/Jrts, entertainment, bluster and some news
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/ F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
(wo)MAN compiled by
Susan Drinkard
on the street
How are you handling this cold streak? And how are you staying warm? “I’m staying warm by putting another log on the fire. I am handling the cold well because I like to ice fish. I just go out my door and bore a hole in Lake Cocolalla. The fishing is not good this year because they killed all the weeds in the water, so the perch, who like to hide in the weeds, aren’t there anymore.” Gail Frye Retired French and Spanish teacher at Coeur d’Alene H.S. Cocolalla
“Well, I like winter! I like snowmobiling at Trestle Creek or Roman Nose. I stay warm by wearing a lot of layers.” Seth Johnson Construction Kootenai
It appears efforts to smear me and this newspaper have not completely ceased. A few of our advertisers reported receiving anonymous phone calls and letters this week accusing me of all sorts of vile criminal actions. The letters’ claims — which we are not repeating because that’s just what this individual wants the media to do — are ridiculous, disgusting and of course, 100-percent false. These attacks are part of a larger hate campaign started last year against me and the Reader after we began reporting on a person sending racist and anti-Semitic robocalls throughout North Idaho, as well as the rest of the country. Robocalls received in Sandpoint last fall called me a “cancer” to North Idaho and urged listeners to “burn” me out and to “kill” the cancer. Stacks of Readers were stolen from distribution points and lit on fire in a video sent out to dozens of emails in town. A second robocall urged people to take a stack of Readers and “throw them in the trash.” This individual has since moved nearby to Montana, but is apparently still interested in causing trouble for me and the Reader. Along with anonymous letters, this individual has also been calling some of our advertisers claiming to be a “private investigator” who is “investigating” me. If you receive a call that mentions me in a suspicious manner, record the call if you can and have someone dial 911 while you are still on the phone with the person. Furthermore, after the offensive caller hangs up, if you dial *57 right away, it will activate a call trace function and save the call data so law enforcement can trace the origin of the call. We’d appreciate it if you’d let us know if you receive a call or letter so we can aid the police in their investigation. I apologize to anyone who receives this filth. After the attacks last fall, the community responded by donating over $10,000 to the Reader to support our First Amendment rights. You’d think this would have sent a message that there is no place for this kind of hate in North Idaho, but apparently not. These anonymous attacks change nothing for us here at the Reader. They are the work of a disturbed individual who has nothing better to do with their time. When someone goes to such morbid lengths to harm a local business — all under the cover of anonymity — it only shows their true character, which is lacking in humanity. We’ll get through this together, folks.
-Ben Olson, Publisher
208.263.1444 “I hate winter! I’m staying inside as much as possible.” Angie Means Server at Fifth Avenue Sandpoint
“I like the cold! I play in the snow and on the ice!”
Brandon Callen Third grade at Farmin Sandpoint
“This cold snap was a surprise because by the end of January we think winter should be nearly behind us, but then a cold snap comes; it happens every year. It was 45 F a few days ago and then got down to -2! I stay warm by bumping up the utility bill.” Shy James Sandpoint
•Gluten-free options •Hoagies •Burgers •Hot Dogs •50 Flavors of milkshakes 102 Church Street •Sandpoint, ID
READER 111 Cedar Street, Suite 9 Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208)265-9724
www.sandpointreader.com Publisher: Ben Olson ben@sandpointreader.com Editorial: Cameron Rasmusson cameron@sandpointreader.com Lyndsie Kiebert lyndsie@sandpointreader.com Zach Hagadone (emeritus) John Reuter (emeritus) Advertising: Jodi Berge Jodi@sandpointreader.com Contributing Artists: Hannah Combs (cover), Ben Olson, Susan Drinkard, Jodi Rawson, Bill Borders. Contributing Writers: Cameron Rasmusson, Ben Olson, Emily Erickson, Brenden Bobby, Jodi Rawson, Sen. Maryanne Jordan, Shannon Williamson, Sarah Garcia, Scott Taylor, Cody Lyman. Submit stories to: stories@sandpointreader.com Printed weekly at: Griffin Publishing Spokane, Wash. Subscription Price: $95 per year Web Content: Keokee The Sandpoint Reader is a weekly publication owned and operated by Ben Olson and Keokee. It is devoted to the arts, entertainment, politics and lifestyle in and around Sandpoint, Idaho. We hope to provide a quality alternative by offering honest, in-depth reporting that reflects the intelligence and interests of our diverse and growing community. The Reader is printed on recycled paper using soy-based ink. Leftover copies are collected and recycled weekly, or burned in massive bonfires to appease the gods of journalism. Free to all, limit two copies per person.
Sandpoint Reader letter policy: The Sandpoint Reader welcomes letters to the editor on all topics. Requirements: –No more than 400 words –Letters may not contain excessive profanity or libelous material. Please elevate the discussion. Letters will be edited to comply with the above requirements. Opinions expressed in these pages are those of the writers, not necessarily the publishers. Email letters to: letters@sandpointreader.com Check us out on the web at: www.sandpointreader.com Like us on Facebook. About the Cover
POAC’s Hannah Combs drew this week’s cover and we love it! Hannah always creates great work for us whenever we ask. F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
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City officials outline water system master plan development By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff Sandpoint’s aging water system is creating efficiency and infrastructure problems throughout the city. On Wednesday, city officials laid out a plan to address it. The latest in a series of presentations outlining the planning process for the city’s most pressing projects, the master water plan will identity priorities for system replacement over the coming years with an eye toward financial impacts to the city. “Nationwide, water infrastructure is graded at a D,” City Engineer Dan Tadic told council members. “Sandpoint is maybe not quite there, but not
much better, either.” According to the presentation, the problems with Sandpoint’s water system are clear. With nearly 97 miles of water transmission mains from 4 to 18 inches in diameter, the city’s water infrastructure is robust but growing unreliable and more expensive to maintain with age. Last year saw nearly four dozen leaks of varying severity, and according to city data, the system is tipping over the industry standard of 5-percent water loss. According to city officials, it’s clear that action is necessary. But deploying action in an efficient, effective way requires a plan. To that end, the city hired consultant Murraysmith to develop a blueprint for the
future. At the heart of the project are four key goals: identifying replacement priorities for the next 20 years, anticipating costs and impact to future budgets, ensuring sufficient capacity and pressure for projected growth and guaranteeing that regulatory requirements are met. That’s where Murraysmith comes in. Working with the consultant, the city will assess the existing water system and how it will handle future demand. From there, data from modeling and analysis will be integrated into city systems, which will help the team develop a capital improvements and master plan for the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality to review.
A leak in South Sandpoint late last year left pools of standing water. Photo by Eric Bond.
Judge orders Legislative update highlights Medicaid, education funding reduction in land valuations By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff
By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff
Priest Lake property owners had their valuation on 29 parcels of land reduced by more than $4 million Monday following a decision by Judge Cynthia Meyer. According to Ford Elsaesser, who, along with Katie Elsaesser, represented 29 property owners in the tax appeal, said the land was over-valued by 40 percent or more. The court decision covered 28 2017 tax assessments and one 2016 assessment. “Many Priest Lake waterfront parcels continue to be over-valued by large percentages compared to their true fair market value,” Ford Elsaesser said in a press release. /
/ F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
Rep. Sage Dixon, R-Ponderay, and Sen. Jim Woodward, R-Sagle, held a town hall gathering Saturday to update locals on the current legislative session, including the status of Medicaid expansion and possible changes in how Idaho schools are funded. Woodward said the House and Senate are about to start what is sure to be a complex debate on a draft bill to restructure the state’s education funding system. The proposed formula, which has been in the works for over three years, shifts funding from average daily attendance-based to an enrollment-based structure. “Right now, we’re motivated in our school systems to make sure that the kids are in school because the funding is based on that head count, and that’s a true motivator,” Wood-
ward said. “We don’t want to lose that by shifting to something else.” The new formula applies a base amount of money to each child, and then other factors — or “weights” — are brought in to determine if that child’s education will require more money. “Does that child live in a rural area? Is that child in an economically-disadvantaged area? There are a number of weights that apply so that a certain amount of money is sent out toward that student,” Woodward said. “That’s the gist of it. Crafting that into a piece of legislation is the challenge.” Attendees Saturday questioned how the legislature will go about funding Medicaid expansion, a citizens’ initiative that garnered more than 60 percent approval from Idaho voters in November. Dixon said the plan right now is to “derive from existing funding
so it’s not a big burden to the state,” which is also the course of action outlined in Gov. Brad Little’s recommended budget. “We have, in the House, just been biting around the edges of what this is going to look like,” Dixon said. “There’s not a whole lot of news as far as (Medicaid expansion) goes right now, but when we come back in the end of February or March, I’m sure we’ll have
Rep. Sage Dixon addresses attendees at the Feb. 2 Town Hall legislative update. Photo by Lyndsie Kiebert.
more we can convey on that.” Contact Dixon at sdixon@ house.idaho.gov to be added to his email list and be informed of upcoming town halls, or follow his Facebook page. The next town hall meeting is not yet scheduled.
First American Title candy fundraiser supports veterans By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff There’s no sweeter way to help veterans this February than by participating in a candy gram fundraiser organized by First American Title. According to First American Title Business Development Professional Marcia Phillips, the company chose to focus on veterans issues for its community outreach project this month, sparking the idea for the candy gram fundraiser. Well-supplied with chocolate bars made by local confectionery company Sandpoint Chocolate Bear, First American Title is selling the sweets to raise money for veterans. Even better, for those looking to send someone special a Valentine’s surprise, First American Title Es-
crow Officer Tanya Anderson will deliver an official candy gram in an Army uniform for just $10. “Our office made this particular decision to honor our local vets as our annual contribution to our community,” said Phillips. “We approached the VFW to find out what we could do to participate and to bring goodness to the men and women who have served.” The idea of a candy sale came from Rich Faletto of Trust Vets, who advised the First American Title crew throughout the process. Phillips said it was the ideal follows up an event for the VFW at Life Care Center, which raised funds for the construction of a veteran’s memorabilia display room. “He told us about the candy sales, and we knew immediately
that it would be a good fit for us,” she said. The candy bars are $3 each and are available at First American Title, Trinity, Chocolate Bear, Route 66, UPS Store, Sears and Burl Wood Dreams. An official candy gram featuring Anderson singing in uniform requires a reservation and costs $10. To reserve a slot, email tjanderson@gofirstam.com or call 208-263-6833, ext 223.
More than 100 Reclaim Idaho volunteers filled the steps of the Idaho Capitol Monday to push for the implementation of Medicaid expansion without restrictions, and several went on to meet with legislators personally about the issue. The citizens’ initiative passed in November with more than 60 percent of the vote. “The Idaho Constitution grants the Idaho People, independent of their legislature, the power to enact laws,” Reclaim Idaho co-founder Luke Mayville told the Reader Wednesday. “It was so inspiring, over the past 15 months, to watch thousands of Idahoans dare to defy the odds and enact Medicaid expansion. It was all the more encouraging, this past Monday, to see volunteers travel to the capitol from every corner of Idaho to insist that their legislators do their constitutional duty and honor the will of the voters.” Courtesy photo.
Rich Faletto and Tanya Anderson display the chocolate at the center of First American Title’s veterans fundraiser. Photo by Cameron Rasmusson.
Idaho Supreme Court rules Medicaid expansion constitutional By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff The Idaho Supreme Court upheld Proposition 2 Tuesday, determining the citizen-led initiative to expand Medicaid is constitutional despite a lawsuit from the Idaho Freedom Foundation. The Idaho Statesman reports that the foundation’s lawsuit argued expansion would give too much power the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare and the federal government, making it unconstitutional. IFF worries that if the federal government change how it funds Medicaid expansion, Idaho will be left to foot the entire bill. Right now the federal government is expected to cover 90 percent of the cost if expansion goes into effect in 2020. Just a week after hearing arguments, a majority of the court dismissed the lawsuit, with Chief Justice Roger Burdick writing for the majority that IFF chairman Brent Regan’s arguments “are without merit,” the Associated Press reports. Regan alleged that the federal-state nature of Medicaid gave the federal government authority over Idaho, the AP reports — a point Burdick was sure to highlight as invalid. Burdick also noted that if the federal government
changed how it funded Medicaid, Idaho would have to pass new legislation to deal with that, meaning the state would not be left with any required, unexpected expenses. “If we were to accept Regan’s argument that any reference to a federal statute delegates lawmaking authority to the federal government, then many of Idaho’s statutes would be unconstitutional, and in fact, the option of any cooperative federal-state program would be curtailed,” Burdick wrote. Funding Medicaid expansion is a big topic during the current legislative session. Prop 2 supporters packed the Capitol steps Monday to push for implementation with no restrictions, among them the local grassroots group Reclaim Idaho, who played an influential role in collecting signatures to get Medicaid expansion on the November ballot. The initiative passed with over 60 percent approval from Idaho voters. “We applaud today’s decision by the Court and look forward to seeing Medicaid Expansion implemented in Idaho the way the voters chose,” said Reclaim Idaho co-founder Emily Strizich Tuesday. “Now that the sideshow is over, we can get back to fulfilling the will of the people of Idaho.” F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
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BY THE NUMBERS Bouquets: • Have you stopped into the Bonner County History Museum lately? I am so thankful we have such a competent group of staff and volunteers at our local museum. Before I started with the Reader, I wrote freelance for various outlets. I often stopped by the Museum and asked the experts there for research materials, advice, photos, old newspaper clippings and general local knowledge. If you haven’t yet, stop by and tell them thanks for their dedication to our local history. • A Bouquet goes out to the Idaho Supreme Court, who shot down that nonsense lawsuit by the Idaho Freedom Foundation, which was trying to delay the implementation of Medicaid expansion in Idaho. After nearly two-thirds of Idahoans voted for this measure, it seems ridiculous that the IFF would think they represented the will of the people. Let’s face it, Medicaid expansion is coming to Idaho. The people have spoken. ‘Nuff said. GUEST SUBMISSION: • To the employees at Sandpoint Safeway pharmacy: Do you ever get a break? Every time I am there the line is at least three deep, and somehow you efficiently and kindly get us all taken care of and manage to provide me helpful details about my medications. I always know the phone calls and visits I make to the Safeway pharmacy will be hassle free. While healthcare can often be so stressful, I at least know getting my medications will be a breeze, and I love that. Kudos! -Anonymous
Barbs • It’s been a rough week. No Barbs this time around. Love your neighbor, treat people well, don’t be a jerk and give your dog an extra treat for dinner. We love you, Sandpoint. /
/ F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
By Ben Olson Reader Staff
The number of times the State of the Union has been postponed. Ronald Reagan’s 1986 address was postponed because of the space shuttle Challenger explosion. Donald Trump’s address Tuesday night was postponed because of the government shutdown.
The year when Idaho’s working poor will be eligible to receive public health insurance, after the Idaho Supreme Court shot down a lawsuit by the Idaho Freedom Foundation claiming Medicaid expansion was written in a way that gave too much power to the federal government and the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.
Voters that Texas may purge because they may not be U.S. citizens. This is the first of what will be a monthly process by the Secretary of State’s office of using new technology to identify potential non-citizens who have registered to vote. Voter advocacy groups argue that the method the state is using is problematic.
Proportion of traffic deaths related to speeding, which has remained steady since 2000. Meanwhile, many states have been raising speed limits.
The number of issues the Sandpoint Reader has published since it was first started in 2004. The Reader went through a hiatus from 2012 to 2015, when it was brought back into publication. This issue marks our 622nd issue. Yeehaw.
The Gall of Politicians...
Scary Stories...
Dear Editor, You just can’t help but be amused by the gall of politicians, in this case the Republicans and their Idaho chairman Ryan Davidson. They feel threatened by the tiny minority Democrats? The big bad party who controls over 80 percent of the state legislature? Who are always shoe-ins for the governor’s chair? Whose candidates hold all four national representative offices as well as most of Idaho’s county commissions? Now they want partisan city elections so as to identify those nasty leftist commie Democrats who now run in non-partisan elections. Because this “tiny minority” (40 percent or more is not a tiny minority), are stealing elections when they don’t identify their party affiliation. Candidates do articulate their polices and voters can still judge on that basis whether or not to vote for a particular candidate. You know what this reminds me of? Those blind product taste tests. No labels, just brand A, the big usual favorite, and brand B, the lesser-known but tastier alternative. The customer, armed only with this knowledge, picks the lesser-known brand B and is surprised to find they chose it over brand A, which they get automatically because of its better known name. In this case, brand A is the Republicans and brand B the Democrats. Brand B gets elected based on its better taste or, in this case, positions and policies that more often favor or help the average citizen instead of large corporations, the rich and well connected. As for stealing elections, Mr. Davidson, it’s your party that has raised the bar so high around the country so as to suppress the voting rights of those who might usually vote for Democrats. Maybe if your party supported policies that actually help the poor and middle/working-class people instead of focusing on divisive fringe issues that pander to single issue voters, you wouldn’t loose the blind “non-partisan” political taste test.
Dear Editor, Yes, we all love scary stories, just check Hollywood to find that common theme. Only now, every form of news is getting in on the trend with their own form of horror. Just keep in mind those scary stories are for evenings around the campfire and flickering screen. Don’t take them too seriously. Some would have you think recent cold weather, named the polar vortex, is human-caused climate change, but that’s not so says, Dr. John R. Christy, professor of atmospheric science and director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He shows cold waves for the U.S. have been declining for the last hundred years and are certainly no harbinger of dread. drroyspencer. com. Some would have you believe there are more frequent and powerful storms everywhere, but in fact hurricanes and tornadoes are in decline in frequency and strength. Some would have you believe polar bear numbers are declining but polar bear population is doing just fine. https://polarbearscience. com/2013/07/15/global-populationof-polar-bears-has-increased-by2650-5700-since-2001/ Some would have you believe the coral reefs are disappearing but coral has been in decline one year and in restoration the next, for longer than most every other creatures on Earth. Nothing new here unless you are only getting one side of the story. Some creatures, like insects, are so quick to recover they can seem to be devastated one year and over populate their environment the next. Desert locust are notorious for this with two to five generations per year. They quickly multiply until the have totally run out of food. But they’ve been doing that for millions of years without going extinct. Wikipedia says that more than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct. But then today scientists are cataloging more new species than are, on the other hand recorded as going extinct. Species
Lawrence Fury Sandpoint
going extinct is an ongoing Earth experience. Just because we are witness doesn’t mean we are the cause. Every day some new scary story comes along to make you cringe. People like to be scared. They should indulge themselves. But don’t expect Congress to change laws to correspond with what, by most metrics, is only entertainment. Jay Mock Sandpoint
EHS Meeting... Dear Editor, On Sunday, Feb.10, at 1:30 p.m., the EHS Idaho group will hold a public meeting at the Cocolalla Community Center, 4269 Cocolalla Loop Rd, (southern end of Cocolalla Lake, just off Hwy 95) in Cocolalla, Idaho. It will begin with a healthy potluck and an informational meeting will follow. EHS, or electro-hypersensitivity, usually manifests as headaches, heart palpitations, insomnia, tinnitus, inability to concentrate and/or indigestion after a person has been exposed to WiFi, cell towers, Smart meters/ appliances, or other sources of electro-magnetic radiation. Everyone is invited to attend, learn more about this syndrome and what can be done about it. Anne Wilder Chamberlain Priest River
Got something to say? Write a letter to the editor. We accept letters to the editor that are 400 words or less. Please make sure the letters contain no libelous claims and please no profanity. As always, elevate the conversation. Trolls need not apply.
Emily Articulated
A column by and about Millennials
Thank you By Emily Erickson Reader Columnist
Like many others in my generation, I spent a large portion of my life waiting for something significant to happen — some could say, for the most significant thing to happen. Starting at the age of 11, I was consumed by this great yearning. And as autumn approached each year, I spent mornings peering outside of my window, hoping, near willing, to see the speck I’d read about growing larger; its great wings taking form, flapping purposefully and carrying the letter that would change my life. I’m, of course, talking about my Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry acceptance letter, addressed to, “Emily Erickson, Room Above the Stairs, Amherst, Wis.” carried by the post owls that are a mark of the wizarding community. As years passed without receiving my letter, and tragically, without personally showing any shred of magical ability, I was forced to accept that I was, in fact, a muggle, or a non-magical person. But despite not being able to take Transfiguration or Defense Against the Dark Arts or play Quidditch, there was still much to be learned from the wizarding world I loved so much. Not only have I been able to perpetually transcend the trials and tribulations of everyday life by reading and rereading the series, I’ve been applying the books’ themes to almost every aspect of society and culture
Emily Erickson. today (i.e. Tom Brady is to Slytherin as Aaron Rogers is to Gryffindor, and neo-Nazis are to Death Eaters as the Wizengamot is to Congress). But, just in case I haven’t lost my non-Millennial readers yet, instead of writing my own book, “Harry Potter and the Sociologist’s Mind,” I’ll merely apply it an equally Millennial-relevant topic: Tinder. Upon prompting from my peers, I recently delved into The Department of Mysteries that is the popular matchmaking app used by Millennials worldwide. And as I’m fortunate enough to be dating a particularly nice Ravenclaw fella myself, I entered the app merely to unveil the mystery within. If you’re unfamiliar, Tinder’s goal is to simulate our experience when we are on the prowl for a potential partner, as the app presents the user with several photos of a prospective “match” with a short description of themselves or their catchphrases in their biographies. Like scanning the faces of potential mates in a bar (The Three Broomsticks, obviously), the app allows you to “pass”
on those you’re uninterested in by swiping left, and “connect” with those you’re attracted to by swiping right. If both you and your potential partner swipe right, consequently connecting, you are then permitted to begin conversation. Upon my exploration, I found Tinder nearly as spellbinding as the wizarding world, and was therefore able to draw parallels between the two. The different angles the prospective matches took in describing themselves could be divided into Hogwarts houses as easily as if I were the Sorting Hat myself. (The sample was taken from Seattle, Wash., and the names have been changed). Roger, 30: program engineer at Microsoft, “This is an experiment testing interesting hypotheses about Tinder and online dating. Swipe right to engage more, and left if my ultra-liberal photographic personality makes you see red.” Ravenclaw. Dustin, 25: “Just looking for someone to love. Nature, exploring, food, sex, photographs, philosophy, games, friends, etc. Trying to be the best person I can and get the most out of life. Let’s get a drink and get to know each other.” Gryffindor. T, 28: “More soul than a sock with a hole.” Slytherin. Jake, 29: “Looking to meet people for meaningful connection. Primarily seeking true friendship or open to seeing where things go (as I’ve never fallen in love with someone while looking). Extrovert, cook, listener, giver, sharer of life experience. To be honest, I really just need a hug.” Hufflepuff.
Tony, 29: “Lifting things, from Ohio, meat, I live at home with my parents, unemployed, I play video games all day, Dungeons and Dragons.” Troll. Married, 33: “If the name didn’t give it away, yes I am married. No, she does not know I’m on here. Feel free to judge, that’s your prerogative. I have my reasons. Honestly, I’m not getting any attention at home. I’m insatiable and very open minded. Looking for something discreet but the chemistry has to be there. If you want to know more, just ask.” Voldemort. And so, after my not-so-ex-
tensive research, all I have to say is - to all the muggles out there searching for love via Tinder (and without the Weasley’s Wonder Witch Love Potion), channel your inner Sorting Hat before swiping left or right. You just might spare yourself from matching a troll. “Mischief Managed.” Emily Erickson is a freelance writer and bartender originally from Wisconsin, with a degree in sociology and an affinity for playing in the mountains.
F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
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Mad about Science:
Brought to you by:
warrior women By Brenden Bobby Reader Columnist
Women are badasses. That’s the whole article, see you next week! Wait, you wanted proof? All right. Women are the only gender that can build a living human being inside of them. You want more proof? You don’t need any more, but I’ll give it a whirl. We live in a primarily male-dominated culture, one that’s gone back for as long as we’ve learned hitting people on the head with a stick kills them and perpetuates the victor’s views. This neolithic mindset permeates just about every facet of our culture, and only now are we starting to fight against it. In America, at least. #MeToo, the Women’s March and all the female rage that has exploded within the past few years is not some new-fangled phenomenon. This is how women have felt since before we wore mammoth pelts as the spring couture 56,000 BC. Only now, through global support and communication, are women feeling empowered enough to speak up about how they’ve been treated by men. That’s not right. This is something that should have been faced head-on a long time ago. Now before you tell me to get off my judgy soap box, very few of us get off this totally clean. We all have some hard reflections to face at some point in our lives. I treated women I was acquainted with unjustly during my more youthful years, and I regret it to this day. For that, I sincerely apologize and solemnly swear I will do everything I can to help empower moving forward. Moving back to the article, one /
/ F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
of the best examples I can find of just how hard a male-dominated culture has put down women comes down to shieldmaidens. Shieldmaidens, according to much Norse folklore, were women warriors who dedicated their life to the sword. Some were vikings, some were in their respective nation’s armies. Shield-maidens went on to inspire the imagery of the mythical valkyrie. The psychology behind valkyries is pretty intense. As people lay dying in the field of battle, the last glimpses of life leaving them, they looked to women, almost in a maternal way, to protect them from the coming darkness. These maternal figures were also able to kick some booty and rode flying horses, so that’s pretty awesome-sauce. Back to shieldmaidens, most archaeologists throughout history dismiss the idea of shieldmaidens being a thing for a few reasons. Despite women sometimes being buried with armor, weapons and showing stress fracture scarring on bones from swinging weapons, it is often assumed in archaeological fields that these were just typical practices, and the wounds were from chopping logs and doing other housework. Even historical chroniclers that saw and spoke with shieldmaidens chastised them for “taking up the sword instead of a man’s embrace”. Granted, we can’t expect open-mindedness from 1056 AD. Catholic scholars given the times they lived, but it’s a good indicator of what we’re talking about here. Personally, I think that shieldmaidens weren’t communes of fighting viking nuns or Wonder Woman-esque amazons. I think they were awesome women in a society that accepted them. Life was hard in the north, and if a
hand could grip a spear, who would benefit from telling that hand no, just because of the gender it was attached to? Let’s look into some other awesome warrior women throughout history. Grace O’Malley was perhaps one of the most renowned, or infamous, female pirates in history. She was also the lord of west Ireland, and had the kind of stubborn temper you’d expect of anyone I’m probably related to. When scorned by her father as a lass and told she couldn’t sail because her hair would get stuck in the ropes, she shaved her head and sailed. When her father died and it came time to rule, she raided ships that dared pass her coast too closely. She even fought on and defended her ship a day after giving birth. If that’s not awesome enough for you, she also had the guts to stand up to Queen Elizabeth face-to-face. That takes guts, hereby referred to as O’Malleys. A woman with real O’Malleys in our hemisphere was Lozen, Apache warrior and insanely benevolent person in general. In the late 1800s, her tribe was crammed into the most inhospitable corner of New Mexico the U.S. Army could find: “Hell’s Forty Acres”. Understandably PO’d, Lozen and her brother, Victorio, led a band of Apache warriors to raid everything around the reservation. Lozen would spare the women and children and lead them back to safety, shooting and riding like a legend all the while. She even fought with Geronimo, and not a lot of people can say that. I want to continue, but I’ve only got so much space, so I wanted to dedicate a little bit here highlighting a woman war-
rior that’s alive now. We don’t know her name or rank, but we will someday. In 2016, the U.S. Army opened its special forces training to women, and so far, one woman has passed and is on track to become the first female green beret. You go, girl. I’d like to conclude the article not with a funny joke or a self-depreciating taco-related quip, but a request: be better, be respectful. There’s this belief
that masculinity is a zero-sum game, and to be the most masculine, most tough and manly, you have to tear someone else down. I would like to think that just about every woman reading this article believes that the most masculine, macho guys are pretty darn sensitive, and rather than cut others down at the knee, lift others above the crowd. Just my two cents, 7B. Have a great week!
Random Corner facts about Notable women
•Patricia Bath is an American ophthalmologist, academic and inventor. In 1981, she invented the Laserphaco probe, which uses lasers to remove cataracts. She patented the device in 1988, becoming the first ever African-American woman to receive a patent for a medical purpose. •Dr. Nagwa Abdel Meguid is an Egyptian geneticist who has contributed important research to the study of autism, and has helped identify genetic causes for fragile X syndrome. She won the L’Oreal UNESCO Award in 2012 for Women in Science for African and the Middle East. •Real Admiral Grace Hopper was a Renaissance woman: she was both a decorated Navy admiral and one of the developers of the first computer. • Shirley Ann Jackson was the first black woman to earn a doctorate from MIT, and only the second African-American woman to earn a PhD in physics anywhere. • In 1985, Chinese-American immunologist and molecular biologist Flossie Wong-Staal and her colleagues were the first to clone HIV-1 and create a map of its genes, which led to a test for the virus. Over the course of her career, she has made many breakthroughs in HIV science. • Surely one of the most badass female scientists ever, Beatrice “Tilly” Shilling raced motorcycles in the 1930s. An aeronautical engineer by training, she invented “Miss Shilling’s orifice,” a small metal ring that helped prevent stalls in the carburetor of Rolls-Royce airplane engines, which were used in WWII fighter planes. This allowed pilots to steeply ascend without fear their engines would stall. • Emmy Noether devised a principle, now known as Noether’s theorem, that became foundational to the field of quantum physics. Einstein based his calculations of the theory of relativity in part on this theorem; he later said of her accomplishments, “It is really through her that I have become competent in the subject.”
Billionaires: heroes or zeroes? By Jodi Rawson Reader Contributor Billionaires only began to exist around a century ago, starting with “oil magnate” John D. Rockefeller in 1916. Today there are around 2,500 billionaires, and they still skim the cream off of the earth’s resources. Billionaires also make money in patented inventions that are produced by sweat shop slavery. In Amazon’s case they have created a monopoly of resale, causing big boxes like Barnes and Noble to resemble “mom and pop” storefronts. Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon, nearly tripled his worth in the last few years, making him by far the richest person in the world. After his divorce is finalized, he and his wife MacKenzie (Amazon’s first accountant), will be the first and second richest people, worth around 70 billion dollars each, while Amazon laborers suffer back pain from hauling packages for miles in windowless warehouses. I would like to hear about Amazon donating billions to the preservation of our “warehouse” of oxygen in the actual Amazon. The wealthiest eight people in the world are worth more than half of the population. How can one person be worth a half a billion people? Some billionaires are famous heroes. Warren Buffet and Bill and Melinda Gates make things happen with their money and have vowed to give even more upon their death, but is it heroic to still be a billionaire while giving billions? When servants, multiple homes, cars and vacations are held onto, what sacrifice is it, really, to have a tax writeoff? In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus notices the contrast in the offerings to the temple treasury. Rich people threw in large sums of money and a poor widow gave merely a few coins. “Truly I tell you,” says Jesus to his disciples, “this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all of the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything — all she had
to live on.” Most billionaires are not so generous and wellloved. Their money is often spent lobbying for less taxes for the rich (like the estate tax) and less government involvement in big banking. While most of us were losing business, ownership and wealth in the early 2010s, big banks and billionaires were seeing their wealth skyrocket. Nike Founder Phil Knight, Oregon’s richest person and the 28th richest in the world, spent over $3 million campaigning to unseat Governor Kate Brown. Brown, the first openly bisexual governor, was ironically endorsed by Nike for merely $85,000. Brown has talked about raising the corporate tax in Oregon (which currently brings in less tax than the lottery) and this would directly hit the wealth of Nike and Knight. Their products aren’t created in the U.S. and since the 1970s, Nike has been accused of overworking laborers overseas, in harsh conditions with little pay. Royals and plantation owners from
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Illustration by Jodi Rawson. the 1800s would have been mad with jealousy. They were worth merely a thousand men! To put the disparity into perspective: When I give a homeless person $5, it would be like Bezos giving $50 million. Are billionaires heroes when they donate millions, or are they just like me when I feel good about putting a dollar in the tip jar?
Laughing Matter
By Bill Borders
OPEN 11:30 am
212 Cedar Street Downtown Sandpoint
208.263.4005 A SandPint Tradition Since 1994 F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
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This week at the Capitol By Sen. Maryanne Jordan Reader Contributor
Rep. Sue Chew is helping fight soaring drug prices by expanding who can donate unused medications and what organizations can receive them. On Monday, an Amendment to the Idaho Legend Drug Donation Act advanced through the Health & Welfare Committee and will receive a full hearing. This bill would allow anyone with unused, unopened medications to donate them to community health centers, free medical clinics, and designated regional behavioral health centers. Opioids are not allowed to be donated under this legislation. The legislation would help some of Idaho’s most vulnerable populations who would otherwise not have access to medication. House Joint Memorial 3, sponsored by Representative John Gannon, passed unanimously through the House this week. The bipartisan bill calls on the Federal Communications Commission and Congress to address the increasingly prevalent issue of spam calls. In Rep. Gannon’s testimony to the floor he stressed that while these fraudulent calls are already illegal, local officials lack the resources to investigate them. The memorial asks the federal government to get involved in stopping the calls. These calls impede business and efficiency by wasting time and a prompting people to simply not answer their phones. On Tuesday, the United Way of Southeastern Idaho was among 11 organizations across the country to receive a grant of
Sen. Maryanne Jordan. $150,000 from Strive Together, a Cincinnati-based non-profit organization. The money will be used to advocate for and support pre-K schooling in Southeast Idaho. Sen. Mark Nye, during an interview with a Pocatello reporter, noted that legislators have been talking for years about funding pre-K, but never have followed through. He hopes grants like these will keep momentum going in the direction of early childhood learning and all the benefits it could bring to the state. Representative Elaine Smith introduced the “hot dog” bill in committee on Thursday. The bill would allow first responders to break into a car to save a dog or cat they believe to be in danger. They would be protected from civil or criminal lawsuit when saving the animal. The legislation was given a bill number and will now get a full hearing in committee. Sen. Maryanne Jordan is the Idaho Senate Minority Leader.
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/ F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
On the Lake:
A column about lake issues by the Lake Pend Oreille Waterkeeper
Remember the most polluted site in Sandpoint? It’s still a thing destination for boaters, kayakers, paddle boarders and yes – swimmers. Having a probable carcinogen flowIt’s almost Valentine’s ing into Sand Creek on the regular is Day, and love is in the frankly unacceptable. air! More importantly, With continued monitoring, we’ve pentachlorophenol is still noticed that the concentrations of PCP flowing into Sand Creek, in stormwater are increasing. Our earand we think that sucks. liest test indicated a relatively minor I don’t mean to be overly amount of PCP at 0.84 micrograms Shannon Williamson harsh, but this is importper liter. Our most recent monitoring ant. The recap is coming, but please see the results really set off alarm bells. Lab tests 9/7/17 edition of the READER for the full indicated a whopping 21.1 micrograms per backstory. liter of PCP. That level exceeds Idaho’s PCP is classified as a probable human chronic and acute water quality criteria to carcinogen and is associated with renal and protect aquatic life. neurological effects. It’s not a substance that In our opinion, any detectable level of you would want to voluntarily connect with. PCP is problematic, but we’ve entered new It’s also one of the groundwater contamiterritory. We are mission-bound to address nants originating from the Joslyn property this problem and that is exactly what we north of Super One on the west side of intend to do. We are here to make sure your Boyer, which is where wood preservation local waterways are swimmable, fishable operations were formally conducted. and drinkable. As many of you know, the soils in SandThe Idaho Department of Environmental point are full of clay and don’t drain worth Quality is charged with enforcing the cleananything. This means that our groundwater up of the Joslyn Manufacturing Company’s mingles with our surface water on a regular polluted property, and I don’t envy them. basis, and any groundwater contaminants There have been some efforts at remediaare free to flow during precipitation events. tion, such as the installation of an “asphalt The Joslyn property is chock full of ground- cap,” which is apparently lackluster in its water contaminants and in this case, PCP is ability to prevent pollutant transfer between mixing with surface stormwater and running groundwater and surface water. We would directly into Sand Creek. like to see more robust remediation strateWhen we first started testing the stormgies implemented sooner rather than later, water that enters Sand Creek a few years but it’s a complex process. ago, we had no idea what to expect. Our We’ve shared our data with DEQ, but discovery of PCP was troubling to say the for them to use information from a third least. As you know, Sand Creek is a popular party, we must collect data under a Quality By Shannon Williamson Reader Columnist
Lake Pend Oreille Waterkeeper Chantilly Higbee collects a stormwater sample from the Chestnut Drainage outfall that flows into Sand Creek. Courtesy image.
Assurance Project Plan. That’s cool because we’ve done this before for a different project. However, this is going to be financially painful. Without going into all the details, this requirement will basically triple the costs of monitoring for PCP in Sand Creek. Ouch. We are a nonprofit trying to serve the public — we’re not flush with cash. Yet we need to keep testing to determine if the problem is improving, getting worse or staying the same. This information is critical to the health of Sand Creek and everything that calls it home. The fish, the birds, the otters, the plankton, the bottom dwellers – YOU! We need your help. We need to triple the amount of dollars going into monitoring the stormwater that is coming off this site and surrounding areas and dumping into Sand Creek. We are completely ready to up our quality-assurance game, but we can’t do it alone. It was already expensive at $325 per sample event. We now need to devote $975 per sample event with the addition of quality control samples. Please help us keep Sand Creek swimmable, fishable and drinkable. This is your home, your community and your water. Please help us by donating today at www.lpow.org. Feel free to drop by our office at the corner of 1st Avenue and Cedar Street or give us a call at 208-5977188 with your questions or comments. We would love to hear from you! Shannon Williamson is the executive director of Lake Pend Oreille Waterkeeper and president of Sandpoint City Council.
Aerial map of the Chestnut Drainage showing the Joslyn Property, the location of stormwater catch basins and the location of the outfall to Sand Creek.
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Reader Appreciation Party 5-10pm @ Matchwood Brewing Co. This is when the Reader gets to appreciate you! We’re giving thanks to all of our advertisers and contributors with free food, live music by the Birds of Play, door prizes and one lucky business will win a full page ad in a future issue. Join us for a night of fun as we thank you for four glorious years
Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Good until the keg’s dry Trivia Takeover Live 6-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille W Family friendly interactive
Live DJ Music w/ DJ Exodus Live Music w/ Muffy and the Riff Hangers 10pm @ A&P’s Bar and Grill 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority Get down with some bluegrass Live Music w/ Zach Cooper Band Live Music w/ Gre3ne Trio 9pm-12am @ 219 Lounge 6:30-9:30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Enjoy live music with CD’A drumming Featuring Ron Greene, Justyn Priest legend Zach Cooper and his five-piece and Brian Burke . Free 21+ progressive blues and rock band. Free 21+
Live Music w/ Big Phatty and the Inhalers 6:30-9:30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Back for another evening of blues jam, the Sandpoint trio: Steve Rush, Chris Paradis and Ali Maverick Thomas. Yeah buddy Live Music w/ Zach Cooper Band 9pm-12am @ 219 Lounge Enjoy live music with CD’A drumming legend Zach Cooper and his five-piece progressive blues and rock band. Free 21+
Live Music w/ John Firshi 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority John Firshi is always a joy to listen to Live Music w/ Mike Wagoner Trio 7-10pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Good times and great tunes Mugs and Music w/ Kerry Leigh 6-8pm @ Laughing Dog Brewery Sandpoint Chess Club 9am @ Evans Brothers Coffee Meets every Sunday at 9am
Live Music w/ Ken Mayginnes 4-6:30pm @ Matchwood Brewing
Magic Wednesday 6-8pm @ Jalapeño’s Enjoy close-up magic shows by Star Alexander right at your table
Live Music w/ Chris O’Murchu and Valentine’s Day Pairing 4-7pm (music) @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Enjoy a romantic evening of specialty cheeses and chocolates and live jazz, blues, Latin guitar and vocals by Chris O’Murchu
9-12am 9-12am 9-12am
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Piano Sunday w/ B 2-4pm @ Pend d’O Bob’s music is inte ski pass and get a $
7B Women February Luncheon Night-Out Karaoke 11:45-1pm @ Tango Cafe 9pm @ 219 Lounge Guest speaker Katherine Greenland: “PerJoin DJ Pat for a night of singing, sisting During Life’s Ups and Downs.” $21 or just come to drink and listen Triva Night Djembe class 7pm @ MickDuff’s 5:45-7:30pm @ Music Conservatory Show off that big, beautiful brain of yours Join Ali for this djembe (drum) class Wind Down Wednesday 5-8pm @ 219 Lounge With live music by blues man Truck Mills and guest musician Carl Rey Live Music w/ John Firshi 7-10pm @ Eichardt’s Pub
Live 6-9p Som Live Satu 5-8p See
Lifetree Ca Karaoke 2pm @ Jale 8-close @ Tervan An hour of c Best song selection in Sandpoint week’s topic
Monday Night Blues Jam w/ Truck Mills 7:30pm @ Eichardt’s Pub
VFW M 6:30-9p Show y by atte night. M and foo sign-up with Br
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The Conversation 6-8pm @ Ivano’s Ristoran “Does Art Change Our Come to be inspired to c and music to increase hum sure and serentiy. Family f
Grateful Dead Jam Night 5:30-7:30pm @ Idaho Pour Authority All musicians are welcome to jam with Scott Taylor to the Dead and Phish
Valentine’s Day 6:30-7:30pm @ M Let’s mix it up, S night is open to N under. Free event pants. Call (208)
February 7 - 14, 2019
s Pub eg’s dry Live ’Oreille Winery nteractive trivia
A weekly entertainment guide to keep you on your toes. To list your event free, please send an email to calendar@sandpointreader.com. Reader recommended
Oscar Shorts (Feb. 7-9) @ Panida Theater Screenings of the 2019 Oscar-nominated shorts - live action, animation, and documentary categories. Additional film times will be determined once the nominations are announced
VFW Membership Appreciation and Live Music 6:30-9pm @ Matchwood Brewing Co. Show your support for service men and women by attending this VFW Membership appreciation night. Matchwood is offering 20 percent off beers and food for VFW members and vets will buy new sign-ups their first beer. Don’t miss the live music with Brian Jacobs from 6:30-9pm
Open Mic Night 8-11pm @ A&P’s Bar and Grill Hosted by KC Carter. No cover, 21+ welcome Wagner Wine Dinner • 6pm @ 41 South Explore a full spectrum of wines from Wagner along with a decadent five-course dinner. $85 per person 208-265-2000
Thursday Night Solo Series w/ Kevin Dorin 6-8pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Join Kevin Dorin for a night of progressive blues and folk. Kevin always puts on a good show
Live Music w/ Doug Bond and Marty Perron 5-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Classics to current and everything between
Valentine Paint and Sip ers Live Music w/ Truck Mills and Cary Rey 6pm @ The Pottery Bug 6-9pm @ Matchwood Brewing Co. Paint a fun picture of love birds on branches. Some of the greatest blues players in the region e Live Music w/ Bright Moments Jazz and Second $35/person, or $30/each if you bring a friend. Saturday Reception with Dan Carpenter 208-263-0232 to reserve your spot 5-8pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery Sandpoint Contra Dance See Dan’s Western-themed oil paintings 7-10:30pm @ Sandpoint Community Hall Live DJ Music w/ DJ Exodus Beginners and singles welcome! $5 suggestg Karaoke 10pm @ A&P’s Bar and Grill ed donation. Live music, lively callers e 8-close @ Tervan Shake your money maker + Wine Bottle Paint and Sip nday w/ Bob Beadling 3pm @ The Pottery Bug Pend d’Oreille Winery Paint heart mandalas on bottles; $35 cost includes usic is interactive, creative and engaging. Show your bottle, mini lights and all embellishments and get a $5 glass of house wine or $6 reserve wine
fetree Cafe m @ Jalepeño’s Mexican Restaurant n hour of conversation and stories. This eek’s topic: “Living a Lie”
Sandpoint Improv 7pm @ Eichardt’s Pub For the first time on the Eichardt’s stage, Sandpoint Improv is here for your comedy pleasure. Free!
ion ’s Ristorante ange Our Consciousness?” pired to create beautiful art crease human altruism, pleay. Family friendly and free!
Gardenia Center Sunday Service 10am @ The Gardenia Center Rhyleigh Richler “Awakening from 2018” Special music by Bob Beadling
Open Mic Night w/ Kevin Dorin 6-9pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Join host Kevin Dorin for a positive environment to share your passion. Or just come to listen! Kevin will also record the set
KPND Ski and Board Party 5-7pm @ A&P’s Bar and Grill Join 95.3 FM KPND for a Ski and Board Party! No cover, over $1,000 in giveaways and prizes, and always a ton of fun Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub
ne’s Day Singles Speed Dating 30pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall ix it up, Sandpoint. This speed dating open to North Idaho residents 40 and Free event and $1 off pints for particiCall (208) 209-6700 for more info
Cards Against Humanity Tournament 7-9pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Participants must be 21+ and there will be prizes for the winners. Expect hilarity. Also, food by Sandpoint Curry
Bottles of wine and classic cocktails
Feb. 15 Winter Carnival Parade of Lights @ Downtown Sandpoint Feb. 15 Lauren Sheehan in concert @ Di Luna’s Cafe Feb. 16
Live Music w/ The Wow Wows @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall (208) 263-5673
1/2 price
Live music with Truck Mills and guest musician EVERY WEDNESDAY
6-9 pm
F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
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Conservation Corner
A monthly column by the Bonner Co. Soil and Water Conservation District
Idaho forests: the true wealth of Idaho
Flesh and blood. Bricks and mortar.
By Sarah Garcia Reader Columnist
Main Street, Bonners Ferry
is responsible
@ the Cedar St. Bridge
local handmade gifts perfect for Valentine's day
1 4
/ F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
When you hear the word rainforest, does North Idaho with its snow-covered landscape and temperatures hovering well below freezing spring to mind? More likely you’re now daydreaming of a tropical locale. There are three types of rainforests: tropical, temperate and boreal. The designation as a rainforest comes from the amount of precipitation a forest receives. Tropical rainforests are very warm, wet places found near the equator that receives up to 13 feet of rainfall annually! Boreal rainforests are characterized by long harsh winters, short summers, and an average precipitation between 15-40 inches, primarily from snow melt. Temperate rainforests receive between 36-120 inches of annual rainfall and a moderate average temperature range (50-75 F). Typically, temperate rainforests are found near coastlines and
consist of a mix of deciduous, broadleaved and coniferous evergreen trees. Although rainforest is not usually a term used to describe Sandpoint, it is an accurate one. The Idaho Panhandle is part of the world’s only inland temperate rainforest. According to the nonprofit Canadian conservation organization Wildsight “The Inland Temperate Rainforest covers 40 million acres and stretches 700 miles in a broad arc from central Idaho to Prince George, British Columbia.” Our moderate average annual temperature (57.3 F) and above average annual precipitation (30-81 inches) including an average 52-inch snowfall per year, are ideal conditions that resulted in North Idaho’s rich timber history. Sandpoint has always been a timber town, and as a community, we continue to walk a fine line of protecting our natural resources, maintaining the beauty of our community, while balancing the need for economic growth. Our forests have long proven to be the wealth of North Idaho, and the same is true today! The timber species most synonymous with Idaho is the Western White Pine, our state tree. When logging made its way to the Idaho Panhandle our forests were dominated by massive Western White Pine. However by the early 1930s beetles, blister rust fungus and logging had taken their toll. Since then, blister-resistant Western White Pine has made a comeback as a result of extensive research and strategic planting of genetically modified seedlings. Ponderosa Pine is the quintessential pine, with an extensive root system including a large tap root that allows them to tolerate drought prone sites. This pine is also one of the most fire resistant of our native trees as the basal bark can grow up to 3 inches thick at the base. Western Larch is often known as “Tamarack”, but this is misnomer, with true Tamarack being much smaller and growing predominately in boggy areas of the northeast. The Western Larch is Idaho’s most root disease resistant and only deciduous conifer. This sun-loving conifer is ideal for regeneration in burned or heavily logged open areas. Like the
A 3D imaging map of the inland temperate rainforest. Courtesy image. Ponderosa, the Western Larch has an extensive root system with a large tap root that makes these species both drought tolerant and wind-firm, as well as their thick fire-resistant basal bark. Douglas-Fir is another common native species that is both shade and drought tolerant. Mature Doug-Firs also have fire resistant qualities. The hearty versatile characteristics of Idaho’s native conifers make these species a great fit for local forest owners. There are many factors in maintaining a forest’s health, these measures can include: diversifying your species, tree planting, pruning, pre-commercial thinning, and commercial thinning. If you are a landowner who owns timberland the Bonner Soil and Water Conservation District and our NRCS partners are available to help you with forest management decisions. We can provide resources, technical assistance, tree seedlings and cost-share programs. Are you interested in planting seedlings this spring? The conservation district has native tree seedlings available in groupings of 5-360 trees. This seedling program was created to provide quality native seedlings to private landowners in our community to meet their goals for forest management health. Whether your focus is sustainable timber production, a more balanced ecosystem on your land or wind, noise and sight barriers, we are happy to assist you with determining which conifer species will best meet your goals. Sarah Garcia is the District Administrator for the Bonner Soil and Water Conservation District. BSWCD can be reached at (208) 263-5310 x100
CASA spring advocate training offered LGBTQ+ support group launches By Reader Staff North Idaho Court Appointed Special Advocates is seeking interested individuals to enroll in their eight-week Spring Advocate training class. CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to advocate for the best interests of children who have been abused or neglected, in court and other settings. If you’ve ever wanted to get involved and help a child in need, this is your opportunity. Spring Advocate Training for CASA of North Idaho begins
this March. No special skills are required. Volunteer Advocates are trained, supported and assigned cases to represent child victims of abuse and neglect. North Idaho CASA needs 12 additional advocates to meet the growing number of local cases. Do you have the time to give and would like more information? Call or text Jan Rust, Advocate Trainer at (509) 879-1793 or janisrust@northidahocasa.org and she will gladly answer any questions.
By Reader Staff The Human Connection will be hosting a free weekly support group in Sandpoint every Thursday evening starting tonight, Feb. 7. This will be a great opportunity for community members aged 15-25 to get together and share their
‘Wild Creatures I Have Known’ By Reader Staff
Local conservation organizations are hosting a unique wildlife photography event on Feb. 22, highlighting a retrospective of selected past-to-present images of local photographer, Jerry Ferrara’s, work and anecdotes from the field. For over 40 years professional wildlife and nature photographer, Ferrara, has explored the environment with camera and lens. Prior to starting his photography business, Ferrara earned a bachelor’s degree in biology (LaVerne College) and a master of science degree in zoology (University of Idaho). Thirty of those years were spent in conjunction with a career in editorial and stock picture photography and writing. His photos have been published in numerous media both nationally and internationally including: Audubon, BBC Wildlife, Canadian Geographic, GEO (German), International Wildlife, National
Geographic, National Wildlife, Natural History, Ranger Rick and The World Wildlife Fund publications. The artist Andy Warhol even chose one of Jerry’s images (the Orangutan) to be included in Warhol’s acclaimed The Endangered Species screen print series. Ten years ago Ferrara changed his business direction and began working exclusively with his film image bank, as well as digital captures, to produce fine-art photographic prints. You can view his incredible work on his website at www.FerraraWild-
lifePhotography.com, as well as Cedar Glen Gallery, 300 North First Ave., Ste. 1, in downtown Sandpoint. This event will take place on Feb 22, with shows at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. at the Panida’s Little Theater, 300 N. First Ave. Tickets are $5 each, and can be purchased online using the form through Kaniksu Land Trust Website.
Fresh ingredients and quality you can taste no matter the weather! stories, commonalities and their love. This is a free weekly group that is a “safe place to share, learn, grow and connect” according to the Human Connection. If you have any questions please contact Joshua Barnes at barnesja@usc.edu.
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F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
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/ F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
By Scott Taylor Reader Columnist A few years ago I decided that being confined in a classroom with 25 7th graders who couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the geography of eastern Europe wasn’t fulfilling to me (revelation!), so I decided I would become a whitewater rafting/ kayak guide. I had a friend living and working on the Olympic Peninsula who told me about an outfitter there who might be looking for help, so I made contact, and after a few emails and calls from two thousand miles away I had a job (and my friend) waiting. Thus began one (actually a few) of my memorable lessons on expectations. My friend, who is notorious for being lax at keeping contact, didn’t return any of my calls letting him know I was coming. I left the exhilarating corn fields of Illinois anyway, excited to surprise him. And so, when I stopped half way across Washington to call him and tell him I’d be there by evening, it was I who was surprised when he told me he wasn’t in Port Townsend; his job had ended and he was in Wisconsin. The howling wind and empty dry plains of the Columbia Plateau were a perfect reflection of the state of my mind at that moment. But there was no going back, so I pushed on. As I neared Port Angeles I conjured visions of what a cool outdoor town it would be, the wondrous trips we’d lead through pristine rivers and myriad islands, and the adventurous athletic woman who would be my boss. Port Angeles (PA) was grittier and dirtier than I expected. It seemed nobody was smiling. My first sight of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, where we’d be guiding, elicited a, “Holy crap, that’s a huge body of water.” And at our first meeting in person it was obvious I hadn’t expected my new boss to be an all-business 4-foot, 11-inch ball of fire, and she hadn’t expected her new trainee to be a 6-foot, 3-inch dirtbag hippy with dreadlocks (I suppose “51-year-old school teacher” conjures a certain image). It didn’t take long for her to begin to ask me to change: “Could you find a place to live so
you can groom yourself before coming to work, rather than sleeping in a tent in the national park?” (Groom? Am I a baboon?) “Could you park your car in the far corner of the lot?” (My Subie with the dents and scratches and broken windshield and subversive bumper stickers? Isn’t that what all guides drive?) “Could you tuck your hair inside your spray jacket? Many of our clients are conservative, and we don’t want them to think we’re a bunch of potheads.” (My first thought of response to this was a very un-Buddhist-like statement that began with expletives, had a “...those...” in the middle, and ended with more expletives), but I held my tongue. This wasn’t what I expected. Then my mountain bike was stolen by one of PA’s myriad heroin addicts. Then I got news from home one of my friends had finally drank and drugged himself to death. By the time my girlfriend flew out to visit I’d had enough. I quit the job and we went exploring around the peninsula and throughout the west, and that unplanned, expectation-free trip was the best part of the summer. In Buddhist philosophy, we are cautioned not to attach expected outcomes to our experiences. If we do, we often diminish the experience and cause ourselves unhappiness. So live your adventures with an open mind and heart, and be happy! Scott is an ex-teacher and current artist/writer/musician with an affinity for beauty, peacefulness, and late-night Nutella on apples.
2019 Winter Carnival By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff The groundhog may have delivered good news of an early spring last week, but here in Sandpoint, it almost feels like the cold, dark season has just begun. Old Man Winter’s slow start brought a false sense that we’d escaped, but the temperatures in the teens as of late confirm that another North Idaho winter is in fact upon us. Luckily, an antidote for the increasing cabin fever is just around the corner in the form of Sandpoint’s annual Winter Carnival. Since 1973, the series of events serves to bring locals together when the weather threatens to turn us all to hermits. Here’s a quick overview of what’s coming up starting next weekend, thanks to hosts Schweitzer Mountain and the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce. For more information, visit sandpointwintercarnival.com. Friday, Feb. 15 The 2019 Winter Carnival kicks off at 5:30 p.m. when the Weird and Wonderful Winter Parade of Lights will begin at the City Parking Lot and then loop its way up 2nd Avenue, onto Oak Street, down Fourth Avenue to Church Street and back to the parking lot. Any business or group hoping to participate in the parade must register by Feb. 8. Call the Chamber at 208-2632161 for more information. Along with the parade, there will be a hot chocolate bar hosted by Hendricks Architecture, a “Get Glowing” Parade Station for the kids and an after party hosted by The Fat Pig and Pend d’Oreille Winery. Friday evening also features the Rotary Club’s Duck Derby Kickoff at Matchwood Brewing 7-9 p.m., a production of “Drinking Habits” at the Panida with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. and live music at MickDuff’s Beer Hall from country artist Devon Wade 6:30-9:30 p.m. Feb. 15 also kicks off Schweitzer’s Beercat Tour, running until Feb. 17. Saturday, Feb. 16 There will be a full day of events at Schweitzer, the 5th annual Winter Carnival Cornhole Classic at MickDuff’s Beer Hall starting with registration at 11 a.m. as well as sleigh rides and dinner at Western Pleasure Guest Ranch starting at 5 p.m. (make reser-
vations by calling 208-2639066). Also catch live music at the Laughing Dog Tap Room from Chad Patrick 6-8 p.m., tunes from alternative indie psych rock band The Wow Wows at MickDuff’s Beer Hall 6:30-9:30 p.m. and a performance from Right Front Burner at the 219 Lounge 6-9 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 17 Experience a trial run at the Nice Turns Clinic on Schweitzer 1-3 p.m. and catch the “Let it Glow!” Kids’ Night Parade and fireworks 6-8 p.m. Entertainment on the mountain doesn’t stop there, as live music will be on at Taps with Hawthorne Roots 3-6 p.m. and The Rub 7-10 p.m. Monday, Feb. 18 Take part in events at Schweitzer all day, including a moonlight snowshoe hike 4-8 p.m. (conditions permitting) and live music at Taps 3-6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 19 Attend the annual 219 party at the 219 Lounge starting at 2:19 p.m. Enjoy $2.19 beer and drink specials as well as snacks. NightOut Karaoke with DJ Pat starts at 9 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20 Connie’s Cafe hosts KPND’s Ski and Board Party at 5:30 p.m. and Wind Down Wednesday at the 219 Lounge begins at 6 p.m. with live music from Truck Mills and Tom Duebendorfer.
live comedy from Michael Winslow and Phillip Kopczynski at the 219 Lounge, with doors opening at 7 p.m. and the show at 8 p.m.
at a glance
Saturday, Feb. 23 The third-annual Weird & Wonderful Winter Carnival Beerfest & Pub Crawl will grace the streets starting at 2 p.m. and make the rounds to some of Sandpoint’s best locations to sample craft beer. For an updated list of participating locations, find the event on Facebook. The night will also feature live comedy from Michael Winslow and Phillip Kopczynski at the 219 Lounge, with doors opening at 7 p.m. and the show at 8
p.m. Plus, there will be live music aplenty between Miah Kohal at Taps 3-6 p.m., The Other White Meat at MickDuff’s Beer Hall 6:30-9:30 p.m. and CobraJet and High Trees and Ammunition at the Eagles at 8 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24 Eichardt’s annual K9 Keg Pull starts at the granary district at 9 a.m. with registration, and races will go until noon. $10 donation entry fees will benefit the Panhandle Animal Shelter. Matchwood Brewing will open early — 9 a.m. — to serve breakfast, with a DIY mimosa bar and live music from bluegrass band Kind Country. The final day of Winter Carnival is also “Get The Girls Out” Day at Schweitzer, presented by SheJumps, and is meant to encourage women to get outside and play.
(208) 265-5700 320 S. Ella Ave. www.IdahoVet.com
Thursday, Feb. 21 Dine Out for a Cause at Trinity at City Beach from 4:30 p.m. to close, with 10 percent of dinner proceeds benefiting the Bonner Community Food Bank. Get a free dessert for bringing two non-perishable food items. Also enjoy live music at MickDuff’s Beer Hall from Brendan Kelty starting at 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 22 Jalapeno’s celebrates National Margarita Day with drink specials and prizes, bring your best chili to Pierce Auto Center in Sagle by 3 p.m. to be judged against other amateur chili chefs, catch live music from indie-rock band Harold’s IGA at Mickduff’s Beer Hall starting at 6:30 p.m., and enjoy F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
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Banish the blues with two new winter Yappy Hour events By Reader Staff
feb. 7-9 @ times on panida.org
oscar-nominated shorts feb. 14-16 @ 7pm | Feb. 17 @ 3:30pm
drinking habits
A comedy farce by Tom Smith on Panida's Mainstage
Little Theater
Feb. 15 @ 6PM (line) and 7pm (swing)
Line and Swing Lessons & Dance FEb. 19 @ 6:30pm | Feb. 21 @ 5pm Feb. 23 @ 4:30 & 7:30pm
“can you ever forgive me?” feb. 20 @ 6:30pm | feb. 21 @ 7:30pm feb. 22 @ 11:30pm | feb. 23 @ 1:30pm
“a star is born”
feb. 22 @ 7:30pm | Feb. 23 @ 3pm
“My favorite toy was dirt”
An american story in concert, written by patrick mcmanus
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For locals Yappy Hour has become a tradition, offering our community a special activity that dogs and humans can enjoy. Normally the season begins in April and ends in September. This winter the Panhandle Animal Shelter has made a special exception. They will be hosting two winter Yappy Hour events at the old Thorne warehouse on West Highway 2. The events will be on Saturday, Feb. 16 and March 16 from 1-4 p.m. Yappy Hour allows owners the opportunity to bring their dogs to a venue where they can be off leash to play and socialize with other dogs. Humans have a great time watching their dogs play while enjoying an adult beverage and listening to live music. “We are excited to be able to offer the community this great chance to get out and socialize with their dogs, said Mandy Evans, executive director of Panhandle Animal Shelter. We have been looking for a winter venue and the vacant Thorne Building is a perfect match. We are grateful that it has been made available to us for Yappy Hour.” The Feb. 16 event will offer some-
thing extra special: live music by Brendan Kelty Music, accompanied by Pete Hicks. Their lively mixture of cultural sounds from the rustbelt through the Carolinas and Northwest will have you dancing and tapping your toes. Laughing Dog beer, wine, hot cider and water along with snacks will be available for purchase. There will also be a raffle for gift baskets and other swag. This event is sponsored in part by Sandpoint Curry, located at Panhandle Eats next to the Animal Shelter on Kootenai Cut-Off Road in Ponderay. All proceeds benefit Panhandle Animal Shelter.
SASi hosting Valentine’s Dance By Reader Staff
The Sandpoint Area Seniors, inc. is hosting a Valentine’s Day Dinner and Dance Thursday, Feb. 14, from 5-9 p.m. at the Sandpoint Senior Center. The dinner will feature SASi’s new chef Greg Bolen’s menu of chicken wrapped fresh asparagus, bacon Caesar salad, Vichy carrots, rice pilaf and yummy chocolate or no chocolate desserts. For the dance portion of the evening, SASi’s house band is “Country Plus” featuring Betty and Harold Overland and Joanne and Bob Brown. No date is needed and the event is open for all ages to mingle, eat and dance. Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 for
Country Plus at the Senior Center. children under 12. There is limited seating, and all funds will benefit the Sandpoint Senior Center. To purchase tickets, stop by 820 Main St. in Sandpoint, or check them out online at www. sandpointareaseniors.org
The Real Folk Horoscope Common Sense Soothsayings for a Happy Year
By Cody Lyman Reader Columnist
It is what it was. It was what it is. There’s a time and a place for everything — this month being a time when some brow-deep brown-nosing could potentially get you a leg up at work, depending on your place of work, and your boss.
You’re making some moves lately. Obviously, you could hardly be doing otherwise, seeing as how you’re alive. But, beware (which is really just “be aware” smooshed into one word, when you stop to think about it), watch out for old habits trying to trip you up — also untied shoelaces.
OK, so you’re not a firefighter. I misjudged you. You’re actually a teacher who wants to go back to school, or a bank robber with dreams of becoming an officer of the law. Or maybe you’re doing something resembling nothing you ever hoped to be doing. Whatever the case may be, the message remains the same. Not acting on cognitive dissonance is the leading cause of cognitive dissonance. You’ve been dreaming the life. It’s time to start living the dream.
Feeling crabby? Or catch the crabs? Then you are in tune with the spirit of your Zodiac. Breathe easy. Bad things can be good, and good things can be bad.
Fake people are real, they’re out there, they walk among anybody like anybody. Thank you for doing your best not to be one. Keep taking the bad with the good as if you have a choice in the matter. The second half of this year has a better chance of being better than the second half of the year four years ago if you think it’s not going to be.
Are you the type who likes the good news or the bad news first? Do you typically see a half glass of water as half empty or half full? Well, make like the Second Coming and make it a glass of wine, for starters. You’re allowed a crutch this month (two work better), indeed, since you’ll be hobbling around with one foot in your mouth most of the time.
The stars have never lied before so, as long as they don’t start now, nothing should be getting much worse or better for you this month. As long as unforeseen chaos (like there’s any other kind) chooses to creep in, you’ll experience an equilibrium otherwise known as flux. Be not discouraged. There’s always next month — or, better yet, this upcoming July through September.
Catchphrase for the phase: quadruple L — Livers Love Living Life. This month is going to go down in history as the month when you lived this month. Right
now more than ever before in the history of the Universe, you have the chance to accomplish something special. It’s going to be a year to remember. Diet recommendation: liver.
Keep your freak on a leash. Pick your Spots carefully, as though opportunity were a puppy in an animal shelter. Speaking of which — if it’s companionship you’re after, and you have the means, why not wile out by adopting a furry friend instead? #noblerfetishes
BGH Volunteer Council awards scholarships
You’re the most unique person you know –– kind of like everyone else you know.
I mentioned not sugar-coating things. Lay off the Snickers bars, too. Life sucks sometimes, yes. But a rough patch is better than a hole. By the way, you’re likely going to get lucky shortly after V-day if you’re lucky.
Get ready to make yourself look sillier than even you’re accustomed to this month — unless, of course, you happen to be born in the unlucky half of the sign, in which case you’ll feel right at home.
Four teen volunteers received $500 scholarships from the Bonner General Health Volunteer Council on Wednesday, January 9th. BGH Volunteer Council President Margo Johnson presented checks and certificates to Corrine Capodagli, Cecelia Gearose, and Kirah Aldinger-Gibson and Grace Coughlin. Pictured above from left to right are: Kirah Aldingre-Gibson, Corrine Capodagli, Cecelia Gearose, and Margo Johnson. Not pictured: Grace Coughlin. F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
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What the duck is going on?
Ponderay Centennial Rotary announces new fundraising event
By Ben Olson Reader Staff
It can happen anytime. There you are, sitting at your desk peacefully, trying to be a productive member of society when suddenly hundreds of rubber ducks are unleashed into the room by smiling Rotarians. If only there was a way to prevent this intentional “ducking.” Wait, there is! Pay the Rotarians not to do it. It’s either sheer genius or diabolical trickery. Either way, we must learn more. The Ponderay Centennial Rotary is always searching for ways to raise money to support its scholarship fund. In the eight years since they started giving out scholarships, they have given away over $100,000 to area students. “Last year alone we handed out $17,400,” said J.P. Carver, who serves on the Rotary Foundation with the Ponderay Centenntial Rotary. “We’ve really increased our efforts in the last five years.” The Rotary has sponsored the “Duck Derby” at Schweitzer for the past 13 years, which is a fundraising event where participants purchase “hunting tickets” and search for rubber ducks scattered throughout the ski hill. Skiers take found ducks to the Ponderay Rotary tent to see if they have found instant-winning ducks for a variety of prizes, including a Schweitzer ski pass and a snowmobile tour for two from Selkirk Powder Company. This year, however, the Rotary are taking things to a new level. Now, local business owners can pay the Rotary to unleash rubber havoc onto anyone they choose. For a $25 donation, the Rotarians will release a “small gathering” of 25 rubber ducks in the office chosen by the person who donated. Pay $50 and the small gathering grows to 50 ducks. For $100 you can send 100 ducks to an unsuspecting local business. And for a $200 donation, a “supersize gathering” of 500 rubber ducks will be released. For a small fee (also a donation), the office that has been “flocked” can have Rotary remove the offending ducks and return them to their wild bathtub habitats. 2 0
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The victim can also request the Rotary to pass the ducks along to another unsuspecting victim. And so on. If it sounds like extortion, it is. “‘Gently ribbing’ is a much better term than extortion,” joked Carver. What’s that? You’re too busy to deal with ducks gathering in your office? You can easily avoid a flocking by purchasing “anti-ducking” insurance for only $25, which guarantees that no gathering will happen at your location. It’s all in the name of fun and all donations received will go into the scholarship fund. “We are all about educating kids so they don’t get lost,” said Carver. “We want them to know their passion, their direction. Sometimes they need to have some support to get started.” Carver said the Ponderay Rotary has done everything from sending kids to deep sea diving school to medical school, to liberal arts colleges and vocational technical institutes. “We even sent one student to welding school,” he said. “It’s all across the board. In a sentence, education is our goal.” The Duck Derby is the Ponderay Rotary’s main event of the year, raising over 90 percent of their scholarship money. The rest is raised through personal contributions from Rotary members. You have been warned. Expect rubber ducks at any time. Over and out. To send someone a heap of ducks, or to purchase anti-ducking insurance, contact J.P. Carver with the Ponderay Centennial Rotary at (208) 290-5364, or email jpbcarver@ frontier.com. All donations will help fund the scholarship program.
Sandpoint’s living room
Di Luna’s provides an intimate space for live music, including John Craigie and Lauren Sheehan this month
By Lyndsie Kiebert Reader Staff Di Luna’s is known for its cozy environment and unique menu, but every so often the space is transformed to house live music, and the result is something not replicated anywhere else in Sandpoint. “It’s really high energy,” said Di Luna’s owner Karen Forsythe. “The artists say it’s like having a lot of people in your living room.” Forsythe said her favorite part about bringing live music to Sandpoint through Di Luna’s is “providing a space for both the artist and the audience where the artist’s music can be appreciated.” It’s safe to say the sentiment is working for artists. Singer-songwriter John Craigie frequents Sandpoint partially thanks to his relationship with the Shook Twins and also because he simply enjoys coming back. He’ll play Di Luna’s Feb. 26 at a show that has already sold out — like Craigie shows tend to do — and Portland-based folk singer-songwriter Hanna Haas will open for him. Craigie is known for his comedic, off-the-cuff style and honest delivery of story-heavy folk music during his live shows. “I was the funny guy before I was the singer guy, (so) it comes naturally to me,” he said. Craigie said those unfamiliar with his style would be wise to check out his live albums — available wherever you access your tunes — to get a feel for the niche he’s carved out for himself in the realm of singer-songwriter styles. He engages the audience by charis-
This week’s RLW by Ben Olson
I’ve always enjoyed author Denis Johnson’s work. While many knew him for “Jesus’ Son” or “Tree of Smoke,” a lesser-known novella called “Train Dreams” captured my attention. Set in Bonners Ferry (where Johnson lived before his death), “Train Dreams” contains Johnson’s terse brilliance and combines it with a historically significant treatise on the railroads and how they shaped the west. Excellent piece of work.
matically weaving anecdotes and song — an endearing and impressive art he’s been able to showcase across the country both on his own and while opening for Jack Johnson. “That’s the true nature of what I’m trying to do: the storytelling, the humor, the connection,” he said. Di Luna’s is also bringing Portland-based Americana roots artist Lauren Sheehan to town on Feb. 15. Sheehan said her style is influenced by oral tradition, guidance from elders, formal musical training
and scholarship in the field of American folk music. She said she moves “between older styles and a modern approach at will” when she plays. “I enjoy moving people, evoking tenderness, curiosity, sadness, joy, fun, nostalgia, humor and romance,” Sheehan said. “These feelings help people connect with themselves at deeper levels, to feel more of their own humanity. It’s exquisite.” Learn more about Sheehan and hear her music at www. laurensheehanmusic.com.
Left: Lauren Sheehan. Right: John Craigie. Courtesy photos.
While the Craigie show is sold out, tickets to see Sheehan on Feb. 15 are still available. Get tickets ahead of time at the cafe for $12, or on the day of the show for $15. Dinner is served at 6 p.m. and the music begins at 7:30. Looking ahead, Di Luna’s will host blues guitarist Terry Robb on March 13. Visit www. terryrobb.com to learn more and preview his music.
OK, I admit it. I was one of those lost 15-year-olds in the 1990s who listened to Weezer at loud volumes to prove my angsty feelings about the world. To prove that this world is a full circle (sorry Flat Earthers), Weezer has taken their past angst and cut a new album which is everything but. The “Teal Album” released in 2019 features a collection of covers from the ‘80s and ‘90s that you wouldn’t normally associate with one of the first indie rock bands. Good stuff.
Years ago, before I crossed the Atlantic Ocean, I watched a documentary that stuck with me. “Deep Water” is a British documentary film that tells the strange tale of an around the world sailing race and one man’s struggle with his own demons. Donald Crowhurst participated in the 1969 race and ended up taking a tragic direction. I won’t tell you what happens, but it was a film that moved me. Man... now I want to go sailing again. *sigh* F eb ruary 7 , 2 0 1 9
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‘Deception’ author signing books at Farmhouse Kitchen By Ben Olson Reader Staff From Northern Idaho News, Oct. 15, 1918
10 INFLUENZA CASES REPORTED Ten cases of influenza have been reported in Sandpoint and vicinity, to County Health Officer McKinnon, up to this afternoon. Nothing has been reported from Priest River, Hope, Clarksfork or other parts of the county. All the cases are of a mild form and while they have been isolated, they have not been put under quarantine. Three of the cases are among the teachers in the schools. At a meeting of the county board of health with City Superintendent Park and County Superintendent Tuck Saturday afternoon it was decided to close the schools of the county for two weeks and to prohibit public meetings of every kind during the same period. Just how the situation may develop cannot, of course, be foretold, as the disease has just begun to appear. County Health Officer McDinnon states that one dangerous practice that may require action by the county health authorities is that of the crowds congregating around the trains at the depot. This is a prolific source of contagion and the health board may have to take it in hand. The teachers were instructed not to leave the city without permission during this period, as they are orders of the school board the same as if in school. In some parts of the county the influena epidemic became rather acute and pneumonia developed in many of the cases, which is the real danger of the disease. 2 2
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When Brad Judy began writing a biography about his late father, he never thought it would end up as a book filled with hunts for buried treasure, endless soul-searching and ultimately, betrayal. Life is funny like that. The former Sandpoint High School teacher will be selling and signing copies of his book, “Deception: the Rise and Final Fall of a decorated Vietnam Surgeon,” on Saturday, Feb. 2 at the Farmhouse Kitchen and Silo Bar in Ponderay. The signing begins at 5 p.m. and will wrap up around 8 p.m. Since Judy first published the nonfiction book, it has sold over 1,200 copies, an encouraging number for his first literary effort. “Deception” tells the story of Dr. Ken Judy, a man raised from nothing who became a decorated Vietnam veteran and later a renowned cardio-vascular surgeon. But, there was a more tragic side to Dr. Judy. He was raised by an abusive father, who beat him severely. After a violent episode, his mother took him and left, raising him in what could be described as a converted garage. Later, he fell victim to sexual abuse by a stranger, a crime that was overlooked by the authorities. “When you break down Ken Judy’s story, his is not everybody’s,” said Judy. “How many men or women are raised literally in a garage and become prominent surgeons, or prominent anything? Most of them end up in jail.” Dr. Judy picked himself up from the ashes of a broken childhood and went on to graduate medical school at Loyola University Chicago. He ultimately joined the U.S. Army and was shipped off to a medical base in Da Nang, Vietnam in 1971, where he spent a year saving countless wounded G.I.s before returning home a decorated veteran. But, according to his son, Dr. Judy’s demons rode right alongside his achievements. He was a womanizer and serial philanderer. His mood swings and temper also became oppressive. “There was a time we were in a restaurant and someone was closing those accordion type walls,” said Judy. “It sounded like a machine gun, and my father literally picked up my brother and me and took us under the table. His face would change and his eyebrows would get tighter. You could see the demons were coming. If things were not perfect,
we would get hurt.” In the book, Judy describes his father’s obsession with buying gold in secret and hiding it. “He was committed to buying South African Krugerrands,” Judy said. “In the 1970s, the price of gold was about $70 an ounce. He was a Lt. Colonel, so he was able to buy a lot. The deception was already happening. This was his one true precious, because my mom knew about this gold but she never could find it.” Judy believes his father amassed two coffee cans worth of Krugerrands, which he estimated would be worth well over $2 million dollars in today’s dollars. It was years after Dr. Judy’s suspicious death in 1986 that Judy received a call from one of his father’s old friends that would turn into a treasure hunt for his father’s gold that was never recovered. Judy was told there might be $2-3 million worth of gold buried in his old family home. “He died in a wheat field five miles away from Pullman and the medical regional hospital,” Judy said. “There were way too many coincidences (with his death). When you have a series of conveniences, it becomes something more.” As Judy began searching for the lost gold, he uncovered what he believes may be the truth behind his father’s death, a truth that involves the ultimate betrayal by someone very close to his father. “I believe strongly something bad happened,” he said. “It’s entirely possible I’m wrong. I’d be willing to die if I’m wrong.” Without spoiling the ending, Judy’s writing manages to infect readers with his passion in “Deception.” It’s a book that is one part memorial to his father, another part treasure hunt for his father’s missing gold and ultimately, a final part deception, as he uncovers what he believes is the biggest secret behind his father’s death. Judy’s book has gained positive reviews on Amazon, with one reviewer claiming, “Brad had a way of capturing the reader’s attention and the chapters left you NEEDING to know what was coming next.” Another wrote, “This is a mustread and would make a terrific movie. It reminds me a lot of Frank McCourt’s ‘Angela’s Ashes.’” “Intentionally, I wanted this to be a biography of one of the more remarkable people I’ve ever met,” Judy said. “As I was writing it, it morphed. It morphed right after I was born, actually. I had my own input. The story to tell was mine.”
“Deception” by Brad Judy is available for purchase on Amazon. It can also be purchased at the book signing Feb. 9 at Farmhouse Kitchen in Ponderay. Courtesy photo.
Crossword Solution
During the Middle Ages, probably one of the biggest mistakes was not putting on your armor because you were “just going down to the corner.”
SUDOKU No. 983
Very Hard
Previous solution - Tough
2 3 9 4 1 6 5 8 7
8 4 9
5 7 1 3 2 8 9 4 6
3 1 6 5 4 2 8 7 9
8 5 2 9 7 1 4 6 3
4 9 7 6 8 3 1 5 2
7 6 5 8 3 9 2 1 4
1 8 3 2 6 4 7 9 5
9 2 4 1 5 7 6 3 8
To complete Sudoku, fill the board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number uniquely. © 2017 Syndicated Puzzles
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6 4 8 7 9 5 3 2 1
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The solutions will be published here in the next issue.
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CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Swelling under the skin 6. Contributes 10. Hood 14. Flavorful 15. Rhythm 16. Operatic solo 17. Stadium 18. Angel’s headwear 19. Hindu princess 20. A still-intact bomb 22. Smudge 23. Container weight 24. Shiny 26. Grooming tool 30. Attempt Join us again for another night of La Rosa Vive. 31. Many millennia Live music, guest bartenders and light snacks. 32. Egg-shaped 33. Part of a foot FEBRUARY 22 35. Chocolate substitute 39. Resident 41. Variant of an element 43. Mountain crest 44. Canvas dwelling 46. French for “State” 47. Zig-___ /BOOT-strap / 49. How old you are [verb] 50. Expunge 1. to help (oneself) without the aid of others. of the 51. Witch’s laugh 54. Wreckage “She spent years bootstrapping herself through college.” 56. Affirm 57. Designation Corrections: I’m 98% certain we didn’t mess up anything last week. That’s 63. Anagram of “Mail” good enough for me. -BO 64. Historical periods 65. A sudden forceful flow
Word Week
Solution on page 22 66. Heap 67. Green 68. Check 69. Plod along 70. Requests 71. Paths
DOWN 1. Brother of Jacob 2. Patch 3. Type of sword 4. Coquette 5. Attune 6. Repugnant 7. Marksman 8. Glen
9. Heavy and filling food 10. Fizzy 11. Not written exams 12. Drunkards 13. Not clergy 21. Wood shaping machine 25. Mentally irregular (slang) 26. Musical finale 27. Not under 28. Head of hair 29. Swift military offensive 34. Polyglots 36. Learning method
37. Iridescent gem 38. Mend (archaic) 40. Ardor 42. Mug 45. Designate 48. Swiss city 51. Temporary lodgings 52. Utilize 53. A stringed instrument 55. Twangy, as a voice 58. Mining finds 59. Brass instrument 60. Press 61. Monster 62. Catches
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A GREENER FLEET FOR A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT Freight rail is the most environmentally sound way to move goods over land. In fact, a single BNSF train can move as much freight as 280 long-haul trucks, reducing highway congestion and cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 75 percent.
At BNSF Railway, we're constantly working to reduce our carbon footprint by investing in new fuel-efficient locomotives, deploying innovative technologies, and continuously monitoring the overall efficiency of our operations. Learn more about our commitment to the environment at BNSFNorthwest.com. RA/LWAY
Connecting the Pacific Northwest since 1873