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The best attended smoker that was ever pulled off by the Sandpoint Commercial club occurred Wednesday evening when fully 125 business men of the city were on hand to smoke a few cigars, eat a sandwich and drink some coffee, partake of some of the Elsasser orchard apples and listen to good booster talk. The guest of honor was Dr. S.B. Nelson, representing the Spokane Chamber of Commerce, and the returing members of the legislature from Bonner, with the exception of Rep. Jones of Bonners Ferry, were there to “tell” of the session that just closed. The Sandpoint Concert orchestra played two or three pieces which added merit to the evening’s program.
After a brief business session, H.C. Olney took charge of the social session and called on B.S. Bennett to start the program with a detail of the growth and spirit of the city.
A.F. Douglas of Portland, was called on for a few words. Mr. Douglas stated that the Byllesby company, which he represented, had invested heavily in Sandpoint and surrounding territories with the expectation of present return but to be in shape for future development. He said the Sandpoint-Newport extension had cost the company $100,000 and it was now contemplating a connecting line to Dover and would build to any of the towns about here wehre a margin of profit within the next five years could be seen.
Reps. Sanborn and Farmin were called upon to tell of the legislative session, whcih they did following Rep. Sanborn’s “roast.”