Our Heritage and Creative Needs Plan stakeholders expressed a desire for Sandpoint to become a nationally recognized destination for the arts where residents and visitors can experience an abundance of arts and cultural experiences daily and throughout all seasons. Sandpoint’s identity and brand should include the arts and capture the authentic sense of place to which the arts contribute. • Arts organizations and artists express strong demand for venues — affordable and accessible space to work, exhibit, sell, perform, and teach.
B R U N N E R D I V E R S C U L P T U R E - 1 1 2 3 L A K E S T.
U T I L I T Y B O X W R A P S - 3 0 1 C E D A R S T.
• Planning participants expressed a need for better and regular communication about the arts for residents and visitors. • Community stakeholders seek leadership and an organization or body that can bring the sector together around common goals. • The Arts Commission needs strategic priorities for short-term and long-term public art programs and projects to champion public art beyond placement of work in urban redevelopment areas. • As an estimate, Sandpoint’s nonprofit arts sector generates economic impact in the range of $10 million annually and while it has upwards of 400 creative occupations, that it is creative vitality in general may be suffering from weak cultural nonprofit revenues • Sandpoint has a strong culture of collaboration and volunteerism. Plan stakeholders desire public-private partnerships and to work together to plan and raise funding for the arts, marketing
S A N D P O I N T A R T S , C U LT U R E & H I S T O R I C P R E S E R V A T I O N P L A N