Reader march2 2017

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READER March 2, 2017 |

| Vol. 14, Issue 9

support an informed community

the ski season continues

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/ March 2, 2017


(wo)MAN compiled by

Susan Drinkard

on the street

If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? “I would travel to the tropics. I’d live the dream and share the wealth with my friends and family.” Michelle Syth CNA Sandpoint

“I would buy a pull-behind motor home/camper and I would help as many people out as I could with basic living needs.” Brett Farber Manual labor Sandpoint


You know what I try to do every morning before tackling my onslaught of daily tasks? After sifting through a dozen different news sites for regional, national and international news, I immediately write an email to Sen. Crapo, Sen. Risch and Rep. Labrador. Sometimes I’ll call their office directly, but mostly I’ll just send an email. It takes five minutes. I try to keep each email short and to the point. I outline an issue that is important to me, and express my opinion about said issue. For example, this week, I wrote about the need for a special prosecutor to determine the validity of allegations that Russia meddled with the election. This is especially important because of a news article from the Washington Post that broke Wednesday night stating that Attorney General Jeff Sessions met with Russian ambassadors twice last year; a fact he did not disclose during his confirmation hearing. I also expressed my dismay for President Trump’s desire to cut funding from the EPA, the State Department and entities like NPR only so he can boost funding to the military by $58 billion. Finally, I expressed concern that certain news outlets were excluded from a White House briefing last week. I believe a free press is absolutely integral to a functioning democracy. I urge everyone to contact their senators and representatives as much as possible. What impact these emails and phone calls have on the decision-making abilities of our senators and representatives is unclear, but an active democracy is a healthy democracy. Here’s how you can reach them (email is accessed via their websites):

Senator Jim Risch: • (202) 224-2752

Senator Mike Crapo: • (202) 225-6611 -Ben Olson, Publisher

Aubrey Garcia Med tech Sandpoint “I’d start my ranch up. I have always wanted to raise horses and cattle. I would set up a blacksmithing area to do my own shoeing.” Justin Barley Maintenance Dover “First and foremost I would give God His portion of what he has so graciously given to me. Then I would pay off any and all debt that my husband and I have. Once the excitement of it settled, I would look for a large house on many acres to open a home for people who have nowhere to go and are serious about changing their lives. My heart is to do God’s will and know that is to help others in need: the hungry, the poor and the lost.” Sandi Hope Peer Support Sandpoint




The Psounbality with Per

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255-4351 Publisher: Ben Olson Editor: Cameron Rasmusson Zach Hagadone (emeritus) John Reuter (emeritus) Advertising: Jodi Taylor Contributing Artists: Ben Olson (cover), Susan Drinkard, Sheryl R. Garrison, BCSO. Contributing Writers: Cameron Rasmusson, Ben Olson, Marianne Love, Jim Jones, FBCHS Staff, Brenden Bobby, Kevin Davis, Suzen Fisin, Marcia Pilgeram, Tim Henney. Submit stories to:

Subscription Price: $95 per year

Rep. Raul Labrador:

OPEN 11:30 am

111 Cedar Street, Suite 9 Sandpoint, ID 83864 (208)265-9724

Printed weekly at: Griffin Publishing Spokane, Wash. • (202) 224-6142

“I would take care of my loved ones so everyone is comfortable. I would buy a house for myself, for my mother, and for my grandmother.”



212 Cedar Street Downtown Sandpoint

Web Content: Keokee The Sandpoint Reader is a weekly publication owned and operated by Ben Olson and Keokee. It is devoted to the arts, entertainment, politics and lifestyle in and around Sandpoint, Idaho. We hope to provide a quality alternative by offering honest, in-depth reporting that reflects the intelligence and interests of our diverse and growing community. The Reader is printed on recycled paper using soy-based ink. Leftover copies are collected and recycled weekly, or burned in massive bonfires to appease the gods of journalism. Free to all, limit two copies per person.

Sandpoint Reader letter policy: The Sandpoint Reader welcomes letters to the editor on all topics. Requirements: –No more than 400 words –Letters may not contain excessive profanity or libelous material. Please elevate the discussion. Letters will be edited to comply with the above requirements. Opinions expressed in these pages are those of the writers, not necessarily the publishers. Email letters to: Check us out on the web at: Like us on Facebook. About the Cover This week’s cover photo features two hard core skiiers who are not ready to give up the season yet!

208.263.4005 A SandPint Tradition Since 1994 March 2, 2017 /


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Letters to the Editor Get Out of Health Care... Dear Editor, For six years the Republicans have called for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Now that the Republicans have complete power here is one of the health care options that the very conservative Liberty-Republicans like. Liberty-Republicans believe that government should get out of health care all together. Well over 40 percent of all health care is paid for by the government through government employee benefits, Veterans benefits, Medicare and Medicaid. Promises have been made--promises that conservative Republicans want to break. What Paul Ryan advocates is unlinking coverage with government responsibility. Instead of the government providing you Medicare, you would receive a subsidy which, if the Liberty-Republicans have their way, would forever shrink to nothing. Their next job is to weaken the collective bargaining for employees and Vets. The first program to go would be Medicaid. To replace government funded health care, patients would be completely responsible for their own care. We, the patients, would negotiate directly with the doctor and pay what the doctor wants or go without. For doctors, there are the savings from government paper work and regulations, but no consistent paycheck. To keep prices down doctors could give up centralized offices and staff, returning to house calls, if the price is right. The cost of treating the poor would fall completely on doctors and hospitals. Since there won’t be any government involvement health care access and quality would vary widely. The losers in this system would be rural areas. Idaho has fewer doctors per capita than almost any other state. Republicans could open our boarders to more doctors from other countries, but without adequate pay would they come? Doctors graduate from medical school with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt. Yet in this new system they would take a huge pay cut if they take care of the poor. The government could forgive all medical school debt hoping doctors would take care of the poor, vets, and elderly. This wouldn’t ensure doctors in rural areas. So, the government would need to build medical schools and pay for doctor’s education hoping they would move to the small towns. Maybe, in 10 years, if all health care education was government funded, this system would work. But expanding immigration, forgiving educational debt, and building medical schools isn’t in the Liberty-Repub4 /


/ March 2, 2017

lican’s plan. Without it hundreds of millions will not get health care. Next let’s examine a single-payer system. Mary Haley Sandpoint

DayBreak Scholarship... Dear Editor, The DayBreak Center Devotee Scholarship Fund needs replenishing! This scholarship fund was created to help families who care for a loved one at home with dementia, Alzheimer’s or some other type of cognitive decline. Their loved one can attend the DayBreak Center for $10 an hour and the scholarship fund helps offset this fee. Families in need of a break may have their loved ones with us approximately 5 hours a day for three days a week. That’s $50 a day, $150 a week, and $600 a month. Many of these families are retired, living on fixed incomes and this is simply not an option for them. Some attend just one or two days a week, but even one day is a stretch for many. How can you help? Donate! Spread the word! The DayBreak Center is open on Tuesday through Thursday from approximately 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., depending on the needs of the families. The DayBreak Center is one of the programs of the Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc., (SASi), which is a 501(c)3 non-profit. Your tax-deductible donations can be mailed to 820 Main St., Sandpoint, ID 83864, or drop them off in person. You can make checks out to ”Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc.” and write “DayBreak Center Scholarship Fund” on the memo line. We accept credit cards, and you may set up an automated deposit into our fund. Thank you so much for anything you can do! Signed, Bruce Wendle, President of the SASi Board of Directors Ron May, Vice President Leslie Marshall, Secretary Judy Baird, Treasurer Jim Arthurs, Member Stephen Drinkard, Member Dorothy Kohne, Member Loris Michael, Member Lewis Rich, Member

The Kids Need Us... Dear Editor, Last year, my husband and I moved to Sandpoint. Before making this decision, we spent a great deal of time researching not only the

community but also Lake Pend Oreille School District (LPOSD) to make sure it was a place we would want our children to go to school. In addition, my husband and I are both educators, so we wanted to find a community that placed high value on supporting students—through academics, extracurricular opportunities, and specialized programs to support students with special needs. We decided to take a leap of faith and made a HUGE financial sacrifice to accept jobs within LPOSD. By teaching in LPOSD, my husband now makes 49 percent LESS (annually) than he did teaching in his last district, and I, as a special education teacher, make 53 percent less ANNUALLY. We made these sacrifices because WE BELIEVE in the community, education and extracurricular activities available in Sandpoint. We want to add value to this community and preserve what Sandpoint has always been about: COMMUNITY! We moved to North Idaho because we want to emulate what (we believed) this community stood for: coming together for the good of the people—especially the future generations of this community. I fully support the supplemental levy because the kids of Sandpoint NEED US to vote in their favor. Summer Tigert Sandpoint

Preserve Wilderness... Dear Editor, Preserving wilderness and protecting natural resources are issues that deeply matter to me, and I strongly support designating the Scotchman Peaks area as wilderness. Our public lands are to be managed for multiple uses. We have thousands of acres of public land in the Idaho panhandle that are currently open to timber harvesting and to wheeled recreation. We do not currently have any wilderness. Let’s provide some balance in our land use and protect space for those, like myself, who want a place of quiet solitude, and a place where plants and animals can thrive away from roads and development. The Scotchman Peaks has been included within the forest planning process for at least the last decade and has been managed as proposed wilderness since the late 1970s. There has already been much work done and compromises agreed upon to arrive at the current proposal. It’s time to move forward with wilderness designation for the Scotchman Peaks. Sincerely, Deb Hunsicker Sagle

A Vote for Poverty...

Chamber Supports Levy...

Dear Editor, In regards to the upcoming school levy some disturbing facts in regards to education nationwide is that about 70 percent of the students enrolled in higher education (grad school) in the science and technology programs are foreign born. Many of these students stay and work in the U.S. Most of these jobs are in the upper income professions. The main reason for this is that most U.S. high school students do not receive adequate education to prepare them for the requirements in these fields. If we continue to fail to support our education at the local level, there will continue to be the need to import students that received the necessary education in their home countries. It becomes obvious that the lack of a good education on the local level leads to poverty in those local areas. It seems that some people in this area prefer the poverty scenario. I, for one, do not. A vote against the upcoming school levy is a vote for poverty.

Dear Editor, The Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors supports the renewal of the Lake Pend Oreille School District Levy. A ‘yes’ vote on March 14 will replace the current levy and help the school district maintain our academic programs, technology and extracurricular activities. This levy funds one-third of all district staff, all academic and athletic extracurricular activities, all curriculum and instructional materials, as well as professional development and instructional coaching. It funds technology internal network upgrades, fiber network implementation, hardware, software licenses and entire department staff. Without the levy the situation is bleak. The Chamber Board of Directors believes facilitating quality outcomes for K-12 students in Sandpoint is vitally important to the business community and economic development for our area. Local businesses would be greatly impacted by the loss of any staff or teaching position. Quality education is also an economic development issue. Existing and prospective businesses indicate a high-quality school system is an essential component when making expansion and new development decisions. It is also difficult to recruit management and skilled employees when applicants are apprehensive about the quality of our schools. We must continue to invest in quality education and extracurricular activities to stay competitive in business growth and continue to attract new development and commerce to our region. The Chamber Board of Directors believe in keeping taxes low and being responsible with public funds. Considering the alternative to the levy, our vote was unanimous. Please join us and vote ‘yes’ on March 14.

Marty Stitsel Sandpoint

Someone Taught You... Dear Editor, If you are reading this , someone taught you how to read. If you are able to comprehend the meaning and importance of the message , then you have learned how to think for yourself and know the importance of being a caring and responsible citizen. Teaching others to read, write, think and feel and become responsible citizens is the workplace, community and our country is the commitment of every teacher in every school. It is now our responsibility to support our teachers and our schools to ensure we will continue to have enlighten and compassionate young people who will continue the hard work of maintaining a viable and vibrant community and nation. I write this as a women who never had children but received an outstanding public school education. It prepared me to pursue a profession and fulfill my dreams. I will happily pay taxes to give others what I received. I know you have comprehended this message! Vote YES for the school levy on March 14. Sandra Deutchman Sandpoint

Ken Wood – Chairman Michelle Sivertson – Vice Chair Patty Hutchens – Secretary Jacob Styer – Treasurer Mandy Evans Stephen Snedden Jim McKiernan Margi Gunter Chad Foust Robin Hanson Sandpoint

Got something to say? Write a letter to the editor at Under 400 words, and please elevate the discussion.


Local schools have contributed positively to the world By Marianne Love Reader Contributor This past year I wrote a story for Sandpoint Magazine about Dr. Cathy King and World Vets, an organization she founded which provides free veterinary care, specifically spaying and neutering, in 45 developing countries around the world. Two years ago, I wrote another feature about Cindy Wooden, Vatican bureau chief for Catholic News Service in Rome. At the time, she was accompanying Pope Francis on his first trip to Cuba and the United States. For more than 25 years, Cindy has traveled throughout the world reporting on three different Popes. Almost every weekend during winter sports seasons, I can turn on my TV and see award-winning photographer Chris Pietsch sitting on a basketball gym floor snapping photos of University of Oregon basketball action. All three of these accomplished individuals received their formative education in our local school district. As a local educator for 33 years, I could easily write volumes about amazing achievements of students, residing in our community or around the world, who attended Lake Pend Oreille District 84 schools. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t hear about or personally observe graduates of our local public educational system, putting their talents, skills and experience to use as nurses, store clerks, resort personnel, foresters, doctors, loggers, farmers, contractors, business owners, etc. The list goes on, as do the positive contributions of these individuals, generally inspired by the basic foundation they received in our local schools. Within our Lake Pend Oreille District, that foundation includes general curriculum, hands-on experiences and valuable enrichment activities associated with

academic/vocational tracks or through the wide range of extracurricular offerings, which our schools and staff provide. When I reflect on my own life or even on what I observed among students during my teaching career, I can tell you that one can never predict the exact moment when a student, engaged in a single learning activity, is suddenly sparked with the inspiration that can set them on their life journey. Our school district’s academic and experiential offerings certainly provide a rich environment for these “aha” moments. Since retiring, both my husband, Bill, and I have volunteered with a variety of school activities, ranging from forestry contests to outdoor skills to writing pursuits. We continue to come away impressed with the opportunities available through our local public schools and with the dedication, creativity and genuine caring we’ve seen from educators throughout Lake Pend Oreille School District. It is, indeed, heart-warming to know that the impressive guidance and inspiration which I received as a student in this district “eons ago” still continues generations later. Our local schools truly deliver when it comes to providing the foundation necessary for students to pursue their chosen pathways in life. Consequently, whenever I hear the sweeping and unfair statement that “public education has failed our students,” my blood boils. I know exactly the opposite to be true from my own experience as an educator who thrives on keeping track of her students’ lives after high school. Also, when I hear about individuals who seem intent on creating obstacles to our students’ learning opportunities by spreading misleading information to the public—without full context—I truly wonder about their motives. Perhaps these people could provide more helpful and accurate information by spending

their time in classrooms or at enrichment activities, observing education in action. They might just be amazed. Moreover, their efforts might gain more respect among public education proponents if they would also include among their facts an estimated number of volunteer hours, endless fundraisers or donated items and monies, coming directly from staff members’ pockets to ensure the best educational experiences possible. As a graduate of this district’s schools, as an educator who proudly taught in this district and as a lifetime resident, I would like to see this community continue its tradition of showing our young people that we truly care about their well-being. After all, we’ll all eventually reach the point where we’ll personally benefit from these students caring about our well-being. Let’s continue to support our schools by voting “yes’ for the regular replacement supplemental levy March 14. In anticipation of that upcoming levy, I suggest that if you feel at all hesitant about voting “yes,” please study the information available about the levy on the district website. Better yet, take some time to talk with our successful graduates, such as those mentioned above, or even with students currently enrolled in our schools. Their stories may just illustrate to you that the infinite value and impact of a well-rounded education extends far beyond its price tag. Thank you for taking the time to weigh accurate facts and numbers dealing with our school district expenditures in their proper context and for casting a “yes” vote for our students March 14. Marianne Love is a retired educator, freelance writer, author and daily blogger: www.

Stand up for our children with faith healing legislation By Jim Jones Reader Contributor It is time for the Legislature to repeal the faith-healing exemption to Idaho’s statute prohibiting the injury of children. Section 18-1501 of the Idaho Code penalizes conduct by “any person” that is likely to endanger the person or health of a child. This applies to parents, but the statute has qualifying language that limits violations to rather egregious conduct. It was carefully crafted to limit governmental intrusion into the family setting. However, the statute includes an exemption that has allowed some parents to refuse to provide readily available health care to their children, resulting in needless suffering and death. The exemption says that the “practice of a parent or guardian who chooses for his child treatment by prayer or spiritual means alone shall not for that reason alone be construed to have violated the duty of care to such child.” This language should be eliminated in order to protect some our most helpless and vulnerable citizens. Adults can decide for themselves on health care matters. If they decide to forgo medical intervention for themselves for religious reasons, that is their prerogative. The state has an interest in safeguarding the health and safety of minors who cannot speak for themselves. Our laws have numerous protections for children without religious exemptions — marital age, child labor, ability to contract, and the

like. In my estimation, the right to have basic life-saving healthcare trumps those protections. A courageous young woman, Linda Martin, recently spoke out in a newspaper ad to urge the repeal of the faith-healing exemption. As a former member of a group that denies basic medical care to its youngest members, she spoke with eloquence and authority about the injury inflicted on sick children in the group. She closed with this statement: “This is not a freedom of religion issue: this is a right to live issue.” Amen. Since at least the 1980s, when I served as Idaho Attorney General, the Legislature has passed numerous laws intended to support the right to life by using the power of the government to require women to carry a fetus to term. To my knowledge, none of those measures contained a religious exemption. The question arises as to whether the right to life of some children in our great state ceases upon birth. It is time for the Legislature to stand up for our children and to require that faith-healing parents provide basic healthcare to their children. Jim Jones is a former Idaho attorney general and Idaho Supreme Court chief justice. He retired from active service in January.

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BID report produces mixed results

First Ave. in Downtown Sandpoint. Photo by Ben Olson.

By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff

A draft report of public opinion regarding the Sandpoint Business Improvement District compiled by Boise State University students returned mixed results, according to Sandpoint City Administrator Jennifer Stapleton. Designed to guide council decision-making, the BID survey results reveal a wide variety of opinions over the preferred fate of the often-controversial taxing district. According to Stapleton, the BID draft report provides a useful gauge on public opinion but no clear direction for council members to follow. Council members determined they need more refined information before deciding whether the BID stays or goes. “Don’t expect us to make any decision in haste,” Mayor Shelby Rognstad told attendees who urged caution before dissolving the BID. Altogether, 55 percent of survey respondents believe the BID should no longer exist, while 25 percent believe it should and 20 percent are undecided. However, those in 6 /


/ March 2, 2017

favor of dissolving the BID are split on their reasons, with some wanting a different fee structure or system and others wanting the boundaries changed. The survey also showed strong support for certain BID services, including Christmas decorations and flower baskets. The BID survey garnered a sluggish response from business owners. With 144 surveys successfully returned out of a total 471 mailed to businesses, the response failed to crack the 45-percent return rate denoting statistical significance. The survey is also still in its draft form, with a final report due to council members before their March 15 meeting. Without a manager to administer services, the BID is currently managed by the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber’s contract with the city expires March 31, thus requiring city officials to either extend the contract or come up with an alternative solution for the BID before the month’s end.

Clark Fork council opposed to Scotchman Peaks wilderness bill By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff

Following a meeting in January that mobilized opposition to Scotchman Peaks wilderness designation, the Clark Fork City Council has come out against the proposal. Last week, the council publicized a letter it sent to U.S. Sen. Jim Risch withholding support for the wilderness bill he introduced to the Senate in December. The letter, which bears the signatures of Mayor Russell Schenck and council members Harold Hilton, Stan Spanski, Blaine Williams and Sheri Jones, throws a political wrench into the long-sought wilderness designation for 13,900 acres of the Idaho Scotchmans. The letter echoes the concerns many individuals raised at the January meeting, primarily the perceived neglect of Clark Fork in the outreach leading up to Risch’s bill. According to the city’s letter, it has not been consulted or asked to support the proposed wilderness designation, despite its close proximity to the proposed wilderness. “The Council feels we have been left out of the conversations over the proposed designation and … the USFS is required to hold local public meetings in the areas affected by the proposal,” the letter reads. The letter also expresses confusion over how the U.S. Forest Service and Idaho Fish and Game will manage Scotchman Peaks as wilderness, especially in relation to restrictions that will be in place. “This is causing confusion and conflict with users, such as snowmobilers, snowbikers and elderly or disabled hunters using wheeled game carriers,” the letter reads. According to the U.S.

Forest Service, the area has been managed as recommended wilderness since the 1970s. The same restrictions will largely apply should the U.S. Congress pass a law declaring it official wilderness. The most prominent difference between recommended and official wilderness is its preservation in perpetuity. That strengthened protection is the final point of contention in the council’s letter. While wilderness supporters call for formalized protection given the unpredictable development of technology and economic growth, the council worries about its permanence. “We also feel the designation to Wilderness is an overreach to the future generations who will use this area and for this, we recommend against this designation or, at least, to minimize the acreage of Wilderness and recommend returning the surrounding areas to multiple use management,” the council wrote in its letter. Supporters of wilderness designation still believe the proposal has a broad-based support. They point to formal endorsements from dozens of individuals, government bodies and businesses, including the Bonner County Board of Commissioners and Idaho Forest Group, the largest regional representative of the timber industry. Phil Hough, executive director for the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness, said that number includes many Clark Fork residents. “The Clark Fork council’s resolution unfortunately does not acknowledge the large number of people who live in that area who do support wilderness designation for the Scotchman Peaks,” he said. One such Clark Fork resident is River Journal publisher

Idaho Senate nixes Constitutional Convention bill By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff A nationwide push to call a Constitutional Convention for a balanced budget amendment has hit a roadblock in Idaho. The Idaho Senate shut down a proposal on Wednesday that would have made Idaho the 30th state in support of a Constitutional Convention. Senators voted 2411 against the bill, with District 1 Sen. Shawn Keough, R-Sandpoint, voting no. Proposed as a means to add an amendment to the U.S. Constitution mandating a balanced budget, a Constitutional Convention requires the support of either 34 states or two-thirds of both the U.S. House and Senate to move forward. For proposal supporters, a Constitutional Convention is seen as the quickest path to a balanced budget amendment. Former U.S. Sen. Larry Craig, a longtime proponent of a balanced budget amendment who failed to consolidate Congressional support for a convention during his time in office, turned out to the Senate State Affairs Committee last week to testify in its favor. More than 200 arrived along with Craig to testify for or against the bill. Opponents of a Constitutional Convention fear that in these politically and culturally polarized times, a Constitutional Convention could go “runaway,” losing sight of its original focus and resulting in controversial amendment proposals.

Trish Gannon, who wrote a defense of the Scotchman Peaks proposal in the March issue of her newspaper. “You could say that our city council seems to be known for their lack of interest in federal government,” she said. “I’m not sure if their opposition letter is speaking for the community—as they certainly didn’t ask the community’s opinion in any systematic way—or if it’s just reflecting their own feelings.”


The LPOSD supplemental levy:

The impact public schooling has on one longtime Sandpoint family

By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of articles related to the upcoming March 14 vote on the Lake Pend Oreille supplemental levy. It is a profile of a local family that requested to share how levy-funded programs and schools impact their lives. The deep Sandpoint legacy of Kyla French’s family is reflected in no less iconic a local establishment than Eichardt’s Pub. Her grandfather, Fred Lane, and his horses, Pearl and Midget, are captured in a famous Ross Hall photograph hanging above the pub bar. The picture is a peek into a historic Sandpoint visible only in glimpses to most residents. But for families like French’s, with 70 or more years of history in the area, it is a symbol of the shared memories and traditions built over decades. “The roots and the history of my family are so important to me,” French said. “I wanted to give my family those same opportunities, but better.” For French, graduation from Sandpoint High School is one of those family traditions. So when she announced her son, Toben Pincher, would be attending Clark Fork High School instead, the decision was met with some shock. After immersing himself in the smaller class sizes and familial relationships among the school body, however, Toben can’t imagine another educational format better suited to his needs. “I know literally everybody by their first and last names,” said Toben. “It’s extremely personal. People in Hope and

The French family (from L to R): Kyla French, Toben Pincher, Elly Pincher and Tim French. Photo by Cameron Rasmusson. Clark Fork converge together and are as one.” As a student who makes a half-hour trip to Clark Fork every weekday morning, Toben is something of an outlier in the Clark Fork student body. Most of the families that utilize Lake Pend Oreille School District’s rural schools appreciate them in part for the convenience and the localized community they create. Toben, on the other hand, was drawn to Clark Fork for the ability to participate on a deeper level in athletics, including track and football. It was later that he realized the benefits of the close relationships with peers and teachers or the programs that immersed him in the natural environment. “These are opportunities he probably wouldn’t have had in Sandpoint, it being so big,” French said The emphasis on the outdoors and practical skill building at Clark Fork High School resulted in some unusual opportunities for

Toben. He’s trained toward certification levels in avalanche safety and water stewardship. Thanks to cooperation with Idaho Fish and Game and other government organizations or NGOs, he’s gone on fly fishing or skiing trips and investigated the flora and fauna of land trusts. He even participated in vital ecological restoration when he and his classmates helped rebuild the Clark Fork Delta a few years ago. While Toben thrives in the Clark Fork environment, he can still take advantage of opportunities offered only at Sandpoint High School due to its larger size and centralized location. Baseball, for instance, is an extracurricular activity he’d be loathe to do without. “Clark Fork doesn’t have a baseball team, and that’s been a part of my life since I came home from the hospital,” he said. French’s daughter, Elly Pincher, has also taken advantage of local schools’ rich suite of extracurricular activities. She

is following in her mother’s footsteps under the tutelage of French’s old music teacher, Jon Brownell. And she’s exploring the world of musical theater following a program revitalization under Jeannie Hunter. These are opportunities French, herself a first-grade teacher at Kootenai Elementary, fears will be at risk in LPOSD schools if the $17 million, twoyear levy isn’t passed before the start of the district’s next fiscal year. According to LPOSD Superintendent Shawn Woodward, rural schools will be hit the hardest by the budget shortfall due to the increased cost of staffing and maintaining small schools, with several likely to close down. “From the teacher perspective, the amount of opportunity we offer students now is topnotch,” French said. “I look at what’s being cut, and it’s just a lot of opportunities.” “Why go backwards?” she added.

While French said her job isn’t in danger should the levy fail to pass, her work will certainly be impacted. Aides that allow her to spend more oneon-one time with students won’t be hired back. And the basic experience of LPOSD classrooms will change with the transition to double-shift schedules, with students split into early-day and late-day shifts to save operational costs. For French, the levy vote boils down to a decision on the fundamental character of LPOSD education. She believes the levy is a worthwhile community investment. However, that call ultimately belongs to the district electorate on March 14. “For every new student that comes through my door, I can tell that this one will be an amazing athlete or that one will be great in science,” French said. “It would be mind-blowing to me if we can’t help them achieve that.” March 2, 2017 /


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Bonner General Health designated level IV trauma center By Reader Staff Bouquets: •I want to express my gratitude to the volunteer groomers for the Sandpoint Nordic Club. The U of I has been regularly groomed. It is such a treat to get off of school and go for a ski every day without having to drive to the top of the mountain. Thanks for all of your dedication! -Submitted by Cynthia Mason •A big bouquet goes out to all the great people who turned out for Charley Packard’s memorial at the Panida Theater last Sunday. Charley touched a lot of people’s lives during his 75 years on this earth. Special thanks to Karen Bowers, whose strength is matched only by her integrity and love, and Patricia Walker at the Panida Theater for opening that space for the event. I love this community. •You know what I love? When I put out a call for something in the Reader for assistance or help, you listen and respond. Our Priest River delivery driver is out for shoulder surgery for eight weeks (get better Cindy!), so I put a call on Facebook to see if anyone is heading out that way on a regular basis. Sure enough, a lady named Tina Raiha responded, saying she’d be glad to help us out. Also, special thanks to the River Valley Beacon, who is allowing us to store some bundles of papers at their office until my Priest River distribution guru Dan Eskelson can pick them up. Thanks! Barbs: •My only barb this week was the fact that I had to work on so many beautiful snow days. I did get up to Schweitzer on Tuesday and had probably the best day of the year. Knee-deep powder, low wind, high visibility, lots of sunshine after 10 a.m. There are still some great ski days up there, folks! Get some! 8 /


/ March 2, 2017

On Feb. 14, Bonner General Health became the fourth critical access hospital in the state of Idaho to become designated as a Level IV trauma center by the Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency Council of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. The Time Sensitive Emergencies Council is a result of 2014 Idaho Legislation that approved and funded a plan to develop a statewide system of care that includes trauma, stroke and STEMI (heart attack) designations for hospitals. Trauma, stroke and heart attacks are the top three causes of death in Idaho. The purpose of these systems of care is to reduce the time to reach health-

care intervention for patients experiencing time sensitive emergencies. Decreasing this time from onset to treatment is important to patient health outcomes and decreased mortality rates. Bonner General Health Emergency Department collaborates with prehospital partners who can activate the specially trained trauma response team in the Emergency Department before the patient even arrives at the hospital. “The TSE program creates a seamless transition between each level of care and integrates existing community resources to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs. It will get the patient to the right place in the right time to the right care” according to the Idaho Time Sensitive Emergencies website ” Bonner General Health’s chief executive officer, Sheryl Rickard, said, “This designation is a culmination of the extraordinary work by our team of physicians, hospital staff and our EMS providers and their shared goal of providing the best possible trauma care to our community. I am so proud of the dedication to quality patient care that our team demonstrates each and every day.” There are special requirements that must be met to be designated as a Level IV trauma center, including strenuous quality monitoring and extensive staff training and certifications. Bonner General Health was surveyed by a three member team on Jan. 13. The survey team evaluated all aspects

of trauma care including staff and physician trauma training levels, trauma equipment, facilities and supplies on hand, and toured the emergency department, laboratory, blood bank, surgical services, intensive care unit and diagnostic imaging departments. The survey team identified zero deficiencies and recommended that Bonner General Health be designated a Level IV trauma center for a period of three years. This designation did not change the level of care provided, but it allows the community to be aware of the trauma capabilities available at Bonner General Health and improves communication among healthcare partners responding to these emergencies.

CAL Grants now available Scholarships available for graduating seniors By Reader Staff

Applications for the Community Assistance League 2017 grants program are available as of March 1in the following locations: the public libraries in Sandpoint, Priest River, and Clark Fork; the Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce; and Bizarre Bazaar, 502 Church St. in Sandpoint In addition, the grant information and application may be downloaded from the CAL website Applicants must be a nonprofit organization and funds must apply to Bonner County only. Some of the criteria for evaluation include: making a significant impact on the community, being an innovative idea, and involving important local issues and needs. The Community Assistance League contributes all of the profits from their resale store, Bizarre Bazaar directly back

into Bonner County via grants and scholarships. The store thrives from the enthusiastic support of the community who shop there regularly as well as the many generous people who donate gently used quality items to the upscale resale store. This successful business model allows CAL volunteers to contribute financially to many local schools, organizations, and services that enhance the quality of life for many residents of Bonner County. Grant Applications must be postmarked or returned to Bizarre Bazaar no later than Friday March 31. Late entries will not be accepted. For additional information please contact Bobbie Franklin, CAL Grants chairperson at:

By Reader Staff

The Community Assistance League is now offering scholarships to graduating seniors of any Bonner County high school, including home school, who intend to pursue a higher education at an accredited college, university or vocational school. Scholarship applications will be available online at calsandpoint. org on Feb. 28. They can also be downloaded now and filled out online by going to https:// shs/home. Further instructions can be obtained from the SHS Counseling-Career Center. Renewal scholarships are offered to students who were awarded scholarships the previous year. Delayed scholarships are for students who graduated from high school but who have been out of school for at least one year. The CAL scholarship committee will make its selection

on the basis of academic achievement, personal goals and motivation, school and community involvement, financial need and general appearance of the scholarship application. The scholarship must be used within one year of the date it is granted. The funds will be sent directly to the student’s chosen school when proof of registration and student ID are received by the CAL treasurer. All applications must be complete in order to be considered by the CAL scholarship committee. The applications will become the sole property of CAL and will be kept confidential. Applications are due no later than Monday, April 10, by 9 a.m. They may be turned in at their high school counseling center or at Bizarre Bazaar. For more information, please call Betsy Walker at 255-2794.


Service Learning: A Lesson to Love By Forrest Bird Charter High School Staff Reader Contributors In April, Forrest Bird Charter High School students will be studying math and science, English, history, and art through an unusual approach: giving to others. Service learning is a project that creates change and promotes positive interactions. Students entering the community to help others enables them to apply their knowledge and areas of expertise to real-life situations, and in return, enriches their perspectives of community issues and promotes interaction between teens and organizations and businesses. The integrated learning scheme is individualistic for each project member: students will apply content-area learning, such as science, into the service they perform. For instance, if a student chooses to beautify Sandpoint by creating a flower bed, he will also study soil and nutrients, native plants, upkeep, geometric logistics, and other related topics to coincide with Idaho Content Standards aligning to his grade level. Project ideas reach as far as the students’ imaginations and access to service learning sites. Reading to patrons at assisted living homes, creating art with younger children, maintaining bike paths and walkways, aiding in service organizations such as the Rotary Club, the Food Bank, or Parks and Rec., painting murals to beautify the schools, and creating apps for local organizations are a few ideas for our 100 student service learners. This is where you, the reader, come into play. Students will be serving throughout

Infini hosts monthly art exhibition

By Reader Staff the month of May and are in need of community projects. If you have community service ideas and connections, please contact Forrest Bird Charter School and let us know your ideas. The faculty would like to provide a wide variety of options to students now so they can be thinking about how they can best serve. Please call 265-9737and leave a message for Holly or email hollywalker@forrestbirdcharterschool. org with input and insights. We appreciate your help in helping our community.

‘The Inoculant’ comic sponsored by: The

law firm of

Elsaesser Jarzabek Anderson Elliott Macdonald.

Illustration by Ariel Miller.

The Inoculant

by Lori Reid

Feeling creative? Social? Want to support the arts in our beautiful town? Infini Gallery might just have what you need. Located at 214 Cedar St. in downtown Sandpoint, Infini Gallery hosts monthly art exhibitions with a variety of different artists. This month’s exhibition takes place Friday, March 3 from 5-8 p.m. The show will feature original artwork from local artists Catherine Earle, Maloarit and Kevin Watson, as well as new artwork by gallery owner Kris Dills. It’s free to attend, and always a lot of fun to see the new works. For upcoming events, Karen Robinson will host a watercolor painting class on the last Sunday of each month from 1-3 p.m., beginning Feb. 26. Kris Dills will host a progressive acrylic class the last Friday of each month, beginning March 31. Preregistration is required for these classes at Get your art on, Sandpoint! March 2, 2017 /


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Dark History By Ben Olson Reader Staff Editor’s note: As a brief respite from our tales of Old Sandpoint and its fight to curb prostitution after the turn of the century, this week we’ll revisit an unsolved murder that occurred 25 years ago this week; the brutal slaying of former BGH nurse Jodi Cooper. Information was gathered with assistance from Bonner County History Museum, and, since this is still an open investigation, all statements about this true crime are alleged and based on prior statements, as well as news articles from the Bonner County Daily Bee, the Handle and the Spokesman-Review.


was in fifth grade the year Jodi Cooper was murdered. The gruesome killing hit especially close to home because my mother was one of Jodi’s friends. They both worked at Bonner General Hospital (BGH) and we would often drive to their home in Careywood to visit on warm summer days. Of Jodi, I recall a smiling, cheerful woman who made you feel comfortable and warm. I remember playing computer games with her sons, Jeremy and Kenny, and getting stung by a bee in the yard one afternoon. These innocent childhood memories were shattered the day we heard Jodi had been killed. Here’s what happened: The facts

It was common to see photos of Jodi Cooper with a beaming smile. Photo courtesy of Bonner General Health. / March 2, 2017

The unsolved murder of Jodi Cooper


It was leap year: February 29, 1992. Around 2 a.m., Bonner County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a 911 call and found Jodi Lyn Cooper, 35, hacked to death in the upstairs bedroom of her Careywood home. Pete Crockett, her 41-year-old common law husband, was in bed next to Jodi during the attack, but survived and was able to escape to a neighbor’s house with his 8-year-old son Kenny to call for help. Of the attack, Crockett remembered very little other than a “vague, nightmarish image” of his assailant. Crockett was struck in the head and stabbed in the back. According to his statements, he remembers discovering that the telephone

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Part 5

A model of the suspected murder weapon was displayed by the prosecutor during Jeremy Cooper’s preliminary hearing in 1992. Courtesy photo. lines had been yanked from the wall, so he followed his son to a neighbor’s house 200 yards away to seek help. Sheriff’s deputies then reported finding Jodi Cooper’s son, Jeremy Cooper, 17, walking along a dirt road leading to his home. The boy claimed he had been dropped off by a friend. Investigators found more than 20 wounds on Jodi Cooper’s body. At first it was claimed the injuries were from an ax or hatchet, but further investigation determined the wounds came from a knife-like object with a thinner blade. Cooper had a number of wounds all over her head, arms and torso. Injuries on her hands indicated she may have tried to protect herself during the attack; the hands were nearly severed, as was her head. No weapons were found after the attack.

specifically. There was silence in the hallways between classes, and the teachers were willing to engage and talk with all the students about it. I think they handled that really well.” Iverson was a year behind Cooper in school, and remembers the murder suspect: “He was very friendly, actually. I had a couple of classes with him. I hate to say he was ‘quiet and kept to himself,’ you know, but he was easygoing.” For Iverson, the Cooper murder was right up there with the standoff at Ruby Ridge as vivid memories of that school year. “Ruby Ridge happened later that fall,” he said. “That was a little different, though; more removed. This was personal. It involved someone who walked down the hallways in school. I think mostly it was the gruesome nature of the crime that was the most shocking element.”

The arrest

The loss

Jeremy Cooper was apprehended shortly after the murder and later formally charged with first-degree murder and attempted murder. Detectives found inconsistencies with his alibi and later found evidence of a bloody fingerprint on a doorknob in the Cooper home. The print belonged to Jeremy Cooper. Later, two nickel-sized spots of blood were found on Jeremy Cooper’s pants as well as a spot on his glasses. The arrest sent shockwaves through the community, as well as through the halls of Sandpoint High School where Cooper attended. Cooper was generally described as “quiet.” Justin Iverson remembers the reaction at SHS the day everyone heard about the murder. “It was a complete shock,” he said. “It was one of the parts of high school I remember

Jodi Cooper was highly regarded by most who knew her. She was formerly a night nursing supervisor for BGH, where she had been employed for ten years. “She was a dear, dear friend of mine,” said Val Olson, a co-worker and friend. “She was one of those kind of people that was so generous.” Olson said Cooper was an advocate for women’s rights, was passionate about the environment and politics and was a well-liked person. “She would sometimes joke that she wanted to be the first female president of the United States,” said Olson. “She was one of those people that was going to go places.” “Everyone was really shocked that that would even happen in Sandpoint and to someone as wonderful as Jodi was,” said Bonner General Health CEO

Sheryl Rickard. “It didn’t make any sense to anyone.” Rickard remembers Jodi Cooper as a consummate professional. “She was willing to jump in and do whatever she was needed to do,” said Rickard. “She really was a dedicated nurse.” Nita Allard worked alongside Jodi Cooper, who left “a lasting impression” on her. “She was an assertive, independent, strong woman who was inspiring,” wrote Allard. “Jodi was a life-long learner and pursued furthering her education.” In fact, Cooper had made a career change before she was killed. She’d taken a position as a nursing instructor at North Idaho College, hoping to train the next generation of nurses. The case A flood of new information came out during the preliminary hearing a month after the murder. Then-Bonner County Prosecutor Phil Robinson exhibited a fiberglass model of the suspected murder weapon, allegedly made by Jeremy Cooper’s friend Jason Dattel. A bloody imprint of the murder weapon was found on a blouse in the Cooper house, and it looked extremely similar to Dattel’s hand-made machete. Dattel claimed on the stand the model was an exact replica of the knife he had made; it had a 24-inch blade with two half-inch teeth near the sharp tip and several bottle opener-type hooks on the back of the blade near the handle, which was wrapped in green cord. Dattel testified that he noticed the knife was missing from his truck the week following the murder. Another person of interest was one of Jeremy Cooper and Jason Dattel’s friends, Cory Stark. Cooper was alleged to have been with Stark earlier that day, and Dattel the evening nefore the killing. < see COOPER, page 11 >

< COOPER, con’t from page 10 > The evidence seemed overwhelmingly against Cooper at first, but slowly, the prosecution’s case began to erode. Lab tests of the various DNA collected on the scene came back inconclusive. The bloody fingerprint on the doorknob wasn’t visible to the naked eye, and could have been as many as two years old when found. The blood was also determined to be Jeremy Cooper’s, not belonging to either victim. Also, the blood found on his glasses did not match either the murder victim or Cooper’s step-dad, and could have come from an animal. After eight months in county jail, Cooper was released on bond awaiting trial later that year. The evidence was largely circumstantial and the prosecutor didn’t have enough evidence to continue holding Cooper. The release Later in the year, Cooper’s attorneys filed for a dismissal, claiming that their client’s rights had been violated. Attorneys Bruce Green and Dan Featherstone claimed that the prosecutor didn’t have enough evidence to bring the case to trial and investigators should have been out looking for other suspects. Friends and neighbors had already mounted a defense fund, claiming that Cooper was innocent of the charges against him. Members of the community had begun to doubt the prosecutor’s case. “Except for the blood it was one of the cleanest crime scenes I’ve seen,” former Bonner County Sheriff Det. John Valdez told the Spokesman-Review in 1995. “The prosecutor said let’s back off and fight another day and I think that was the right thing to do.” To this day, the murder remains unsolved, but, according to Bonner County Sheriff’s detective sergeant Gary Johnson, it is far from a cold case. “We’re still actively working on that [case],” said Johnson, who has been with BCSO for 26 years. “It’s not cold, not inactive. As you can imagine though, with everybody spread to the four corners of the planet, it’s tough to made any headway.” Johnson said it’s tricky trying to solve a case that involves asking people to relate memories that go back 25 years. “A lot of those people are now either gone or their memory is very sketchy,” he said. “We’re essentially trying to find that missing link to get things rolling again. What I’m trying to do is keep everybody going on it, at least for the next generation when I’m gone.” Johnson said the Sheriff’s Office is still conducting interviews with people and going through evidence. One aspect of the case that may be an obstacle is the aging evidence.

Supporting the arts in Sandpoint for 30 years



Jeremy Cooper. Photo courtesy BCSO.

“This evidence was collected 25 years ago, then it was moved and re-moved [during office relocations],” said Johnson. “It has aged. I wouldn’t say it was mishandled though. The technology that we can use on it now wasn’t even available in the ‘90s. DNA capabilities in the ‘90s went from virtually non-existent to what we have today.” Current Bonner County Prosecutor Louis Marshall echoed Johnson’s comments that this case was very much still being investigated. “That case is of particular interest to me,” said Marshall. “I really hope we can solve that case and do it in the next couple years. We’re pursuing leads.” Marshall confirmed that a month before Jeremy Cooper’s murder trial began in 1992, a lab report came back that threw a wrench in the case: the blood on Cooper’s glasses didn’t match either victim, the blood on Cooper’s pants didn’t match either victim, and was most likely animal blood, and the bloody fingerprint was found to contain Jeremy Cooper’s blood, not the blood of either victim. “Of course, Mr. Cooper is still a person of interest, as well as [Jason] Dattel and [Cory] Stark,” said Marshall. “In my opinion, it’s 100-percent viable to pursue a case, even after 25 years, and if anyone has any info, feel free to contact me.” Despite the growing distance between the murder and the present, Johnson agreed that there is still hope the murderer will be brought to justice: “All it takes is one lucky move and we’re on.” If you have any information about the murder of Jodi Cooper, no matter how small, please contact the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office at (208) 263-8417.




LOCAL: 208.263.2138 TOLL FREE: 800.866.2138 476751 Highway 95, Ponderay March 2, 2017 /


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/ March 2, 2017

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6 7


Family Night and Chili Dinner 5-7pm @ Sandpoint High School With a Talk by LPOSD Technology Directo Tech Savvy Kids. $5 per family for chili dinn care for kids in kindergarten – 6th grade. R iPad mini and other great stuff! RSVP to L A Public Education

Learn to dance the Country Two-Step 7pm @ Sandpoint West Athletic Club With instructor Diane Peters. 610-1770

The Follies! Metal Night and s Live Music w/ Ron Kieper Trio 6pm @ Eagles Clu 5:30-8:30pm @ Pend d’Oreille Winery 8pm @ Panida Theater Withheld Judgmen Come see this classic jazz trio in action It’s ba-aack! Tickets are sold out, though braJet and Devoure Live Music w/ BareGrass 5-7pm @ Idaho Pour Authority Live Music w/ Chris Lynch out. Dinner, silent and his family after Bluegrass pickers extraordinaire 6pm @ Arlo’s Ristorante Live Music w/ Brian Jacobs Live Music w/ Devon Wade Live Music w/ 9pm @ 219 Lounge 7-10pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall 6-8pm @ The W Acoustic rock and folk Celebrate First Fridays with Devon Wade Come visit our Live Music w/ Justin Lantrip 5:30-7:30pm @ Idaho Pour Authority Singer/songwriter with soul Live Music w/ Truck Mills & friends 9pm @ 219 Lounge Truck is a master of the blues guitar and is always worth listening to Murder Mystery Dinner @ Talus Rock Retreat An interactive “whodunit” murder mystery dinner and downtown scavenger hunt. Cost is $69. 208-255-8458

Sandpoint Friends of the Library Book Sale 10am - 2pm @ Sandpoint Library All are welcome. Buy some great books and DVDs The Follies! 8pm @ Panida Theater

Computer Class: Ba 8:15am @ Sandpoint Learn the most basi computer use. Space Puppy Power Hour preregistration is requ 10am @ Ponderay Pet Lodge 208-263-6930 open to puppies 8 weeks to 6 months. $5 per session

Bonner Co. Democrats Monthly Meeting 5:30pm @ Sandpoint Library Meetings are open to everyone Monday Night Blues Jam w/ Truck Mills 7:30pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Portrait Drawing for Beginners 6-8pm @ Spt. Community Hall March 7-28 classes. Register by March 3 at Sandpoint Parks and Recreation, 1123 Lake St.

Museum’s Free First 10am-2pm @ BoCo H Come see “The Dark County.” exhibit for fr

Sandpoint Chess Club 9am @ Evans Brothers Coffe Meets every Sunday at 9am. A Puppy Power Hour 12pm @ Pend Oreille Pet Lodge

Seniors Day 9am-12pm @ Bonner Mall Walk the mall, listen to speakers, learn health tips, enter drawings, play bingo and enjoy free refreshments


Hiawatha Drum Circle! Unite the Tribes! 6:30-8pm @ Memorial Community Center (Hope) A journey through the spirit world. Not a class! Try to bring your own drum. For more info contact Jack (208) 304-9300 or


Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Learn to dance the Country Two-Step 7pm @ Sandpoint West Athletic Club With instructor Diane Peters. 610-1770

First Tuesday at Eich 7pm @ Eichardt’s Pub Monthly music event Jake Robin with a spec Night Out Karaoke 9pm @ 219 Lounge

The Conversation (free to attend) 6-8pm @ Ivano’s Ristorante Listen to our own local pirate and profe Dan Mimmack, as he shares the art of c building, and sailing of his authentic pi

Live Music w/ Ben Olson 6-8pm @ MickDuff’s Beer Hall Ben Olson will play a solo show as part of M Thursday solo series. Come hear as Ben plays of songs not normally included in his full band


March 2 - 9, 2017

gy Director on Educating r chili dinner. Free childh grade. Raffle to win an RSVP to Longanecker@ Education Week event

A weekly entertainment guide to keep you on your toes. To list your event free, please send an email to Reader recommended

Umphrey’s McGee in concert 9pm @ The Hive Bring your ski posse because this will be a ski and jam event. Let it snow! Doors open at 8 p.m. each night, and the show gets started at 9 p.m. Tickets are $30 in advance, and $35 at the door. Ages 2+ Dollar Beers! 8pm @ Eichardt’s Pub

ght and spaghetti feed agles Club (1606 John Huden Ln) Judgment, Symptoms of Insanity, Cod Devoured Soul will play their hearts er, silent auction to help Joel Freibott mily after Joel’s nasty leg injury. $7

Artist Opening Exhibition 5-8pm @ Infini Gallery A monthly art exhibit. This month features original artwork from Catherine Earle, Maloarit, Kevin Watson and new artwork by Kris Dills. FREE and open to all to attend! Women of Wisdom Lifetime Achievement Nominations Deadline Women Honoring Women seeks nominations for outstanding womMusic w/ Jake Robin en who are deserving of recognition. Candidate must be 65 years or m @ The Wine Bar on Cedar St. Bridge visit our new venue before The Follies! older; for full details, visit the WOW website. 208-264-5637

Free First Saturday @ BoCo History Museum The Dark Side of Bonner hibit for free!

Class: Basic Computers andpoint Library most basic functions of se. Space is limited and on is required by calling 30

Club hers Coffee y at 9am. All are welcome


Cedar St. Bridge Public Market 10am-2pm @ Cedar St. Bridge Come enjoy indoor shopping on the bridge spanning Sand Creek

MEGADemo Day 8am-4pm @ Schweitzer Mountain Resort Brought to You By Alpine Shop and Schweitzer Mountain Resort! Benefit for Panhandle Alliance for Education. Largest demo day Live Music w/ Mike Wagoner in the region with over 400 pairs of skis from 5:30-8:30pm @ over 13 manufacturers. Prize drawings, Coca Pend d’Oreille Winery Cola product sampling, Evans Brothers CofEnjoy a collection of originals, fee sampling, Taps beer sampling. $35 online from country-rock to ballads and ( or $40 on site. Space is limsoulful folk, with a peppering of ited. A Public Education Week event. humorous songs throughout Live Music w/ The Cole Show 6pm @ Arlo’s Ristorante Game Night with Rachael 7pm @ 219 Lounge

located on the historic

CEDAR ST. BRIDGE in Sandpoint, Idaho

Fit and Fall Proof Class 11am-12pm @ Cedar Hills Church This fitness class for seniors is sponsored by the Panhandle Health District, and is designed for older adults to improve flexibility, mobility, balance and strength. Free and open to the public. For more information, contact Vicki Longhini at 612-987-3802

March 10-11 Big Something w/ the Dimestore Prophets @ The Hive March 10 SHS Grad Nite attend) Crafternoon Auction Gala @ 2pm @ Sandpoint Library e and professional woodworker, Captain Ponderay Events Enjoy free family fun makthe art of craftsmanship in the restoring, Center ing crafts to take home thentic pirate-style ship, the Wind Spirit March 10 Advanced Directives and Care Planning Workshop Sandpoint Con5-7pm @ Tango Cafe tra Dance @ s part of MickDuff’s Hosted by Bonner General Health Community Hospice. Com munity Hall Ben plays a selection Free and open to the public. Refreshments and snacks

ay at Eichardt’s Pub ardt’s Pub sic event hosted by with a special guest Karaoke Lounge

s full band set list

provided by Tango Cafe

March 2, 2017 /


/ 13

Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness scholarship applications open By Reader Staff The 2017 Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness High School Scholarship Competition is under way. This annual essay contest is open to any high school senior in Bonner County, Idaho, Sanders County, Mont., and Troy and Libby High Schools in Lincoln County, Mont., plus home-schooled seniors from the same areas. The format for the competition is simple: Students are asked submit a typed, double-spaced essay of 500 to 750 words in size 12 font with the following theme: “A most memorable wilderness experience.” This may be a first-hand account of an experience of the author or an account of a story related to the author by a friend or relative. The experience may have happened in any Wilderness, designated or not, and must portray traditional wilderness activities such as

backpacking, camping, hunting, fishing, berry picking, or horseback riding. A $300 scholarship is awarded for the winning essay from each school, which includes Clark Fork, Sandpoint, Forrest Bird Charter, Lake Pend Oreille Alternative, Libby, Libby Alternative, Troy, Noxon, Thompson Falls and Plains High Schools An additional $300 is awarded for the best essay overall. Judging of the essays is done by FSPW staff on quality of writing, passion of the storyteller and the adherence of the essay to the theme. There are no GPA, activities or continuing education requirements for this competition. The award is paid to the individual upon successful graduation, and may be used as they see fit. To learn more, contact sandy@ Find the application form at pdfs/FSPW2017ScholarshipApplicationForm.pdf

To submit your own pet photos, please send a photograph and a little bit of information about your special friend to Please put “PET PHOTOS” in the subject line.

-tippyTippy rocked it at the K-9 Keg Pull last Sunday! This active senior is waiting for his forever home. Are you looking for a loyal companion? Tippy is a senior boy who is full of life and love. A faithful friend to his former owner for most of his life, Tippy is now needing a loving home to live out the rest of his years. For more about this sweet boy, go to, and click on the “Adopt” tab. Photo: Sheryl R. Garrison

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/ March 2, 2017

Mad about Science: By Brenden Bobby Reader Columnist At first glance, some people might think about delicious calamari. Me? I think about Cthulhu. Giant squid are weird and fascinating, and I am utterly shocked that I haven’t done an article on these strange cephalopods before. We know a bit about their anatomy, but their behavior remains an elusive mystery to scientists. You’d think something that can get up to 59 feet long would be hard to miss, but given the depth at which many of them live things get pretty sketchy for us when we try to go down there. After all, the deeper you go into the water, the more water is pushing down and around on all sides of you. Our bodies don’t like that. Our bodies don’t like it at all. How deep do some dwell? We’ve found giant squid between 3000 and 6000 feet underwater, in a place we’ve aptly dubbed the aphotic zone. For those of us lacking a dictionary (pssst. Google it!), aphotic means dark. Like really, really dark. Totally lightless dark. Because of this incredible darkness, giant squid have huge eyes: 10 inches across, just shy of the diameter of a frisbee. What even is there to eat down there? Turns out, not a whole lot. That part of the ocean is home to other shadow-dwellers like Angler fish, shrimp and other squid. It’s believed that giant squid are capable of wrestling small whales that have drifted too far and chowing down on them. Creepy. Ever wonder what you call a group of squid? No, it’s not the Nightmare Corpse-City of R’lyeh, it’s much more innocent. Similar to

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fish, you call a group of squid a school. This is most often seen in smaller squid like the Caribbean Reef Squid, which only get up to about eight inches. These little guys have also been dubbed flying squid, as we discovered that they’re capable of launching themselves out of the water and soaring up to 30 feet before returning to the water. Why they do this, we have absolutely no idea, but it’s pretty cool. If you thought your love life was difficult, you don’t know squid. The females of most squid species die after spawning. I don’t mean “eventually,” I mean they die immediately after laying their eggs. The males, meanwhile, live short and active lives, with their entire existence being to fertilize as many females as they can before their inevitable death. Just like the protagonist of that fan fiction you wrote in high school, young squid grow up as orphans. Just about everything they need to know in life comes pre-programmed in their gooey brains from the moment they leave the egg. Wouldn’t it be great if we could do that? Imagine your toddler backing your boosted pickup out of the driveway and filing your taxes for you. Given how mysterious squid are to scientists, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that we don’t have much information on their evolutionary history. Before you throw a “Gotcha! It’s not real!” at me over the dreaded E-word, just because we haven’t found information doesn’t mean the information never took place. Squid lack a skeleton, so there is very little to fossilize when one dies, especially in the deep ocean. While it’s not

impossible for a squid to be fossilized (after all, we have fossils of ancient mollusks, from which they originated), finding and obtaining these fossils is a very difficult task. What may have been ocean floor 75 million years ago could now be part of Utah, but what may have been Squid City, where most of their fossils would have fallen 20 million years ago, could still be underwater. The information that we do have is based almost purely on ancient mollusk fossils from over 60 million years ago. It appears that squid branched off from mollusks sometime in that giant window and they still show some links to their ancestors. Like your coccyx (tailbone), which is the remnant of a vestigial tail from our early ancestors, Squid have something called a gladius, which is a hard body part inside of the squid that’s shaped like a Roman sword, a gladius. Most other cephalopods lack this, except for ancient mollusks. This is believed to be the evolutionary remnant of a shell. Cool, right? Squid produce ink when startled, it’s not just something you see on cartoons. All cephalopods with the exception of a few species of octopi are capable of producing ink. It comes from a gland between the gills, and is usually accompanied by the squid blasting water out in a jet to help disperse the ink and confuse any potential predators. The primary chemical in the ink is melanin, the same pigment that colors our skin and hair. Some squid can produce luminescent ink, which can throw deep-dwellers off the hunt in an instant. Blinded by goo! Squid has been a popular

food item around the world for centuries. While you probably won’t get your hands on a giant squid steak any time soon, fried calamari is usually just a dinner reservation away. Most of the squid consumed in the United States is fished along the Pacific Coast, most notably from California. It’s actually the most fished item in California, with some harvests coming in over 100,000 tons.

There are restaurants in Korea that sell the squid raw and still squirming. Eating it is considered an act of bravery, because people have choked to death as the squid tries to climb back out mid-swallow. I’ve heard it’s chewy. Now that images of writhing masses of Lovecraftian tentacles slithering their way out of your throat will haunt your dreams, I hope you have a wonderful day!

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Don’t know much about magic

We can help!

• It’s illegal in Queensland (Australia) to own a pet rabbit unless you can prove that you’re a magician. • An American magician in the 1900s acted as a Chinese man for his show and never broke character in public, even using a translator when speaking to journalists. He died on stage after a trick went wrong. His last words were, “Oh my God. Something’s happened. Lower the curtain.” • Apollo Robbins, a pickpocket magician, struck up a conversation with Jimmy Carter and Secret Service agents. Within a few minutes, he emptied the agents’ pockets of everything except their guns. • Intellectual property law doesn’t cover magic tricks. An amazing, original trick can be stolen from a magician, and there’s nothing he can do about it. • Magician/comedian Penn Gillette created and patented a special placement of a hot tub jet which is aimed to arouse women. • Zombie folklore originated in Haiti when bokors (“black magicians”) would poison victims with pufferfish neurotoxin, inducing a state of suspended animation from which the victim would awaken in a psychotic state under which they could be easily controlled. • Actor Neil Patrick Harris is also a magician and is the current president of the Academy of Magical Arts. • Magicians must take a magician’s oath in order for another magician to teach them their tricks. The oath-taker is required to never reveal how a trick works to a non-magician. This is so that it won’t ruin the illusion and so that it doesn’t put a fellow magician out of work. March 2, 2017 /


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OUTDOORS A column all about snow safety

Outreach to local schools imparts important snow safety lessons By Kevin Davis Reader Columnist Serena had become a great skier after five years of training with her ski team. She traveled with the team to the Canadian Rockies in March for a race at a big ski area that was new to her. She had been dreaming about racing at Lake Louise for years, a little nervous about the imposing peaks around her but not much intimidated by mountains in general anymore. She had the afternoon off from training to relax and free ski and decided to take a few laps for a feel of the area. At the top of the lift, she and her teammate ran into some girls they knew from the Salt Lake racing team that were just heading out of bounds for some powder turns. “C’mon, you guys,” they said. “I know a sweet line that brings us right back to the bottom of the run.” Serena looked at her friend and shrugged her shoulders: “Let’s do it.” Jeremy was still in high school in his hometown and was snowmobiling with three of his friends that were back from college on Christmas break. They had talked about doing some sledding when they got back together. This was the first time that they had gone out on their own, without their parents. Since Jeremy had been out this way most recently, he was leading the group. He was looking up at the same northeast face of Macabre Peak that he had since he had been snowmobiling in these mountains from a boy. His 16 /


/ March 2, 2017

Scott Rulander goes over how to use an avalanche transceiver with a high school class. Courtesy photo. dad always told him that you needed to approach this climb very carefully and know what the avalanche conditions were before you even got close. It was a shortcut back to the truck that cut off about five miles of riding on the road. The weather was turning at the end to a great day, and Jeremy wanted to give his friends a memory they would never forget. His friends watched as Jeremy took his first run at the slope. Do you remember situations like this when you were young and full of vinegar? I know I do, and I consider myself lucky. Playing in the mountains in winter requires an added level of insurance to help you make good decisions and come back from a great day in the mountains with your friends. The insurance is knowledge,

and many of our youth are at that age when their skills and abilities are well beyond their knowledge. The middle school/ high school demographic is the age group that IPAC is focusing on with the Know Before You Go Program. This winter IPAC has gone to seven schools and taught this program to about 200 kids. It focuses on getting the avalanche safety training, getting the avalanche safety gear, going out with experienced people,and not going into the backcountry unless you have all those parts. That includes ducking the ropes at the ski area to ski the side-country. We have been to Coeur d’ Alene, Hayden, Bonners Ferry, Sandpoint, Clark Fork, Spokane and the Silver Valley showing the Know Before You Go video, talking about weath-

er, snowpack, and terrain and showing the kids websites they can peruse on their own time if they want to learn more. This program is just the beginning of the path, but our hope is that it will imprint a checkmark that comes back if they find themselves in a situation when they may be on the verge of getting in a little over their heads. Continuing down the education path beyond the Know Before You Go program for kids, we offer free awareness classes that introduce different concepts throughout the winter. The next class in Sandpoint is on March 7, and we’ll be talking about spring riding tips. These free classes are geared for everyone. For snowmobilers we partner with Idaho Parks and Recreation every year to

teach a hands on Avalanche Awareness class. This was IPAC’s first year teaching a 24 hour Level 1 avalanche class. IPAC partnered with Selkirk Powder Company on two classes this year and we may offer a level 2 class next year so keep that in mind. So from the very first introduction to avalanche awareness to advanced concepts and rescue scenarios, IPAC can take you through the levels of training. For me personally, it is most gratifying seeing the teenage kids in classes knowing all the learning and adventure they have ahead and getting them excited, but teaching them how to be safe about it. Winter isn’t over yet. March is going to be big and you’re going to want to be in the mountains.

Schweitzer reports over 114” of snow in Feb. By Ben Olson Reader Staff If you think the winter season is winding down at Schweitzer Mountain Resort, think again. With 24 inches of snowfall on the last two days of the month, the mountain is going into March strong. “It’s been a tremendous February for us,” said Dig Chrismer, marketing manager for Schweitzer. “Overall, we received over 114 inches of snow in just this month alone. When you consider our average annual snowfall is 300 inches, February has really been amazing for us.” February has indeed been an amazing month on the hill. Monday and Tuesday, skiiers were greeted with fresh powder and high visibility. The sun even came out, reminding us why we love to ski and snowboard. The only hiccup occurred in mid-February, when a major snowfall was followed by two or three days of

The ice is melting!

rain. Last week’s dump more than compensated for any lost days. Currently, Schweitzer is reporting a snow base depth of 65 inches in the village and 111 inches at the summit, with much deeper deposits in the trees. Overall, the mountain has received 245 inches so far this season. With the weather report predicting a prolonged system bringing more snow, Chrismer is confident Schweitzer will reach the annual average of 300 inches. “We usually pick up snow throughout the month of March and with the longer days, spring skiing and riding will be amazing this year,” she said. Schweitzer’s Spring Fling pass went on pre-sale March 1. “For only $99 plus tax, skiers and riders will be able to enjoy all of the incredible

conditions from March 13 until the end of the season and at this point, weather permitting, we are planning to extend the season until Easter Sunday, April 16,” said Chrismer. For more details about current conditions or the Spring Fling Pass, visit See you on the mountain.

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March 2, 2017 /


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Opening hearts and minds By Suzen Fiskin Reader Columnist

Simple acts of kindness

Cindy was having a rough go of it. She’s a single mom with two kids and a salary that rarely covered their expenses. She felt alone, angry and scared. One day something happened that shifted her world view. It was such a small surprise. Who knew it would make such a big difference? Cindy carried in the groceries that she’d picked up at the food bank. She looked at the clock and decided that she had time for a cup of hot tea before she picked up the kids. She pulled out a mug from the cupboard and opened the box of tea that she got out of the grocery bag. She opened the box and made a little squeaking noise as she stepped backwards, dropping the box on the counter. She took a deep breath and opened the lid again. There was an envelope resting on top of the packets of Lipton’s. The writing was in thick blue ink, “To someone special . . .” She felt her pulse throb in her throat as she slid her fingers under the sealed flap. Inside was a folded white sheet of paper. A crisp $20 bill floated to the floor as she opened the letter. The handwritten note was short and sweet. “Dear loved one, “We’ve probably never met, yet I want you to know that you are important in this world. It wouldn’t be the same without you. “Whatever your circumstances are right now, they can change in a heartbeat – honestly! “I know you can do, be and have anything that your heart desires. Let this token of appreciation let you know that too . . . “Just remember - you are loved – all ways!” She fell back into a chair, picked up the $20 bill and just stared at it. Written across the top were the words, “You are loved.” 18 /


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She sobbed for the next 10 minutes. Those three words kept echoing in her mind. When she stopped crying, she felt lighter, and the tension was gone from her stomach. Could this be a spark of hope? She still had 10 minutes before she had to leave to pick up the kids. She folded the $20 bill carefully and tucked it in her wallet. It was her lucky charm. She picked out some upbeat music on her phone and danced her heart out. When it was time to leave, she grinned as she locked the door behind her. Maybe she really is special . . . why else would she be the lucky one to get this gift? Meanwhile, somewhere 10 or so miles from Cindy, a young woman sealed another envelope. She wondered where she could hide this one . . . This was the third gift she was able to give this month. Our mystery woman was far from wealthy, but how she loved sharing what she had! Have you ever noticed that we feel best about ourselves when we are adding to someone else’s life? Whether it’s bringing home-made chicken soup to a sick friend, complimenting a stranger on their beautiful smile, or volunteering at the animal shelter, everybody wins when we reach out and make a difference in someone else’s life. Here are some ideas that may inspire you to offer some simple acts of kindness. 1. Call your parents or grandparents or elderly friend for no reason at all! 2. Pick up a piece of trash on the street or at the beach. 3. Talk to the shy person at a gathering who’s sitting by themselves. 4. Send three people you care about a text about what you appreciate about them.

5. Give your waiter or waitress a 50-percent tip. 6. Offer your time as a babysitter for a single mom . . . for free! 7. Help your elderly neighbor out with their trash or shovel their walkway. 8. Give a kid $20 for a glass of lemonade at their stand. 9. Tell a police person, fire person or teacher, “Thank you!” 10. Volunteer to read to kids at an after-school program. Perhaps you’re heard of the Butterfly Effect that says that something as seemingly insignificant as the flap of a butterfly’s wings can cause a significant weather event across the globe. The concept began with weather and has become a metaphor for how influential small acts can be in the greater scheme of things. What we think, feel and do has an impact on the world at large. What the world needs now is a whole lot more love and kindness. How would you like to make a difference? Please write me at my email address

below and share how you offered some light in someone else’s life! Namaste. Suzen Fiskin is a Happiness Coach, multi-media marketing maven, and inspirational speaker. She’s also the author of the book, Playboy Mansion Memoirs. If you have any questions or comments, email her at:

Crossword Solution

If you ever crawl inside an old hollow log and go to sleep, and while you’re in there some guys come and seal up both ends and then put it on a truck and take it to another city, boy, I don’t know what to tell you.

Festival sponsors Charley Packard memorial scholarship By Cameron Rasmusson Reader Staff He inspired untold numbers of musicians in life. Now Charley Packard’s memory will help musicians flourish for years to come. The Festival at Sandpoint announced this week it is sponsoring the Charley Packard Memorial Festival Scholarship, a minimum-$1,000 annual scholarship for young singer-songwriters. In addition to the money, each year’s winner will perform his or her winning song at the Festival at Sandpoint, the biggest local stage around. It’s an opportunity to continue the legacy of a man who made vast contributions to local music culture while providing young artists the opportunity to grow their talents. According to Festival at Sandpoint director Dyno Wahl, the idea first germinated at a meeting of Sandpoint Book Babes, a book club attended by both Wahl and Karen Bowers, Packard’s wife. Following Packard’s death, book club members were quick to offer their help and support for anything Bowers needed. The group soon hit upon

the scholarship idea, Applicants will be asked and as conversation to write and perform continued, the concept an original song, with blossomed into a fullthe winner receiving grown program. a $1,000 scholarship “I went to the and the opportunity to Festival board of diperform the winning rectors, and they gave submission at the Festival the idea a unanimous, at Sandpoint. Once the enthusiastic thumbs application is finished, up,” Wahl said. “We it will be available at all then reached out to local high schools, the Karen and Charley’s Festival office and online Charley Packard. sons and they all at www.festivalatsandagreed that a scholarship would be the perfect way to memorialize Charley and “The written application will be due perpetuate his lifelong mentorship and April 30 followed by a performance of encouragement of young songwriters.” the song for the scholarship committee The scholarship was announced at in May,” Wahl said. Packard’s packed Panida Theater meThose who wish to support the morial Sunday night to great acclaim. scholarship can send checks to the Packard’s many admirers contributed Festival office with “Charley” written $625 on the spot, providing more than in the memo line. Supporters can also half the first year’s scholarship award donate online at www.festivalatsandright from the get-go. According to Wahl, the scholarship “The longevity of this scholarship application, intended for high school award will depend on contributions seniors, is currently being drafted and made to this dedicated fund,” Wahl said. should be available by mid-March.

March 3-4 @ 8pm We are a weekly pop–up take–out restaurant offering authentic Indian cuisine every Monday in Sandpoint, Idaho. •Open from 12–6 every Monday •Walk–in lunch special: 2 curries + rice, $8 order online at: 723B Pine Street • (Pine Street Alley) •Sandpoint, Idaho

The Follies!

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Alive She Cried: The Ultimate Doors Tribute Alive She Cried is honored to carry on this legendary music for a new generation and provide a nostalgic glimpse back to a time when conventions were being tested and revolution was in the air. Tickets $25 General admission, $35 VIP

March 2, 2017 /


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The Sandpoint Eater

Construction zone By Marcia Pilgeram Reader Food Columnist People often refer to “food science,” but more often than not, my style of culinary experiences is related to “food construction.” Since the days of my youth, when I turned out garish, over-the top desserts that were more extravagant than edible, I’ve had an obsession with “building” edible creations. I’ve cut, carved, molded and sculpted many a masterpiece. When my children were young, I found a recipe in Bon Appetit for chocolate molding clay and was soon obsessed with creating the same perfect satiny ribbon cake featured on the magazine’s cover. It was ironic that I often was so wrapped up in food projects that I neglected to feed the children. Usually these inspirational ideas would manifest themselves before holiday periods, during a long sleepless night, when there was already plenty on my plate. I’ve carved giant blocks of cheese into corporate logos, formed pâté into little edible creatures, and created an elaborate cake (complete with an edible replica of Main Hall) for the cover of the Montanan, to celebrate the 100th birthday of the University of Montana. Once, for a large corporate Christmas party, I constructed a four foot Bûche de Noël that weighed nearly a hundred pounds. It was a magnificent creation that I worked on for days, covering a large sheet of plywood with ganache and 20 /


/ March 2, 2017

chocolate shavings, dozens of life-like meringue mushrooms and holly-decked greenery (fashioned from the prized chocolate clay). Lo and behold, the fabulous creation nearly didn’t make it off the work bench. When the catering staff began lifting the plywood off the prep table for the short journey across Higgins Avenue in Missoula, the plywood began to sag and buckle in the center. We quickly plopped the chocolate laden plywood back on the sturdy metal prep

table, surveyed the situation and frantically looked for last minute options. Finally, in a brilliant MacGyver moment, server Kevin removed a door from its frame, draped it with linens, positioned our chocolate showpiece on top and six of us marched it across the street (I’ve never been more grateful that a construction worker chose party catering as his parttime profession). When I get an inspiration to make something huge and fabulous, my impulsiveness demands that I begin the project

immediately. More times than not, I am reminded that structural soundness is an integral part of these creations. Fortunately, my mother was around for the early years, steady with advice (and a ruler) and she saved me from countless near-disasters. Now it’s Ryanne who questions the integrity of my larger than life edibles. It seems most constructed foods are elaborate and sweet, but a favorite creation of mine is the Shooter’s Sandwich, which I discovered 20 years ago while watching the English

cooking show, “Two Fat Ladies.” The sandwich dates back to Edwardian times and was a rustic-style Beef Wellington, sturdy enough to pack up for a day of country shooting. Not a country shooter? You can still pack it in your pannier and head for the hills. I’ve heard it referred to as “the best sandwich ever.” Give it a try and let me know if you agree.

Shooter Sandwich Recipe This sandwich is worth the effort, and a delicious and sturdy companion for hikers, skiers, and shooters. I weight mine down with large marble slabs.



•One 2-pound center-cut beef tenderloin (or other choice boneless cut, such as thick ribeye)

Preheat the oven to 225 degrees F. Place a wire rack on a baking sheet.

•Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

Season the tenderloin with plenty of salt and pepper. Transfer to the wire-racked baking sheet and place on the middle rack in the oven. Roast low and slow until the internal temperature registers 120 degrees, about 1 ½ hours.

•4 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature •One 10- to 12-inch boule (French or sourdough) •1⁄4 cup Dijon mustard •1 tbsp horseradish •2 cups cremini mushrooms •2 cloves garlic, chopped •1 onion, thin sliced •8 oz Gruyere Swiss cheese, shredded •4 tablespoons unsalted butter •Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

Remove the tenderloin from the oven, coat in the softened butter. Set the oven to broil. Broil each side until crusty and golden, about 30 seconds a side and immediately place the steak in the bread bowl. Brush any remaining meat juices on the top crust of bread and top with the mushrooms (the remaining butter in the mushrooms will add flavor to the bread).


This week’s RLW by Ben Olson


Sweet songs - now and then

In my preparations for a monthlong trip to Vietnam, I was given a novel called “Catfish and Mandala” by Andrew X. Pham, a Vietnamese-American who embarked on a bicycle ride throughout Vietnam. In the tradition of Jack Keouac, Pham discovers his native country one poignant pedal at a time. Full of rich, interesting characters, insightful passages only gathered from traveling the slow, hard way, and a commitment to humility, you should read this book whether you know anything about Vietnam or not. Thanks to Karen Seashore for the recommendation.

By Tim Henney Reader Contributor

Reading Reader music recommendations makes me feel older than dirt. Recently Washington D.C. insider and noted global gigolo Cam Rasmusson published a list of Valentine’s Day ballads. I’ve been collecting recorded romantic pop songs all my adult life. Yet I recognized only one on Cam’s list: Eric Clapton’s “Wonderful Tonight.” Good choice. When the Reader runs stories about today’s coolest young singers visiting town, or their newest recordings or films, I seldom know who they are. Same for the Festival at Sandpoint. Who are all these famous or once famous or future famous people? Where are the Ink Spots, the King Cole Trio, The Mills Brothers, Ray Charles, Peggy Lee, The Pied Pipers, Billie Holiday, Ella? Has anyone ever heard “Saturday Night Fish Fry” by Louie Jordan and his Tympany Five? Or “House Of Blue Lights” sung by Texas jive vocalist Ela Mae Morse? Or Stan Kenton big band vocalist June Christy’s melancholy “Just A Sittin’ And A Rocking?” How about “The Frim Fram Sauce” by jazz stylist Carmen McRae? Or the Benny Goodman Trio swinging “Body And Soul.” No? Well, I’ve never heard current cool bands Test Icicles, Butthole Surfers, Barbed Wire Condom, Goat Whore, Violent Femmes or The New Pornographers. So it’s a wash. Of course there are exceptions. Willie sang in Sandpoint. And Emmy Lou Harris headlined last summer’s Festival. I’ve been fantasizing about Emmy Lou since she popped into view in the mid-’70s. I would hear her “Blue Kentucky Girl” and consider moving to Kentucky. Today I see that state’s Mitch McConnell, U.S. Senate majority leader, declaring on TV what a brilliant leader our new con man in chief is, and Kentucky sucks. In early 1950s college we considered guys like Mitch McConnell can-

Gettin’ jiggly with it. dy asses. Kiss-ups. Brown nosers. Sissies. Kentucky should make Emmy Lou Harris its senior senator. Except she’s from Alabama and lives in Tennessee. Bummer. I read about really cool standup comedy acts at our jumping Sandpoint bars. Amateurs! Whatever happened to Bud Abbott and Lou Costello? Or Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis? Ventriloquist Edgar Bergen and his smart-ass dummy, Charlie McCarthy? If being current is a prerequisite, let’s invite TV’s Rowan and Martin from “Laugh In.” And Phil Silvers as Sergeant Bilko from the boob tube’s glory days. (Although I gotta confess, I’ve never seen anything funnier than Melissa McCarthy’s recent “Saturday Night Live” impressions of the con man in chief’s press secretary. And Alec Baldwin’s SNL Trump impersonation was just as gut-busting hilarious). But I digress. I’m sure Cam’s recent list of hip romantic songs was fitting. I’ll ask my grandkids, two of whom are close to his wizened 31 years. However, to pique the curiosity of those who think Beyonce bellowing on a Super Bowl stage in her underwear is what love songs are all about, try tapping into some songs and singers from an earlier era. Musical memories that lovers in a less hectic, mellower, more sexually mysterious era wrapped their lives around. You

won’t hear heavy metal, angry rap or screaming. Yesteryear’s love spoke in whispers: Billy Eckstine and Sarah Vaughan. Their duet of “Always.” Sarah’s “Misty.” Billy’s “I Apologize,” “My Foolish Heart,” and “Fools Rush In.” Movie actor George’s late aunt, Rosemary Clooney. “Memories Of You,” “The Very Thought Of You,” and “I Thought About You.” Miss Peggy Lee. “It’s Been A Long, Long Time,” “Don’t Blame Me,” and “I Wanna Be Around (to pick up the pieces).” Tony Bennett. “A Foggy Day (in London town),” “When Joanna Loved Me,” and “This Is All I Ask,” which begins “... beautiful girls...walk a little slower...when you walk by me...”. So many powerful, everlasting love songs by Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole, Billie Holiday and Sinatra I won’t attempt to winnow them down. But no valid list of sentimental ballads could exclude the fabled Holiday and Sinatra recordings of the WW II anthem, “I’ll Be Seeing You.” Name a love song with more potency that’s meant more to more lonely lovers and I’ll buy you a beer. Not even such romantic game changers as Holiday’s “The Man I Love.” Or “I Can’t Stop Loving You” by Ray Charles. Or the same lyric with a sexy country twang by Martina McBride. Or Willie’s “Always On My Mind.” And

“To Each His Own” by Eddie Howard, or The Ink Spots. Not even “Little White Lies” by Dick Haymes, who replaced Sinatra with the Dorsey band when Frank left in a huff to become pugnacious, rich and famous. Nor “I Thought About You” or “What A Difference A Day Makes” by Dinah Washington. Nor Mama Cass singing “Dream A Little Dream Of Me.” Nor “My Funny Valentine,” one of the genre’s most enduring. Trumpet artist and singer Chet Baker made a beautiful recording, as did Linda Ronstadt (the song is not about Valentine’s Day but about a lead male character named Valentine in a Broadway musical). Many would rank the Temptations’ “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” among favorite love songs. And the above are just powder fluff atop the tip of the iceberg. Now sit back, chill out, toss a log on the fire, pour a pinot noir, send the dog to fetch your slippers, and consult your iPhone. “Something In The Way She Moves” by James Taylor, “It Happened Once Before,” by The Four Freshmen, Neil Young’s “Unknown Legend,” or “The Girl From Yesterday” by The Eagles would be a good start. Then imagine. Or remember. And smile.


Last year, I helped the legendary Charley Packard compile his albums onto the site so his many fans would have a digital way to access his music. C u r r e n t l y, four of his great albums are available to purchase, or to listen to free: “Charley D. and Milo,” “Pals,” “Backside of a Dream,” and “Cider Mountain Serenade.” Check them out at You won’t be sorry. We miss you, Charley.


Netflix has a lot of great shows available to stream, but one of my favorites of late is “Portlandia,” featuring the comedic genius of Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein. While Portlanders often feel the show lampoons their lifestyles a little too thick (I agree somewhat), the real genius is in the chemistry between Armisen (a former SNL cast member) and Brownstein (who plays in the punk-indie band Sleater-Kinney). Their bevy of characters are entertaining, fresh and a pleasure to watch.

March 2, 2017 /


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— ooh la la


1. Liabilities 6. Guns an engine 10. Have the nerve 317 N First Ave. • Sandpoint, ID 14. Panache 208-263-2178 15. Way out 16. Pitcher Like us on Facebook! 17. French school 18. Box 19. Twosome 20. Indiscretion 22. Sea eagle 23. Prank 24. Arrived 26. Former Italian currency 30. Scarlet 31. Cover 32. By mouth 33. Leg joint 35. Fakes opponents 39. Dispute 41. Explosive device 43. Alphabetical listing of topics Listen in Sandpoint to KPND @ 106.7 in HD 44. Storage cylinder 46. A ball of yarn 47. Uncooked 49. Apprehend /SOH-see-uh-lekt/ 50. Cravings [noun] 51. Highly seasoned fatty 1. a variety of a language used by a particular social of the sausage group; a social dialect. 54. Prig “The sociolect of teenagers varies greatly from other age groups” 56. Gait faster than a walk 57. Scintillating Corrections: We’re happy to report no major errors in last week’s issue. As 63. Hindu princess always, keep those red pens handy and let us know when we screw up in the 64. Dry riverbed future. Thanks! -BO

Word Week

22 /


/ March 2, 2017



check o t t e g r o f t ' n o D ries o s s e c c a r u o t ou . for The Follies iaras, t , s k s a m , s ig W and more.

Solution on page 18 65. Cowboy sport 66. Chocolate cookie 67. Ends a prayer 68. Back tooth 69. Alert 70. Filly’s mother 71. Cubic meter

DOWN 1. Very intense 2. Behold, in old Rome 3. Coalition 4. After-bath powder 5. Place 6. Inhabitants 7. Blow up

8. Ampule 9. A leisurely walk 10. Drug addiction 11. Honor 12. French for “Queen” 13. Made a mistake 21. Daggers 25. Assistant 26. Hubs 27. Weightlifters pump this 28. South African monetary unit 29. Change 34. Sweetbriar 36. Cabbagelike vegetable

37. Biblical garden 38. Stitches 40. Test 42. Android 45. Business executive 48. Native American lodge 51. To scatter about 52. A kind of macaw 53. Hermit 55. Ledges 58. Tibetan monk 59. Part of a plant 60. Doing nothing 61. Close 62. Pierce

LOOKING FOR A GREAT CAREER IN SANDPOINT? WILDWOOD GRILLING IS HIRING. We’re on the hunt for a few extraordinary people. Are you looking for a fast-paced and exciting place to work? If you are, we have compelling career opportunities, so keep reading. Do you have strong communication skills? Like, seriously strong. Are you a self-starter? Do you like really terrible jokes? Do you ask interesting and engaging questions? Are you ready to tuck in your flannel and come to work looking sharp? shar Is your spirit intrepid, mind logical and palate adventurous? Would you enjoy working with nice people who smell like cedar? If you answered “yes” to the questions above, go check out our Jobs page at You may have found your tribe. We are currently looking for the following positions: Sales Coordinator AR/AP Specialist- Part Time Production Team Members Wildwood Grilling is, and always will be, an EEO Employer.

March 2, 2017 /


/ 23

WE’VE MOVED! Check out our new location at

105 S. 3rd Ave. (kitty corner from our old location on Pine St. & 3rd)

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