1 minute read
The word “freedom” is bandied about a lot around this time of year. I’d like to invite you all to really examine what the word means. Merriam-Webster defines it as, “the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.”
We take our freedom seriously here in the United States, and for good reason — it’s one of the best things we have going for us.
However, to support freedom means to support everyone’s freedom. It means accepting someone even if they believe something you might not agree with. It means letting people love who they choose to love. It means tolerance, respect and decency. It means live and let live, not demanding that others think the way you do, feel the way you do and live the way you do.
We are a nation filled with differences, united under a common banner of freedom. Let’s never forget that.
Wishing you all a wonderful Fourth of July. Be safe, have fun and be free.
–Ben Olson, publisher