Implementation The Sandpoint Arts, Culture and Historic Preservation Plan provides a vision and framework for local action in enhancing the community’s cultural arts and historic preservation programs. The following section provides guidance regarding the consolidation of the Arts and Historic Preservation Commissions into one arts and historic preservation planning body, as well as potential funding sources for local activities. An implementation chart summarizes all arts, culture and historic preservation implementation actions.
Ar t s and H i s to r i c P r e se rvatio n Co mmissio n A key recommended initiative in this Arts, Culture and Historic Preservation Plan is the consolidation of the Arts and Historic Preservation Commission into one combined entity (Initiative #1.1). Ideally, a newly reconstituted Arts and Historic Preservation Commission should have the following composition and duties. The newly reconstituted commission should also encourage civic engagement of Sandpoint youth through a youth advisory group or committee.
COMPOSITION The new Arts and Historic Preservation Commission should comprise nine member with threeyear terms and a limit of two terms for all members with the exception of representation of the Bonner County Historical Society and Museum. Do not limit membership by personal residential status. Ensure the Commission includes two people who meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for Historic Preservation. Recommended make up of the Commission includes: • Nonprofit arts organization leaders (2) • Nonprofit historic organization leader (2) • People with professional expertise in fine art, public art, arts education or performance • People with professional expertise in architecture, historic preservation, or land use development • Regional tribal members or tribal artists • Sandpoint business or property owner • At-large community member
S A N D P O I N T A R T S , C U LT U R E A N D H I S T O R I C P R E S E R V A T I O N P L A N