Fun di n g a n d G r a n t P r o grams Summarized in this section are financial incentive and grant programs offered locally and at the state and federal levels to assist in City of Sandpoint-sponsored and coordinated arts and historic preservation initiatives through its implementation partners.
ART BY THE INCH FUND - The Art by the Inch Fund underwrites various public arts projects throughout Sandpoint. Donations to the Fund are tax deductible under IRS code Section 170(c)(1).
(CLG), Sandpoint is eligible for pass-through grants from the Federal Historic Preservation Fund. The Idaho Historic Preservation Program must allocate at least 10 percent of its annual federal appropriation to CLGs each year. Local communities can use CLG grants for a variety of local historic preservation projects, including architectural surveys of historic sites or districts, preparation of nominations for the National Register of Historic Places, development of educational materials for historic property owners, and training and support to local historic district commissions. The City of Sandpoint benefits significantly from this grant program and should continue to apply for CLG grants annually to implement its historic preservation efforts.
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS - Administered by the Idaho Department of
Commerce, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) assists Idaho cities and counties with various community development initiatives, related to housing, infrastructure, the construction of public facilities, and economic development initiatives. Community Development Block Grants can serve as financing for local façade improvement programs and streetscape and urban design enhancements.
FOUNDATIONS - One or more local Sandpoint area foundations may play important roles in helping develop and finance arts and historic preservation initiatives.
IDAHO GEM GRANTS - Specifically focused for communities under 10,000 in population,
Specifically focused for communities under 10,000 in population, Idaho GEM Grants support projects that have the potential to generate economic development opportunities and create and retain local employment. Idaho GEM grants can support various downtown revitalization and building rehabilitation projects that serve economic development aims, including projects that advance the creative arts.
percent tax on hotel, motel, vacation rental, and private campground accommodation stays, the grant program supports local activities in cooperative marketing, tourism attraction promotion, marketing planning, and digital and social media outreach. Eligible award recipients include local and regional tourism development organizations, chambers of commerce, and convention
S A N D P O I N T A R T S , C U LT U R E A N D H I S T O R I C P R E S E R V A T I O N P L A N