1 minute read
Grant cycle open for BoCo Human Rights Task Force
By Reader Staff
The Bonner County Human Rights Task Force is opening its annual grant cycle, seeking applications from community nonprofits, educational institutions and governmental agencies to fund programs and projects related to human rights.

Grant amounts can range up to $8,000, with the average award totaling $2,250. Dollars may be used for the development and implementation of such programs, supporting the mission of the BCHRTF: “To affirm the American principles and ideas of the inviolable dignity and worth of each human being and recognize that everyone is equal under state and federal laws and constitutions.”
Submissions will be accepted through Thursday, April 30, with applicants asked to describe how their project would focus on one or more of the following areas and benefit Bonner County:
•Provide information, education and programs designed to increase awareness of the importance of non-discrimination:
•Eliminate prejudice and prevent harassment;
•Celebrate the value of racial, social and cultural diversity.
BCHRTF invited applicants who have ideas about promoting awareness and understanding of human rights “that will help foster a more inclusive and welcoming community,” and who “wish for more equity and less discrimination based on the labels we give each other and the division that they create.”
Read about the BCHRTF mission, goals and guidelines at bchrtf.org.