Third Fridays w/
DEVON WADE 6:30-9:30pm
•TRANSPORTATION: Secure funding to improve safety and efficiency of our roads, bridges and airports.
4th Annual Winter Carnival Cornhole Tourney (rain or shine)
•EDUCATION: Adequately fund education and integrate vocational education to meet work force needs.
•JOBS: Retain and expand our current resource jobs and promote jobs in emerging industries.
•NATURAL RESOURCES: Expand the multiple use of our forests and protect our precious waters. •CONSTITUENT SERVICE: Listen to constituents and address the “things that matter” to them.
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Jim Woodward
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/ February 15, 2018
(wo)MAN compiled by
Susan Drinkard
on the street
What’s your favorite Winter Olympic sport to watch? Is there something you have learned about one of these sports that you didn’t know? “I like the partner figure skating. I learned that in this event the skaters’ routines have to tell stories through their movements and through their expressions.” Sara Trautwein Kennel assistant Sagle “I like the slope-style skiing because I am a slope-style skier myself, so I enjoy watching the tricks they do. What I’ve learned from the Olympics so far is that curling is very boring.”
DEAR READERS, Week one of the 2018 Sandpoint Winter Carnival kicks off Friday, with a grab bag of fun events. Be sure to check out Lyndsie’s feature on page 11 for information about each event. Also happening this weekend is the Chinese New Year party at Evans Brothers Coffee, with a special art exhibition by Sandpoint photographer Woods Wheatcroft (who shot our cover photo this week). I know there are those of you out there who see this recent snowfall as agony, but I am always happy to see more of it. Having a full-time job, a beautiful girlfriend, a side gig playing music and a dwindling social life has put a serious damper on how many days I’ve skied this year. Wednesday was AMAZING! One more note: We’ve received a ton of submissions in the past week or two. Please be patient with us, as we never have enough space for everyone. We really appreciate you, dear readers (and writers). -Ben Olson, Publisher
Editor: Cameron Rasmusson Zach Hagadone (emeritus) John Reuter (emeritus) Advertising: Jodi Taylor Contributing Artists: Woods Wheatcroft (cover), Ben Olson, Susan Drinkard, SpaceX,
Submit stories to: Printed weekly at: Griffin Publishing Spokane, Wash. Subscription Price: $95 per year
“I like the halfpipe snowboarding event and watching Shaun White win another gold. It looks scary to me.”
OPEN 11:30 am
Roman Davidovichi Freight associate Sagle
“I’ve only watched men’s downhill skiing. I liked watching the young kid win. I think he was from the U.S.”
The Psounbality with Per
Anita Zapata Walmart cashier Sandpoint Thursday Ladies Night $1.00 off all drinks Unique selection of Excellent Wines
Jack Green Photographer Sandpoint Publisher: Ben Olson
Contributing Writers: Cameron Rasmusson, Ben Olson, Lyndsie Kiebert, Justin Henney, Emily Erickson, Brenden Bobby, Mike Wagoner, Jim Mitsui, Beth Weber, Angela Dribbon, Jeanette Schandelmeier, Tom Woodward, Tim Henney, Kevin Davis.
Clint Miller 11th-grade home schooler Food bank volunteer Sagle
“I like the halfpipe because of Shaun White. He is poetry in motion.”
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Yummy Tapas Menu
Wine $ Cheese Sampling Wine & cheese sampling Saturdays 12-3p.m. p.m. Saturdays 12-3 Open 5 p.m. - Closing Thurs. - Sat.
212 Cedar Street Downtown Sandpoint
208.263.4005 A SandPint Tradition Since 1994
Web Content: Keokee The Sandpoint Reader is a weekly publication owned and operated by Ben Olson and Keokee. It is devoted to the arts, entertainment, politics and lifestyle in and around Sandpoint, Idaho. We hope to provide a quality alternative by offering honest, in-depth reporting that reflects the intelligence and interests of our diverse and growing community. The Reader is printed on recycled paper using soy-based ink. Leftover copies are collected and recycled weekly, or burned in massive bonfires to appease the gods of journalism. Free to all, limit two copies per person.
Sandpoint Reader letter policy: The Sandpoint Reader welcomes letters to the editor on all topics. Requirements: –No more than 400 words –Letters may not contain excessive profanity or libelous material. Please elevate the discussion. Letters will be edited to comply with the above requirements. Opinions expressed in these pages are those of the writers, not necessarily the publishers. Email letters to: Check us out on the web at: Like us on Facebook. About the Cover
This week’s cover photograph is by Woods Wheatcroft, whose “INCOGNITA” show is Friday at Evans Brothers from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Check it out and give him some love. February 15, 2018 /
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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Silicon Smelter... Dear Editor, I am writing with my concerns about both the exploratory drilling proposed on national forest land on Green Mountain by Pend Oreille Silica Inc. and the plans of HiTest Sands Inc. to build a silica smelter near Newport. In regard to the exploratory drilling I understand that they are proposing that two holes be dug to a maximum depth of 200 feet. This forest land lies in the Sand Creek-Lake Pend Oreille watershed. My opinion is that this potential action would open up a can of worms. If they find the deposits they are looking for, then they most certainly will be coming for more. Silica mines and smelters create silica dust which is a known carcinogen. Residents near mines and quarries are exposed to respirable crystalline silica. Fugitive dust emissions blow off of these sites and is likely to enter the lungs of those that live near them. That includes not just people, but all residents, wildlife included. Landing in the watershed could spread the dust further, effecting water quality. Breathing silica causes silicosis which is a serious and incurable lung condition. Symptoms of silicosis may not manifest for 15 to 20 years after dust exposure. Even if dust is not visible to the eye there is a risk of silicosis. If dust is visible the risk of silicosis is almost definite. Do we want to open up this can of worms on national forest land near the lake? Do we want to open up this can of worms for the residents of Newport and surrounding areas? Why would we jeopardize the health of this area for the profit of Pend Oreille Silica and HiTest Sands Inc? I hope that permission for these projects is denied. I hope others who feel strongly about this will add their voice to the conversation. Cynthia Mason Sandpoint
To Commissioners... Dear Editor, In response to Commissioner McDonald and Director Ollerton: It’s time I and the citizens of Bonner County exercise our First Amendment rights. I have been trying for two years to urge these two public servants and the prosecuting attorney to “do their job,” which is: “to protect and stabilize land values,” “protect or maintain a quality environment for the citizens of Bonner County,” “promote health, safety and general welfare of the people” and other language found in county publications. Case to the point: In early 2016 I filed a legitimate claim of Title 12 vio4 /
/ February 15, 2018
lations (county compliance officer and asst. prosecutor verbally concurred). After one year of trying to get a status report, and writing to the state attorney general for assistance, I received a response from the prosecuting attorney, which reads in part: “Such action could easily be seen as discrimitory in nature.” Mr. Prosecutor, your job is to “uphold the legal process” (language found in state documents concerning lawyers). After finding another Title 12 violation, a Title 7 violation, a building location permit whereby the individual completed 90 percent of a structure while under a stop work order and has 107 listings in the court repository, my complaints regarding the additional violations have been met with silence from the county’s public servants. Black’s Law dictionary defines nonfeasance as (in part): “Nonperformances of some act which ought to be performed, omission to perform a duty at all, or total neglect of duty.” Gentlemen, fearing discrimination is NOT your job. Silenncing citizens is NOT your job. Writing letters to the editor to disparage citizens is NOT your job. To Mr. Lockwood and the editor, I find it humiliating that our public servants would have to use this medium to make personal attacks on citizens regarding public issues. Mr. Ollerton, in response to your comment: “The world (and Bonner County) belongs to those who show up.” We shall. William Krause Sandpoint
Leave Room For Recreation... Dear Editor, Sandpoint has an attractive downtown. There are already many coffee houses, shops and restaurants. Last week I reviewed the scenarios for the University of Idaho property on Boyer Avenue and was disturbed by the photos of coffee shops, “salons,” and plazas. Why sprawl out into a rural area with more of these enterprises when there are plenty in the heart of our city? Let the city know what you think the future of this piece of land should be. The proposed plan looks as though there’s a large open area for recreation--for cyclists, skiers, walkers, frisbee players, dogs, etc. But if you look closely at the map, you’ll see the green space on the map, especially the northern part, follows a line of narrowly spaced contour lines that indicate a steep hillside plunging down to Sand Creek. Much of this “open area” is not usable recreational space. Buildings never go away. Karen Seashore Sandpoint
Medicaid Expansion... Dear Editor, When the Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress, some 24 million Americans were able to obtain health insurance who previously had none. As part of this act, states were offered the chance to expand Medicaid for its poorest citizens, with the federal government picking up the tab. Gov. Otter and our elected officials in Idaho chose not to accept this offer and instead allowed 78,000 of its citizens to be without coverage. Other states, including our neighbors in Montana, chose to accept this offer. Montana’s Medicaid expansion program has saved the state health department more than $30 million since its start in January 2016, mostly because the federal government paid a bigger share of the costs for some recipients, officials said. The program covers some 84,000 residents and has paid for $574 million in health care services since it began. Erica Johnston, with Montana’s Public Health and Human Services Dept., told an oversight committee that even as the state continues to pay a share of the costs for recipients under Medicaid expansion, Montana is still ahead of the game. “Our current budget crisis would be worse today in the absence of Medicaid expansion,” she said. Now voters in Idaho are being given the chance to decide this issue ourselves, via a ballot initiative to appear on this November’s ballot. This issue will expand Medicaid to Idahoans who earn less than $16,000 per year if they are single and $22,000 a year for a family of two. It is 90-percent funded by the federal government and will ensure that federal tax dollars we currently send out of state will remain in Idaho to help other Idahoans. These are taxpayer dollars you are receiving sent back to you for health care coverage. You can sign the petition at Women’s Healthcare at 1215 Michigan St., Ste. C, or at Panhandle Art Glass, 514 Pine St., in Sandpoint. Find out more about how you can help at Jim Ramsey Sandpoint
Pressing Issues... Dear Editor, Thank you Reader and Lyndsie Kiebert for the series profiling candidates running in the May 15 primary election. I can learn about the candidates on their own websites, but I feel that the media is my best source for objective information in deciding how to cast my vote. In the articles published to date, I learned about candidates’ views on their own priorities (education, health care, taxes, etc). However, I’d like to see the Reader include discussion of the most
Forgiving adults who cheat to win By Justin Henney Reader Contributor Each year I am reminded by others’ resolutions that I too can put effort into self improvement. My youngest daughter, Vi, age 7, helps me by pointing out my lack of portion control with ice cream. My other daughter, Adeline, 12, improves me with feedback on my apparently poor listening skills, while my beautiful wife helps improve me by redirecting me toward chores during chore time when I “occasionally” get off task. I say these things in some jest, but my family really does help me stay in line. There is one glaring area I continually struggle with, however: forgiving adults who cheat to win. I find it incredibly difficult to accept and forgive adults who cheat or lie to get ahead. Years ago I was in a bike race. It was over 100 miles, and I was riding with the lead group. A super competitive rider told the group we should all pull over at the next break area for a two-minute stop to use the bathroom and refuel. We all agreed. Tacitly we were all agreeing to continue riding as a group after the pee break when we stopped. While four of us were using the restrooms, super competitor (or “Phantom Pisser,” as I now refer to him) took off on his bike with another guy, most likely not even using the facilities. He did not say a word and was a half-mile down the road when we realized he was gone and we’d all been deceived. The Phantom ended up winning the race but did so dishonestly. While I respect him for his determination and abilities, his strategy gives road cyclists, or pressing topic of our times: How can we transition off of fossil fuels and to sustainable energy, to improve both our economy and health? Jean Gerth Sandpoint
Follies... Dear Editor, A good cause demands noble means. Helping others is an American heritage, but sadly our present day countrymen have fallen for the old Jesuit fallacy that the end justifies the means. We educate our young people with tainted money from the lottery. This makes many poor so that one person can be rich. It fosters
roadies, a really bad reputation. This time of year I find myself working on forgiving those like the Phantom because it feels much better than holding resentments. When I heard the Phantom telling a group of cyclists after the race about how he dropped the guy who came in second place, with no mention of how he basically lied to the rest of the group he had been with, I remember telling myself, “You can’t control what others do, only what you do yourself,” and that cheating usually comes back around to bite the cheaters in the ass at some point in life. Our current president — whose name I don’t like saying or hearing and whose photos almost make me ill — is the deceiver in chief who appears to lie and cheat his wife and others. And this is according to members of his own party and independents. When I challenge myself to say something accepting and positive about this man, it is this: He was a kind baby and toddler. He isn’t a bad Republican who used to be a bad Democrat. He is simply a bad person, and I am so ashamed he is our president. He makes so many things seem acceptable simply because he continues to be our president. Young boys hear the things he says about and likely has done to women, and they consciously or subconsciously think this is alright in our society since he is still president. I never thought I would long for the days of George W., but he wasn’t a racist, sexist creep, as this president is proving himself to be.
greed and covetousness and weakens the moral fiber of our beloved land. Now in the case of the Follies funds are recruited by presenting a “raunchy and risque” show which forbids most of those who are the recipients of these monies from attending. Kate, our young people are watching and they will be the worse for it down the line. Why cater to fallen nature? Why not have a show where everyone can attend and not have to blush at foolish people acting immorally? “Whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report, think on these things” Philippians 4:8. Sincerely, Ken Orr Hayden, Idaho
Emily Articulated
A column by and about Millennials
How I came to be here By Emily Erickson Reader Columnist For months now, I have been writing as the voice of my generation, defending myself and my peers against unwarranted generational biases, arguing that Millennials are not the lazy, entitled, narcissistic 20-somethings we’re made out to be. I haven’t, however, sufficiently introduced myself or detailed ‘My Millennial Life’ here in North Idaho. But I want to change that, as I vehemently subscribe to the idea that getting to know someone that lives a life different than our own is the only way to close the understanding gaps that hinder human connectivity. So, albeit uncomfortable, I will take a short break from social theories and self-deprecating humor and practice vulnerability. Because, when it comes down to it, I don’t think we’re so different after all. Admittedly, the title “Millennial” was never something I wore proudly, especially since I am much more the type of person to bury my nose in a paperback than a smartphone, and getting lost in the woods comes much more naturally to me than binge-watching TV shows. But, after deciding to write this column, I realized the foolishness in my apprehension to identify with my generation. I am a Millennial, doing things differently than previous generations. And I am proud of it. I moved to Sandpoint a year ago today, leaving behind a comfortable job as a “solutions specialist” in Green Bay, Wis., for which I provided counsel
Emily Erickson. to members of my community who sought independence from government assistance. I had my own office with my name on the door, full benefits, paid time off and a padded savings account. What I didn’t have, however, was a passion-filled life. I caught myself constantly staring out my small office window, daydreaming about my three weeks of vacation and all of the mountain-filled activities they would afford. I punched my time card and cashed my paychecks, feeling mediocrely happy and comfortable, with a life that continued to grow further from what I knew to be mine. Until one day, instead of plunking numbers into my computer, I began researching beautiful places in the Northwest. Feeling my stomach flutter as my cursor blinked over North Idaho, I knew my life would never be the same. As I poured over Google Images of Sandpoint, my giddiness was palpable, seeing the Long Bridge, Pend Oreille, and Schweitzer Mountain for the first time. Less than a month later, my car was packed and
my wheels were pointed west. By the time I reached Montana, I secured a job as a bartender, a skill acquired by slinging beers to put myself through college. I found a place to live on Craigslist, and was filled with enough gumption to last a lifetime (and especially my new, mouse-infested, converted-office-space apartment). I moved 1,700 miles from home to a town I had never been, in which I knew nobody, on the notion that I deserved a more fulfilled life than the one I was leading. I traded a lakefront house for a mattress on the cold, cement floor of a cinder block building, and absolute financial security for stretching pennies between coffee shop cold pitches and meticulously crafted cocktails. And I am so happy. Every single day, I get to do something that I love. I wake with endless possibilities: miles of trails for running, feet of fresh powder for riding, snowshoeing, and skiing, countless peaks for summiting, and infinite secret swimming holes for splashing. I redefined my typical work week, still regularly clocking 40 (or more) hours, but configured in a way that allows me to make the most out of each day. I accept the ascribed shortcomings of my generation, in that I feel entitled to make the choices that maximize my happiness, and am selfish in my pursuit of a passion-filled life. My story is much like that of my peers, many of whom are doing the best they can to achieve a balanced, happy life. And, like people of all generations, struggling is merely a part of the process.
I certainly have much to learn from the people who came before me, and am continually in awe of what my predecessors have accomplished. For we cannot change the time in which we were born, and we most definitely are the product of our ever-shifting environments, but we all can make choices to continue to learn and live as graciously and gratefully as possible.
So here’s to taking the time to get to know each other better, today and always, closing the gaps caused by a lack of understanding. And Sandpoint, thanks for a truly amazing year! Vulnerably, Emily
February 15, 2018 /
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Kalispel Tribe to host caribou fundraiser Bouquets: Submitted by Brooke Deccio: • Downtown Sandpoint: Partnership is essential to success and I just want to thank other local, small businesses for partnering with me at Azalea’s Handpicked Style for events I’ve hosted. It’s amazing what we can accomplish if we work together. Thanks, among many others, to the Panida, Sandpoint Hot Yoga, Panhandle Cone & Coffee, Understory Coffee, Fresh Sunshine and Hero & Co. •Our food columnist Marcia Pilgeram has been out the last few columns due to shoulder surgery. We’ve missed having her enthusiastic voice in our paper these last few issues, as well as her delicious recipes. I thought I’d point out to our readers that these recipes are all her own that she shares with us. It’s so cool that we all get to benefit from her amazing culinary career. Wishing you a healthy recovery, Marcia! Barbs • You know that on-ramp that takes you to Highway 95 right after the Sand Creek Bridge when traveling out of Sandpoint? I’ve had a few not-so-great interactions with drivers here, and I thought I’d investigate whether it’s me doing it wrong or them. There are two lanes there, and the right lane has a sign about halfway through the big looping turn that reads “LANE ENDS MERGE LEFT.” I take this to mean the left lane is the inside lane merging with Highway 95 traffic, and the right lane needs to merge into it. In other words, they yield to traffic in the left lane. But the last couple of times I’ve done it this way, a car in the right lane has honked and angrily tried to cut me off from the right lane, thinking I’m trying to cut ahead in line or something. It’s frustrating, since I think I’m doing it right and not trying to cut anyone off. Anyone else want to weigh in how to navigate this turn without pissing people off? 6 /
/ February 15, 2018
By Reader Staff The Kalispel Tribe will host a fundraiser for South Selkirk Mountain Caribou recovery efforts on Saturday, March 3, at Northern Quest Resort and Casino. The event will feature a screening of “Last Stand: The Vanishing Caribou Rainforest,” a cinematic journey into the world of endangered mountain caribou. The film’s producer, David Moskowitz, will be a special guest, and Rich Landers, retired Outdoors editor at The Spokesman Review, will MC the evening event. Money raised from the event
and its live and silent auctions will go directly to ongoing recovery efforts for the herd. These caribou represent an important part of our shared natural and cultural heritage. Later this winter, the Kalispel Tribe will assist in the capture of South Selkirk herd females that will be placed in a maternal pen near Salmo, BC. The pen was constructed to ensure the safety of the cows and newborn calves from predators. With fewer than a dozen caribou remaining in the South Selkirk population, the maternal pen project is a last ditch/stop gap measure to prevent the extirpation of this
population. To purchase tickets, donate, or to learn more about the Kalispel Tribe’s caribou recovery efforts, visit kalispeltribe. com/caribou.
A bull caribou in the wild. Photo courtesy of Creative Commons.
CHAFE 150 adds new category for young riders By Ben Olson Reader Staff CHAFE 150 Gran Fondo has added a new category for its annual fundraiser bicycle ride that caters to riders 16 and under. The new category reduces entry fees for younger riders, an attempt by CHAFE to attract the next generation. At last year’s ride, the youngest rider was 7 years old (and the oldest was 87, who rode the 80-miler). Registration fees for the event break down as follows: Ages 17-plus (plus minimum donation of $50):
150 miles: $75 80 miles: $75 30 miles: $45 Ages 16 and under (plus minimum donation of $25): 150 miles: $50 80 miles: $50 30 miles: $20 This year’s ride will be the 11th annual CHAFE ride, which is organized by the Sandpoint Rotary. Money raised from this annual ride benefits student academic, social and emotional growth programs in the Lake
Children’s intro to self defense By Reader Staff Sandpoint Taekwondo will be offering children ages 5 through 13 an introductory Taekwondo, Karate, and Self Defense class beginning Thursday, March 1. Pre-register by Feb. 26. The session fee is $52 ($2 City discount), and includes a uniform and two weeks of lessons on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15-4 p.m. Each session will meet at Sandpoint Taekwondo, 218 Main St., in downtown Sandpoint. Session will teach basic
self-defense skills and highlight the importance of self-discipline and character building in a child friendly setting. For all Sandpoint Parks and Recreation activities view registration details and pre-register online at or visit 1123 Lake St. in Sandpoint or call 208-263-3613. Looking for more Taekwondo offerings? Contact Sandpoint Taekwondo at (208) 610-2577 or visit
Pend Oreille School District, with an emphasis on students on the autism spectrum. During the last five years, Sandpoint Rotary has donated $210,000 to establish sustainable programs for local students on the autism spectrum. The annual ride takes place June 16, with an average of 350 riders each year who tackle the three separate distance classes: 150-, 80- and 30-mile rides. The ride has been voted one of the most beautiful rides in the country as it winds through North Idaho and western Montana, beginning and concluding at the
Taylor Ailport, 7, riding the 2016 CHAFE. Photo by Jason Duchow Photography. Sandpoint City Beach. Learn more about the CHAFE ride at www.
Silkscreen classes offered By Reader Staff
Ever wanted to make your own tee-shirts? Come learn to use the state of the art Riley-Hopkins four-color screen printing press at MakerPoint Studios. MakerPoint instructors are highly skilled and experienced artists who can help you achieve anything your imagination can conceive. From concept sketch, to Adobe Illustrator design, or hand-made stencils, to the multi-color end product, you will learn the skills necessary to make your own unique
apparel and gifts. One day monthly sessions are offered in November, February and May. The class fee is $71 ($2 in-city discount) per session. The class requires a minimum of two participants and a maximum of six participants. Each session will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m. at Makerpoint Studios (C106-14 1424 N. Boyer Ave). Register for the upcoming Feb. 21 class by Feb. 18. For more information call Sandpoint Parks and Recreation at (208) 263-3613.
By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff
governor's race
Profile of Paulette Jordan
Editor’s Note: These profiles are part of our weekly election coverage leading up to the primaries in May. This interview has been edited for length. SR: Thanks for taking the time to talk with us, Paulette. To start out, could you tell us a little about your background and how it informs your political ideas?
PJ: One thing I haven’t noticed from the other candidates and makes me stand apart, I think, is the fact that my people all raised me. There’s the saying that a community raises a child, so when I say that Idaho raised me, it’s why I always want to give back and contribute in every way possible. Idaho did really raise me. Because I was raised in the countryside, we cultivated a perspective where … if one of us is hurting, we’re all hurting. And that still applies when you’re successful. The minute I graduated high school, everyone was happy, because they knew I would always come back to make the community a better place. The same goes for our children. We want our children to succeed because … we know they will build upon what we started. … So I feel very special in that way, because I came from this state and was born and raised in this area. Of course, my land is here, as are the people I grew up with … and when you’re raised by a certain community, and you have these values attached, that really drives your voice across both parties, or any party, really. It goes beyond politics. It goes into the hearts of the people. … Then there’s this whole perspective of self-reliance and fierce independence which we love. … We’re a subsistence culture: We are connected to the land, we farm the land, we hunt and fish, but there’s also this sense of giving back, too. We take care of it, because we are the ultimate stewards of it. That’s how I see my voice being different as far as my values go: how I was brought up. It’s what (defines) my identity as a candidate for Idaho governor.
SR: So when you think about those values, how do you apply them when determining your priorities for the state? What do you think are the most pressing issues facing Idaho in the coming years? PJ: I think that’s what makes me the strongest of the candidates. I and many others are really turned off by politics altogether and how we see people constantly ... mudslinging and deceiving the public, deceiving our businesses, deceiving our youth and future generations. (The process has) become more corrupt and less productive for the people at large. People want to see something in terms of growth. They want to see what’s going to happen with their health care, with their job opportunities. Our youth are looking for good schools … and for opportunities to grow and excel. … As long as we can stay away from the politics and really look at where all the problems are, (we can fix them) on both sides. Rather than staying in our party boxes, people should look at their value system and the more important things. Let’s protect our water and protect our land. Let’s ensure that we’re protecting our air quality. And of course, it’s about … developing our strategy for the future that isn’t based on politics, but on the fact that we want to invest in our future and our youth. … For me, it’s all about connection to the land. One of the issues I’ve seen is … how we want to exchange our Idaho lands and federal lands when ultimately it’s about stewardship. It’s about ensuring we’re keeping our Good Neighbor Authority agreements intact … so we can broaden out opportunities for logging contracts to properly manage them. That ensures that more jobs are coming in … (and helps) with fire suppression. That’s what I think will help my candidacy: When people see someone who is tied to the land and who has been in the trenches … ensuring we’re finding solutions for the problems we see. Those problems are always going to be there as long as we’re focused on the politics. … When you don’t have leadership that’s willing to listen to every single voice in the state, then you lack an opportunity to hear oth-
er solutions. For me, in my ability to listen to other voices, I see that as true justice for all. That is true opportunity for every individual.
SR: If you win the Democratic primary election, what kind of campaign strategy to you envision for a state that has voted Republican so consistently for so long? PJ: Not to give away my entire strategy between you and me — and I say that with a smile. But I honestly think that what has happened in the past with so much voter suppression and challenging the people’s ability to have voice means that the people will fight back. They will rise above it. They will vote for it. … They will stop voting against their interests by voting for one party … because they’ll see it hasn’t done them any good in the long term. Our people are very intelligent, and they will speak independently. They won’t vote for the party, they will vote for the person. I focus on the people at large. I don’t discriminate against someone because they’re a Republican, or because they’re a Democrat, because they haven’t voted before, because they’re unaffiliated or an independent. I focus my campaign on every single citizen of Idaho, and those are the people I’m going to be talking to.
SR: Nationwide, we’ve seen some surprising Democratic victories in traditionally Republican states and districts. Many see that as a backlash against President Donald Trump. Do you think that’s a trend that could spread to Idaho? PJ: I have a lot of friends who voted for Trump, and I think that’s because they wanted to see something different. I think it’s the same for those states that voted Democrat. There are some who want to see some change, who want to change the leadership at hand. I think it will be the same for Idaho. Perhaps it won’t be on the same note as what we’re seeing with the president, but I think (Idaho voters) see this is a good change. This change will improve our system. This change will improve the lay of the land.
Paulette Jordan. Courtesy photo. SR: You recently announced that you appointed a long-term substitute to fill your legislative seat so you can focus on your campaign. What led up to that decision, and what was the reaction like? PJ: The reaction has been excellent from everyone. Well, I should say mixed. There are those who are sad to see me leave the legislative body, … but that is part of the bittersweet feeling I’m talking about. Many understand it’s a good decision and are 100-percent supportive because they want to see me focused on the governorship. … I’m all in for Idaho, and that means 100-percent commitment to the race, because if you’re running for governor, you have to be all in. You have to be focused on every single issue, every single community, every single individual that needs your attention, because they’re trying to make a very thoughtful decision as to who their next governor will be.
SR: Is there anything else you would like to mention that perhaps we didn’t cover? PJ: I just want to thank the folks in Sandpoint. Every time I visit, which is at least three times now, it’s been an amazing visit. I’ve seen some divisiveness there, but ultimately, I know there are lots of good people on all sides. We can always disagree on issues, but when it comes down to it, we’re part of the same community. … I know in Sandpoint, they’re dealing with the smelter, they’re dealing with the railroads and coal trains — threats on every single side, including around the lake. My wish is for everyone to focus on the threats that face them in that community and come together on all the right issues. As governor I would make sure to fight those developments that would harm our people, and I think our leadership should stand strong against those issues.
February 15, 2018 /
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Residents, Forest Service clash over drilling proposal By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff
A meeting hosted by the U.S. Forest Service last week about proposed exploratory drilling for silica deposits near Lake Pend Oreille turned into a battle of two perspectives. To residents concerned about the proposal, which would drill two holes to a maximum combined depth of 200 feet, it is a possible overture toward a full-scale silica mining operation. They fear an exploration project to determine the purity and quantity of silica reserves is the foot in the door a mining company needs to pursue a proposal. “This could escalate into a full-blown silica mine that could have meaningful implications,” said Shannon Williamson, executive director of Lake Pend Oreille Waterkeeper. From the U.S. Forest Service’s point of view, however, the exploratory project is a single proposal that needs to be analyzed and judge on its own impacts. Should a mining project be proposed, that’s a separate issue with its own legal requirements and processes. “We are in compliance with the laws and rules by which we are required to evaluate this project,” said Sandpoint District Ranger Erick Walker. According to Williamson, under environmental protection laws, the project should receive an environmental impact statement required of other projects due to the possibility of “significant impact.” Walker disagreed with her interpretation of the 8 /
/ February 15, 2018
law, saying that a full-blown mine is not being considered and that there’s no guarantee exploration will turn up the quality and quantity of silica required to justify one. Forest service representatives also said there is no evidence of any connection between the exploratory drilling for silica and the proposed silicon smelter in Newport, a synchronicity that has raised many eyebrows. Proposed by Canadian company HiTest Sands, the smelter project has raised significant alarm in both eastern Washington and North Idaho for its potential environmental impacts. No representatives of Pend Oreille Silica, Inc., the Missoula, Mont., company requesting the exploratory drilling, attended the meeting or advocated for the proposal. It was a fact noted with surprise by Matt Nykiel of Idaho Conservation League. In a presentation, U.S. Forest Service representatives detailed exactly how the exploratory drilling project would occur if approved. The project would drill two holes about six inches in diameter to a total combined depth of 200 feet. Under these terms, one hole could be shallower, and the other could be deeper. Should the plan be approved, it will likely take place this summer. The job itself will take about two weeks of daylight-hours work only, with a maximum of two eight-hour shifts per day. Drillers will reach the site, which is not visible from Lake Pend Oreille, via U.S. Forest Service Roads that are normally closed to the public, along with about 800 feet of temporary access. Walker said the operation will occur under
The proposed location for the proposed drilling. Map courtesy Google.
Forest Service supervision most of the time. The drilling itself will likely use a direct-mud rotary process conducted by a truck mounted with a core-drilling rig. Other equipment needed for the job includes a low-boy transporting a rubber-tired back hoe, one water tender and two or three light-duty pick-up trucks. The water required for the operation will be drawn from a privately-owned well permitted by the state of Idaho and trans-
ported to the drill site by the water tender. According to U.S. Forest Service personnel, the proposed work will include several measures to protect the environment and citizens. Forest Road 2238 will be closed by locking entry and exit gates, while a temporary gate closer to the drill site will further discourage accidental access. All equipment will be inspected for non-native invasive species before accessing National Forest
System lands. After work is complete, the temporary access road and drill site will undergo full recontour and reclamation, which will include the planting of a native seed mix. Work will abide by the “quality hunt” seasonal closures between Sept. 18 and Nov. 5. Finally, the state’s best management practices will be utilized for erosion and sediment control.
Idaho’s climate science saga continues
Climate change is the center of debate as Idaho lawmakers aim to update statewide science standards
By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff Writer
The Idaho Senate Education Committee addressed proposed science standards Wednesday afternoon, marking the latest controversy of minimizing climate change in required Idaho curriculum. The House Education Committee voted Feb. 7 to remove a portion of the new standards addressing human-related climate change causes. They also voted to removed several pages of supporting information on global warming, according to Idaho Education News. The proposed standards are not a bill, and therefore do not require approval from both the House and Senate. They are considered an administrative rule, meaning only one of the education committees need approve the new standards. For instance, if Senate Education votes to approve the standards in full, including the portions House Education wanted removed, then that would mean the standards would move forward in their full-length form. Senate Education Chairman Dean Mortimer told Idaho Education News that his committee would not vote on the rule Wednesday evening. He said he “wants to separate the vote from what could be emotional public hearings, giving the vote some time to ‘mature.’” This is just the latest in an ongoing tugof-war that began in 2016. The New York Times reported that when Idaho lawmakers removed all mention of human-caused warming from state standards last year, “they faced a swift backlash from teachers, parents and students who said that censoring science would leave students disadvantaged, jobs unfilled and the state unprepared for the future.” A committee of teachers, parents and scientists, led by director of academics at the Idaho State Department of Education Scott Cook, recently attempted to create new standards lawmakers could support. The group seeks to include climate change in statewide science standards. The committee reworked the passages that were originally scrubbed by the House, and came up with the standards being reviewed now. The New York Times reported that “the revised standards include natural causes of climate
change alongside those driven by humans.” Lake Pend Oreille School District Superintendent Shawn Woodward said the backlash the NYT reported is also happening on a local level. “Yes, we have teachers, parents and students who hold the same sentiment,” he said. Woodward said that in the next few years, LPOSD will be looking at their K-12 science curriculum and possibly implementing changes. “At that time, we will also look at current state standards and determine locally if we want to expand on our standards,” he said. Sandpoint High School science teacher John Hastings is well aware of the debates happening on the state level, and said he stands by teaching students about climate change. “There is no ‘stance’ on climate change. There is only the science, which is unequivocal,” he said. “It’s like asking, ‘what’s your stance on gravity?’” Hastings said he understands people are upset about the Legislature attempting to minimize the mention of human-caused climate change in state standards, but many don’t understand that lawmakers are not outlawing climate change in Idaho classrooms. “Another misunderstanding people have is that the legislature is saying we can’t teach climate change,” he said. “We can and will continue to do so.” Hastings said if lawmakers successfully eliminate human-caused warming from the standards, state tests will not include questions regarding that topic. However, students who take Advanced Placement courses — and therefore take national tests — may be at a disadvantage if their teacher does not teach climate change. This is the case for some of Hastings’ students. “I also teach Advanced Placement Environmental Science, where (climate change) is a required element and included on national tests,” he said. Mamie Brubaker, who also teaches science at SHS, said this is a issue she is passionate about. “It is my understanding that the vote by the House committee to remove certain ‘controversial’ language doesn’t
Chart by the Weather Channel using data from the National Center for Science Education. Designed by Rebecca Pollock.
prevent a teacher from teaching it, but it continues to undermine equitable science education and career opportunities for all our students,” she said. “Removing significant components of the standards, which were developed by a diverse team
of experts, not only puts our students at a disadvantage, it shows a lack of support for our science teachers.” The Senate Education Committee is likely to vote on the proposed standards next week.
Women Honoring Women nominations begin By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff Do you know a woman who is a terrific community contributor, generous volunteer and role model? If so, it’s time to give her the much-deserved recognition she deserves. Women Honoring Women, an organization formed 19 years ago by former Sandpoint Mayor Marsha Ogilvie, is accepting nominations for its Women of Wisdom award. The organization is accepting nominations of women 65 years of age or older who make a difference in the community with their impeccable character, generous spirit and selfless attitude. “We also look to women who have
demonstrated a vision for our community and who have achieved their goals through collaboration with others,” said Women Honoring Women Chairwoman Kari Saccomanno. True to the award name, a love of learning and a commitment to the pursuit of knowledge through study and experience are important qualifiers, too. The process begins with written nominations by friends and family. These letters should share personal stories of how the nominee has touched lives. If you wish to nominate someone, send your letter by the March 1 deadline to 1481 Wrenco Loop Rd., Sandpoint, ID 83864. Or you can email it to February 15, 2018 /
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Mad about Science: By Brenden Bobby Reader Columnist
falcon heavy
If you are a science buff, or even a casual consumer of news, you probably saw blurbs about SpaceX making a successful launch of the Falcon Heavy and shooting a car into space or something. This is pretty big news for a few reasons. Firstly, it’s the most powerful rocket currently in use. Secondly, it was developed, tested and successfully launched by a private company (meaning you didn’t have to pay for it.) Thirdly, they managed to recover two-thirds of the vehicle after use. That’s a HUGE deal when it comes to rocketry. Finally, humans launched a CAR into SPACE! Okay, that last bit is a little much, but stay with me. The reason everyone goes ga-ga every time SpaceX does just about anything requires a unique foresight into economics and the future of travel. SpaceX is converting shortterm goals and investment into long-term payoffs. Space travel is ludicrously expensive for two reasons: The rocket and the fuel inside of it. Fuel, while expensive, is pretty easily mass-produced. Rockets capable of carrying literal tons of cargo into space aren’t. Think of it this way: imagine living in a world where your car would be destroyed every time you went anywhere. Suddenly, someone shows up with a new-fangled car that you can use over and over again without it completely deconstructing whenever you need a late-night taco fix.
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/ February 15, 2018
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Then all you have to worry about is the cost of gas. Now scale that up to about $150 million per use, and that’s rockets in a propulsive nutshell. The means in which SpaceX and other private space enterprise developers achieves reusable rockets is pretty remarkable. Any idea where you can reuse something you just threw 40-plus miles into the air with explosions is pretty amazing, but the science behind it is mind-boggling. The basis is: Use enough fuel to get your payload where it needs to go, while keeping enough in reserve to land. Unlike planes, rockets have to land vertically, and they do this by creating enough thrust so that the moment they touch the ground, the difference between their thrust and the pull of gravity is virtually equal; essentially levitation. If you want the best picture of how this goes completely right and completely wrong at the same time, watch the Falcon Heavy launch. The boosters landed perfectly. To space nerds, watching those boosters land was like watching Da Vinci paint. The center core, on the other hand failed hard, crashing into the ocean at 300 miles per hour. That happened when two of the three core engines failed, so the rocket couldn’t achieve thrust equal to the pull of gravity. It also missed its landing mark by about 300 feet. Falcon Heavy is a beast. It can transport over 140,000 pounds of cargo into lowEarth orbit, which would be something like a satellite or a
delivery to the International Space Station (ISS). Saturn V was able to carry over 310,000 pounds into LEO, but also wasn’t reusable and came from taxpayer money. So what kind of bang for my buck do I get at 140,000 pounds? What can we sling into orbit? You could send the astronauts of the ISS two-thirds of a blue whale, six ship anchors, nine African elephants or eleven T. Rexes. You could always send them something more practical, like 96,552 burritos. Who doesn’t love a good burrito? Elon Musk went for something a little more unconventional. He launched his own personal Tesla Roadster into space. We aren’t talking to the International Space Station — that bad boy got flung into a heliocentric (around the sun) orbit that intersects the orbits of both Mars and Earth. If you’re going to send something to space you don’t care about coming back, launch something completely ridiculous to make the biggest statement you can. The Roadster weighs a little under 3,000 pounds and in theory could be delivered as far as Pluto. I’ve always thought that one of the coolest things about the launch, and virtually every rocket launch since the space shuttles was the reason behind why they spray hundreds of thousands of gallons of water under the rocket during ignition. You’d think it’s because they don’t want the concrete launchpad scorched by the intense heat spraying out of the
The famed Tesla that rode Falcon Heavy into space with Earth in the background and “Starman” behind the wheel. Photo courtesy SpaceX. end of the rocket. That would be an exercise in futility. The real purpose of the water jets is to help muffle the sound of the rockets firing. The sound waves are so intense that they are capable of literally vibrating the rocket apart when they bounce off the concrete. Spraying water helps absorb as much as half the acoustic energy
being released by the ignition process. I mean how cool is that? The rocket is so loud it can destroy itself with its own loudness. Needless to say, launching your own heavy lift vehicle into a low-Earth orbit is highly frowned upon at the library.
Random Corner Don’t know much about rocket
science? We can help!
• The first development of rockets was by the Chinese in 1232 AD, when they used gunpowder projectiles in battle. However, there is evidence that suggests they were experimenting with these prototypical rockets as far back as 995 AD. • In order to be able to burst through the gravity of the Earth, a rocket needs to travel at a speed of 7 miles per second. •There have been over 5,000 rocket or satellite launches across the world up to now, with over 500 of them coming out of NASA’s Cape Canaveral. • Robert H. Goddard is also sometimes considered the father of modern rocket science, as the scientist first flew a liquid propellant rocket in 1926, which turned out to be the progenitor of the Saturn V rocket that launched 43 years later. • SpaceX launched their first commercial prototype in 2010. Named Falcon 9, it orbited the Earth twice before landing in the Pacific Ocean. • On SpaceX’s first test launch, they secretly sent a wheel of cheese into orbit in honor of the Monty Python sketch where John Cleese tried to order cheese from a cheese shop that has no cheese. • Germany was actually the first country to produce a rocket capable of crossing the boundary of space. The famed V2 rocket of World War II was a ballistic missile launched by the Nazis on England and Belgium. • The designer of the V2 ballistic missile was Wernher von Braun. After the war, he worked with NASA to build up their program and launch the United States into space. He would be the chief architect of the Saturn V. • Rockets use enormous parachutes to slow their descent when they come back to earth. Some are hundreds of feet wide.
sandpoint winter carnival guide Week 1 Photo courtesy By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff Sandpoint has a reputation as a quiet town in the snowy months, and right about now, the gray skies and biting wind start to weigh on a person’s will to carry on. (Call me dramatic, but I have to bribe myself to leave my cozy apartment lately with the promise of coming home at 2 p.m. and putting on pajamas.) But there is one good thing about Sandpoint winters that hasn’t changed since 1973, and that’s the Winter Carnival. The events have changed, but the concept hasn’t: Give people incentive to end hibernation and enjoy the food, drinks and fun of Sandpoint. Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce President Kate McAlister said there is something for everyone over the course of the carnival, from the Parade of Lights to the K-9 Keg Pull. She emphasized the economic importance of the events for Sandpoint during a time of the year when lodging and dining see a slow spell. “The Winter Carnival is a great event in the middle of winter after the holidays for everyone to get out of the house and enjoy,” she said. “Come join the fun and shake off the ‘shackie wackies’ from being inside too long.” Friday, Feb. 16
Parade of Lights Come watch local businesses and organizations light up the night starting at 5:30 p.m. at the city parking lot. From there the floats will do a route through in the inner streets, then back to the city lot, at which time there will be an awards ceremony. After-parade party at Pend d’Oreille Winery The winery will continue the Friday night festivities with free performances by the Gypsy Divas and Sandpoint Karate. Understory Coffee and Tea will be providing delicious and free s’mores at the winery’s fire pits. Third Fridays with Devon Wade Good-time country musician Devon Wade plays MickDuff’s Beer Hall from 6:30-9:30 p.m. The Old Tin Can food truck will also be there. The music is free, but you must be 21-plus years of age. Chinese New Year party Wear red, gold and sparkles to support Underground Kindness at Evans Brother’s Coffee as they host a Chinese New Year Party at 7 p.m. There will be a Woods Wheatcroft art opening and DJ Mercury dance party. Bring some dough for the Eichardt’s cash bar and the $5 donation at the door. Petty Fever at the Panida
Come see the full production tribute to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, featuring Frank Murray. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at 8 p.m. Visit for more information. Live Music at the 219 Lounge w/ Harold’s IGA From 9 p.m. to midnight, those 21-plus can enjoy the live music of Harold’s IGA — a band I heard is kind of OK — at the 219 Lounge. Saturday, Feb. 17
p.m. Afterward, they’ll be serving slow-cooked prime rib and salmon. Maria Larson will perform soft jazz during the evening. Reservations are required, so call 208-2639066. This event is $65/person, $54/children ages 6-12, and free for children 5 and under. Live music at the Beer Hall w/ The Other White Meat Enjoy classic rock at the Beer Hall with The Other White Meat from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Must be 21plus to attend, but the tunes are free.
Schweitzer events all day Kids crafts, a village campfire with treats, a snowshoe hike, wine tasting and more — it’s a full day of fun on the mountain. In the evening Chimney Rock will host music by Electric Cole Show and Taps hosts Devon Wade.
Live music at the 219 w/ The Beatdiggers Local favorites the Beatdiggers play from 9 p.m. to midnight at the lounge, where you have to 21-plus to jam out.
Fourth Annual Winter Carnival Cornhole Classic Tournament Warm up your tossing arm, because you could earn cash and prizes with impeccable aim at MickDuff’s Beer Hall. To enter the tournament, show up between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. First toss is scheduled for 1 p.m. It’s $20/ team, $10/person, and you must be 21-plus.
‘Let it Glow!’ night parade and fireworks + all-day events at Schweitzer The Coca Cola Let it Glow! kids parade, fireworks and night skiing — plus fun stuff all day long — will make for a great day and bright night on the mountain. The parade is scheduled for 6-8 p.m. Also enjoy music at Taps from Hawthorne Roots 3-6 p.m. and a party at 7 p.m. with Dodgy Mountain Men. For more information, call the Activity Center at 208-255-3081.
Sleigh ride dinner and concert Western Pleasure Guest Ranch is providing sleigh rides, which can be scheduled for either 5 or 6
Sunday, Feb. 18
Monday, Feb. 19 Annual 219 party Starting at 2:19 p.m. there will be $2.19 drink specials, snacks and prizes at the lounge. Must be 21-plus. Schweitzer events all day Schweitzer keeps President’s Day poppin’ with activities all day. Laughing Dog and Jalapeño’s pairing dinner Local brews team up with local eats to bring a festive beer pairing dinner at 6:30 p.m. Make reservations by calling 208-263-2995. Wednesday, Feb. 21 KPND ski party @ Trinity at City Beach The KPND Ski and Board Party starts at 5:30 p.m. There will be food and drink specials and prizes, so what’s not to love? Wind Down Wednesday @ the 219 Lounge From 4-10 p.m. the 219 will be serving up handcrafted cocktails, unique wines, craft beer and appetizers. Truck Mills and a guest musician will perform 5-8 p.m. You must be 21-plus to attend. Pick up next week’s Reader for a rundown of all Winter Carnival events from Feb. 22 to Feb. 25. February 15, 2018 /
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/ February 15, 2018
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Randy McAllister & the Scrappiest Band in the Motherland 7:30pm @ Panida Theater Grammy-nominated singer, harmonica player and drummer Randy McAllister and “Scappiest Band in the Motherland” bring soulful Texas blues at their best. Tickets are $22 in advance
Girls Pint Night Out 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour A Cool chicks! Great bee for an evening tasting
Live Music w/ Mike and Shanna Parade of Lights 5-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery 5:30pm @ City Parking Lot Bluegrass, jazz and blues The Sandpoint Winter Carnival Live Music w/ Josh Hedlund kicks off with the wild ‘n’ crazy 6-8pm @Cedar St. Bistro Wine Bar Parade of Lights through downBest singer-songwriter in town. Period. town Sandpoint featuring legions Live Music w/ The Groove Black of zany floats, marching groups, 7:30pm @Eichardt’s Pub and snow-shovel brigades Live Music w/ Oak St. Connection 6-8pm @Cedar St. Bistro Wine Bar Fun duo with a wide repertoire
Live Music w/ B 5-7pm @ Idaho P Kick back with a
Live Music w/ Ha 9pm @ 219 Loun Harold’s IGA w band The Wow W
Live Music w/ Mike Wagoner 8-10pm @ Back Door Bar A local favorite hailing from Nashville
Live Music w/ The Other White Meat Live Music w/ John Firshi 6:39-9:30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority Classic rock and roll band John plays some of your favorite tunes Live Music w/ The Beat Diggers 9pm @ 219 Lounge Rock and roll
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Mardi Gras Party 5-8pm @ Memorial Community Center Annual Mardi Gras Party featuring the CouLive Music w/ The Cole Show gar Creek Band. Tickets $10, which includes 5pm @ Chimney Rock Grill (Schweitzer) pizza; beer and wine are available for purchase Live Music w/ Reese Warren 7:30pm @Eichardt’s Pub Sandpoint Chess Club Lifetree Cafe • 2pm @ Jalepeño’s Mexican Restaurant 9am @ Evans Brothers Coffee An hour of stories and conversations to feed your soul. Meets every Sunday at 9am This week’s topic: Does God have a plan for you? Monday Night Blues Jam w/ Truck Mills 7:30pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Night-Out Karaoke 9pm @ 219 Lounge Join DJ Pat for a night of singing, or just come to drink and listen Wind Down Wednesday 5-8pm @ 219 Lounge With live music by blues man Truck Mills. Relax together with friends and colleagues at the end of the day Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Good until the keg’s dry
219 Party • 2:19pm @ 219 Lounge $2.19 drink and beer specials, music and appe tizers. Free and open to the public ages 21+
KPND Ski and B 5:30pm @ Trinity Prizes, drink spe Hosted by KPND
24 Hours for Hank Benefit 5-8pm @ Idaho Pour Authority Enjoy raffle prizes, live music Five Minutes of Fam 6:30pm @ Cafe Bodeg and complimentary appetizers Writers, musicians, lis
Trivia Takeover Live 5-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Wine and beer specials, plus prizes as well. Free and open to the public.
Clark Fork Crafter 3pm @ Clark Fork L Enjoy free family fu to take home.
February 15-22, 2018
ight Out aho Pour Authority Great beer! No dudes! Join Vicki ng tasting of chocolate and beer
A weekly entertainment guide to keep you on your toes. To list your event free, please send an email to Reader recommended
The Conversation 6-8pm @ Ivano’s Ristorante Sharing social media tips for a successful art business. FREE and open to the public
usic w/ Brights Moments Jazz Live Music w/ Devon Wade @ Idaho Pour Authority 6:39-9:30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall ck with a brew and some jazz Country in Sandpoint
usic w/ Harold’s IGA & the Wow Wows 219 Lounge ’s IGA will be featuring special guest he Wow Wows playing set break!
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Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Good until the keg’s dry
Petty Fever 8pm @ Panida Theater A multi-award winning full production tribute to Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. Tickets $20
Farmouse live music 6-8pm @ Farmhouse Kitchen Live music with Tom D’Orazi
Chinese New Year party and art opening 7pm @ Evans Bros. Coffee This is a benefit for Underground Kindness and features a Woods Wheatcroft art opening and DJ Mercury dance party. Eichardt’s cash bar. Dress up in red, gold, sparkles – get festive! $5 donation at the door
Winter Carnival Cornhole Classic Tournament 1pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Capped at 32 teams, so sign up early by calling 208-2096700. First toss at 1 p.m. Cost is $20/team, $10/person. Cash and prizes available. Tournament is rain or shine!
American Sign Language Class 11:30am @ Sandpoint Library ASL instructor Susan Schaller will be teaching a progressive ASL class for beginners. For more information, contact Susan Schaller at Sleigh Ride Dinner and Concert 5pm @ Western Pleasure Sleigh rides can be scheduled at 5 p.m. or 6 p.m., with dinner served at 6:30 p.m. $65 per person. 208-263-9066 for reservations
estaurant our soul. ou?
Let It Glow! Night Parade and Fireworks @ Schweitzer Mountain Resort Kids parade and fireworks show on the mountain. Enjoy live music in Taps with Hawthorne Roots from 3-6 p.m and the Dodgy Mountain Men starting at 7 p.m.
Free Teen Center Program • 3:30pm @ Sandpoint Teen Center c and appe- A library-sponsored game or STEAM activity hosted by Morgan ges 21+ Gariepy, teen librarian with the Sandpoint Library
Ski and Board Party @ Trinity at City Beach drink specials and fun! by KPND 95.3 FM
Open Mic 5-8pm @ SKåL Taproom Musicians and comedians welcome! Open mic is held every Wednesday
es of Fame afe Bodega icians, listeners ... all are welcome
k Crafternoon ark Fork Library family fun with a craft me.
Live Music w/ Brian Jacobs 7:30pm @Eichardt’s Pub
Get Ready for Winter Carnival Week 2!
Jan. 24 Live Comedy Show @ 219 Lounge Jan. 24 Dirty Revival @ The Hive Jan. 24 Valinor Quartet @ Panida Theater Jan. 25 K-9 Keg Pull @ Granary Lot
2-6pm •219 Lounge •A&P Bar & Grill •Eichardt’s Pub •The Hound •MickDuff’s Beer Hall •Idaho Pour Authority •Pend d’Oreille Winery •Trinity at City Beach •Baxter’s The Back Door •Beet & Basil •Ivano’s Ristorante •Tervan Tavern •The Fat Pig •Jalapeño’s •J •Connie’s February 15, 2018 /
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is your pet not acting quite right? (208) 265-5700 320 S. Ella Ave.
Usually this is the first sign they need a check up.
By Mike Wagoner Reader Contributor
grew up in a classic American farm town surrounded by fields with neighborhoods lined with old trees and imperfect sidewalks. One of my childhood memories that I still harbor are of the crisp fall days spent pheasant hunting with my dad. The sound of his voice in the morning, cascading down those basement steps and into my room to wake me, is a sound I miss and will always remember. The tone of his call would unleash within my mind stirrings, yearnings and promises of adventure. After a “manly” breakfast we would load our shotguns, lunch and the family dog into our old pickup that usually sat idle during the week and head out for those fertile fields of promise. As we steadily moved along, the older parts of town would suddenly give way to new sections. Houses were slightly different from one another, yet somehow all seemed
HOURS: 3pm to close Mon. through Sat.
Suffering is Optional R
/ February 15, 2018
the same. This is when the silence would be broken and my father, who was raised locally on a small farm, would begin making comments. “That hillside over there used to be good,” he said. “That flat along the river used to be great for ducks.” It was at these times I found myself trying to picture what it must have been like before all the new houses sprang up and chased the wonder away. I remember wishing that somehow I could go back in time through some kind of misty corridor of trees and be a childhood friend of my dad, running free through that golden countryside that now only existed in his mind. Mike Wagoner has a dual personality. By day he is a science teacher and by night a singer-songwriter. He has recently moved to the area from Nashville, where he taught school and did studio work on the side.
Pain is Inevitable
14 /
the suburbs
(208) 610-7359 111 Cedar St. Lower Level
Yes. If someone could release your chronic tension, you could feel better R o l f i n g | call 208.265.8440
solstice snow
This open Window
Vol. 3 No.4
poetry and prose by local writers edited by Jim mitsui
Instead of providing prompts I’d like to comment more on the pieces in this column. This will be added to the biographical information about each writer. The thing about prompts is that you can use any poem or prose piece as a springboard for an idea and sort of a prompt. I’m not talking about plagiarizing; there is nothing wrong with using an idea or topic that comes out of someone else’s writing. It’s your interpretation or version of that subject. Sometimes you may give credit to that person by using “After Jane Doe” as a title or epigraph; an epigraph is a quote of piece of information that comes below the title (usually indented) and before the text of what you write. I hope you consider giving this a try, and submit your work to this column. I know there are a lot of excellent writers, not just poets, out there. -Jim Mitsui
Heat presses out through the corrugated sleeve. Its dampness already weakening the cup. I lift the tiny opening up to my nose. Steam burns down the valley to my lip. Condensation beads. Damp heat like home heat. It sticks to my nose and mouth: a muzzle. I wish I could stand naked over the cup and let it cover me. Wetness pressing my skin tightly to my bones. Inhaling: I know that smell. Poking at my husband’s nose with the cup. He breathes in. “Tomatoes.” It’s more than that, I think. It’s the smell of a green vine just shucked of its fruit. Nothing smells so green as that vine right after Grandmomma picks its tomato. Nothing smells so red as the clay our feet sink into. Or so pink as the roses from a jar rubbed into her skin. Her face leaning down even with mine and picking the fruit; lifting it to her nose then to mine; and me breathing all the greens and reds and pinks. Rooibos tea harvested only in the Western Cape Province of South Africa so completely recalling my Southern clay while I sit in the mountains thousands of miles from them both and breathe. -Angela Dribben Angela graduated from Randolph Macon Woman’s College in Lynchburg, VA. She’s been a freelance writer and focuses on rural communities: general stores, churches and bars. This poem captures what happens when you take that first sip of tea or coffee – the memories of people, distant places, and the smells associated with where you’ve lived.
I was wondering, waiting. After the surprise foot seven weeks ago melted in November rains, I have watched days get darker, drearier. Now it’s come all at once—two feet of it, frosting trees into ghosts, burying woodpiles and paths. My shovel picks up soft igloo bricks that turn to dust when they hit the fence, and overladen puffs on branches plop like dumplings in gossamer down. The sky has turned the frosty blue of glacial melt, and deer and snowshoe hares have been dancing in the woods on hillocks of snow; I see their tracks.
-Jeanette Schandelmeier An Alaska native transplanted to Talache Road, this poem captures our back and forth weather – and the familiar shoveling of snow. We experience her effort and details she notices while she takes a break.
The vision of panelized, realized.
Send poems to:
down cocovista drive on a winter night High-speed from fright a snowshoe hare white on white back feet front
form stretched-out dot-dash double-yous over fresh snow. Poor thing thinks
pounces her darting shadow in startling headlights,
I’m chasing her, doesn’t know I’ll keep slow. A frantic heart directs her zig-
thumps a series of faces from Munch’s “Scream of Nature”, Clumps of track
zags, over fifty feet of road, before she dashes into brambles. How long until she’s
relaxed? I just drive off to a bluegrass jam with no way to beg “Excuse me ma’am.” -Beth Weber Beth plays and instructs violin and fiddle. She recently returned from a writers’ workshop in Key West taught by Billy Collins, past U.S. Poet Laureate, where she was one of two students who were told that their work was ready and should be “sent out.” This poem combines the essence of her music and driving late at night in the snow. Note how the poem captures the movement of the hare and her car, as she follows. Even her love of music is included. (208)264-6700
Dan McMahon, Gen. Contractor February 15, 2018 /
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the ONE-DISH RestAurant IssUe
Part 2
There are a lot of great places to eat in the greater Sandpoint area. This issue is dedicated to foodies, locals on a budget and those who are simply seeking a new place to dine. Here’s the idea: We asked every restaurant in the region (except for chain restaurants) to share one dish with us, and we have shared the results with you in the next few pages. Whether you’re a regular or haven’t been yet, do yourselves and the community a favor: Give these restaurants a shot if something sounds good. Tell ‘em the Reader sent you. Last week we focused on Sandpoint . This week, we’re looking at the rest of North Idaho.
By Cameron Rasmusson and Lyndsie Kiebert • Reader Staff
Old Ice House Pizzeria and Bakery 140 W. Main St. 208-264-5555 The Ice House is Hope’s premier place for a bite to eat in the winter months, but even with the cold weather, this joint is “where the only thing better than our pizza is the view!” Hours: Tuesday-Thursday and Sunday, 12-7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 12-8 p.m. One Dish: The United Nations supreme pizza is a customer favorite. It starts out with fresh, housemade dough rolled out thin and topped with zesty marinara, Wood’s pepperoni and sausage, fresh sliced ham and an array of hand-cut vegetables, then finished with whole-milk mozzarella. “We pride ourselves on using top-quality ingredients, and we’re confident it makes all the difference.”
Thursday, 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. and Monday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. One Dish: Junk Yard Ribs: Slow roasted then deep fried golden brown, and tossed in a housemade General Sao sauce. “Sweet, spicy and delicious!” Mugsy’s Tavern and Grill 7161 Main St. (208) 267-8059 Mugsy’s was voted “Best Restaurant in Boundary County” in 2017, and boasts other accolades from over the years. From their diverse menu to their varied beer selection, Mugsy’s is a highlight of the Bonners Ferry restaurant scene. Hours: Seven days a week, Sunday-Thursday, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. One Dish: The signature item at Mugsy’s Tavern and Grill is the Rattlesnake Pasta. It’s a blend of freshly grilled chicken tossed in a bed of penne pasta with a spicy jalapeño alfredo sauce. “It’s chicken with a bite!”
Cabinet Mountain Bar and Grill 213 4th Ave. 208-266-1229
Goat Mountain Pizzeria 7217 Main St. 208-267-1123
The Cabinet is back with a brand new building after it burned down in 2015, offering the same classic diner food it always has.
Goat Mountain boasts their Roman-style pizza, local brews on tap, organic salads and “famous” chocolate chip cookies.
Hours: Seven days a week, 6 a.m.-late. One Dish: The Cabinet highlights their large breakfast menu, popular burgers and “bucket snacks,” including popcorn shrimp and chicken, hot wings, gizzards and more.
The Rusty Moose Tavern and Grill 7211 Main St. 208-267-1950
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Hours: Seven days a week, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. One Dish: Kootenai River Brewing Company’s signature menu item is their Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon. They feature their salmon in several dishes: salmon fish and chips, salmon dinner, salmon wrap or add salmon to any of their salads. Enjoy it with any of their fine craft beers, made in house.
Klondyke Cafe and Tavern 14873 E Hwy 2 208-255-7223
The Klondyke is Laclede’s premier diner, where they boast “amazing home-cooked food and a comfortable atmosphere.” Hours: Monday-Saturday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. One Dish: The Klondyke has prime rib every Friday, starting at 5 p.m. 16 oz. cut for $19.95. “It’s the best prime rib around!” The Village Kitchen 911 Alberni Hwy, Priest River 208-448-2293
Sasquatch Pizza
Hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m.-10 p.m., and Sunday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. One Dish: The pizzeria’s most popular pie is the Sasquatch: red sauce, mozzarella, pepperoni, mushrooms, sausage, olives, Canadian bacon, artichoke hearts, green bell pepper, onion, garlic, bacon and fresh tomatoes make up this monster of a pizza.
American food prepared fresh — with a particular emphasis Kootenai River Brewing Co. on burgers and steaks 6424 Riverside St. — is what the Rusty Junk Yard Ribs 208-267-4677 Moose hangs its hat on. Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
Kootenai River Brewing Company is a family-style restaurant and tap house that serves lunch and dinner. There are always eight beers on tap, as well as a great view of the Kootenai River.
Variety is the spice of life at Village Kitchen, where they serve everything from hand-cut steaks to one-pound burgers to Mexican food. Hours: Seven days a week, 7 a.m.-8 p.m. One Dish: They serve breakfast all day — the chicken-fried steak is a fan favorite— and “everyone enjoys a mimosa on our screened-in deck!” The Beardmore Bistro 119 Main St, Priest River 208-428-7800 This bistro is in the historic downtown Beardmore Building and specializes in craft and domestic beers, as well as a large wine selection. The Beardmore Bistro serves a full menu and features a beer and wine club. Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 4 p.m.-close
One Dish: The Beardmore Bistro suggests you start with an appetizer and then try one of their gourmet thin-crust pizzas. Rusty Rooster 45 S McKinley St suite 101, Priest River 208-449-1533 The Rusty Rooster is a classic diner that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Among its many great reviews, customers often highlight that the Rusty Rooster smokes their own meat. Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday, 7 a.m.-2 p.m. One Dish: A couple of the Rusty Rooster’s top sellers are a mesquite slow-smoked brisket sandwich with melted pepper jack cheese, served on a toasted ciabatta roll, or the chicken-fried steak — hand-cut, tenderized and breaded.
Chimney Rock Grill Selkirk Lodge 208-255-3071 The Chimney Rock Grill is all about cozy relaxation and diverse dining. They serve a full menu — breakfast, lunch and dinner — as well as a full bar.
Chipotle Pasta
Hours: Seven days a week at 7 a.m. They seat until 9 p.m. Sunday-Thursday, 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. One Dish: The favorite this season has been the Chipotle Pasta. This creamy chipotle sauce is loaded with veggies, shrimp, chicken and Andouille sausage, sourced locally from Spokane, and all tossed with linguini. Powder Hound Pizza 73 Village Ln. 208-255-5645 What pairs better with shredding the mountain than pizza and beer? Powder Hound Pizza is
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a one-stop-shop for any skier or boarder looking for pies and brews after a long, powdery day. Hours: Sunday-Thursday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m.Husky Hawaiian Pizza 9 p.m. One Dish: A Powder Hound customer favorite is the Husky Hawaiian pizza. This pie starts with locally-made dough, and then gets topped with Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce. Next come mozzarella, then fire-braised chicken and pork, bacon, onions, pineapple and jalapenos. Finally, it is topped with smoked Gouda cheese. Taps Upper Lake View Lodge 208-263-9555 Taps might be known as the go-to spot of a frosty glass of craft beer and little indoor fun while on the mountain, but we can’t forget the menu of snacks, salads, pizzas and more, which is seeing a makeover as of late. Hours: Seven days a week, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. One Dish: Taps is excited to announce the addition of hot and cold sandwiches, as well as flatbreads, to their menu. Sam’s Signature oven-baked sandwich is a highlight, with Canadian bacon, Capicola, onion, olive, melted cheese, house-made sweet and hot mustard, creamy roasted garlic sauce and finished with fresh greens and tomato on toasted ciabatta.
Pack River General Store 1587 Rapid Lightning Rd. 208-263-2409
It may be tucked away, but the Pack River Store’s food will leave an impression that will have everyone driving through the woods for an occasional taste of everything this store offers. The specials are always changing, and everything tastes home cooked. Hours: Monday-Friday, 6 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. One Dish: They cure and smoke their own bacon at Pack River Store. It’s the only bacon they use in their menu items, and is also available by the pound. They apple-wood smoke it and get their chips from local family-run business Wildwood Grilling.
SKa’l Tap Room 476864 U.S. 95. 208-265-6163
While primarily a place to relax with a beer and friends — hopefully after a long day of skiing — SKa’l Tap Room also offers some vittles to satisfy that post-slope hunger. River General Store burritos and pizza are available to eat in house. Keep an eye out for take-and-bake items like chicken pot pie and Sonia chicken enchiladas, too.
Hours: Tuesday, 2-6 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday: 2-8 p.m., Sunday, 12-6 p.m. One Dish: Manager Lisa Campbell recommends the small plates, saying, “From Flying Fish company we put together a lox and bagel plate with cream cheese, chopped red onion and capers. We also have smoked salmon small plates with a variety of options, including three different kinds of cheese: cheddar, brie or cream. Also on the list: blueberries, apples, almonds or pecans.” Farmhouse Kitchen and Silo Bar 477227 U.S. 95 208-255-2603 Quality ingredients and a personal touch by Chef Adam Hegsted are the name of the game at Farmhouse Kitchen. Whether you’re hoping for a solid brunch or a satisfying dinner, the restaurant has a menu item for you. The restaurant smokes all its own meats, infuses its own liquors and offers some terrific barrel-aged cocktails. Hours: Winter hours: Sunday-Thursday, 7 a.m.-9 p.m., Friday-Saturday, 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Happy hour, 3 p.m. One Dish: The twice-fried chicken and buffalo meatloaf are both popular options for dinner. For brunch, many patrons find themselves opting for the huevos rancheros. Sweet Lou’s Restaurant and Bar 477272 U.S. 95 208-263-1381 Look for home-style comfort food — and a lot of it — at Sweet Lou’s, where a welcometo-my-home sensibility informs the service and atmosphere. From burgers — including the 60-40 that combines ground beef and bacon — to sides like baked beans and horseradish mashed potatoes, rib-sticking grub make up the Sweet Lou’s menu. Hours: 11 a.m.-10 p.m., happy hour 4-6 p.m. One Dish: The bison ribs are a unique and hearty take on barbecued ribs, with meat smoked in-house and covered in a homemade barbecue sauce. Tacos Tacos 870 Kootenai Cutoff Rd. 208-304-1335 Those looking for a robust, fast lunch will find plenty of Mexican flavor at Tacos Tacos. A food truck with a standard location in Ponderay, the vendor serves up delicious burritos and tacos for a quick bite at a reasonable price. The spices in each item are custom mixed in California in a proud family tradition. Hours: Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. One Dish: Carne asada burritos with carefully spiced and cooked steak. Hoot Owl 30784 Hwy-200, Ponderay 208-265-9348 When it comes to an amazing breakfast the morning after a late night out, you’ll be hard pressed to find anything better — in Sandpoint or anywhere else — than the Hoot Owl. A breakfast-and-lunch joint that serves up classic comfort food, Hoot Owl has flavorful takes on all manner of classics, which it serves in mountainous
portions. From its biscuits slathered in delicious house gravy to its breaded porkchops with all the classic breakfast fixings, the Hoot Owl menu is filled with soon-to-be-favorites. Hours: Sunday-Saturday, 5 a.m.-2 p.m. One Dish: The Hashbrown Scramble Supreme packs eggs, ham, cheese, hashbrowns and breakfast veggies into one delicious scramble and tops it all with your choice of salsa and sour cream or in-house sausage gravy. And it all comes with a side of toast. Curry in a Hurry and 7Bistro 870B Kootenai Cut-Off Rd. 404-565-3131 Curry in a Hurry made a splash last year with its delicious curry served up during limited hours of operation primarily through online Coconut Chicken Curry. preorders. Now owner Peter Hicks hopes to expand Sandpoint’s limited-operation restaurants with his new business venture, 7Bistro. At the moment, 7Bistro is primarily the center for new Curry in a Hurry operations. However, Hicks hopes to recruit more wouldbe restauranteers who can’t afford the time commitment, circulating several different types of food at the location throughout the week. Those seeking curry can still preorder at www. Hours: Thursday-Friday, 12-6 p.m., which will expand as more restaurants sign up. One Dish: The coconut chicken curry is an onion-ginger-garlic base jazzed up with marinaded chicken and a variety of spices. It’s become a Curry in a Hurry standout. Preferred Pastries 949-290-2020 - Ponderay You’ll have to wait until March 1 before it reopens, but for mind-meltingly good biscuits and gravy, look no further than the Preferred Pastries food trailer. The secret is in the high-quality pork butt ground into sausage and made together with the gravy for a rich, zesty flavor you won’t ever find in a can. What’s more, the Preferred Pastry biscuits are the chef’s signature recipe informed by his training at Le Cordon Bleu Pastry School. It’s the same expertise and care that goes into the turnovers and other pastries. Hours: Thursday-Saturday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. starting March 1 One Dish: If Preferred Pastries’ biscuits and gravy don’t get your mouth watering, biscuits and gravy probably aren’t your thing. Golden Dragon 100 Tibbetts Dr., Ponderay Whether it’s take out or dining in, Golden Dragon has your Chinese food craving covered, as it has for years. A staple of the Ponderay restaurant community, Golden Dragon prides itself on a friendly staff and prompt service, not to mention its substantial menu of classic Chinese cuisine. The restaurant puts a modern spin on dishes like szechwan beef and general sesame chicken. One Dish: For a full tour of Golden Dragon offerings, come in with a friend and try a family dinner. Dinner A gets you hot and sour soup, egg rolls, moo
shoo pork, spicy crispy chicken and chow mein for $35.60. Just be ready for some leftovers. Fiesta Bonita 202 N 2nd Ave., Sandpoint, and 700 Kootenai Cut Off Rd., Ponderay 208-265-4149 Expect delicious Mexican food piled high on a big plate at Fiesta Bonita, which recently completed its expansion into Sandpoint. Whether you check out the new restaurant or prefer its flagship Ponderay location, you’ll get the same great service and generous portions of food crafted according to family traditions and recipes. Hours: 11 a.m.-9 p.m. weekdays, 11-9:30 p.m. weekends One Dish: The mole sauce has an especially personal touch since it’s a family recipe right down to the basic ingredients. Customers also can’t get enough of the carne asada, which is grilled over charcoal and carefully seasoned. While not everyone we reached out to was able to provide us with a menu item to feature before press time, here’s a list of other great eateries in the area to try sometime. Clark Fork Grill American diner 14 Elk Horn Road, Clark Fork 208-266-1414 Three Mile Corner Cafe American diner 3 Mile Jct, Bonners Ferry 208-267-2541 Springs Restaurant and Lounge Steak and seafood 7169 Plaza St, Bonners Ferry 208-267-8511 Chic-N-Chop American diner 6421 Main St, Bonners Ferry 208-267-2431 Badger’s Den Breakfast, lunch and espresso 6551 S Main St, Bonners Ferry 208-267-1486 Oriental Garden Asian cuisine 6231 Main St, Bonners Ferry 208-267-8000 Mi Pueblo Mexican cuisine Locations in Priest River, Bonners Ferry and Newport 208-448-0115 AJ’s Cafe American diner 536 High St, Priest River 208-448-2609 Hardwood Grill Steakhouse 5634 Hwy 2, Priest River 208-448-4489 Mangy Moose Cafe and RV Park American diner 3604 US-2, Priest River 208-448-4468 February 15, 2018 /
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an Ayahuasca Experience
By Tom Woodward Reader Contributor
In 1952 the legendary Beat writer William S. Burroughs slipped into the vast emerald interior of the Amazon rainforest in search of Yage — what is now known in popular culture as Ayahuasca — the psychoactive vine brew renowned for its medicinal properties. He may not have been venturing forth so much toward a mystical experience as he was running away from his nightmares. Among these were a dead wife he left behind in Mexico City and a pesky opioid addiction that would dog him down for decades. Writing to friend and fellow Beat figure poet Allen Ginsberg in the now classic “Yage Papers,” he states: “This is the most powerful drug I have ever experienced. Yage is not like anything else. It produces the most complete derangement of the senses!” A decade later, two Harvard psychology professors, Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert, began research into the effects of the psychoactive mushroom Psilocybin for its potential therapeutic benefits. One of the papers released from their work was the Concord Prison Experiment in which inmates were given Psilocybin to reduce recidivism. Within two years the project was shut down due to concerns over the legitimacy and safety of the experiment. Soon the two rising academic stars were thrown out of Harvard and cast into the lot of the major figures of nascent counterculture. It would be decades before the therapeutic benefits of psychoactive drugs were again studied in earnest. It wasn’t until the 1990s that a new generation of FDA officials made an effort to ease the prior harsh restrictions of the ‘60s. This again opened the door to research into the potential advantages of psychoactives, including palliative care and anxiety treatment. Meanwhile, slowly simmering on
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the back burner was a cauldron of a mystical brew that was not being stirred up by Ivy League Ph.Ds, but by jungle shamans versed in knowledge passed down since time immemorial. Adrian McDowell, a local carpenter in his late ‘50s, speaks in the slow and measured tone of his native Orofino. Since early memory Adrian has struggled from the effects of depression. He plodded through early life in an anemic haze, always on the margins, left with few friends and developing an introverted personality. By high school he was loner, spending large portions of his time in the school woodshop. By his early 20s, Adrian began to seek professional help in what would become a nearly 30-year odyssey into the byzantine world of antidepressant drugs. In the late ‘90s Adrian and his wife moved from Sandpoint to Pennsylvania as a career move. It was here that he learned of a study at the University of Pennsylvania State’s depression research unit. They were searching for people of a certain criteria that would partake in the research of SSIR drugs. The study would last three years. Adrian signed on and began the study in 2004. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are powerful antidepressants that, in effect, alter the
flow of the neurotransmitters. The study began in small doses and increased over time. Initially the efficacy of these drugs seemed to have a positive outcome. As Adrian related to this writer, “You feel an elation you have never had before. The sky is bluer colors crisper, the world seems more doable.” However, the ups were always followed by a downturn. Tired of the negative side-effects and disillusioned with the program, Adrian abruptly dropped out of the study three months shy of completion. In 2011, Adrian was thumbing through a National Geographic Traveler when he noticed an article written by a woman who experienced transformation with a guided ayahuasca tour called Blue Morpho in the Peruvian rainforest. As she suffered with similar issues with depression, this piqued Adrian’s attention. Within two months Adrian had booked his flight to Peru. He was a novice, never having had any experience with psychotropic drugs. He arrived with the beginner’s mind, of which Zen practitioners say “has many possibilities”. Iquitos, Peru, is a city of 400,000 inhabitants. Situated on the banks of the Amazon River, it is the largest city in the world not connected by road. The Blue
Morpho headquarters is located in the jungle several miles outside of town. Its director is American. Employed under him is the shaman and his apprentices. The group tour included 12 other participants from all walks of life, each with their own reason for being there. A handler, or apprentice, was assigned to each individual to watch over them during each ceremony. Day one was spent in the field with the shaman gathering the ayahuasca vine and several other leaf components that make up the brew. They cut, strip and pound the root and leaf before putting it into a large cauldron which was then put to simmer overnight. The following day the ceremony commences. It takes place in a large thatch-roofed pavilion with a front stage accommodating the shaman. In front of the shaman sits the director with a Tibetan singing bowl. In the back are situated bathrooms which facilitate any purging (i.e. vomiting and diarrhea), which is characteristic to the drug. Adrian took his dose from the shaman in a small cup. After ingestion he walked back to his mat and lie on his back with eyes closed. As the bowl rang its vibratory song, the group began to feel the effects.
In the Yage letters, William S. Burroughs describes his experience, “It was like going under ether, or when you are very drunk and lie down and the bed spins. Blue flashes passed in front of my eyes. I was hit by violent, sudden nausea and rushed for the door hitting my shoulder against the post. I felt the shock but no pain. I could hardly walk.” For Adrian the experience had a more calming effect. Other than the shrills of women around him bursting into hyena-like laughter and the man next to him whining like an injured child he felt an intense feeling of calm and contentment. The eight-hour journey passed him by in a flash. Finally, the singing bowl wound down, the handlers roused their charges and the group went back to their respective beds to rest. The nine-day program was scheduled to have five ceremonies with a Q&A and group discussions on the intervening rest days. The second ceremony did not go as well, and Adrian experienced a profound letdown. In the off hours he watched as the director acted in an erratic and pompous manner. Much like the Penn State research program, he opted out early. Back home Adrian continued seeking out different modalities of treatment, one of which was Brain Balancing Technology. Today Adrian is living his life free of antidepressants, “winging it” as he calls it. “There were positive aspects of the ayahuasca experience that have stayed with me to this day, but it was just one piece of the larger puzzle. Life is not perfect, but it is doable.” If there is a moral to this story, it may be that there is no magic bullet. Living in today’s 21st-century American pressure cooker requires constant vigilance, hard work and personal growth. Adrian McDowell is an exemplar of this modality.
Fine Jewellers & Goldsmiths •Custom Jewelry •Repairs
thursday feb. 15 @ 7:30pm randy mcallister
and the scrappiest band in the motherland east texas road house blues and soul
Love the outdoors? Have a hunger to learn and to observe the natural world?
friday feb. 16 @ 8pm
petty fever
a tribute band to tom petty and the heartbreakers
saturday feb. 24 @ 6:30pm
Valinor Quartet
Want to be a volunteer scientist and educator?
International String Trio combines with Grammy winning Accordionist
Become a Master Naturalist!
March 2-3 @ 8pm
We are starting a series of classes March 23rd and 24th and then two classes a month for six months. Learn about local geology, plants, animals and fish. Sponsored by the Idaho Fish and Game. For more details, contact us at
The follies SOLD OUT
friday, March 16 @ 3pm & 6pm
kaniksu land trust presents: ‘osprey of north idaho with wayne melquist’ saturday, March 24 @ 7pm
fly fishing film tour 2018
A film and fundraiser for the Panhandle Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Space is limited. February 15, 2018 /
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When You’re Smiling
e Fin h T : 3 t r a P
By Tim Henney Reader Contributor This was originally intended as a twopart feature matching happy Sandpoint citizens with upbeat songs from aged vinyl records. However, after a mob of Reader readers stormed the newspaper’s offices demanding inclusion, this cowardly writer obliged with an additional effort. You might ask, so what happened to all that ballyhooed happiness? Nothing happened. People who populate this chapter will be just as happy as those in the previous two, once they see their names here. What makes Sandpointians happy is not just local music and art, our library, super public schools and teachers, the lake, ski mountain and restaurants. No, sir. It’s being in the Reader. Supermarkets are great places to see happy people. With a smile that lights up the parking lot on a gray day, a familiar lady rushes up and says, “Hey, I’m Tyson’s grandma. Spring is right around the corner, see you at soccer!” Her name is Jean and grandson Tyson is a soccer star. Jean is one of countless enthusiasts who spend soccer Saturdays at Farmin-Stidwell school. A vinyl recording to match her happy attitude? How about “Good Vibrations,” by The Beach Boys. At supermarkets one also meets kids like Preston, Malcolm and Eliana. They bag groceries, perform their basic tasks with aplomb, and chat merrily with customers. So do cashiers like Ashley, Roberta and Ron. Pairing such positive people with a song is easy. How about “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile,” from the Broadway blockbuster, “Annie.” “Who cares what you’re wearing on Main Street or Saville Row... it’s what you wear from ear to ear, and not from toe to toe.” That tune also fits bubbly baker Marla, who lives with husband and dogs near my 1957 bride and me in the forest. That’s not her fault. They were there first. Recently our intrepid mutt, Tippy, sniffed through the woods to visit Marla’s dogs. Marla telephoned and then, Tippy in the passenger seat, met me at the end of her lane. As if on
Kaelin Sutherland is all smiles at Hair Unlimited. Photo by Ben Olson.
Rose Ropp at her station at Wood’s Meat Processing. Courtesy photo.
Janice Jarzabek, doing what she does. Courtesy photo.
cue, another good-Samaritan lady drove up with two dogs. As luck would have it, one was Marla’s. Unbeknownst to mom, he had taken himself for a stroll. As we sorted out dogs, Marla’s relatives Elke and Chip, who also live in the hood and own gorgeous horses, came putt-putting up in a tricked out go-cart. Black lab Maggie was aboard. Hoo boy! Amidst the sniffing, piddling and woofing it was so doggone much fun we considered sending out for sushi, right there in the road. A song to pair with this joyful assemblage? How about the Stan Kenton band with songbird June Christy, “... I got a ranch in Arizona, a yacht in L.A., a house in San Francisco overlooking the bay... I can’t lose ‘cause I got no blues... and there Ain’t No Misery In Me.” That works. I buy hefty beef bones for our dogs at Woods out on 95. Half the fun of going there is Rosy, who appears to be about 28 and has worked there 35 years. Rosy radiates cheer as she boxes up smokies and steaks. She makes me think of composer Cole Porter. She doesn’t look like him, but he wrote
songs about her. Tunes like “You’re The Top” from Broadway’s “Anything Goes.” “You’re the Nile, you’re the tower of Pisa... you’re the smile, on the Mona Lisa.” Or how about this by Phoebe Snow: “Don’t sit there mumblin’ and talkin’ trash, if you wanna have some fun you gotta spend some cash... so Let The Good Times Roll.” Those optimistic lyrics apply equally to perky Kaelin at Hair Unlimited. At risk of being labeled a sexual predator like creepy Donald Trump and Harvey Weinstein, I suspect that Kaelin might be the prettiest barber in Idaho. There are many cheery, buoyant Sandpoint citizens who sparkle when you meet them. Too many to laud here. So let’s doff our cap to a representative few who make living here a treat: Spunky Janice who founded the film festival; Kim, who works at Petal Talk, but behind the scenes, as she does at the follies; Hefty Brian and son Chris at All About Chimneys, who bring glad tidings when they come to repair a woodstove; Sahara and her beaming wait staff at Fiesta Bonita to whom there’s noth-
ing so important as making you glad you’re there; Banking moguls Michael and Drew at Wells Fargo, both dressed to the nines in bright shirts and bow ties, and conjuring up the Fred Astaire gem, “Top Hat, White Tie And Tails”; Waiters Sabrina and Maia at Baxter’s, whose welcoming spirit contrasts starkly with grumpster boss Tommy. Tommy? A grumpster? Yes. After parking the car I attempted to join my family of seven, already seated and slurping Bistro Rouge. They included our elderly children from Park City, Utah, whom I always attempt to impress with my social clout when they visit. Tommy saw me coming, sprinted across the floor, grabbed a handy CLOSED sign and slammed it against the front door. The family, naturally, was horrified. Fortunately it was the holiday season so I simply slid down the chimney. As I slid I hummed “When You’re Smiling, when you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you...” And everything turned out fine, as it always does in Sandpoint, Idaho, USA.
Energy Optimization / Footprint Reduction Residential - Commercial - Industrial
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/ February 15, 2018
By Ben Olson Reader Staff
INCOGNITA: the art of getting lost
If Woods Wheatcroft tells you to get lost, you should take it as sound advice. The Sandpoint photographer and curator of Studio 524 art gallery inside Evans Brothers Coffee Roasters is presenting a show of photographs celebrating the art of getting lost. Wheatcroft has titled the exhibition “Incognita,” which takes place Friday, Feb. 16, at 5:30 p.m. at Evans Brothers. The inspiration for the show came from the many road trips Wheatcroft has taken, many passing through desolate areas devoid of the ubiquitous clutch of technology. “I wanted to make a statement, or more of a commentary on terra incognita, or the land of the lesser known,” said Wheatcroft. “These photographs were gathered from my road trips in the west.” Wheatcroft’s photos share a similar thread of minimalism. One shows an empty basketball hoop in the middle of nowhere. Others show stark, almost drab skies atop a clean horizon of empty space. There are signs without words, views without vistas and empty, naked human forms standing somewhere in oblivion. All photos share Wheatcroft’s iconic commentary that aims not to preach, but to lead by example. “I want this exhibit to be a headscratcher, for me included,” he said “When one chooses to show work that claims the artist has it all figured out, it doesn’t work. I don’t have this figured out, I just choose to experiment.” For Wheatcroft, the exhibit is a way for him to ask important questions. “We’re so addicted to the answers right now,” he said. “We can’t reside with the questions. Think about it, you Yelp the restaurant you want to go to, figure out the route, read reviews of the food. We need to give ourselves a perscription to get lost every once in awhile is what I think.” Wheatcroft, who works for a variety of clients as a commercial photographer, said he has gathered the two
This week’s RLW by Ben Olson
Zach Hagadone, who was one of the three people that first started the Reader in 2004, has an article that printed in the Inlander a couple weeks ago called “From Boors to Shitholers” which is worth reading. Hagadone recently departed his job as editor of the Boise Weekly to enroll in grad school at WSU. The amount of excellent research in such a short article really impressed me, as I’m sure it will you. The Inlander changed the title of the article to “An American Story from Benjamin Franklin to Donald Trump.”
Three of the two dozen images Woods Wheatcroft is displaying at his art show INCOGNITA at Evans Brothers. Photos by Woods Wheatcroft.
dozen photographs he’ll show over the past decade on his many trips to nowhere. “I guess I’m presenting it as these are my tools to get lost: my van, a dirt road, a bottle of tequila and a lot of time,” he said. “Those are my tools.” Check out Wheatcroft’s show “Incognita” at Evans Brothers Coffee Roasters on Friday, Feb. 16, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The show will be followed by a Chinese New Year party hosted by Evans Brothers as a fundraiser for Underground Kindness. Partygoers are encouraged to dress in festive red and gold and be ready to dance with DJ Mercury spinning. There is a $5 suggested donation at the door.
I love listening to live albums from artists I appreciate. One such EP is Shakey Graves’ “Audiotree Live” recordings from 2013. You can find it on Spotify. Graves has a dynamic, sparse style of perfectly overdriven guitar accompanied by a kick drum and tambourine he hits with alternating feet. His early stuff is amazing, but the last couple of albums seemed to move away from his solo terseness. With a full band, he’s still great, but there’s nothing special about it. But, listen to these live tracks.
Netflix has a great miniseries out called “Manhunt: Unabomber” which covers the groundbreaking new techniques developed by the FBI to catch Ted Kaczynski. For those who don’t know, Kacynski mailed bombs to people from 1978 to 1995, killing three people and injured 23 others. The nation-wide crime spree came to a head when Kacynski demanded his manifesto be published or he would continue to mail bombs. Ironically, it was this manifesto which ultimately led to his capture and conviction. This series, starring Paul Bettany and Sam Worthington, is worth the time.
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OUTDOORS A column all about snow safety From Northern Idaho News, Friday, November 27, 1903
Smelter Project is Again to the Front There promises to be something more doing in relation to the smelter, preparations for the advent of which were made some months ago by the purchase of a building site for the works, between here and Greenough. At that time sufficient capital was subscribed to a stock company to insure the purchase of the building site, but since then the project has been sleeping. It is not dead by any means, however, and now comes the news that H.M. Williams of Spokane, whose faith in the project has never dwindled, will be here next week with a number of Chicago capitalists, who will look over the ground. The scheme this time is said to be to make a bond issue and in that way raise money sufficient to put up the buildings and works. Mr. Williams has always insisted that the smelter will be built in Sandpoint and it looks now as if there would be new lift infused in the project and that it may come through. With the development of the Blacktail properties and the final issuance of a patent to James A. Brown and Joseph W. Roof for the Keystone-Stena-Roof-Tunnel group and the consequent sale of the properties to the B.R. & B. Co., not to speak of the indications for a mine at Granite Creek which are becoming brighter every day, it begins to look as if the smelter would have business right from the start right from the edges of Lake Pend d’Oreille. In addition to the good showings being made about the lake, there is little doubt that another season will see considerable development work at Clark Fork, if not the establishment of another mine there. 22 /
/ February 15, 2018
By Kevin Davis Reader Columnist
Winter ain’t over yet
It sure feels like we’re in a slow, muddy slide into spring, doesn’t it? It won’t be long until the snow in the valley has melted and the North Idaho mud season has officially begun, and it feels like it’s a month early. The weather in the mountains has been teetering on the edge of a big melt, but thankfully we haven’t gotten it yet. If you venture into the high country, you know full well that it is still winter, and with a better than average snowpack this year, we have plenty of snow to open up the terrain. What may be a little less obvious, with the warm temperatures, moderate snowfall, and an overall felling of spring, is that this is still avalanche season. Did you know that since 2000 our avalanche forecast area has seen 11 avalanche fatalities? Of those 11 incidents four happened in February and four more in March. That means eight out of 11 avalanche fatalities have occurred in February and March. Somehow this doesn’t seem to make sense when you look at our typical weather patterns; all the big dumps happen in December and January. There are a couple of reasons why our avalanche danger persists into the springtime months. One reason is that North Idaho is blessed with a lot of trees, and maybe not so blessed with brush. All this vegetation helps to stabilize the early season snowpack by poking up through it and holding it on the mountainside. A densely-forested hillside is not going to slide, but be careful of those openings. It usually takes about four to five feet of snow to fill in over boulders and brush and tree limbs to open up the terrain enough where the anchoring effect of vegetation is no longer stabilizing the snow. One thing to keep in mind is that if you’re on a steep slope and you can get through the trees with minimal effort, they’re not providing enough anchoring to prevent a slide. With 6-8 feet of snow terrain features become filled in and the landscape becomes smooth. Weak layers in the snowpack can run for hundreds or even thousands of feet, uninterrupted by bumps or dips that might arrest a propagating fracture. When you see a picture perfect vertical canvas of smooth, untracked snow you should be thinking, “How stable is that slope?” By February, the mountains of North Idaho have built up many layers of snow
that may harbor a number of weak layers. Some of these weak layers settle out over time and stabilize. Others can persist for a week, or a month. With a deeper pack built up over some of these persistent weak layers, they are under a lot of stress. You may be the extra load that’s needed to wake the sleeping giant. One more factor that is isolated to the ridgetops is the effect of wind. Wind moves a lot of snow. In our mountains most of the wind is blowing over the ridgetops from west to east. That means the deepest snow is normally on the easterly aspects, from north to southeast looking at a compass. What used to be a gradual slope with no snow cover is now a steep and imposing feature at the top of the mountain. Think overhanging cornice with a bulging pillow of snow below it. Slope angle is an important factor in triggering avalanches. If you increase the slope angle, you increase the likelihood of triggering an avalanche. Thirty to 45 degrees is prime avalanche steepness, and many of the windloaded ridgetop features we like to play on are in the upper range of that. Roman Nose, Echo Bowl, Keokee Peak, Jeru Ridge, Sheep Mountain, McCormick Lake, Trapper Peak and Savage Mountain are all places where fatal accidents have occurred in February and March. So next time you’re out with your friends and you’re relaxing in the sun at the top of a mountain, snap out of it and realize
One fatality occurred in this avalanche that was triggered on an east aspect above McCormick Lake in March 2008. Courtesy photo. that although it may be spring in the valley, it’s still avalanche season in the mountains. Kevin Davis is a Forest Service hydrologist and assistant director of the Idaho Panhandle Avalanche Center. He spends his summers in the creeks and streams of North Idaho fixing roads and culverts and bridges and fish habitat and winters in the mountains producing the avalanche advisory and teaching avalanche classes.
Crossword Solution
If the captain invited me to his party, after he had whipped me earlier in the day up on deck, I guess I’d go, but I’d try to find some excuse to leave early.
CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Radiolocation 6. Ship’s front 10. To tax or access 14. Lacquer ingredient 15. Fully developed 16. Leave out 17. Encore 18. Frosts 19. Nil 20. Administration 22. Layer 23. One time around 24. Noblemen 26. Environment 30. Latin name for our planet 32. Alarm 33. Parts of words 37. Back 38. A jet of vapor 39. Assistant 40. Atonement 42. Not over 43. Nincompoops 44. Foiled 45. Goliath /EER-wurm/ 47. Brassiere [noun] 1. a tune or part of a song that repeats in one’s mind. 48. Parental sister of the 49. Historian 56. Short skirt “That new Ed Sheeran song is a total earworm.” 57. Inheritor 58. Beat back Corrections: In the restaurant feature, we listed that Dub’s does breakfast, which is no longer correct. They no longer offer breakfast. Sorry for the 59. Margarine mistake. Their hours are Mon.-Sat. from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. and 11 a.m.-8 p.m. 60. Sea eagle 61. Creepy on Sunday. -BO
Word Week
Solution on page 22 62. Composer Jerome ____ 63. Droops 64. Inhabit
DOWN 1. 500 sheets 2. Aquatic plant 3. University administrator 4. Dogfish 5. Curl 6. Preen 7. Type of cereal grass 8. Not closed 9. Not easterly 10. Bootleg
11. Electronic letters 12. Factions 13. Celebrity 21. French for “Water” 25. Genus of macaws 26. Filly’s mother 27. Holly 28. Jump 29. Aggravation 30. Beginners 31. Dash 33. Expectoration 34. Adriatic resort 35. Biblical garden 36. Arid 38. Sews 41. Barley bristle
42. Unassisted 44. A large vase 45. Cunning 46. Not outer 47. Drills 48. Rabid 50. Sister and wife of Zeus 51. Jewelry 52. Team 53. Wisdom 54. Wicked 55. Bobbin
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