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Mrs. Bessie Henry, librarian, was the principal speaker at the regular noon luncheon of the Kiwanis club Monday giving a report of the Sandpoint public library, its books and the appreciation the people are showing for it.
With more than 7000 volumes catalogued, as well as many hundred other volumes and magazines that are not catalogued, the Sandpoint public library is well supplied with reading material the speaker told the Kiwanians. The demand for reading matter of all kinds is increasing, said Mrs. Henry, adding that during the calendar year of 1932 there were 22,000 volumes taken out of the library, an increase of 4000 over the year 1931.
Penalties for the past year amounted to $80 and rentals on periodicals totaled approximately $70 said the speaker.
With many men and members of families out of work, the library has been the attraction for dozens who had little else to do except read. “The economic depression is a boon to the library business and we are trying our best with the limited amount of money at our disposal to keep the Sandpoint library up to standard in every respect,” said Mrs. Henry, who told of several needed improvements, one of which was an elevated desk.