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Bits ’n’ Pieces

From east, west and beyond

public libraries in general,” according to the district’s website (ebonnerlibrary.org).

The Pend Oreille Hospital District Board is a seven-member political subdivision of Idaho, which supports hospital facilities within Sandpoint and “approximately two-thirds of Bonner County, Idaho,” according to pendoreillehospitaldistrict.org. Current trustees include Chair Dr. Thomas Lawrence, Vice-Chair Timothy Cochran and members Dr. Scott Burgstahler, Bart Casey, James Frank, Helen Parsons and Dan Rose.

Early voting will continue through Friday, May 12, Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Bonner County Elections Office (1500 U.S. Hwy. 2, Suite 124 in Sandpoint).

Meanwhile, sample ballots are available precinct-by-precinct at the Elections Office website, accessed by visiting bonnercountyid.gov/departments/CountyClerk and clicking on “Elections” in the menu.

Election Day polls will be open Tuesday, May 16 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Go to the Elections Office website to identify your polling place.

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