sandpoint



A SandPint Tradition Since 1994



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(wo)MAN compiled by

Susan Drinkard

on the street

What is your idea of a wonderful Valentine’s Day? “I would love to be adopted on Valentine’s Day by a family who is not judgmental about my extra special huge ears. I am a good girl, and I know some commands. I prefer a female master.” Onyx On-leash only dog Panhandle Animal Shelter “I am a playful kitten stuck in here with Jack, another orange cat. I am only 7 months old, and I would love to be adopted on Valentine’s Day. If you don’t like me, take Jack.” Ginger 7 months Panhandle Animal Shelter

DEAR READERS, Whew, what a week! I want to start by extending my support and shared grief for the businesses that were affected in the fire downtown early Monday morning. I have a special connection to that building, too. I managed the Downtown Crossing bar for several years in the late 2000s and spent a lot of time there. Sad to see it in the state it’s in, but let’s hope it can be salvaged. I also want to give a hearty kudos to all of the first responders who braved single digit temperatures as they fought the fire for hours and hours. It was brutally cold conditions, and the fire was quite large. I’m proud of our firefighters and police personnel – they are there for us when we need them, day after day, and they often don’t receive the recognition they deserve. Before the fire, there was that crazy windstorm and single-digit temperature weekend that caused several trees to fall on a few residential homes and businesses. Our heart goes out to all of those that were affected by this, too. Such a horrible time for disaster to strike. When it rains it pours. On a positive note, the snow was epic at Schweitzer this week. I’m talking waist deep awesome. We’ve seen this happen before when a ho-hum season turns into a barnburner with heavy snow in February and March, so let’s keep our fingers crossed. The forecast does call for more snow scattered across the next 10 days. I’d also like to say thanks to all of the city and county employees who keep our roads plowed after these huge storms. Now that we’re all shoveled out and the worst has passed, don’t forget to get out there and enjoy the snow if you can. The first week of the Sandpoint Winter Carnival kicks off this week (check page 10 for a full list of all the events, thanks to our staff writer Lyndsie Kiebert), so get out there and show your civic spirit! -Ben Olson, Publisher

“I am Jack. Handsome, huh?

“Every day this feeder has seed in it is a loving day for me, though I would prefer a larger bird feeder because it is a little unwieldy up here.”

www.sandpointreader.com Publisher: Ben Olson ben@sandpointreader.com Editorial: Cameron Rasmusson cameron@sandpointreader.com Lyndsie Kiebert lyndsie@sandpointreader.com Zach Hagadone (emeritus) John Reuter (emeritus) Advertising: Jodi Berge Jodi@sandpointreader.com Contributing Artists: Jodi Rawson (cover), Ben Olson, Idaho State Patrol, Bill Borders, Jodi Rawson, David Powell, Donna Brundage, Schweitzer Mtn. Resort. Contributing Writers: Cameron Rasmusson, Ben Olson, Lyndsie Kiebert, Brenden Bobby, Scarlette Quille, Jodi Rawson, Jen Jackson Quintano, Matt Nykiel, Nick Gier, Jim Mitsui, Beth Weber, Amy Craven, Jackie Henrion, Jason Welker, Marcia Pilgeram. Submit stories to: stories@sandpointreader.com Printed weekly at: Griffin Publishing Spokane, Wash. Subscription Price: $95 per year

Sandpoint Reader letter policy: The Sandpoint Reader welcomes letters to the editor on all topics. Requirements: –No more than 400 words –Letters may not contain excessive profanity or libelous material. Please elevate the discussion. Letters will be edited to comply with the above requirements. Opinions expressed in these pages are those of the writers, not necessarily the publishers.

Grateful Photo by Haddy Reno Priest River

Mr. Stubs 4 years old Panhandle Animal Shelter

111 Cedar Street, Suite 9 Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208)265-9724

Web Content: Keokee The Sandpoint Reader is a weekly publication owned and operated by Ben Olson and Keokee. It is devoted to the arts, entertainment, politics and lifestyle in and around Sandpoint, Idaho. We hope to provide a quality alternative by offering honest, in-depth reporting that reflects the intelligence and interests of our diverse and growing community. The Reader is printed on recycled pa paper using soy-based ink. Leftover copies are collected and recycled weekly, or burned in massive bonfires to appease the gods of journalism. Free to all, limit two copies per person.

Jack Stunning 1 year old Panhandle Animal Shelter

“I am Mr. Stubs because my tail is mostly absent. If I cannot get a tail for Valentine’s, then I prefer a home with someone who would adore me. I am a little chubby, but I would like to be picked up and put on your shoulder so we can talk.”


Email letters to: letters@sandpointreader.com

Always Something N


Check us out on the web at: www.sandpointreader.com Like us on Facebook. About the Cover

This week’s lovely cover was drawn by Jodi Rawson, who has probably done more of our covers than anyone at this point. F eb ruary 1 4 , 2 0 1 9



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Historic Sandpoint building damaged in fire By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff


The Sandpoint community reacted with heartbreak and condolences Monday morning to the loss of five local downtown businesses in a fire that sparked around 1 a.m. According to Sandpoint City Administrator Jennifer Stapleton, the 100-year-old building on the corner of First Avenue and Bridge Street was a total loss, resulting in between $4 and $7 million in damages. The building next door received extensive smoke damage as well, with an adjacent church also closing for the foreseeable future. Seven businesses total were affected by the fire. “This is devastating for small local downtown businesses, not only the businesses directly impacted but also businesses in the surrounding areas,” Stapleton said. “This is obviously a devastating incident for us.” Following the fire’s suppression, city workers blocked off the streets adjacent to the fire, with Stapleton anticipating that flaggers will manage traffic at First and Bridge for weeks to come. A fire marshal is investigating the cause of the fire, and the city is also bringing in a structural engineer to evaluate the full scope of the damage. According to Selkirk Fire, Rescue and EMS Chief Ron Stocking, Sandpoint Police Department is also conducting an investigation. No cause for the fire is yet identified. More than 40 firefighters responded to combat the blaze, according Selkirk Fire. That included five chiefs, 12 engines and two trucks, as well as responders from Bonner County EMS, Sandpoint Police Department and Bonner County Sheriff’s Office. Almost every Bonner County fire agency, as well as Timberlake, Northern Lakes and Kootenai County Fire and Rescue, assisted on the fire. “I’m extremely proud of the firefighters right now,” said Stocking. “These were adverse conditions, and at the height of the fire, everyone was covered in ice. We’re dealing with a lot of frozen /


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Community reacts with heartbreak as five local businesses lost

hoses right now.” According to Stocking, the fire resulted in no reported injuries due to the building being unoccupied. Nevertheless, the fire posed a challenge for firefighters, Stocking said. The night’s winter weather hovered around 11 F, and crews were still fighting fire by the time city officials hosted a press conference around 8:30 a.m. At 4 a.m. the incident was declared a defensive fire due to the building’s structural degradation, at which point firefighters remained outside to fight the flames with water streams. “There’s lots of chases and lots of avenues for fire to travel, and that’s what we’re dealing with here,” Stocking said. “Lots of fine spaces.” On Wednesday, the city oversaw the demolition of the burned building’s south wall, bringing down a century of history along with it. Local residents by the hundreds took to social media to express shock and condolences to those affected by the fire. Likewise, owners who lost their businesses reported their sad news to their fans and patrons. “We sadly regret to inform our customers and friends the Sandpoint

Chocolate Bear was lost in a fire this morning,” Sandpoint Chocolate Bear posted to its Facebook page. “We would like to thank the area Fire Departments for their efforts and hard work. We are very fortunate and thankful no one was hurt. We plan on rebuilding a bigger and more awesome Chocolate Bear.” Other business owners and organizations were quick to offer support. The Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce reached

out on its Facebook page. “We at the Chamber are heartbroken for the business owners and their employees affected by this morning’s fire,” the Chamber staff posted. “Owning a small business is hard enough without something like this tragedy happening. We are sure our community will rally behind the owners and help in any way we can. While these historical buildings cannot be brought back again, our memo-

Firefighters attempt to contain the blaze at First Ave. and Bridge St. early Monday morning in sub-freezing temperatures. Photo by Selkirk Fire, Rescue & EMS. ries and experiences will remain.” Eichardt’s launched a GoFundMe campaign to assist the business owners and employees who lost their livelihoods. To contribute, go to www.gofundme. com/for-businesses-affected-bythe-211-fires.

Falling trees damage Sandpoint buildings Litehouse welcomes Prior as president By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff

By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff The heavy snowfall and cold temperatures this week made for some destructive moments. That included a home and two businesses in Sandpoint, which were damaged by falling trees. According to Sandpoint Police,

Photo by Ben Olson. the trees were 75 and 100 feet tall and hit buildings on Second Avenue. One went partially through the second floor of one of the buildings. While the damage was extensive, no injuries were reported from the falling trees.

Litehouse Foods has a new president in Kelly Prior, who served as the interim president following the retirement of previous president Jim Frank. The previous CFO of the company, Prior also joins the board of directors. He takes on the leadership role after a career that reaches back to 2002. His time with the company saw big developments in production and product offerings, including a major expansion of the company’s Sandpoint production facility. “Over the past 56 years, Litehouse has built a phenomenal business through best-in-class service and a commitment to excellence. I could not be more honored to have been chosen to

Kelly Prior. Courtesy photo. lead such a great company and be the representative for our incredible employee owners,” said Prior in a press release. “I am extremely excited to work closely with our team to continue setting the bar for the CPG industry and writing the next chapter in our company’s rich history.”


County to reconsider Sagle asphalt plant By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff Bonner County Commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday to hold a reconsideration hearing regarding the asphalt batch plant slated for the Linscott gravel pit in Sagle. The reconsideration comes at the recommendation of the Bonner County Planning Department. Planning Director Milton Ollerton said his department reviewed 11 “alleged deficiencies” with

the BOCC’s Jan. 11 decision to approve a conditional use permit for the batch plant for use by Interstate Concrete & Asphalt. Planners recommend commissioners conduct a public hearing to discuss just one of the alleged deficiencies: “non-conforming land use.” This comes after Sagle citizens near the gravel pit raised concerns about possible non-compliance with a previous conditional use permit the Linscotts applied for in 1995.

Ollerton said Wednesday that his department first heard about the 1995 permit the morning of the Jan. 11 hearing, and based on a “quick read” thought it had been approved and issued. Upon further review following that hearing, the department discovered that the 1995 permit was never officially issued because the applicant did not meet certain conditions. Ollerton said the permit of concern is not related to the proposed batch plant and played no role in the decision to approve Interstate’s

application. “We just want the opportunity to clarify the role that that conditional use permit plays in (the asphalt plant) application, which is none,” he said. The hearing is scheduled for Friday, March 22, at 9 a.m. in the

An electronic reader billboard seen in Sagle. Photo courtesy YouTube. first floor meeting room of the Bonner County Administration Building.

County employees barred from Bonner Regional Team By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff Bonner County Commissioners were divided on a vote Tuesday that ultimately led to the end of any county employee involvement with the Bonner Regional Team. A resolution brought forth by the Bonner County Republican Central Committee proposed barring employees from representing the county at BRT meetings so as not to involve the county in any “regionalization” efforts, or what they see as centralization of government. The BRT is a group of local officials who gather regularly to create a mixture of representation from across the governing bodies of the county including elected officials and city planners, as well as the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce and Bonner Community Housing Agency. According to Dover councilwoman Diane Brockway, the BRT discusses local issues like housing affordability, water quality and fire prevention. She emphasized that the group has no official authority to change anything, but is instead focused on finding collaborative solutions. “It’s a forum for sharing information, for focusing on issues that impact our community, for learning from one another, and when action might be needed, to take that action to the appropriate entity for their consideration and decision making,” Brockway said.

Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad and Sandpoint Planning Director Aaron Qualls also gave reasons Tuesday as to why they opposed the resolution. Tom Cleveland — who authored the resolution — spoke in favor Tuesday, citing a need for “personal and fiscal responsibility” among individual municipalities. “It’s brought in as a charade and then one day you wake up and you’ve got the shackles and chains around you,” Cleveland said in reference to the county getting involved. Commissioner Dan McDonald cited Idaho code which dictates a Planning and Zoning Commission handle all county planning.

He argued involvement of county employees with the BRT without the P&Z board’s approval would violate that code. Commissioner Jeff Connolly said he regularly attends BRT meetings and hasn’t heard anyone suggest a regionalization of government, which he opposes. Connolly said if the word regionalization has come up, it’s been in reference to things like roads or sewer systems — concepts he said he’s not “fearful of.” “What I am fearful of is people that twist the facts to scare people that are uninvolved in these things,” he said. “I’ve lived here my whole life. We’ve always found a way to work together to accomplish common good for the

people. That’s what we’re elected to do. We’re not here to try to further our political agenda.” When it came time for a vote, Commissioner Steve Bradshaw and McDonald voted in favor of the resolution while Connolly opposed. Because Connolly is an elected official and not a Bonner County employee, he will not be barred from attending BRT meetings.

Multiple-car wreck blocked Long Bridge Monday morning By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff A non-injury wreck involving several vehicles closed both lanes of the Long Bridge Monday morning. The Sandpoint Police Department posted to their Facebook page about the 4-5 vehicle crash just after 8 a.m., noting that road conditions were “very icy” and motorists should “use extreme caution.” The Idaho State Police provided a notification about the wreck on their Twitter account (@ ispdistrict1) soon after.

By 8:42 a.m. SPD reported one lane had opened. By 9:30 a.m., both SPD and ISP reported the Long Bridge was completely open. “If you don’t have to go out please don’t. If you do have to go out please give yourself plenty of time and a lot of patience,” SPD posted to Facebook Monday evening as it continued to snow in the Panhandle. “We want you all to arrive at your destinations safely.”

Photo courtesy Idaho State Patrol / Twitter. F eb ruary 1 4 , 2 0 1 9



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Mad about Science:

Brought to you by:

tropical nightmares

By Brenden Bobby Reader Columnist

This cold has been no fun! Who wants to work around outside when the wind is blowing and it’s cold enough to give your fingers frostbite in under half an hour? Wouldn’t you rather be beachside somewhere in the tropics with a delicious tropical drink in one hand and a sunburn? If you think sunburns are the worst you have to worry about in the tropics, I’ve got news for you: The warmest places on the planet also harbor some of the most deadly creatures in the world. By the end of this article, we’ll all feel thankful we’re shivering away in the cold, dark north. The Amazonian giant centipede: Despite looking like a delicious gummy worm Freddy Krueger just handed you, these nightmarish beasts are capable of scaling vertical surfaces and even hanging upside-down by just a few legs. They do this to devour things like bats. Bats! These giant centipedes are venomous, and you’d think they’d bite with fangs or something

terrible, right? No, they just stab their prey with modified legs and inject the poison right in before eating it. That would be like if humans vomited on food before eating it. Oh man, Thanksgiving would be terrible. Bullet ants are another hellish invertebrate. Ever wonder why they call them that? It’s not because they’re fast, but because their bite feels like you’ve just been shot by a freakin’ bullet. That’s just their bite, though. As their venom courses through your bloodstream for the next 24 hours, the pain spreads to your entire body. Bullet ants are seldom solitary, and if one bites you, you can bet the others in his little gang want to bite you, too. The bullet ant sting has nothing on the warrior wasp of Central America, though. The sting of the warrior wasp is the most brutally painful sting on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, and has been described as “Torture. You are chained in the flow of an active volcano.” This feeling persists for up to two hours. Why, oh why? If you think you’ll be safe

Top: A black Caiman. Bottom, a candiru freshwater fish. from the creepy crawlies out in the water, you just traded bad for worse. Everyone thinks piranhas are scary, but they’re goldfish compared to things like caimans, large cousins of the alligator. Caimans are infamous for being indiscriminate predators, eating anything they can sink their teeth into. They’ve been known to grow up to 20 feet long and weigh up to 2400 pounds. In case you were wondering, the largest donkeys weigh just over 1,000. Then again, not many people flee screaming in terror at the sight of a donkey. Should you escape the caimans, beware the candiru, a parasitic freshwater catfish native to the South American rainforests. Sometimes called the vampire fish, this thing has fostered a reputation for terrifying men around the world. Rumor has it, men… Aherm… Answering the call of nature have a surprise visitor that swims right up and- We’ll just go ahead and pause it right

there. This is a family-friendly article! These claims about the candiru have been widely disputed, and are more than likely a load of nonsense, but it’s still a pretty cringeworthy thought. Of course, all of this nightmarish horror is a moot point,

because the thing most likely to kill you in the tropics? A mosquito. Man, what an anticlimax. I’m just going to go back outside and be thankful I’m not sweating my beard off in 98-percent humidity.

Random Corner Don’t know much about love?

We can help!

•Humans aren’t the only creatures on Earth who are monogamous. Wolves, swans, gibbons, black vultures, albatrosses and even termites are just a few of those animals that find a mate for a lifetime. •When two lovers gaze into each others’ eyes for three minutes, their heart rates synchronize. •Falling in love has neurological effects similar to those of cocaine. Both experiences affect the brain similarly and trigger a similar sensation of euphoria. Research found that falling in love produces several euphoria-inducing chemicals that stimulate 12 areas of the brain at the same time. • Cuddling releases natural painkillers. Oxytocin, the so-called love or cuddle hormone, is produced during an embrace or cuddle. The hormone appears in the brain, ovaries and testicles and is thought to be involved in the bonding process. • Couples who are too similar to one another are less likely to last. Apparently, according to research, there always has to be a foundation of similarities, but there also have to be things that the two of you learn from each other.


The Amazonian Giant Centipede. /


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Bullet ant.

•A marvelous 75-year long study, which was conducted by a group of Harvard researchers, has shown that love is really all that matters. The participants’ lifelong experiences revealed that happiness and life fulfillment revolved around love or simply searching for love.


Alpha mom’s weekend As a mother, there is really no limit to the things that I have subjected myself to for the sake of my children. Wiping tears and asses is really just the tip of the iceberg — an initiation of sorts into the life long journey of being a mother. Yes, lifelong. I am here to tell you that the amount of strange and inconceivable activities you will endure as a mother does not stop at the age of 18. A mother’s love is the only explanation I have for how I found myself on a college campus attending a sorority-sponsored event: Moms’ Weekend. Yes, you read that correctly, my daughter is in a sorority. Like many of you who may have grown up in the ‘90s, or watched “Revenge of the Nerds” in your formative years, I have a preconceived notion of what sorority life is all about: Female college students choosing participate in a process involving a series of embarrassing public rituals including but not limited to things like streaking, singing, dancing and perhaps flogging of some sort. All to appease a group of previously initiated “sisters” who live in a house together. After pledging one’s life and dignity to the sisterhood you partake in more secret rituals, ultimately earning the privilege of living in a house with approximately 50 other women where daily life involves wearing matching shirts and accessories with Greek letters on them, participating in daily pillow fights and recklessly consuming alcohol at frat parties. I’m not saying that I had the facts straight. You can imagine my surprise when my own flesh and blood who was nursed on feminism, and already has several sisters, was interested in joining one. And admittedly I encouraged her. Apparently sororities have changed over the years, or maybe the media interpretation was skewed? I don’t know. What I do know is that at my daughter’s college sorority members do not have a traditional house.

Her “recruitment” did not involve nudity or flogging, and her sorority activities usually involve meetings and charity work. As a mother, the idea that she would meet new people and develop an extended support network appealed to me. I was not aware at the time that encouraging her would eventually lead to her asking me to attend a sorority sponsored event they call “Moms’ Weekend.” I didn’t want to disappoint her – or worse, admit to her – that I have been secretly waiting for an opportunity to go back to college, even if it was just for a weekend. I said yes, and then immediately regretted it. What was I thinking? There is no way any sorority moms would accept me into their fold. These women were probably alumni, with their own hard earned Greek Alphabet credentials. I imagined spending a weekend surrounded by a group of ubermoms gifted in the realm of small talk, and giving botox-enhanced side eyes to convey emotion. My daughter emailed me our itinerary, basically we had the option to attend a canvas-painting party, brunch and a ice cream social. WHAT? I was immediately disappointed. What about the pillow fighting? What about the FRAT parties? How was I going to impress her new sisters? Sure, I am a professional artist, so I would clearly nail the weird sober group painting activity, but I’ve never been great at maintaining appropriate behavior in structured social events. Turns out my daughter had a few tricks up her sleeve. Looking back, I think she was purposely torturing me by sending that itinerary, just to test my love and dedication to her. We skipped the ice cream social. Instead, my daughter decided to surprise me by taking me to a tattoo shop where she had the year I was born tattooed onto her elbow. I cried like some moms might cry from a Hallmark Card. We did the painting thing, and together we received a heavy amount of side eye. I suppose some moms were surprised to see my freshly-tattooed child. I took the heat off her by commenting that we should have brought a flask to the function. That was enough to transfer the judgment from her to me, as clearly she

came by her questionable behavior from her mother. Next on the agenda was a house party. This was the opportunity I had been waiting for. The party was at a sorority sister’s house, and there were moms and daughters in attendance. Everyone was wearing matching shirts and drinking. It was exactly what I imagined sorority life would be like. Yes, there were a few uptight moms there. I was uncharacteristically quiet at first, but it wasn’t until one of the sisters broke out an amazing new party accessory, the chambong, that I allowed my inner light to shine. For those of you who haven’t been to college lately, a chambong is like a beer bong but made out of delicate glass for “champagne-bonging.” I was made for this activity. The chambong-holding sister asked “Who wants to break it in?” Both my daughter and I raised our hands with out even making eye contact with each other.

It’s sort of a blur after a few chambongs and Fireball shots, but I think the other moms were adequately impressed with our performance. I only recall horrifying my daughter once as she vaguely disapproved of me demonstrating to her sorority sisters a step-by-step lesson on folding a bar towel into the perfectly-sculpted penis. I suppose the big take-away from the weekend, besides a raging champagne headache, is that I have always been wrong about sororities. Sororities are about bringing women together to do good things for the community and creating a support system for members who are new to being on their own. Let’s face it, sometimes the best kind of community service involves chambonging with your mom. I’m bringing grandma next time. Alpha BETA LOVEYA,

Laughing Matter


By Bill Borders

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Learn to salsa dance By Reader Staff Bouquets: • A bouquet goes out to all the hard-working firefighters who responded to the fire on First Avenue this weekend. With temperatures in the single digits, it must have been a brutal night for these hard working firefighters. Also, our hearts go out to the business owners that are affected by this. It is times like these that they depend so much on the love and compassion of their neighbors. Let’s send some good thoughts their way and hope for a speedy recovery. Also, let’s not forget the businesses and homes that were damaged by falling trees in the storm just the night before. Tough weekend here in Sandpoint. • We received a very generous donation this week from a gentleman who said he wanted to give his support after we were again targeted by an anonymous knucklehead hell-bent on taking this newspaper down. I won’t share his name out of respect for privacy, but the person who donated sent in a check for $1,000, which is by far the largest single donation we’ve ever received. Such kindness and thoughtfulness! Thank you so much, R.W. We really appreciate the support. We also appreciate all the encouragement of late. Thank you.


Barbs • This submission came from an anonymous reader: “I would like to submit a Barb this week about co-workers who don’t recycle. I often watch in exasperation as my co-workers throw away cardboard boxes, aluminum cans and other recyclable goods when they could easily be recycling it. I am always digging in the trash, putting their recyclables in the correct receptacle. Sometimes, the business needs to step up and get a recycling can from Waste Management. It’s not expensive – usually just about $20 per month. Let’s be better at recycling, Sandpoint.” /


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Salsa in Sandpoint: March & April sessions, Ages 12 – Adult Salsa is an energetic and fun Latin dance. Unlike some partner dances, it is a very sociable dance. You don’t need to have a regular partner; in fact it is common to dance with people who have never met before. That is the fun part of dancing salsa. Once you learn to salsa you can dance with people all over the world. Salsa dancing sessions will be held Thursdays during March and April for ages 12 to adult. They will be held at the Sandpoint Community Hall, 204 S. First Ave.

from 6–7 p.m.. The fee is $63/ month. A minimum of four participants is necessary to offer each monthly session. Pre-register for March session online by Feb. 24 at www.sandpointidaho.gov/parksrecreation or at Sandpoint Parks and Rec Office, 1123 Lake Street. Call 263-3613 for more information.

Children’s intro to taekwondo, karate and self-defense By Reader Staff Sandpoint Taekwondo will be offering children age 5 - 13, an introductory Taekwondo, Karate and Self Defense class beginning Thursday, March 5. Pre-register by Feb. 28. The session fee is $52 ($2 city discount), and includes a uniform and two weeks of lessons on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15 - 4 p.m. Each session will meet at Sandpoint Taekwondo Center, 218 Main St., in downtown Sandpoint. Each session will teach basic self-defense skills and highlight

the importance of self-discipline and character building in a child friendly setting. Looking for more taekwondo offerings? Contact Sandpoint Taekwondo at (208) 610-2577 or visit www.SandpointKarate.com.

Hospital District... Dear Editor, Did you know that we pay property taxes to support the Hospital District just like we pay taxes to support the School District? The Hospital District (comprised of seven elected members) makes decisions regarding the expenditure of tax dollars providing health care services to citizens in our county who do not have adequate health care insurance of their own. Sadly, this would include too many of us. Did you know that six of the seven members of the Hospital District also serve on the board of Bonner General Hospital? You might ask: so what? Bonner General Hospital is a private corporation with its own agenda and finances. And even if we assume that the agenda of the hospital (and its board) are honorable, we can also fairly assume that the agenda of the public Hospital District may not line up exactly with the agenda of the private hospital. Public agendas and private agendas do not always satisfy the same priorities. By way of example, let us consider a private Christian school, which we will assume is an excellent school. Would you want the board (leadership) of the private Christian school to be in charge of spending our tax dollars allocated to the public schools? The stewardship of spending tax dollars should be kept at arm’s length from a private organization regardless of the motives of the organization in question. In three months, Bonner County will hold elections to choose a new member of the Hospital District. As you examine the roster of candidates running for the Hospital District board, you may not know much (if anything) about the individuals running for the position. However, you might want to know if the candidate also sits on the board of Bonner General Hospital. In order to avoid a potential conflict of interest, the majority of the members of the Hospital District board (elected by you) should not also sit on the board of the local private hospital (not elected by you). Let me be very clear. I am not

impugning the motives or moral character of any of the individuals of the Hospital District board or Bonner General Hospital board. I am, however, suggesting that in order best to serve the interest of the taxpayers we should elect Hospital District board members who are truly independent of the local private hospital. Regards, Thomas Fletcher Careywood

School Levy... Dear Editor, You may have noticed the parade of school related stories in the forefront of the local newspaper over the past several weeks. Could it be promoting the upcoming $25,400,000 levy in March? To clarify that, the school board has decided it wants to increase the levy amount by nearly 50 percent! What is the levy for? Mainly for staff and, according to LPOSD November 27, 2018 minutes: “…into this levy we are also asking for a salary increase of approximately 13.2 percent for all certified and classified staff.” Also in November, Superintendent Woodward explains in the minutes, “It is very hard for an average wage earner to afford a home in our area.” According to LPOSD’s levy presentation, the average income in Bonner County is $3641/ month. Based on the current 190-day contracts, certified personnel average $4120/month. So it appears the public school wants to make it even harder for the average family to own a home in Bonner County, as to enslave them to government workers who already earn more than they do. We have seen this many times before. Get ready for the sales pitch full of misleading information and deception. Get ready for the threats of closing schools, double shifting and losing staff. How much is enough? It seems to be never enough. Vote against this thievery March 12. Monique Hutchins Sagle

The Ponies are back in Town! By Reader Staff The Carousel of Smiles has moved its workshop into Sandpoint, and is now located at the “Cedar Street Station”, also known as the Misty Mountain Furniture Building. “The space is great” says Reno Hutchison. “One can almost envision our new workshop resembling one from the 1920s when these great horses were originally carved. It is exciting to be in

town, and work is progressing on the next group of ponies that are almost ready for paint.” The Carousel workshop is in the corner space, 210 A at Fifth and Cedar streets. As part of the Sandpoint Winter Carnival, The Carousel of Smiles will be participating in the Friday Eve Parade (5:30 p.m.) - come see our full-size snow globe featuring “Stormy.” The Carousel of Smiles and will also have open houses on

both Carnival weekends. All are welcome to stop by and see the ponies in their new stable. Open House Hours: Friday, Feb. 15: 6:-8p.m. Saturday, Feb. 16, and Sunday, Feb. 17: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Friday, Feb. 22: 5-8 p.m. Saturday, Feb 23, and Sunday, Feb 24: 10 a.m-4 p.m.


SNOW DAY P HOTOS It was a hectic week in the panhandle. Here are some snapshots to ponder

Clockwise from the top right photo: The aftermath of a fire that broke out early Monday morning in the building on First Ave. and Bridge St. Firefighters battled the blaze in freezing temperatures for hours. Five businesses were left without a location. Photo by Ben Olson. David Powell sent this photo of his Subaru the morning after the big storm: “My Subaru looks like a PT Cruiser.� A skier plows through epic powder on Schweitzer Mountain Resort. Courtesy photo. A street sign at Euclid Avenue and Pine Street shows how strong the winds were last weekend. Photo by Ben Olson. A loader caught fire early this week while plowing snow. Photo by Donna Brundage. Debris was visible all over the region after heavy winds blew through town last weekend. Photo by Ben Olson.

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2019 Winter Carnivalweek 1 The first week of Winter Carnival brings parades, parties and plenty of reasons to shovel a path out of the house

By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff

Friday, Feb. 15

Winter Carnival kicks off Friday and continues through Feb. 24, bringing events, live music, recreational activities and more to the quiet, snowy, arguably frozen Panhandle — all in hopes that residents will feel inspired to get out and have some fun. President and CEO of the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce Kate McAlister characterizes the carnival as “a fabulous winter escape from the grayness and winter doldrums,” and said the numerous events are “a wonderful collaborative effort” between the Chamber, Schweitzer Mountain Resort and local businesses and organizations. “There is something for everyone,” she said. The following is a snapshot of everything happening this week, and Winter Carnival Week 2 will run in the Feb. 21 issue of the Reader. Find more details at www.sandpointwintercarnival.com.

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Weird and Wonderful Winter Parade of Lights The carnival’s kickoff event will begin at the downtown city parking lot at 5:30 p.m. and then loop its way up Second Avenue, onto Oak Street, down Fourth Avenue to Church Street and back to the parking lot. Kids have the chance to “get glowing” with glow sticks and glow-in-the-dark face paint at a station hosted by the Washington Elementary PTA. This is the free activity, but donations will go toward educational materials and grants. Hendricks Architecture will host a free hot chocolate bar during the parade as well. Both the kids’ booth and hot cocoa bar will be located outside the Belwood Building at Third Avenue and Cedar.

Parade of Lights After Party hosted by Pend d’Oreille Winery and The Fat Pig Enjoy a bonfire, activities, live music and performances at this free after party, located on the Third Avenue block between Main and Cedar, directly following the parade.

Duck Derby Kickoff @ Matchwood Brewing The Rotary Club of Ponderay officially kicks off their Duck Derby and Duck Flocking scholarship fundraiser Friday night with a no host bar, raffle and more. There will also be live music from Oak Street Connection. The party runs 7-9 p.m. Learn more about the Rotary Club’s efforts at www. ponderayrotaryclub.com.

“Drinking Habits” @ the Panida Comedy, accusations and romance highlight this play by Tom Smith, in which nuns are making wine to keep their convent running and undercover reporters weasel their way in to break the story — not without a few extra secrets (and wine) spilled along the way. Tickets are $15 for adults, $13 for seniors and $10 for students, and can be found at Eve’s Leaves, online at www.panida.org or at the door. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the show begins at 7. “Drinking Habits” will also run at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 14 and Saturday, Feb. 16. Schweitzer Beercat Tour Kickoff The Beercat will be prowling the mountain Feb. 15-17 providing cold draft beer straight to skiers and boarders on the slopes.

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Live music @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Check out local country artist Devon Wade at the Beer Hall 6:30-9:30 p.m. / F eb ruary 1 4 , 2 0 1 9

Live music @ the 219 Lounge Hawthorne Roots is set to bring their unique brand of roots rock to the 219 starting at 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 16

5th Annual Winter Carnival Cornhole Classic @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Pre-registration is encouraged for this increasingly popular annual event, where 32 teams will square off in a double-elimination tournament on the Beer Hall’s indoor courts. Call 208-209-6700 or show up the day of between 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. to sign up. Pay $20 per team or $10 per person to play for a chance to win cash and prizes. First toss at 1 p.m. Sleigh Rides, Dinner and a Concert @ Western Pleasure Guest Ranch Schedule a sleigh ride at 5 or 6 p.m. and follow it up with dinner at 6:30 p.m. For more details and to make a reservation, call the Western Pleasure Guest Ranch at 208263-9066.

Live music @ Laughing Dog Brewing Guitarist Chad Patrick brings the tunes to Laughing Dog’s Mugs & Music: 6-8 p.m. Live music @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Check out alternative indie psych rock band The Wow Wows at the Beer Hall 6:309:30 p.m.

Live music @ Taps Jam to indie rock band Harold’s IGA 3-6 p.m. and Hawthorne Roots 7-10 p.m. Live music @ the 219 Lounge Right Front Burner brings the funk to the 219 starting at 9 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 17 Sample the Nice Turns Clinic @ Schweitzer Attend a free trial run of the Nice Turns Clinic on Schweitzer Mountain and meet with coaches and possibly join a Nice Turns group. This event is free, just meet at the Nice Turns Trial Run tent in the village between 1-3 p.m. Call the Schweitzer Snowsports School for more details: 208-255-3070.

“Let it Glow!” Kids’ Night Parade and Fireworks @ Schweitzer Sunday on the mountain will feature kids’ crafts, snowshoe hiking and a village campfire, all leading up to a parade and fireworks 6-8 p.m. as well as night skiing. Contact the

Schweitzer Activity Center at 208-255-3081 or email acitivtyinfo@schweitzer.com for more information or to register. Live music @ Taps Enjoy live tunes on the mountain Sunday night from Hawthorne Roots 3-6 p.m. and The Rub 7-10 p.m. Monday, Feb. 18

Moonlight Snowshoe + music @ Schweitzer Let the sunset light the way at the beginning of this snowshoe trek, then enjoy a moonlit trail on the way back. Schweitzer Mountain Activity Center staff will lead the way to scenic spots along the resort’s trail system and provide factoids on plants and animals, Schweitzer’s history or even lunar folklore along the way. Hike begins at 4 p.m. and is weather permitting. Register at www.schweitzer.com or contact the Schweitzer Activity Center at 208-255-3081. Tuesday, Feb. 19 Annual 219 Party Attend the annual 219 party at the 219 Lounge starting at 2:19 p.m. Enjoy $2.19 beer and drink special as well as snacks. Night-Out Karaoke with DJ Pat starts at 9 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20 KPND Ski and Board Party @ Connie’s Cafe KPND’s annual Ski and Board Party is bringing prizes, fun and food and drink specials to Connie’s starting at 5:30 p.m. Wind Down Wednesday @ the 219 Lounge Enjoy half-price bottles of wine, snacks and featured cocktails while Truck Mills and Tom Duebendorfer provide the live music starting at 6 p.m. ing

Snow Pit Chat @ Matchwood Brew-

The Idaho Panhandle Avalanche Center invites people to drink a craft beer, take in a movie — “A Dozen More Turns” — and join a discussion afterward, all starting at 6 p.m.


Suzanne Davis

Sandpoint’s librarian for children and beyond

By Jodi Rawson Reader Contributor

Suzanne Davis has been the children’s librarian at the Sandpoint branch of the East Bonner County Library District for 13 years. She was the first friend I made in Sandpoint and I know that I am not alone. I have often called the library my “second home,” and Davis said there is a concept of this “third place” to hang out besides your first place of home or your second place of school/work. “It is a place for kids to come that is safe. A lot of times kids are on their own after school from about third or fourth grade on, so the library provides activities and homework space. A large number of families in our communities home school and there are resources and community for them here,” says Davis. For the first few years, while my kids were home schooled, the library was my only social life. Davis is one of the few people who have ventured out to my homestead up North. She fell in love with my baby goats and organized a makeshift petting zoo (in the grass where the addition now stands) and this event brought smiles to dozens of children and parents. One friend nailed it when she told Davis that she has the gift of creating events that bring people together. “Libraries are changing right?” Davis says. “We are more than just being about books. It is a place to explore emerging technology, like virtual reality and drones, but it is also a place to meet other families, make friends and see what the community has to offer, so we are more of a community meeting spot.” The remodel has been quite an adjustment, but Davis adapted by reaching out to the community. “With the remodel we took almost a year off, but we went out in the community and did programs with Creations, Kootenei Elementary, the Bonner Museum and the Panhandle Animal Shelter.” “We work with very closely with Koo-

tenei Elementary School because of individual teachers who are interested in collaborating. A library and school district partnership would be even more powerful, but we don’t have that level of partnership, so we work with individual classrooms and individual schools,” says Davis. Currently Davis is working towards her masters in library science. She describes one class on cataloging as the “theoretical underpinnings of library science.” Her hope for the future is to iron out all of the program schedules in the new space and get some help. “I can only do a few programs a week and still juggle all of my other responsibilities, so we are looking into hiring extra staff to help with children’s programs, so I can focus on the big picture,” Davis says. “I would love to have more staff so that we could offer the community more, and I would like to be more forward thinking,” says Davis. By “forward thinking” she means that, “the world is changing, and it is harder and harder to compete and get a job without knowing how to code and being a great reader.” “Together we can accomplish much more than we can individually,” Davis says. She feels that improving programs involving early literacy, science and technology are vital to our community and that collaboration could be the answer. “If there was one platform where all of our community groups could combine, I feel like we could better serve the community without wasting resources,” Davis says. With her platform from the library, she is constantly working to build bridges to better serve the community. “More partnerships reach more people,” she says.

Top right photo: Suzanne Davis smiles outside of the Sandpoint Library. Photo by Jodi Rawson. F eb ruary 1 4 , 2 0 1 9



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To Ski or Not to Ski By Jen Jackson Quintano Reader Contributor We are blessed to live with a world-class ski area in our backyard. At least, that’s what people say. Schweitzer is some of the best skiing Idaho has to offer. Or so I’ve been told. Our humble ski area is a hidden gem, no lift lines necessary for access to amazing terrain. Well, that’s the word on the street, anyway. And I’ve gotten adept at repeating the word on the street. This time of year, every social encounter seems to involve a check-in about the mountain: snow conditions, visibility, forecast and a recap of one’s most recent skiing endeavors. It’s Sandpoint-specific wintertime small talk. The thing is, though: I’m not a skier. Thus, I approach these conversations with enough vague generalities — usually gleaned from my powderhound family — to pass as informed, and then I move on. Except for those closest to me, I’m a closet-case. I keep my feelings of winter underwhelm close, hidden, wanting to present to the Sandpoint 1 2



/ F eb ruary 1 4 , 2 0 1 9

world that I am a healthy, vigorous, mentally sound person; and, as such, I am a skier. I am all of these things — healthy, vigorous, sane — but I am not a skier. Sometimes I stand tall in this assertion — Who needs skiing? Skiing does not a woman make! — but most days find me feeling ashamed. I have failed at life in North Idaho. Not only do I now live in a ski town, but I married into a family of skiers. My husband has been carving since he was two, and his parents are Colorado ski bums from way back. Though nearly 70 (which suddenly, in their presence, seems so young), they still shred. And now the three of them are teaching the art of the slope to my 4-year-old daughter. She might as well have been born with skis on her feet. She’s pretty darn good. Or so I’ve been told. Adding my daughter to the mix paints another layer of complexity atop my ambivalence about the sport. Now my identity as a non-skier means I miss out on part of my child’s ascending identity. Must I evolve to support her emergence? I grew up in a family of

non-skiers. Upon leaving home, I moved to the desert, a veritable land of non-skiers. A love of winter — let alone skiing — has never registered as a necessary part of my character. Then we moved to Sandpoint. Then my in-laws followed. Then my daughter put on skis. Now, I am very much in the minority. Part of me knows I should just get on the damned skis. I’m athletic and love being outside. Given the right circumstances (which, apparently, don’t involve my husband providing me ankle-high leather boots and 190s, taking me to the top of a mountain, and telling me to “aim for the trees!” before taking off ahead of me), I would probably pick up the sport quickly. I might even like it. I am reminded of my reticence to take on road biking when an old boyfriend encouraged me to join him. I hated it for weeks, maybe months. I insisted I was fine in my bipedal identity, sans pedaling. Then, suddenly and strangely, something clicked into place — much like my cleats into those silly lollypop pedals — and I fell in love (with the bike, it turned out; not so much the boyfriend). You couldn’t take my Specialized away from

me. I went from the annoying, crying girl on a too-fancy bike, to a chick riding centuries. On her own. For fun. Skiing might be the same. Or it might not. I might just remain the irritating, sniveling girl on skis too fancy for her skill set. I will never know unless I try. Yet, I remain reticent. As a working mother, I covet any alone time that comes my way. Sunday mornings are now a guilty pleasure. I catch up on emails and bring in firewood. I go for long runs with the dog. I write a little. I enjoy a tranquil house. I listen to music the rest of my family hates. I might even scrub the toilets and, so long as I am listening to Lucy Dacus, that too is OK. I am reluctant to give up this space that is for me. I am also reluctant to impinge upon time my daughter has with her dad. I am so often the favored parent for cuddles and care. Time on the slopes is time that my husband gets attention, affection, and connection from my daughter. And vice versa. But — (and there is always that but) — But I crave acceptance — in my community and in my family. If I ski, will I finally

belong? But I crave that certain western small town identity of being outdoorsy and strong and accomplished and up for anything. If I ski, will I finally be that woman? But I crave a life in which I don’t become stagnant, a life that is fluid and always murmuring This, too, is possible. If I ski, will I have that life? Schweitzer may in fact be the best ski area in the Inland Northwest. It may, in fact, have some of the best lifts and tree skiing. It may be the best resort for an intimate, crowd-ditching experience. It may be fun and beautiful and right-freakin’-here. What I want to know is, will skiing Schweitzer better my life? Sadly, there is no wordon-the-street pipeline that will feed me that information. All that I know is that life is pretty good as it is … even if I am the sheepish black sheep in a family — and community — of shredders. Jen Jackson Quintano writes and runs an arborist business with her husband in Sandpoint. Though the two kinds of work are vastly different, both keep her connected to — and curious about — her North Idaho home.


Is Idaho’s largest lake ready for another rail bridge?

Locals ask that all risks be addressed before building another bridge across Pend Oreille

By Matt Nykiel Reader Contributor

Local conservationists are asking the U.S. Coast Guard to do a better job of identifying and mitigating the risks that will come along with building a new railroad bridge across Lake Pend Oreille, in particular the potential risk of a train derailing and spilling crude oil and other flammable, hazardous cargo. The Coast Guard released the first draft of a report that seeks to identify the costs, benefits, and risks of BNSF Railway’s proposal to install two construction bridges and three permanent rail bridges, one of which would stretch across Lake Pend Oreille, near Sandpoint. The public comment period associated with the report is likely one of the

Matt Nykiel last opportunities for people to weigh in. We all agree that transporting goods by rail is an important part of Idaho’s economy. At the same time, local folks deserve a comprehensive analysis of all the risks of transporting crude oil and other dangerous substances by rail and an honest discussion about what BNSF and the state

need to do to protect our families and businesses. According to state and railroad officials, approximately 24 unit trains carry crude oil through Sandpoint per week. Officials also project that Idaho’s rail traffic could increase by 143 percent by 2040. “BNSF is proposing threeto five-years of construction for this project,” said Chantilly Higbee, the Lake Pend Oreille Waterkeeper. “The construction alone would be a significant burden on our community, so we believe the highest standard of environmental review should be performed. We would get this through an Environmental Impact Statement. The Coast Guard’s draft Environmental Assessment isn’t sufficient for a project of this magnitude.”

Montanan Sandy Compton, lives downstream from the site of the most recent train derailment in this area, which spilled coal into the Clark Fork River in 2017. “If that train had been carrying lumber or grain, which used to make up a great deal of loads on that line, that would be one thing,” said Compton. “But flammables like coal and oil? It took the coal combusting on the riverbank, during wildfire season, to motivate a legitimate response from rail officials. An uncontained oil spill would be a disaster for hundreds of miles downstream.” The Coast Guard is accepting public comment on its draft Environmental Assessment through March 25. Two public hearings are scheduled for March 13 – one at 8 a.m. and one at 6 p.m. –

where the Coast Guard will take comments on its environmental review of the proposed rail bridges. Both hearings will take place at the Ponderay Events Center, 401 Bonner Mall Way, Ponderay, Idaho. “We support transporting goods by rail,” stated Chantilly Higbee, the Lake Pend Oreille Waterkeeper. “We also want a complete EIS that identifies all risks to human, economic, and environmental health, so that we can mitigate or eliminate those risks to best protect our community and our lake.” Matt Nykiel is a Conservation Associate with the Idaho Conservation League.

The rise of the religious left in America

By Nick Gier Reader Columnist

“Jesus, a brown-skinned Palestinian Jew, called us to preach good news to the poor, the broken, the bruised, and all those who are made to feel unaccepted.” —Rev. William Barber, Founder, The Moral Monday In October 1983, I was up close and personal with the religious right, and it turned out to be a rather pleasant experience. Cheeky as always, I had written to the offices of the Moral Majority, and I had challenged any of their spokesmen (they had no women) to a debate on humanism. My goal was to debunk their conspiracy theory about humanism, which was, I would argue, no threat to American culture. The previous year I had published an article “Humanism as an American Heritage,” and I showed that our founders were profoundly influenced by European philosophers, who believed in human autonomy, religious freedom and a

republican form of government. Our Christian humanist founders were committed to protecting religious belief, the best way to do that was to establish a secular government based on the separation of church and state. Our nation has survived for 242 years primarily because of this wise decision. I had a vain hope that Jerry Falwell, the president of the Moral Majority, would answer the call, but Vice President Cal Thomas (now a syndicated columnist) accepted my invitation instead. We had a congenial exchange of views, and in lieu of a concession, Thomas came over to me, put his arm around me and said, “I would like to take a course from you someday.” The religious right has had a profound influence on American culture and their followers have been crucial to Republican electoral victories. Over the centuries there have always been Christian liberals, but they have always been in the background preaching what I believe is the correct view of Jesus’ teachings. The religious left in America

started with Christian Unitarians, and their focus was on women’s rights and the abolition of slavery. With regard to the latter, the Quakers led the way and Unitarians and some evangelical Christians soon joined the effort. Today the Friends Service Committee continues the Quaker insistence on peace and social justice. The Social Gospel was strong in the first decades of the 20th century, and Martin Luther King Jr. continued this tradition with the Black Social Gospel. King once declared that American “capitalism was built on the exploitation of black slaves and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor.” Coming out of the shadow of the religious right, the group Faith in Public Life is now making itself heard, especially after the election of Donald Trump. Founded in 2005 and grown to 50,000 members, it draws on the 19th century abolitionists and the late 20th century civil rights leaders. Its current focus is immigrant rights, and the group has led a number of protests at the border.

As Presbyterian minister Jennifer Butler, Faith in Public Life’s founder, points out: “There are over a hundred verses of Scripture that say we are to welcome immigrants.” Here is just one of them: “When a stranger sojourns in your land, you shall not do him wrong. The stranger who sojourns with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself” (Leviticus 19:33-34). The Rev. William Barber, another Faith in Public Life leader and founder of Moral Monday, once declared that “Jesus, a brown-skinned Palestinian Jew, called us to preach good news to the poor, the broken, the bruised, and all those who are made to feel unaccepted.” Barber calls himself an “evangelical Biblicist,” and says that “the nation is need of ‘moral defibrillators’ to work on its weak heart.” Jim Wallis, long-time leader of the religious left, has impeccable evangelical credentials. As a student at conservative Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, he and some friends founded the

journal Sojourners, which has become the principal voice of the Religious Left. Insisting that the Bible is “neither conservative nor liberal,” Wallis believes that it is “conservative on issues of family values, sexual integrity, and personal responsibility, while being progressive, populist, or even radical on issues like poverty and racial justice.” Wallis has been arrested 22 times for acts of civil disobedience, and on Dec. 15 of last year he joined a group of protesters at the Tijuana border crossing. He said: “I will be accompanied by a Sojourners team that will document the events and speak to families directly affected by the United States’ cruel immigration policies.” I wish these brave Christians well as they spread the true meaning of the Gospel of Jesus. Nick Gier of Moscow is a proud Unitarian and he taught religion and philosophy at the University of Idaho for 31 years. Email him at ngier006@gmail.com. F eb ruary 1 4 , 2 0 1 9



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3 rd

Saturday, Feb. 23 • 2-6pm

•219 Lounge •A&P Bar Grill •The Back Door •Beet and Basil at the Creek •Eichardt's Pub Grill & Coffee House •The Fat Pig •Idaho Pour Authority •I •Matchwood Brewing Co. •MickDuff's Brewing Co. Beer Hall •Trinity at City Beach •Utara Brewing Co. •Jalepeño’s Mexican Restaurant •Connie’s Lounge

t h u r s d a y


Live Music w/ Chris O’Murchu and Valentine’s Day Pairing 4-7pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Enjoy a romantic evening of specialty cheeses and chocolates and live jazz, blues, Latin guitar and vocals by Chris O’Murchu

f r i d a y


Live Music w/ The Groove Black 7-10pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Sandpoint original trio Live Music w/ Oak St. Connection 8:30-10:30pm @ Connie’s Lounge Connect with the Oak St. Connection Singles Night 9pm-12am @ A&P’s Bar and Grill

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HOURS: 3pm to close Mon. through Sat.

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1 4



/ F eb ruary 1 4 , 2 0 1 9



w e d n e s d a y t h u r s d a y

20 21 2/15 2/16 2/19 2/22 2/23

Grateful Dead Jam Night 5:30-7:30pm @ Idaho Pour Authority All musicians are welcome to jam with Scott Taylor to the Dead and Phish


Valentine’s Day Single 6:30-7:30pm @ MickD Let’s mix it up, Sandpo dating night is open t residents 40 and under. $1 off pints for particip 209-6700 for more info

Live Music w/ The Hawthorne Roots 9pm-12am @ 219 Lounge A sister-fronted roots rock ‘n’ roll band from Bozeman. “Revved up roots rock” Live Music w/ Oak St. Connection 6-9:30pm @ Matchwood Brewing Co. Live music during Ponderay Rotary’s Duck Derby event

Live Mus 6:30-9:30 Country n Sandpoin Various @ See p. 10 Live Mus 5-7pm @

Live Music w/ Jake Robin Live Music w/ Mike Wagoner and Utah John Mu 8:30-10:30pm @ Connie’s Lounge 5-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery 6-8 Soulful originals and covers Mike and John are a perfect duo of folk, Amer- Co Live Music w/ Right Front Burner icana and rock music. Free! Sai 9pm-12am @ 219 Lounge Live Music w/ The Wow Wows 9am This is Sandpoint’s funk, disco, rock 6:30-9:30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Lea and groove band. Get funky! One of Sandpoint’s hottest new bands Live Music w/ Browne Salmon Truck DJ Exodus - no cover Live Music 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority 9pm-12am @ A&P’s Bar and Grill 3-6pm @ Ta Trio of excellent musicians Sandpoint Chess Club 9am @ Evans Brothers Coffee Meets every Sunday at 9am

Live Music w/ Ken Mayginnes 4-6:30pm @ Matchwood Brewing Karaoke 8-close @ Tervan

Every Monday Cribbage Tournament 3-6pm @ Tervan Monday Night Blues Jam w/ Truck Mills 7:30pm @ Eichardt’s Pub

Night-Out Karaoke 9pm @ 219 Lounge Join DJ Pat for a night of singing, or just come to drink and listen Paint and Sip with Holly Walker @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Create your own winter masterpiece: “Schweitzer Full Moon.” 208-263-8545 to reserve

Wind Down Wednesday 5-8pm @ 219 Lounge With live music by blues man Truck Mills and guest musician Tom Duebendorfer

Lifetree Cafe 2pm @ Jalepeño’s Mexican Restaurant An hour of conversation and stories. This week’s topic: “We Are Not Alone” Triva Night 7pm @ MickDuff’s Show off that big, beautiful brain of yours

Magic Wednesday 6-8pm @ Jalapeño’s Enjoy close-up magic shows by Star Alexander right at your table

Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Good until the keg’s dry Open Mic Night w/ KC Carter 8-11pm @ A&P’s Bar and Grill



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Piano Sunday w 2-4pm @ Pend d’ Show ski pass an house wine or $6

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Djembe class 5:45-7:30pm @ Music Conservatory Join Ali Maverick Thomas for this dj

IPAC snow pit chat and film 6-8pm @ Matchwood Brewing Co. Join Idaho Panhandle Avalance Center Snow Pit Chat #3 w/ featured guest Sam Kavenaugh. “A Dozen More Turns” movie and discussion after

Thursday Night Solo Series w/ Brenden Kelty 6-8pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Brenden has roots in Rustbelt sensibilities, Western North Carolina tradition and the Pac. NW wilderness spectacular. Food by Sandpoint Curry

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February 14 - 21, 2019

ay Singles Speed Dating @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall p, Sandpoint. This speed is open to North Idaho nd under. Free event and or participants. Call (208) more info

A weekly entertainment guide to keep you on your toes. To list your event free, please send an email to calendar@sandpointreader.com. Reader recommended

Cards Against Humanity Tournament 7-9pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Participants must be 21+ and there will be prizes for the winners. Expect hilarity. Also, food by Sandpoint Curry Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub


ve Music w/ Harold’s IGA 6pm @ Taps at Schweitzer

unday w/ Annie Welle @ Pend d’Oreille Winery ki pass and receive $5 glass of ine or $6 glass of reserve wine

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“Drinking Habits” play (Feb. 14-16) 7pm @ The Panida Theater See story on p. 19. Tickets are $15 general; $13 senior; $10 student

Winter Carnival Block Party Lauren Sheehan Concert 6-9pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery 7:30pm @ Di Luna’s Enjoy wine and food outside on This vivacious “songster” Third Ave. Warm up by fire pits, delights audiences with the dance to live DJ KT Rains and enjoy breadth of her material, evocthis family-friendly event. Live mu- ative artistry and musiciansic inside the Winery from 5-8 p.m. ship. $12 advance, $15 day of by One Street Over (Americana) the show. DiLunas.com Bunco Party & Fundraiser Mugs and Music w/ Chad Patrick 6:30pm@ Memorial Community Center (Hope) 6-8pm @ Laughing Dog Brewery Fundraiser for Hope Preschool. $15 per person inCome to the Taproom for brews and tunes cludes snacks, pizza, water and soda Sail Trim Workshop Live Music w/ Red Blend 9am-4pm @ Sandpoint Community Hall 8-10pm @ The Back Door Learn how sails work. Free and open to public

Live Music w/ Devon Wade 6:30-9:30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Country night at the Beer Hall! Sandpoint Winter Carnival Various @ Sandpoint See p. 10 for a full list of events Live Music w/ Ron Kieper Jazz Trio 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority


Trivia Takeover Live 6-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Family friendly interactive trivia

Karaoke 8-close @ Tervan

Live Music w/ Kevin Dorin 8-10pm @ The Back Door

“Drinking Habits” play 3:30pm @ The Panida Theater See story on p. 19. Tickets are $15 general; $13 senior; $10 student. Starring Kate McAlister

Sunday Service at Gardenia Center 10am @ Gardenia Center With guest speaker Larry McBride: “Forgiveness” and live music with Beth Pederson

2/19 party at the 219 Lounge 2:19pm - close @ 219 Lounge Bring your friends to celebrate the annual 219 party on 2/19 at 2:19 p.m. with $2.19 drink specials. Snacks and drink specials, and Karaoke later with DJ Pat

Feb. 22-23 Live Comedy w/ Michael Winslow servatory of Sandpoint @ 219 Lounge for this djembe (drum) class Feb. 22, 24 My Favorite Toy Beer Hall Karaoke 7-10pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Co. Was Dirt (McHosted by Kevin Dorin e Center Manus Play) @ d guest 24 Hours for Hank Fundraiser • 5-8pm @ Idaho Pour Authority Panida Theater n More With Iron Horse Brewing Co. beer on tap and live music by Marty Feb. 23 Perron and Doug Bond, plus silent auction items and raffle prizes fter Beer Festival and Sandpoint Community Sing Girls Pint Out Kelty Pub Crawl @ var5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority 7-8:30pm @ Downtown Yoga Cool chicks, great beer, no A 90-min weekly journey of songs ious Sandpoint Westdudes! Join Vicki at the big ta- about nature, life, love and more. No locations NW


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Lawsuit launched to protect dwindling mountain caribou

Recently extinct in lower 48 States, caribou badly need protection to return

By Reader Staff

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Conservation groups issued a formal notice today of their intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for failing to finalize endangered species protections and designate critical habitat for Southern Mountain caribou. “Fish and Wildlife Service officials sat on their hands for decades while the last wild caribou in the lower 48 states went extinct,” said Andrea Santarsiere, a senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity. “If we’re going to get America’s beloved reindeer back, they need the strong protections of the Endangered Species Act.” The southern Selkirk herd of caribou, which formerly crossed the border between British Columbia and Idaho, has been protected as endangered under the Endangered Species Act since 1983. In 2014 the Fish and Wildlife Service determined that the herd is actually part of a larger population known as the Southern Mountain caribou, which includes a number of herds in Canada, and proposed protecting them as threatened. They are listed as endangered in Canada. The Service, however, never finalized protection for Southern Mountain caribou. The agency also failed to reconsider designating protected critical habitat for the caribou after the groups involved in today’s action successfully challenged a previous designation that only included a small fraction of the caribou’s former range in the United States. Late last year Canada brought the last animals from the southern Selkirk herd into captivity, marking the loss of all caribou from the lower 48 states. The caribou are being held in captivity. It is hoped they will breed and eventually be released back into the wild. The caribou need protection of their habitat for any such release to be successful. “It’s a tragedy that Southern mountain caribou have been allowed to blink out in the lower 48 states,” said Jason Rylander, senior counsel at Defenders of Wildlife. “With the right protections in place we can bring them back — and we should.” Like many boreal species, caribou once had a broad range in the lower 48, including the northern Rockies in Washington, Idaho and Montana, the upper

Midwest and the northeast. By 1983, when they were protected under the Endangered Species Act, caribou were limited to just the northern Rockies and declining fast. In the 1990s the Fish and Wildlife Service augmented the Selkirk herd with caribou from Canada, which helped the population grow to more than 100 animals. But the effort was abandoned without explanation, allowing the Selkirk herd to languish and decline. In 2011, following a petition and litigation from conservation groups, the Service proposed designating more than 375,000 acres of critical habitat for caribou in Idaho and Washington. The proposal was consistent with the recovery plan for the southern Selkirk herd, which identified a slightly larger area as necessary for recovery. In 2012, however, the Service finalized a designation that only included only about 30,000 acres. This massive cut in critical habitat was successfully challenged by the groups, but the Service has yet to issue a new critical habitat designation. Mountain caribou are an “ecotype” of the more widespread woodland caribou. They are uniquely adapted to life in the very snowy mountains of British Columbia and the northernmost areas of the northern Rockies in the lower 48 states. The caribou have hooves the size of dinner plates that act like snowshoes. The animals can survive all winter eating arboreal lichens found on the branches of oldgrowth trees only accessible in winter. Their habitat has become increasingly fragmented by roads and other development. Adding insult to injury, the increased power and popularity of snowmobiles has meant more and more people are infringing on the caribou’s alpine habitat. Not only do snowmobiles disturb the caribou, they also create compacted trails that provide predators access to caribou during winter.


This open Window

Mosquito Creek drips from my paddles making rings on itself join like a snowman if slower, a fir tree. I gaze over gunwales through sunlit water at paddles’ swirled shadows curling on creek bed silt its overlapped tracks of deer and heron.

Vol. 4 No.4

poetry and prose by local writers edited by Jim mitsui

late autumn sonnet My duvet lays puffed with warm synthetic fill It covers me and holds my breathing in and breathing out Above this room another keeps dolls with poses still and mouths controlled, in pink coquettish pouts The house’s roof surrenders to a northern breeze as noise like rusty hinges fall into my ears I snug into plush bedding while moonlit geese lift up in air as they have done for countless years They labor in the sky and jockey for a place While I stay sheltered in my fluffy bed and think on birds that soar and conquer errant space Each to take its turn to lead the V shaped thread To then alight upon a silvery lake For sleeping or for sentry’s sake -Amy Craven

Nov. 2018

Amy is a regular in this column, and her background in music as a performer and teacher comes through in her writing. She grew up in Baltimore, lived in New York, and has settled here in Sandpoint. She loves to travel, likes owls, and has become an accomplished poet. You’ve probably noticed that I seldom choose traditional rhyming poems for this column because contemporary poetry is largely free-verse. However, I recall my workshops with Nelson Bentley at the University of Washington when we had to write sonnets, villanelles, sestinas, pantoums, etc. It developed an appreciation of how structured & difficult writing in traditional forms is. The issue with rhyming is when the rhymes are all perfect, creating a sing-song or nursery rhyme effect. My favorite rhyme in Amy’s sonnet is “breeze” & “geese”, which is a near or slant rhyme.

Send poems to: jim3wells@aol.com

High in the hawthorns Eastern Kingbirds flash their white-tipped tails between branches heavy with berries and Cedar Waxwings. And afterwards, driving through Clark Fork, I stop at the Mennonite Bakery’s homey bustle, calicoand-old-overalls character sweet waft of latest pastries child-in-a-candy-store process of selection

to exchange cold coins for a parcel of savor carefully carried to a sequestered table. Drum roll of chair on floor to situate, sitting solo and quietly imbibe, relaxed in reverent prelude, smoothing the napkin in the lap. Deep breath of pregnant delight like a youngster gazing at birthday flames. Slow fork’s pleasant effort pressing through fresh baked, still warm blueberry cream cheese danish. Open-mouthed patience for its slow approach to the tongue. Eyes shut, suckling smile’s “mmmmmm”.

-Beth Weber Beth is about to add another endeavor to her long list of talents & interests---she’s going to be teaching a poetry writing workshop for youths at the Sandpoint Library. How lucky those kids are going to be. I know a lot of people think poetry is that out-dated rhyming stuff, high-falutin’ literary waste of time. But poetry has a magic and effect that’s so positive on all our lives, especially here in North Idaho. We live in the woods, yes, but the culture here is evolving and the Me-too generation will be better leaders because of their writing, insights and wisdom.

appearances The ice veneer of winter Crusts the edge of the lake Each footstep an experiment Walking on water, so to speak Visible bubbles white against The grey clay bottom Rotten fronds of grass weed Would suck a booted foot Like a hungry sea anemone The lowered water level Discloses detritus Of a summer day cut short a lost ball, pail, rusted bike wheel A white wall tire slimed green A tangled pile of Feathers and bones Frozen tracks of a four-wheeler Tested too early

He asks, in frosted puffs “Are we there yet?” As the stroll turns to trek Five miles seems to double The experiments, tiresome Disaster’s threat numbs But I still place each foot As if the surface might crack No, not yet.

-Jackie Henrion “Just thought of you folks after my husband and I took a walk along the ice-crusted edge of the lake from the Seasons to Ponderay. “ Jackie Henrion hosts a weekly radio show “Songs-Voices-Poems,” on 88.5 KRFY and has an MFA in creative writing from Naropa University’s low residency program. A resident of Sandpoint, she enjoys the nature, culture, people, and contrasts from her hometown of Greenwich Village, New York. F eb ruary 1 4 , 2 0 1 9



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SARS: Learning to fly on top of the mountain By Jason Welker Reader Contributor While winter has intensified in recent weeks down here in town plenty of exciting action has been taking place up on Schweitzer Mountain, with hundreds of athletes flocking to the North Idaho from all over North America to compete in ski races hosted by the Schweitzer Alpine Racing School. In the first week of February SARS hosted the International Ski Federation Western Region Speed Series races, which brought over one hundred 16-19 year old athletes from ski clubs from as far off as Calgary, Canada to Lake Tahoe, California to Park City, Utah to Schweitzer for two “speed events”: a “downhill”, in which athletes reach speeds of up to 75 miles per hour in a race with almost no turns, and a “super G” (short for super giant slalom), which follows the same track as the downhill but includes more gates around which athletes must maneuver. Schweitzer Mountain Resort provides SARS with a fantastic venue for the club’s races, which include not just speed events for the older athletes but also Youth Ski League (for 7-11 year olds) and junior races (for 12-15 year olds) in four disciplines: the two “speed” events of downhill and super G and the “technical” events of slalom and giant slalom. On Feb. 22-24 ski clubs from around the region will gather on Schweitzer’s Zip Down run (off of the Stella lift on the north side of the resort) to compete in the Pacific Northwest Ski Association giant slalom and super G races for U14 athletes (those who are 12-13 years of age). Races like the FIS speed series and the U14 PNSA races are made possible thanks almost entirely to the efforts of volunteers. Because the Sandpoint-based club is a non-profit organization, tuition is kept low to make the sport affordable to families who want their children to experience the sport of ski racing. In return, club members learn lifelong lessons about safety, fitness, and responsibility while refining their skiing skills in a competition-based program. Most children participate with SARS for several years, which enables the club to instill its core values of teamwork, 1 8



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Top: SHS junior Addison McNamara gets air in the FIS downhill race Bottom: SARS FIS skiers after a week of racing. Photos by Wendy Panos. discipline, health and wellness and citizenship. These values promote quality citizens engaging in a high standard of life. Ski racing is a demanding sport, especially for teenage athletes, who in order to remain competitive must train at least three days per week and travel to races around the country. At the highest level, FIS athletes usually ski five days per week and attend training camps during all four seasons, including over the summer when they will travel to Mount Hood, Whistler, or even to the Alps of Switzerland to train on high alpine glaciers. SARS currently has two Sandpoint-based FIS athletes, both of whom have grown up skiing for the local team and have managed to stick with the sport throughout their high school years. Addison McNamara, currently a junior at Sandpoint High School, and Farli Boden, who graduated from SHS last year and is taking a gap year to focus on her ski racing career, represent SARS and the Sandpoint community at races around North America and right here on our local hill. While very few athletes manage to make it to the FIS level, the club serves a

much broader base of families at the lower age groups. The STARS (Schweitzer Tiny Alpine Racers) program currently includes 40 five and six year old skiers, about a dozen of whom are Sandpoint locals, and the youth program servers another 160 athletes between ages seven and twelve, many whom commute each weekend from the Coeur d’Alene and Spokane areas to participate in SARS events. For families with kids in SARS, the club is about more than just learning to be a better skier. SARS is a community, and through their efforts as race volunteers or by helping put on the annual SARS Ski Swap the Bonner County Fairgrounds or by attending the annual

fundraiser dinner auction, SARS athletes and their parents often form lifelong friendships with one another. If you want to learn more about the club or its activities, drop by the race venue on Feb. 22-24 to check out the action or visit our website at www.sars. net. Enrollment for next season will open up in early September 2019 and continue through the end of October. With demand high, our programs fill up quickly, but SARS welcomes new families every year, and would love to expand our membership from right here within the Sandpoint community.


Love sucks: History’s tragic l vers By Ben Olson Reader Staff Throw a rock at a stack of Shakespeare plays and you’ll undoubtedly hit a doomed lover or two in the process. But stories of tragic love are not reserved solely for the theater. History is littered with tales of lovers enduring tragedy in the name of that holiest of emotions; that little thing we call love. Single folks, you can read these stories from ancient and not-so-ancient history with a wry smile and fist bump your single friends for avoiding such woe. Those of you in love, well, let’s hope none of this stuff happens to you. Cleopatra and Mark Antony Many of you may know of this story from the play of the same name by William Shakespeare. Cleopatra was an Egyptian queen, the last ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egpyt from 69 to 30 B.C. Mark Antony was a Roman politician and general who lived during the same era. The two met in 41 B.C. during the height of the Roman Republic’s downfall. After Caesar’s assassination, Cleopatra set her sights on Roman general Mark Antony. Mark Antony was already married, but that didn’t stop love from taking hold. The two were married in 36 B.C. and had twins. Their romance helped form a tenuous political alliance between the Roman Empire and Egypt — an alliance that would sour when future Roman Emperor Octavian convinced the Roman senate that Mark Antony was power-hungry and that Cleopatra had bewitched him into falling in love with her. Antony and Cleopatra fled separately to Egpyt after losing a major sea battle. Since Octavian declared Mark Antony a traitor, both lovers resolved to commit suicide. Hearing false rumors that she had already killer herself, Mark Antony committed suicide by stabbing himself. Hearing this, Cleopatra took her own life by inducing a poisonous snake to bite her. Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal Did you know the Taj Mahal was actually a magnificent monument of love from one man to his wife? The palace, which stands at the heart of India, is a testament to the enduring power of love.

Shah Jahan was born a prince in the late 16th century. The son of the Emperor of India, the young prince caught sight of a young Muslim Persian princess selling silk and glass beads and fell in love. He convinced his father to allow them to marry, which they did five years later. When he became Emperor in 1628, Shah Jahan bestowed upon his love the title of Mumtaz Mahal, the “Jewel of the Palace,” and made her his queen. Though he had other wives, Mumtaz was Shah Jahan’s favorite who accompanied him everywhere, including military campaigns. Mumtaz died tragically during childbirth with her 14th child. Grief stricken, Shah Jahan ordered two years of mourning and promised he would never remarry. He swore to build a magnificent mausoleum over her grave. It took 22,000 workers over two decades to construct the monument that would forever be known as the Taj Mahal. The ornately designed palace is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. The symmetry of its design is the Shah’s final honor to show his love for his wife to the ages.

Ines de Castro and King Peter There is a forbidden love story which is embedded deep into the Medieval history of Portugal. Ines de Castro became a lady-in-waiting for Portuguese Princess Constance in the mid 14th century. When Ines de Castro caught the eye of Constance’s Prince Peter, they began having secret romantic meetings in nearby gardens. After Constance died in 1345, Peter and Ines lived as a married couple, a decision which angered his father the king. King Afonso IV disapproved the relationship, as did the court and the people. The lovers lived happily with their three children for many years, but the king was under constant pressure of the lovers’ union, so he ordered Ines de Castro’s murder. In grief, Peter led an uprising against the king. He never forgive his father for murdering his one true love. When he had finally taken the crown in 1357, Peter ordered the

By Banksy. execution of Ines’ murderers by ripping the hearts out of their chests. The action garnered him the nickname, “The Cruel.” King Peter demanded Ines be recognized as Queen of Portugal, ordering her body moved to the Royal Monastery of Alcobaca, where dual tombs were built so that he could rest next to her forever.

Heloise and Abelard This love story from the 12th century was also so tragic it was turned into a piece of literature called “Eloisa to Abelard” by British poet Alexander Pope. Peter Abelard was a French philosopher considered to be one of the premier thinkers of his time. Heloise was the niece of an important man, the Canon Flubert, and also was a well-educated woman of her time. When her uncle hired Abelard, who was 20 years Heloise’s senior, as a live-in tutor, the two developed a complicated affair that would be told throughout the ages. When Flubert found out about their love, he separated the two lovers. But, when Heloise turned up pregnant, he granted them permission to secretly marry to save Abelard’s career. After the birth of their son, Heloise went to stay with some nuns. Her uncle believed Abelard had cast her aside to the nunnery so ordered him castrated. Ouch. After the brutal castration, Abelard became a monk and convinced Heloise to become a nun. The two corresponded in a series of now-famous letters until their death, though they never met again.

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From ‘Police Academy’ to the 219 Actor and comedian Michael Winslow will bring his unique talent to the 219 Lounge next weekend

By Ben Olson Reader Staff Of all the interviews I’ve conducted with famous people, my conversation with Michael Winslow was easily my favorite. Dubbed “The Man of 10,000 Sound Effects,” Winslow has appeared in such comedy classics as “Spaceballs,” “Cheech and Chong’s Next Movie and of course, as “Motormouth Jones” in the “Police Academy” films. Aside from acting, he is widely regarded as one of the pioneers of beatboxing. Winslow is also a stand-up comedian, blending his off-thewall impressions, sound effects and mouth-generated covers of famous performers like Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin. He’ll be showcasing his unique brand of comedy at the 219 Lounge for two days on Friday Feb. 22 and Saturday, Feb. 23. The doors open both nights at 7 p.m. and the show begins at 8 p.m. The show is hosted by Morgan Preston and will also feature comedian Phillip Kopczynski. Below is just a short snippet of the hilarious conversation I had with Winslow. By the time I hung up the phone my cheeks were hurting from laughter. Another satisfied customer. Sandpoint Reader: Hey, Michael, thanks so much for taking my call. Michael Winslow: You’re very welcome. I hear you guys are getting snow blinded right now.

SR: We’re getting pounded. There’s at least a foot on the ground, and it just keeps coming. MW: I remember all that. I used to live in Spokane.

SR: That was going to be my first question for you. I read that you grew up in Spokane. MW: Yeah, my dad was at Fairchild Air Force Base. I remember it all, man. Every single bit of it. SR: So, what was it like growing up on an air force base? MW: Interesting. I also lived in

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an air force base in Montana, which was a great place to be if you were a truck tire, or a spent shell casing. But it was a unique experience for me, so I was fine with it. SR: Do you think that impacted the way you developed your vocal talent?

MW: Yeah, because I didn’t have a lot of friends, you know when you’re up in these places there’s nothing there, so you pretty much make it up for yourself. You pretty much make up your own friends.

SR: I hear that so much from a lot of comedians, that their abilities were developed more as a defense mechanism from the cruelty of children. MW: Sure it is. And where do they learn it from? Everybody else. I ended up making my own movie soundtracks, my own TV shows, where I’d turn the sound off the TV and do the soundover for myself. SR: When did you first notice you had a unique talent?

MW: When they were beating you up to make you shut up, you think, “Hey, maybe I am good at this.” Maybe this is what I’ll do. I was watching weird TV shows, like “The Copycats” and “Rowan & Martin’s Laugh In,” which was Goldie Hawn’s first gig. I kept going, “Jeez, who the hell are these people?” and my brother and I used to fight over the TV because “Star Trek” would run at the same time as “The Monkees,” so he would tie me to a chair and force me to watch “Star Trek,” which really made me mad until I figured out how to make the noises. Then he was like, “Let’s go back to watching ‘The Monkees,’” and I’d say, ‘It’s too late.” This was back when Shatner had hair. It was the sounds that did it for me. I used to listen to the soundtracks closely. The creepy sounds on shows like “The Outer Limits” and the “Twilight Zone,” and “Night Gallery,” which was one of Steven Spielberg’s first gigs. When I watched these shows, I realized how noises were so im-

portant, like that sonar noise, and how they would slow it down, lotta weird stuff. The noises in the Bat Cave, when he’d turn the Batmobile on. Also, whenever the criminals would show up, the cameras would always tilt 20 degrees to the right. Simple effects, but effective. Then Bruce Lee showed up, and I was like, “Wow.” SR: I’ve seen your Bruce Lee bit when I was younger and remember cracking up at it.

MW: I want to do a whole movie like that. But I want it to be Mel Brooks funny. That’s what I aim for, the Mel Brooks level of humor. SR: It’s that humor that pushes the envelope just enough to make you feel uncomfortable.

MW: Right, that’s Mel Brooks’ style of humor, man. When I was in “Spaceballs,” that was what it was like. He was using the formula all the way. There’s some wild stuff on the cutting room floor that you’re never gonna see. SR: Was there a lot of improvisation during “Spaceballs,” or were things pretty well scripted out?

MW: Oh no, some of it was scripted, but some of it was not. Things were going fine until one of the young 20-something execs showed up to pass along the message to the studio to Mel Brooks: (in wimpy voice) “Sir, uh, I’m Mr. Pimplyface from corporate, and we just wanted to let you know you’re four pages behind.” You know what Mel Brooks did? I bet you know what he did? SR: Probably threw them away.

MW: He tore them out of the book and told the guy, “Get off my set!” Then we weren’t behind anymore, so we improv’d it.

SR: Now, what came first, “Spaceballs,” or “Police Academy?” MW: Nah, man, (in Cheech Marin voice), “Cheech and Chong’s First Movie,” man. It was great, man.

SR: What was that like for you, taking this thing you developed as a

child more as a defense mechanism and finding that you were actually making a living off of it? MW: It’s been quite an adventure. I feel very, very fortunate. I just don’t know what to think of it half the time. I’m very grateful I’ve had these opportunities. I’m putting out records, too. I’ve got some things getting ready to happen for the first time and I’m doing all the soundtracks for all the stuff I make. I’m working with some other guest artists, but all the beatboxers have been pestering me to please, please put something out and raise the standard and teach these young ones. SR: You’re actually credited as one of the forerunners of beatboxing, which is really cool. MW: Yeah, they say I’m one of the founders, which is fine, but now I’m going to have to break the rules in an organized manner and make some people angry. Because they’re going to have to figure it out, but that’s OK. SR: Should comedy be safe, or should it have that edge on it that has the potential of offending, or...?

MW: People need to leave comedy alone and let it do its thing. Just like any Einstein experiment — if you observe the experiment, you change the experiment. If you comment on it, you change the outcome. One man’s ceiling is another man’s floor. As Claud Debussy

said, “Any attempt to create art or beauty will always be regarded by someone as a personal attack.” Even if it offends no one, someone will take offense because they want to. Time flies when you’re having none. I’ve decided that art is art. But, on my show, we don’t do politics. SR: That’s a bold move. Seems like comedians everywhere are going after the low hanging fruit right now.

MW: We can be coy with it, you can play with it a little bit, but no. Here’s the thing. I’m a performing artist and I’m not comfortable with alienating 50 percent of my audience, just because somebody else wanted me to. If you want that, go watch Bill Mahar. The political folks are the political folks, let them do their thing. I have family members who are diametrically opposed who are now hating each other because of politics. So why would I want to offend the very people who need help, or a release (from comedy)?

SR: Speaking of comedy, a lot of people know you only from your films. How does your stand up routine differ? What should we expect? MW: Um, well, you can forget about your rent for an hour.

SR: If you were at the Pearly Gates and were asked for one

< see WINSLOW, page 17 >


International music program comes to Sandpoint By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff

An orchestra is all about creating something bigger than the sum of its parts, and that’s a perfect metaphor for El Sistema. The international orchestral music program brings in youth of all ages to practice and perform music, connecting them with others and allowing them to reach their full potential as musicians and as individuals. Likewise, it connects regions participating in the program with one another, forming a broader community around the power of music. It’s even bringing local organizations together as they work to prepare a major event of theater and music later this year. Hosted by the Music Conservatory of Sandpoint, El Sistema is designed to give students a positive outlet to create lasting life skills and help them avoid destructive habits or life choices. It began in Venezuela as a program to combat gang activity, and it proved so successful that it has spread into international communities. Sandpoint is one of the few rural communities to participate in the official El Sistema program. “It doesn’t give kids something to do but something of high quality,” said Karin Wedemeyer, director of the Music Conservatory of Sandpoint. On Jan. 30 and 31, Janice Wall, director of El Sistema for the Music Conservatory of Sandpoint, traveled to Detroit for a conference to better un-

derstand how to implement the program locally. “I learned a lot from that conference,” she said. “I got a bigger picture, and it solidified in my mind what El Sistema is all about.” Much of the conference focused on connecting local El Sistema directors together, broadening the network of individuals working within the system. Wall also gained new insights about how to integrate the program into the broader North Idaho community. “I found that as we listened around, we have more challenges than urban areas,” she said. “Part of it is the distance we’re trying to serve.” As with other conservatory programs, El Sistema is designed to connect not just Sandpoint students to the benefits and community of an orchestra, but also youth in outlying areas like Clark Fork and Priest River. In all cases, the idea is to make the program available for everyone regardless of financial circumstances. The conservatory has also introduced some novel elements to classic program, like providing healthy snacks for students to keep their energy up and their minds sharp. Coordination with other organizations is another major element to Sandpoint’s El Sistema program. In fact, the El Sistema team is working with Christine Holbert of Shakespeare in the Park on a Celebration of Arts and Cultures set for July 27 at Memorial Field. It will be an exciting fusion of talents to bring classic theater and music to Sandpoint

this year. Of course, for all the excitement on the horizon, the real benefit comes back to the life-changing skills and connections students develop through the program.

Participating students sing during choir practice. Courtesy photo.

“I hear from many of them that it’s their home away from home,” Wedemeyer said.

< WINSLOW, con’t from page 16 > last bit, which would it be? MW: Well, if St. Peter asked me to do Led Zeppelin again, I’d do it. There’s a video on YouTube from Norway. I don’t speak Norwegian, but I speak rock. SR: I’ve seen your Jimi but never the Led Zeppelin one.

MW: The gentleman I was jamming with was a death metal guy. I learned how to play death metal in Finland. I’m going to put out one song that way. SR: When does the album come out?

MW: I decided I’m going to release two different EPs immediately – one for hip hop, R&B and beat box, then the other for EDM dance music. Then I’ll put out a death metal

album third. I’ve figured out how to make death metal music – the lead singer always sounds like he’s throwing up in a bucket. See, no politics, right? Remember, my job is to help everyone forget about their rent. So that’s what we do. Break the rules in an organized manner. If you want normal, turn the channel. Catch Michael Winslow at the live comedy show at the 219 Lounge Feb. 22 and 23. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. The show is hosted by Morgan Preston and features comedian Phillip Kopcyzynski.

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High spirits at the Panida Theater

Romance, comedy and intrigue star in Panida play during Winter Carnival

By Reader Staff Comedy, romance and a convent full of secrets is the setting for this story of two nuns who scandalously have been turning the convent’s vineyard into wine instead of the dictated grape juice. All behind the back of the Mother Superior, played by Kate McAlister, who thinks of wine as “forbidden Devil’s juice.” This light-hearted farce written by Tom Smith traps two former romantically involved reporters, through mistaken identity, into going undercover in hopes of breaking a major story. Add in a rumor that someone from Rome has been sent to spy on the convent and the result is an “I Love Lucy” style comedic adventure. “In farce, it’s not the lines that they say, it’s the situation and reaction that makes it funny,” said Becky Revak, the director of “Drinking Habits.” This is the latest production from the Panida Playhouse Players. As opening night approaches, Revak says rehearsals have been going extremely well. “This play is full of timing and deception. This cast is so well versed in being physically funny that it has been a challenge for them to keep a straight face during rehearsals!” Revak adds, “The nuance of timing and the degree of this cast’s understanding of comedy really makes it exciting for me.”

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The talented cast is comprised of Amy Sherman (as Sister Philamena), Maddie Herron (Sister Augusta), Rob Linder (George), Kate McAlister (Mother Superior), Cory Repass (Paul), Courtney Roberts (Sally), Elizabeth Iha (Sister Mary Catherine) and Robert Moore (Father Chenille). The Panida Playhouse Players chose this as their contribution to entertainment for Sandpoint’s Weird and Wonderful Winter Carnival. Drinking Habits is good fun for the whole family. Audience members with Catholic history may get the few inside jokes, but everyone will be entertained by the wit, humor, presentation, hilarious situations and amazing physical comedy. Wine and secrets are inevitably spilled as everyone tries to preserve the convent and reconnect with lost loves. The play, written by Tom Smith, re-

ceived a Pickering Award for excellence in playwriting. The play also features set construction by Sam Cornett, assistant direction by Megan White, lighting by Bill Lewis and sound by Mark Watson. Russ Rector handles props and back stage, and Patricia Walker is the producer. And who would be the perfect sponsors for this event? Pend Oreille Winery and MickDuff’s, of course!

The cast of “Drinking Habits.” Courtesy photo.

Performances are Feb. 14, 15 and 16 at 7 p.m. and Feb. 17 at 3:30 p.m. Tickets for “Drinking Habits” are $15 for adults, $13 for seniors and $10 for students. Tickets can be purchased at the door, Eve’s Leaves, or online at www.panida.org


Films about love that don’t suck By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff Movie formulas have their place, but sometimes, the bog-standard romantic comedy just doesn’t cut it. Maybe you need a break from the quirky girl and commitment-challenged guy who fall in love, break up and get back together before the credits roll. Maybe you’re just trying to impress that movie snob you’ve been seeing lately. It’s OK, we’re not here to judge. Whatever the case, if you’re seeking something a little different this Valentine’s Day, here are a few unconventional romance movies to mix things up.

“Punch-Drunk Love”

Adam Sandler is one of those lovehim-or-hate-him actors. But “PunchDrunk Love” flips the script, taking Sandler’s boyish comedic style in a direction that often leaves his fans baffled and his haters thinking, “Maybe this guy has talent after all.” Directed by cinematic master Paul Thomas Anderson, the film covers a romance between Barry (Sandler), a novelty salesman with severe social anxiety and rage issues, and Lena (Emily Watson). Their relationship is complicated when Barry runs afoul of a gang of identity thieves and extortionists, forcing him to confront both them and his own complicated personality. In turns sweet, jarring and funny, “Punch-Drunk Love” is elevated by incredible performances and Anderson’s impeccable visual style. One thing is for sure: It’s not like any other Sandler movie you’ve seen.


Intimacy, connection, shared interests and values, sex: When it comes to romantic relationships, they’re all factors. But can they exist between a human and a digitally-constructed personality? That’s the idea behind “Her,” a Spike Jonze film that ranks as both a sci-fi and romance masterpiece. And given the rising trend of people giving up human connections for artificial ones, it may also become a scarily prescient movie. Set in the near future, Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) has fallen into a rut in his personal life and struggles with the thought of his impending divorce. When he upgrades his computers’ operating systems to include a digital personal assistant that can learn and grow, he meets Samantha (Scarlett Johansson), and the two quickly develop a startlingly intimate connection as she manages his social media, emails and digital life.

“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”

With movies like “Being John Malkovich” and “Adaptation” under his belt, Charlie Kaufman is regarded as one of the most innovative screenwriters in the business. In “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” he turns his incisive style to relationships. The result is romantic comedy that tackles themes of love and memory in a poignant, moving and often very funny way. Directed by Michel Gondry, the movie is carried by two excellent central performances from Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet as Joel and Clementine, a former couple who have their memories of each other erased after a painful break-up. They re-meet some time later without any knowledge that they had dated and begin a relationship once again. The film explores their original decision to erase their relationship from their minds, with a large portion of the film taking place in Joel’s mind as he fights to retain memories of his ex-girlfriend.

“The Tale of Princess Kaguya”

I wanted to include one animated movie on this list, because of course I did. And while Disney has tackled love and romance in a variety of compelling ways, why not start with a movie based on “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter,” a Japanese folk story considered by some to be the “ancestor of all romance?” That movie is “The Tale of Princess Kaguya,” an animated film produced by Studio Ghibli, best known for masterpieces like “Spirited Away” and “Princess Mononoke.” Like the folktale it’s based on, the movie follows a young girl found by a Japanese laborer in a

shoot of bamboo. As she grows up, she develops a relationship with a local boy that lasts even as she’s sought for marriage by noble suitors and learns about her own mysterious heritage. “The Tale of Princess Kaguya” is a deeply moving movie filled with beautiful animation and soaring sequences. Even among Ghibli’s exceptional standard of quality, it’s a standout.

Romantic comedies that make me sick By Ben Olson Reader Staff

Don’t ask why I know about these films. “She’s All That” (1999) This is another one of those rom-coms about a popular guy (Freddie Prinze Jr.) who doesn’t know that a nerdy girl (Rachael Leigh Cook) exists until she has a makeover. The premise has been beaten to death over the years. What I find odd is that Rachael Leigh Cook’s character was way better looking before the makeover. What this movie lacks in substance it makes up for in shallowness. It’s probably best to avoid any films with Freddie Prinze Jr. “Fool’s Gold” (2008) It’s no coincidence that this film came out right before the housing market collapsed and sent the U.S. into a Great Recession. OK, it had nothing to do with that, but it’s a truly awful film. The plot is basic: a recently-divorced treasure hunting duo (Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson) rekindle their marriage as they search for, you guessed it, sunken pirate’s booty. Terrible chemisty and acting combine to make this a super yawn. “Good Luck Chuck” (2007) When a serial dater (Dane Cook) gets cursed by a cliche goth girl into a lifetime of being single when we was a kid, he tries to make an adult relationship with a sexy penguine specialist (Jessica Alba) work. It doesn’t. Not at all, in fact. The chemistry between Cook and Alba is nonexistent, maybe because Cook isn’t funny and Alba is a pretty flower in an empty vase. She also is a terrible actress. Yeah, I’m a jerk. F eb ruary 1 4 , 2 0 1 9



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The Sandpoint Eater

A taste of Cuba By Marcia Pilgeram Reader Food Columnist All I can think about, since returning from a recent trip to Cuba (I traveled on an Educational, People-to-People visa), is a repeat performance. Cuba was everything I had hoped for, beginning with my arrival. No sooner did our flight touch down then the passengers broke out in tearful and loud applause. Most onboard were Cuban, and though it’s now common for expats to visit relatives in Cuba, it’s not something they yet take for granted. I grew up around displaced Cuban children, and I can only imagine how joyful those reunions must feel. During the early 1960s, thousands of children were airlifted out of Cuba in a covert mission named Operation Peter Pan, aided by Catholic Charities. It was the largest mass exodus of unaccompanied minors in the history of the U.S., and the plan was to quickly reunite these children (known as the “Pedro Pans”), with their families. But before most of the adults made it out of Cuba, the new government shut down the Miami airlifts, leaving thousands of children of all ages in the care of the Catholic Church. These kids were sent to various far-flung locations in the USA, including Idaho and Montana. Once they arrived, I remember my mother volunteering at our Catholic orphanage. The recipients of her seamstress handy-work were the temporarily orphaned Pedro Pans. Much to my father’s dismay, the older boys were 2 4



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housed near our home, and I still remember those handsome, fast-fast footed Cuban boys, dancing up a storm and wildly twirling my light-footed teenage sister, for hours on end, in the family rumpus room (with me, the 8-year old chaperone, watching every move). From that time on, I have always envisioned Cubans to be lively, warm and vibrant. And upon arrival in Cuba, I wasn’t disappointed. Street bands are everywhere! Even our finger-tapping cab driver, well into his seventies, sang along with his radio, from the time we left the airport until we arrived at our hotel (his only break in song was to proudly point out the stadium where he and his entire family watched the Rolling Stones perform in 2016). Havana is loud, colorful and welcoming, and this year Cubans are proud to be celebrating Havana’s 500-year anniversary, along with their diverse cultures. For many years after the revolution, Cubans were forbidden to discuss their ethnic

backgrounds, as they were all the same, “Cuban.” Now, they are free to speak of their mixed Spanish, Indigenous and African backgrounds, along with their religious traditions. There’s lots of revitalization happening, and, according to locals, the culinary scene in Cuba has seen vast (and tasty) improvements too. Restaurants are mostly for tourists, though, as it would take a week’s pay for a local to splurge on such a meal. Many Cubans still rely on government rations for their home cooked meals. While the majority of restaurants are still owned by the state, there’s now an opportunity for private individuals to own small restaurants (and other small enterprises as well). Not surprisingly, with any state-owned “business,” people who work there have little passion for the food they prepare and barely do justice to Cuban cuisine. “Paladares” are restaurants as we know them. They are privately owned and are the best places to sample “real” Cuban food.

The prices of a full meal at a paladar vary. Havana has several really great paladares, including my favorite, El Cabron. A “Casas Particular” is another way to sample “real Havana.” It is the equivalent of our “bed and breakfast.” Many Cubans who have a couple of spare rooms in their house rent them out to travelers. Staying at a Casa Particular is the best way to experience an immersion into Cuba and eat some amazing Cuban dishes! Procuring foodstuffs, even at Gran Hotel Manzana Kempinski La Habana Cuba (the newest luxury property, where I stayed), is a challenge. Menus are predicated by what’s available and delivered in any given day. As the manager at the hotel explained to me, even five-star restaurant meal planning is risky business. Many of the newer, private establishments rely on producing their own foodstuffs but still rely heavily on Cuba’s staple products of chicken, pork, beans, rice and plan-

tains, evident with the daily specials. Though their staple ingredients may be limited, their ways of mixing spices and flavors is boundless, as I learned when sampling endless (and delicious prepared) plantains. Every meal I ate included a plantain, in one form or another. Similar in texture and taste to a banana, they can be prepared fried and salty, called tostones, or stewed and sweet. A popular starter on many menus is tostones rellenos, which is fried plantains stuffed with anything from garlic shrimp to spicy beef. And let’s face it, everything may have tasted a little better, washed down with copious servings of mojitos, right? Rumor has it that Ernest Hemingway enjoyed his in the still operating La Bodeguita del Modio. I certainly enjoyed mine there. Do you suppose Hemingway brought his favorite mojito recipe back to his beloved Idaho? Can mojitos be enjoyed in the dead of winter? You be the judge.

Hemingway Cuban Mojito ala La Bodeguita del Modio Cocktail Recipe Makes one delicious cocktail

INGREDIENTS: ¾ oz simple syrup (or 2 tablespoons of white granulated sugar) 1 ounce fresh lime juice 8 fresh mint leaves 1/2 a lime, quartered crushed ice (about 3/4 cup) 2 ounces light rum 2 ounces club soda mint sprig and/or lime wedge for garnish

DIRECTIONS: In an 8-inch tall glass, add the sugar, lime juice and mint leaves. Using a muddler (or wooden spoon), gently muddle the mint leaves for about 10 seconds or until the mint aromas are released. Add the quartered lime pieces, rum and ice to the glass. Gently stir (from top to bottom) to combine and bring the leaves up from the bottom of the glass. Serve with a straw, and garnish with a mint sprig and/or lime wedge.


Love songs that don’t suck By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff My Spotify consists of dozens upon dozens of playlists I’ve compiled with different themes: writing, working out, road trips, sad as hell, etc. Among the day-to-day necessities are small collections of sappy songs — the ones I play when the sun is just right and I’m feeling particularly lucky to be headed home to my person. In acknowledgment of Valentine’s Day, here are a few of those tracks. “Hold You In My Arms” • Ray LaMontagne It’s simple, but so, so good. Ray LaMontagne is one of my feel-good artists, and this song is all about making each other feel good, or at least feel better. “Hold You In My Arms” exemplifies what I see as one of the main tenets of romantic love: to be someone’s safe place to land when the cruel outside world beckons. The easy-going chorus is medicine for all the bad things — fears, insecurities, anxieties — that threaten to take over until our person is there to help carry the load. Choice lyrics: “Don’t let your eyes refuse to see / don’t let your ears refuse to hear / you ain’t never gonna shake this sense of sadness” “Strawberry Blonde” • Sam Burchfield For someone who doesn’t much like surprises, I am a sucker for songs about running away together. Burchfield strikes a tone somewhere between simple adoration and deep desperation, so I can’t imagine the person he’s pleading to run away with and marry

could possibly say no. This song for me is the pie-in-thesky love song, perfect for when life is just a little too much to handle and disappearing with the person you love could be the perfect antidote — in a perfect world. Choice lyrics: “Throw out your bobby pins and your reservations / let your hair hang loose” “Where You Are — Acoustic” • Tenille Townes This track comes from an emerging country singer-songwriter out of Nashville, but this rendition of “Where You Are” strikes a folksy tone and showcases Townes’ gift for giving life to simple lyrics without any predictable twang or country cliches. What struck me upon first listen is how easily this song rises and falls from profound declaration of love to subdued fondness as Townes recounts all the things she would do be with her person — from standing in a long line to swimming across a sea. Above all, this song feels genuine, and that’s why I dig it. Choice lyrics: “I’d stand in any ticket line / any mountain, I would climb / just to find my way to where you are” “Truly Madly Deeply” • Yoke Lore (Spotify Session) When a folk band tackles a ‘90s pop hit, the results can vary. Yoke Lore takes Savage Garden’s 1997 “Truly Madly Deeply” and gives it new life, taking the timeless, hopelessly-romantic lyrics and giving them a melancholy touch over soft banjo. Sounds weird? I didn’t think it would work that well either, but the result is a gem that keeps making its way onto all my cheesy playlists.

Choice lyrics: “I’ll be your dream, I’ll be your wish, I’ll be your fantasy / I’ll be your hope, I’ll be your love, be everything that you need” “The Bad Days” • David Ramirez This song takes us off the track of typical, sappy love songs and into the realm of sad love songs, which might be my favorite kind of songs. Ramirez has all of the elements here: incredible vocals, searingly sad acoustic guitar and lyrics that are almost painfully honest. He pleads with whoever is back home waiting for him as he travels, acknowledging that while there will days when she’s fed up, she’s “still (his) girl in the bad days.” I can’t say whether the woman he is singing about is still in his life, but based on this song, I probably would be. Choice lyrics: “There are gonna be days when the love is so thin / the days are a game that we just can’t win / there are gonna be days you might want to be free / there are gonna be days that you hate me” “Heart’s On Fire” • Passenger Alright, this one is a little on the sad side, too, though in a less obvious way. The English singer-songwriter recounts his fortunes, admitting he doesn’t have much, but he’s “got enough,” and recalls someone he hopes to see again. Just the line that serves as the song’s namesake — “Oh, darlin’, my heart’s on fire for you” — is a lot to unpack. Fire is so

This week’s RLW by Ben Olson


If you think love stories are cheesy, perhaps you’re reading the wrong authors. Leo destructive and all-consuming, Tolstoy’s “Anna and sometimes love can be, Karenina” tells story of too. Anyone who likes more a doomed love affair between the well-known Passenger songs eponymous title character and a — or who has a soft spot for dashing officer, Count Vronsky. Set in the backdrop of 19th solemn, string-dominated folk century Russia, this timeless novtunes — will love “Heart’s on el explores love only the way a Fire.” Choice lyrics: “When some- dark, macabre Russian could explain it. thing’s living well you can’t say die / you feel like laughing but you start to cry / I don’t know how and I don’t know My girlfriend is a sucker for why” love songs in foreign languages.


“Northern Wind” • City and Colour When I consider what love would sound like if it were a song, I believe “Northern Wind” is the answer. With simple guitar and a string of similes, the Canadian singer-songwriter compares his love to falling leaves, a lullaby, the four seasons and more. Making comparisons to the beauty he sees in the world made more sense than to attempt to describe his love for this person, and that, to me, speaks volumes. There’s power in simplicity when it comes to love songs, and City and Colour nails it. Choice lyrics: “You are all four seasons / rolled into one / you’re like the cold December snow / in the warm July sun”


is responsible

@ the Cedar St. Bridge

One song that has recently left an impression on her is Sophia Loren singing “Ti Einai Afto Pou to Lene Agapi” from the 1957 film “Boy on a Dolphin.” I’ve never seen the film, but the clip (which you can listen to on YouTube) features Loren’s flawless honeyed voice and a Greek score behind. It’s breathtaking.


I admit it, I can’t stand romantic comedies. When I see a film that tackles love in a different way, I’m always intrigued. “Blue Valentine” starring Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams. The film follows the relationship between a contemporary married couple, charting their evolution over a span of years as they enter a downward spiral. There are some brutal, harsh moments in this film, but anyone who has ever loved and lost will appreciate it. If you love romcoms, stay away from this one. It will hurt. F eb ruary 1 4 , 2 0 1 9



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By Mike Wagoner Reader Contributor


From Northern Idaho News, July 22, 1938

LIGHTNING STARTS 124 FOREST FIRES BLAZES PLACED UNDER CONTROL IN SHORT ORDER, RAIN IS NEEDED BADLY Continued dry weather increased the danger of fire in northern Idaho forests this week, although only seven fires of the 124 started by lightning in the Kaniksu forest last Friday were burning Wednesday. Forest service officials said yesterday afternoon that “everything is quiet and all fires are out.” The seven fires which showed signs of life Wednesday were quickly put under control. Weather men said the fire danger reading in the Kaniksu forest was average. In the Falls Creek and Beaver Creek districts the forest was “extremely dry.” Ten experienced smoke chasers were called from the Coeur d’Alene forest Saturday morning and were put in readiness to start on new fires expected as a result of the severe electrical storm forecasted throughout the Kaniksu area. Heavy strikes of lightning were expected in the driest areas, they said. 2 6



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So there I was you know, just sittin’ at the bar watchin’ those little bubbles in my beer when the guy next to me, after just getting an ear full of my new low-fat diet says, “So, you could end up bein’ the oldest guy in the nursing home.” My eyes glazed over a little just as the waitress came over to me. I’m thinkin’ “Oldest guy in the nursing home.” Well, think of all those women on the rebound. Wait a minute, I’ll be too frickin’ old to do anything about it. Suddenly my eyes cleared. I smiled at the waitress and said, “Yeah, I’ll have the double cheeseburger and, you got curly fries? Cool.”

The Pioneer Square at 819 Hwy 2, Ste:102-B

Mike Wagoner has a dual personality. By day he is a science teacher and by night a singer-songwriter. He has recently moved to the area from Nashville, where he taught school and did studio work on the side.

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If your kid makes one of those little homemade guitars out of a cigar box and rubber bands, don’t let him just play it once or twice and then throw it away. Make him practice on it, every day, for about three hours a day. Later, he’ll thank you.

Copyright www.mirroreyes.com


Woorf tdhe Week


/HOOG - uh /

[noun] 1. the feeling of coziness and contentment evoked by simple comforts, as being wrapped in a blanket, having conversations with friends or family, enjoying food, etc.

“The holidays are a time of hygge for me and my family.” Corrections: We accidentally listed the wrong title to Emily Erickson’s column last week. Sorry Emily!

1. Woodworking tools 6. Horrible 11. Corridor 12. Military quarters 15. Serving dish 16. Someone not present 17. Ensign (abbrev.) 18. Sports competitor 20. Mistake 21. Dull pain 23. If not 24. Smile 25. Voucher 26. Former lovers 27. Historical periods 28. Hoopla 29. Regulation (abbrev.) 30. Practical 31. Pillaged 34. Compacted 36. Foot digit 37. Fathers 41. “Oh my!” 42. Cans 43. 57 in Roman numerals 44. Barter 45. Not barefoot 46. Overhang 47. Commercials 48. Frugality 51. 18-wheeler 52. Bullfighters 54. A type of tincture

Solution on page 22 56. Omission 57. Not just once 58. Bitchy 59. Church officer

DOWN 1. Lewd 2. Balloon 3. South southeast 4. Entreaty 5. Dispatched 6. Mother superior 7. Garbage 8. No charge

9. A large vase 10. Sidelong 13. Cherry 14. Composer Jerome ____ 15. Instruct 16. Accusations 19. Spells 22. Continuing forever 24. Pan for pancakes 26. Sea eagle 27. French for “Summer” 30. Hawaiian strings 32. Donkey 33. Condominium 34. Intricate

35. Stretchable 38. Greed 39. Seer 40. Blockade 42. Full of complexities 44. Matron 45. Dash 48. Modify 49. Small amount 50. Distressed cry 53. An Old Testament king 55. Accomplished

F eb ruary 1 4 , 2 0 1 9



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