1 minute read
Innovia invites regional photographers to take part in annual photo contest
By Reader Staff
The Innovia Foundation on May 16 announced the opening of its fourth annual photo contest, with the theme “Together for Good.”
Free and open to photographers of all skill levels, participants are invited to submit photographs to the following six categories: People, Landscape/ Wildlife, Arts and Culture, Community, Nonprofit Mission in Action and Youth (the latter open to photographers ages 17 and younger). Photographs must be taken within Innovia Foundation’s 20-county service area and submitted by Friday, June 2.
“We believe we all have something to contribute to the place we call home. In our work, we are joining together for good,” the organization stated in a news release. “We invite local photographers to join us in this effort by submitting images that showcase the unique identity and spirit of our communities.”
To benefit the nonprofit organizations serving the region, the first-place overall photographer will receive a $1,000 grant awarded to their favorite 501(c)(3) organization, a canvas print of their photograph and a feature on the Innovia website. Winners in each individual category will receive a $200 grant awarded to a nonprofit of their choice, a canvas print and showcasing on the website.
A full list of contest awards, rules and instructions for submission are available at innovia. org/photocontest. Questions may be directed to Rachel Quick at rquick@innovia.org.