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June Parks and Rec. programming

By Reader Staff

Sandpoint Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces will be offering the following programming in June:

•Game night with the Lions Club. A FREE family game night at Community Hall (204 S. First Ave.) on Friday, June 16. Event runs every third Friday of the month, June-December, from 6-8 p.m. Both card games and board games will be available, or bring your own to share.

•Brownells/NRA Day. Daughters and sons day at the outdoor shooting range (113 Turtle Rock Road) for ages 8-18 on Saturday, June 17 and Sunday, June 18. Participants will learn about safety and shooting. Register by Thursday, June 15. Event is FREE. Various time slots are offered each day, but limited to 14 per time slot.

•Intro to hiking and route finding. Class takes place Monday-Tuesday, June 19-20 and Friday, June 23 from 9-10 a.m. at the City Beach lifeguard shack, covering route/trail selection, preparation, equipment, trail etiquette and safety. Trail hike on the final day. Fee: $25 ($3 non-resident fee). Register by Sunday, June 11.

•Youth tennis lessons. For ages 4-high school. One-week sessions offered Tuesday, June 20-Thursday, July 27. Times vary, depending on the age group selected. Lessons average one hour and are held at Lakeview Park tennis courts. Register by the Thursday prior to first class. Fee: $23 ($3 non-resident fee).

•Basic keelboat sailing. Ages 16 and older. Graduates will be able to responsibly skipper and crew a 20’-27’ sloop-rigged keelboat in light to moderate wind and sea conditions. Register by Thursday, June 15 for Session 1: Tuesday-Friday, June 20-23. Class meets at the Sandpoint Windbag Marina (Fred’s Deck) from 10 a.m.-noon. Fee: $65 ($4 non-resident fee).

•Youth small boat sailing. Ages 1018.Graduates will learn to safely operate a sailing dinghy by participating in both shore-based and on the water activities under the supervision of U.S. Sailing-certified instructors. Register by Thursday, June 15 for

Session 1: Tuesday-Friday, June 20-23. Class meets at the Sandpoint Windbag Marina (Fred’s Deck) from 1-3 p.m.. Fee: $45 ($4 non-resident fee) A swim test will be administered at the City Beach lifeguard headquarters at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, June 16.

•Introduction to skateboarding. Beginners and intermediates, ages 7 and older. Participants will learn skate park skateboarding basics, including etiquette. Skateboard and helmet required. Knee, elbow pads and wrist guards recommended. Class meets at the Concrete Lake skate park (2100 Pine St., in Sandpoint) on Sundays, June 11 and 18 from 8:30-9:30 a.m. Register by Wednesday, June 7. Fee: $35 ($3 non-resident fee).

•Youth pickleball camp. Ages 13-17. All equipment provided. Participants need to bring court shoes, water, sunglasses, a hat and layers for cool weather. Session runs Tuesday-Friday, June 20-23 at the Lakeview Park pickleball courts from 9 a.m.-noon. Register by Friday, June 16. Fee: $100/person ($25 non-resident fee).

• Adult tennis lessons. Beginner Session 2: Monday, June 26 and Thursday, June 29; intermediate Session 3: Monday, July 3 and Thursday, July 6. Lessons run 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Lakeview Park tennis courts. Register by the Thursday prior to first class. Fee: $22 ($3 non-resident fee).

•Work for Parks and Rec. Parks maintenance worker, $16.56-$22.88/hr, permanent full-time; City Beach lifeguards, $14.50-$15.50/hr., June 10-Sept. 4; City Beach concession workers, $11-$12/hr., June 10-Sept 4; seasonal parks maintenance workers, $16.63-$17.33/hr., eight-, sevenand three-month positions available.

Sandpoint Parks and Rec. also acts as a clearinghouse to connect the public with other recreational opportunities in the community. Visit the online activity catalog to view listings. Outside organizations and individuals wishing to list their activities are encouraged to contact the department with their program information at recreation@sandpointidaho.gov.

Register for any Parks and Rec. program at secure.rec1.com/ID/city-of-sandpoint/catalog, visit the office at City Hall (1123 Lake St.) or call 208-263-3613.

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