Planificación trimestral 2017 matematica second grade

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Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

PLANIFICACIÓN UNIDAD DE APRENDIZAJE TRIMESTRAL Profesores: Mauricio Fritis, Paula Trimestre: Primero 2017 Bermúdez y Kerem Bustos. Asignatura: Matemática N° de clases: 66 clases PROPÓSITO DE UNIDAD 

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Desarrollar progresivamente el sentido de cantidad y el razonamiento matemático, en particular el pensamiento crítico. Cuentan números naturales hasta 1000. Leer números hasta 1000 y los representan en forma concreta, pictórica y simbólica, comparan y ordenan números hasta 1000 y componen y descomponen números en este ámbito. Identificar unidades y decenas y representan cantidades hasta 50 con material concreto, pictórico y simbólico. Comprender la adición y sustracción, demostrándola a través de la resolución de problemas con una variedad de representaciones concretas y pictóricas, aplicando resultados de números hasta 999 sin realizar cálculos, aplicando algoritmos y creando problemas matemáticos. Demostrar comprensión sobre la relación de las adiciones y


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Contar hasta el 100. Representar en forma concreta y pictórica números naturales hasta el 100. Leer oralmente y luego escribir forma concreta, pictórica y simbólica, números naturales hasta el 100. Representar concretamente una situación problemática que involucre una suma o diferencia (resta). Usar estrategias personales para el cálculo mental. Representar concretamente una situación problemática que involucre una suma o diferencia (resta). Usar las estrategias conocidas para practicar cálculo mental. Relacionar la adición y la sustracción para la resolución de problemas. Contar, leer, escribir, comparar, ordenar, componer y descomponer números hasta el 100.

Curso: Segundos Básicos A-B-C Horas clase-semanal: 6 de 45’ PRINCIPIO I: PROPORCIONAR MÚLTIPLES FORMAS DE REPRESENTACIÓN. PAUTA 1: proporcionar diferentes opciones para la percepción. 1.1 Opciones que permitan la personalización en la presentación de la información. 1.2 Ofrecer alternativas para la información auditiva. 1.3 Ofrecer alternativas para la información visual. PAUTA 2: Proporcionar múltiples opciones para el lenguaje, las expresiones matemáticas y los símbolos. 2.1 Clarificar el vocabulario y los símbolos. 2.2 Clarificar la sintaxis y la estructura. 2.3 Facilitar la decodificación de textos, notaciones matemáticas y símbolos. 2.4 Promover la compresión entre diferentes idiomas. 2.5 Ilustrar a través de múltiples medios. PAUTA 3: Proporcionar opciones para la compresión 3.1 Activar o sustituir los conocimientos previos 3.2 Destacar patrones, características fundamentales, ideas principales y relaciones 3.3 Guiar el procesamiento de la información, la visualización y la manipulación 3.4 Maximizar la transferencia y la generalización

PALABRAS CLAVES            

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Numbers from 0 to 1000. Count on and backward. Compare numbers: ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ or ‘fewer than’. Digit. Place Value: ones, tens and hundreds. Order of Numbers: greater, greatest, smaller, smallest. Compose and Decompose numbers. Problem Solving. Word Problems. Fact family/ Number bonds. Addition/ Subtraction. Concepts related to Addition (add, sum, more, altogether, in all, etc.) and Subtraction (take away, remove, less than, minus, difference, how many left?, etc.) Equation or Number sentences With / Without Regrouping. Algorithm. Strategy. Mental Math. Concepts related to Multiplication: equal groups, double, tripled, etc., groups of, times, multiplied by, product, factors, rows of, columns,

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

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sustracciones mediante el uso de la familia de operaciones en cálculos aritméticos y en la resolución de problemas. Aplicar cálculo mental describiendo estrategias utilizadas. Identificar unidades, decenas y centenas hasta 100 representando cantidades de acuerdo a su valor posicional. Representar y modelar procesos que facilitan la resolución de problemas en contextos diversos que involucran adiciones y sustracciones. Comunicar resultados y argumentar acerca de los resultados obtenidos de estos problemas. Comprender la multiplicación mediante el uso de representaciones concretas y pictóricas, usando estrategias como la distributividad, expresando la multiplicación como adiciones repetidas y resolviendo problemas que involucran esta operación


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Representar y usar relaciones entre la adición y sustracción, pictóricamente y simbólicamente para la resolución de problemas. Representar de manera pictórica la adición, sustracción y dibujar los problemas libremente, donde quede claro su razonamiento (hasta el 100).


Contar hasta 1000. Representar concretamente, pictóricamente y simbólicamente hasta 999.

Representar una situación real de manera concreta, con dibujos y finalmente con una expresión matemática.

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Repeated addition, array. Commutative Properties of Multiplication. Array, Repeated addition, Count by 2’s, 3’s (Skip Counting).


PRINCIPIO II: PROPORCIONAR MÚLTIPLES FORMAS DE ACCIÓN Y EXPRESIÓN. PAUTA 4: Proporcionar opciones para la interacción física. 4.1 Variar los métodos para la respuesta y la navegación

Abordar de manera flexible y creativa la búsqueda de soluciones a problemas. Manifestar curiosidad e interés por el

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

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Leer, escribir, comparar, ordenar, componer y descomponer aditivamente hasta el número 999. Representar en forma concreta una adición y una sustracción en contexto personal o cotidiano. Valor posicional: centena, decena y unidad. Familia de operaciones. Adición y sustracción en el contexto de la resolución de problemas. Propiedad del 0 en la adición y la sustracción. Patrones numéricos. Multiplicación por 2, 5 y 10.

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Describir situaciones de la realidad con lenguaje matemático. Explicar las soluciones propias y los procedimientos utilizados. Traducir acciones, situaciones y representaciones pictóricas a expresiones matemáticas. Emplear diversa estrategias para resolver problemas: - por medio de ensayo y error aplicando conocimientos adquiridos. Comunicar el resultado de descubrimientos de relaciones y reglas, entre otros, empleando expresiones matemáticas. Explicar las soluciones propias y los procedimientos utilizados. Elegir y utilizar representaciones concretas, pictóricas y simbólicas para representar enunciados. Crear un relato basado en una expresión matemática simple. Traducir acciones, situaciones y representaciones pictóricas a expresiones matemáticas. Generalizar conceptos matemáticos con símbolos matemáticos.


4.2 Optimizar el acceso a las herramientas y los productos y tecnologías de apoyo. PAUTA 5: Proporcionar opciones para la expresión y la comunicación. 5.1 Usar múltiples medios de comunicación. 5.2 Usar múltiples herramientas para la construcción y la composición. 5.3 Definir competencias con niveles de apoyo graduados para la práctica y la ejecución. PAUTA 6: Proporcionar opciones para las funciones ejecutivas. 6.1 Guiar el establecimiento adecuado metas. 6.2 Apoyar la planificación y el desarrollo de estrategias 6.3 Facilitar la gestión de información y de recursos. 6.4 Aumentar la capacidad para hacer un seguimiento de los avances.


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aprendizaje de las matemáticas. Manifestar una actitud positiva frente a sí mismo y sus capacidades. Ser organizado y seguir un estilo de trabajo ordenado y metódico para resolver adiciones, sustracciones, multiplicaciones


“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

FORMAS DE IMPLICACIÓN OA 01.Contar números del 0 al 1 000 de 2 en 2, de 5 en 5, de 10 en 10 y de 100 en 100, hacia adelante y hacia atrás, empezando por cualquier número menor que 1 000. OA 02.Leer números del 0 al 100 y representarlos en forma concreta, pictórica y simbólica. OA 03. Comparar y ordenar números del 0 al 100 de menor a mayor y viceversa, usando material concreto y monedas nacionales de manera manual y/o por medio de software educativo. OA 05. Componer y descomponer números del 0 a 100 de manera aditiva, en forma concreta, pictórica y simbólica. OA 06. Describir y aplicar estrategias de cálculo mental para adiciones y sustracciones hasta 20: completar 10 usar dobles y mitades “uno más uno menos” “dos más dos menos” usar la reversibilidad de las operaciones OA 07.Identificar las unidades y decenas en números del 0 al 100, representándolas cantidades de acuerdo a su valor posicional, con material concreto, pictórico y simbólico. OA 08. Demostrar y explicar de manera concreta, pictórica y simbólica el efecto de sumar y restar 0 a un número. OA 09. Demostrar que comprende la adición y la sustracción en el ámbito del 0 al 100: usando un lenguaje cotidiano y matemático para describir acciones desde su propia experiencia resolviendo problemas con una variedad de representaciones concretas y pictóricas, de manera manual y/o usando software educativo registrando el proceso en forma simbólica aplicando los resultados de las adiciones y las sustracciones de los números del 0 a 20 sin realizar cálculos aplicando el algoritmo de la adición y la sustracción sin considerar reserva creando problemas matemáticos en contextos familiares y resolviéndolos, OA 10.Demostrar que comprende la relación entre la adición y la sustracción al usar la familia de operaciones” en cálculos aritméticos y la resolución de problemas. OA 11. Demostrar que comprende la multiplicación: usando representaciones concretas y pictóricas expresando una multiplicación como una adición de sumandos iguales usando la distributividad como estrategia para construir las

PAUTA 7: Proporcionar opciones para captar el interés. 7.1 Optimizar la elección individual y la autonomía. 7.2 Optimizar la relevancia, el valor y la autenticidad. 7.3 Minimizar la sensación de inseguridad y las distracciones. PAUTA 8: Proporcionar opciones para mantener el esfuerzo y la persistencia. 8.1 Resaltar la relevancia de metas y objetivos. 8.2 Variar las exigencias y los recursos para optimizar los desafíos. 8.3 Fomentar la colaboración y la comunidad. 8.4 Utilizar el feedback orientado hacia la maestría en una tarea. PAUTA9: Proporcionar opciones para la autoregulación. 9.1 Promover expectativas y creencias que optimicen la motivación. 9.2 Facilitar estrategias y habilidades personales para afrontar los problemas de la vida cotidiana. 9.3 Desarrollar la auto-evaluación y la reflexión.

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Cuentan de 2 en 2, de 5 en 5 y de 10 en 10, hacia adelante y hacia atrás. Identifican y corrigen errores y omisiones en una secuencia con a lo menos 5 números. Cuentan cantidades de elementos, usando grupos determinados de 2, 5 y 10 elementos. Leen un número dado del 0 al 1000, en cifras o en palabras. Representan números en forma concreta, pictórica y viceversa, usando material concreto. Escriben un número dado del 0 al 1000, en cifras y en palabras. Nombran los números que están antes y después de un número dado en la tabla de 100. Ordenan un conjunto de números dados en forma ascendente y descendente y verifican el resultado, usando cubos, la tabla de 100 y la recta numérica, utilizando como referencia el valor posicional. Componen números por medio de sumandos en forma concreta, pictórica y simbólica. Descomponen números en forma aditiva, concreta, pictórica y simbólica. Aplican estrategias de cálculo mental, como: - completan 10; por ejemplo, para calcular 8+6, piensan 8+2+4 - usan dobles y mitades; por ejemplo, para calcular 3+4, piensan 3+3+1, y para calcular 5+6, piensan 6+6-1 - usan la

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

tablas del 2, del 5y del 10 resolviendo problemas que involucren las tablas del 2, del 5 y del 10. 

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estrategia dos más dos menos en la realización de cálculos; por ejemplo, para sumar 18+2, piensan en 20+2-2. Identifican e indican las unidades, decenas y centenas de un número con el uso de material concreto hasta 999. Identifican que el valor de un dígito depende de su valor posicional dentro de un numeral. Representan un número dado hasta 999, en forma concreta, pictórica y simbólica. Cuentan monedas hasta $500 pesos con monedas de $1, $5, $10, $50 y $100. Cuentan monedas hasta $500 pesos con monedas de $1, $5, $10, $50 y $100. Indican centenas, decenas y unidades en un número de tres dígitos. Describen un número dado de tres dígitos, en el ámbito hasta 999 de al menos dos formas. Cuentan diferentes situaciones cotidianas donde reconocen que necesitan agregar o quitar elementos para resolver el problema. Suman y restan números con resultado hasta el 50 con la aplicación del algoritmo de la adición y la sustracción. Resuelven todas las adiciones y sustracciones hasta 999 en forma mental (sin papel ni lápiz). Crean un cuento matemático para una adición dada. Resuelven problemas de adición y

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

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sustracción, luego expresan la solución con el uso de algoritmos. Ejemplo de algoritmo: 13+2=15. Registran de manera simbólica adiciones y sustracciones. Crean problemas matemáticos para adiciones y sustracciones dadas y lo resuelven. Demuestran que, al cambiar el orden de los sumandos, no cambia la suma, con el uso de material concreto, pictórico y simbólico. Demuestran las relaciones inversas entre la adición y la sustracción de manera concreta pictórica y simbólica. Completan los números que faltan para formar “familia de operaciones”. Completan con los signos de adición (+) y sustracción (-) para que sea correcta una “familia de operaciones”, para luego poder aplicarla en cálculos. Utilizan la relación entre la adición y la sustracción para poder formar “familia de operaciones” con 3 números. Resuelven problemas, utilizando las familias de operaciones. Resuelven problemas de adición y sustracción, luego expresan la solución con el uso de algoritmos. Ejemplo de algoritmo: 13 + 2 = 15. Suman 0 a una cantidad dada y explican que la cantidad no varía. Sustraen 0 a una cantidad dada y explican que la cantidad no varía. Expresan una multiplicación como la adición de sumandos iguales.

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

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SUGERENCIA DE ACTIVIDADES A REALIZAR Clase N° Actividad Fecha tentativa 1

Reinforcement Unit: Data, graphs and Pictographs.



Teachers presents the Learning objectives of the class: 1. 2. 3.

Explican lo que es una multiplicación con sus palabras, a partir de una situación concreta dada. Representan en forma concreta y pictórica una multiplicación dada. Expresan simbólicamente diagramas que representan la multiplicación. Construyen la tabla del 7, utilizando la distributividad como estrategia. Resuelven problemas que involucran las tablas del 2, el 5 y el 10, utilizando la estrategia de ensayo y error.


Tipo / Instrumento de evaluación

PPT about data, quantitative and qualitative data, collecting and survey concepts. Parts and Types of graphs.

Formative Work in Class

To Collect and record data. To Organize information in tables, pictograms, and bar graphs. To Read and interpret information in tables, pictograms, and bar graphs.

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

Actitudinal Objective: Do your work in a clear and organized way. Teacher evaluates the student’s previous knowledge about what data is. The student´s answers are written on the board. Teacher shows a PPT explaning the concept and shows examples of types of data. It is explained that data can be classified as quantitive (data shows numbers) and qualitative( describe something) The teacher shows two more examples to the students where they have to Identify which data is quantitative and qualitative. Teacher shows two more concepts related to data such as collecting (Data can be collected in many ways: counting, asking or observing) and survey (an investigation).Teacher explains that when we work with data we have to follow some steps such create questions, ask people and record their answers or write the information in a clear and organized way in order to explain or interpret it and finally communicate or present.

Materials: Fotocopies with questions about Birthdays survey, months of the year for big pictograph, and cake Cardboard/ markers/ masking tape.

Worksheet of parts of a graph.

Teacher shows in order to explain the data or information that students can use different types of graphs. Teachers shows parts of a graph and types

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

of them. (Table Chart, Tally Marks Chart , pictograph and bar graph) Teacher models a class survey about in which month There are more or less birthdays and make a Big pictograph with them. Students in groups interpret the results answering questions using terms such less, more, the difference between some months, etc. Students write definition of concepts about collecting data in their notebooks and work on Identify the parts of a graph. Teacher asks why is important to use graphs. It is expected that they answer that “Graphs show data or information in a quick and easy way to read and understand”. Students write the question and answer in their note books.


Reinforcement Pictographs.



Teachers remembers objectives of the class:





PPT about data, quantitative and qualitative data, collecting and survey concepts. Parts and Types of graphs. Fotocopies of Birthday bar graph and tally marks chart.

1. 2.

To Collect and record data. To Organize information in tables, pictograms, and bar graphs. 3. To Read and interpret information in tables, pictograms, and bar graphs. Actitudinal Objective: Do your work in a

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Formative Work in Class

Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

clear and organized way. Teacher reviews the contents seen last class with a PPT and the students answer questions about it. Teacher shows the pictograph made last class and ask them questions about data in it and which type of graph is. Teacher shows students how use bar graphs, tally marks table and table chart to represent information in a graph. Students practice a bar graph using the same class birthday survey and check their work with Teacher’s bar graph answers.


Then, teacher explain how count with tally. Students practice individually the tally marks table with manipulative material (pop sticks) to represent numbers or quantities given by the teacher. Then, they complete a tally chart by using the same information of class birthday survey in order to complete a tally chart worksheet.

Counting with tally marks.

Manipulative material pop sticks for

Students presents their results and the teacher checks their answers. Teacher asks: if it is useful count with tallies and Why. Students are expected to answer it is useful because we can count more quickly big numbers using skip counting by 5’s or 10’s strategy.







Video Review of Collecting data and

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”



Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

graphs and Pictographs.


Teachers presents the Learning objectives of the class: a4T37PU

1. 2. 3.


To Collect and record data. To Organize information in tables, pictograms, and bar graphs. To Read and interpret information in tables, pictograms, and bar graphs.

Actitudinal Objective: Do your work in a clear and organized way. Teacher review the graph contents using questions such as type of graphs and parts of them.

Fotocopies Title surveys.

Teacher shows a video about graphs as review. Students in groups choose a survey title (worksheet) in order to understand the information presented in it. (Survey already done) The students share their answers according to the given data. Teacher review vocabulary about graphs and types of them. Students cut, match and paste definition making a foldable book.


Reinforcement Unit: Data, graphs and Pictographs.



Fotocopies survey “Are you ready for new school Year”

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”



Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

Teachers presents the Learning objectives of the class: 1. 2. 3.

Fotocopies Skittles bar graph.


To Collect and record data. To Organize information in tables, pictograms, and bar graphs. To Read and interpret information in tables, pictograms, and bar graphs.

Actitudinal Objective: Do your work in a clear and organized way. As a review for the evaluation students do surveys to Other grades called “Are you ready for new school Year”. They organize, represent, and interpret data; they ask and answer questions about the results, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another, etc.

Materials: Manipulative Material Bring 1 package of SKITTLES

They practice a Skittles bar graph using manipulative material. Contents of Evaluation N°1: 1. 2. 3.


Reinforcement Unit: Data, graphs and Pictographs.



Count, collect and record data. Organize information in different types of graphs Read and interpret information in graphs.

Evaluation N°1: fotocopies M&M Bar graph, tally chart and pictograph test.

Written evaluation N° 1. Checklist with Learning objective of the Unit.

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

Teachers presents the Learning objectives for the: 1. 2. 3.

To Collect and record data. To Organize information in tables, pictograms, and bar graphs. To Read and interpret information in tables, pictograms, and bar graphs. Materials:

Contents of Evaluation N°1: 4. 5. 6.

1 packages of M&M.

Count, collect and record data. Organize information in different types of graphs Read and interpret information in graphs.

Actitudinal Objective: Do your work in a clear and organized way. Students will work on sorting, counting, adding and graphing on a bar graph, tally chart and pictograph with manipulative material M&M.


They will sort the M&M by color, and then write the total number of each color in the tally chart and do a bar graph and pictograph. Then they will answer some questions. Unit 1: Numbers to 1000.

Course and Practice Books


Teachers presents the Learning objectives for the Unit:

Manipulative material for place value representations.



To read and write number within 100.

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB


To write 3.digit numbers in hundreds, tens and ones.

Cards of numbers in expanded form

Actitudinal Objective: Do your work in a clear and organized way. Teacher review how students can represent and count big numbers of objects in a set. He / she reviews place value (tens and ones and) by counting sets of objects using making 10 or base ten strategy with the students on page 7 and 8. Students complete the exercises. Students using manipulative material represent numbers until 100 counting by 10. Then, they count until number 1000. Teachers aks what do the color cards (100 / 20 /3) represent in each exercises?, Students are expected to answer decomposition or expanded form of a number. Students count by 1, 10, 100 and look at te expanded form of what they counted. Teacher asks the students to observe some set of objects and base ten representations in a PPT and they have to express them in their expanded form using cards. Pages 9 10 and 11. Students write number in simbolic way according to their written form and vice

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

versa. Page 11 and 12. They complete number sequances of 3 digits using count on strategy and they guess the pattern or skip counting used. They check their answers. Students work on PB. They individually count in hundreds, tens and one to find the a number write it as a numeral. They match number words with their corresponding numeral and teacher ask them to read them aloud. Pages 7 and 8. On page 9 Students reas and write number in numerals given the number words. They have to use zeros as placeholders in some of the numbers. Students write the number words of 3 – digits numbers using word at the top of the task. Then, they write the number words of 3-digit numbers and use zero as a placeholder. Students swap their Book in order to check their answer with the teacher.


Unit 1 : Numbers to 1000

Course and Practice Book


Teachers presents the Learning objectives for the Unit:

Fotocopy of place value foldable Book


1. 2.

To read and write number within 100. To write 3.digit numbers in hundreds,

Fotocopies of card numbers in expanded form.

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

tens and ones. Actitudinal Objective: Do your work in a clear and organized way. Teachers review last class counting and adding by ones, tens and hundreds on pages 11, 12 and 13. On page 14 teacher asks the students how numbers are represented in exercises 4. Students are expected to answer that they are represented by hundreds and tens and they also are expressed in expanded form. They complete the exercises on pages 14 and 15. Teacher explains how students can represent numbers. They complete a Place value foldable book and they paste it in their notebook. Teacher also explains how students can compose and decompose numbers by using cards with numbers form 0 to 1000. Teacher represent standard form of numbers into expanded form. Students compose and decompose numbers given by the teacher with their cards. Then, they decompose number son the board with number cards.


. Unit 1 : Numbers to 1000

Video Place value.

Formative Classwork

Teachers presents the Learning objectives

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

for the Unit: 1. 2.

To read and write number within 100. To write 3.digit numbers in hundreds, tens and ones. mfvetk

Actitudinal Objective: Do your work in a clear and organized way Students watch video about Place Value as a review and student answer questions about it. Students use money and bilis fotocopies in order to represent in expanded form different numbers. They complete pages 15 and 16 CB and 16 in PB. Teacher shows different products with their Prices in a PPT. Student have to represent the prices in expanded form using their cards numbers and money in their notebooks

PPT of products with prices. Materials: Chilean currency foftocopies. Card numbers in expanded form.

Teacher checks their answers.


Unit 1 : Numbers to 1000

Video compare and order numbers.


Comparing two Numbers: MGAVA


Teachers presents the Learning objectives for the class : 1. 2.

To use symbols greater than and smaller than. To compare and order numbers.

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


Colegio Universitario Antonio Rendic DAEM - DAEB

3. 4.

To find 1, 10 or 100 more than a given number. To find 1, 10 or 100 less than a given number.

Actitudinal Objective: Show attitude for Learning Math.

a positive

Teacher review with a video the concepts greater / bigger, more, smaller, less, fewer than, The greatest and smallest than and equal to and symbols used for the concepts. Students take notes of the concepts and symbols used to compare numbers.

Course Book. Student’s Notebook

Students compare base ten representations and 2 numbers using concepts greater and smaller than. Pages 17, 18, 19 and 20. Comparing three Numbers. Teacher ask students compare 3 numbers using a place value chart in order to compare them. Students write the 3 digits numbers in the rigth place value and they compare the hundreds, then tens and lastly the ones. They have to Identify the smallest number comparing the digits in the hundreds place. Teacher remind students to first compare the digits in the greatest place value before moving on to next place value. Page 21. Students compare numbers by adding and subtracting, They have to find the number which is 1, 10, or 100 more than (or

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


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less than) a given number within 1000 by using base ten and using the conceps more than na d less than. Pages 22 and 23. Students practice comparing pairs of number by using the symbols greater and smaller than. They have to compare a 3 digit numbers with the same hundreds, tens and ones digits and order the given numbers within 1000. Pages 24.


Students checks their answer teacher on the board. Unit 1 : Numbers to 1000

with the

Comparing two Numbers: Teachers presents the Learning objectives for the class : 1. 2. 3. 4.

To use symbols greater than and smaller than. To compare and order numbers. To find 1, 10 or 100 more than a given number. To find 1, 10 or 100 less than a given number.

Actitudinal Objective: Show attitude for Learning Math.

Practice Book.


Video review of concepts of the Unit and comparing and ordering numbers. Matholia Primary

Classwork Ox7QSE

a positive

Student review the last class by comparing 2 and 3 numbers using concepts greater than or smaller than, the greatest and the smallest in words and symbols. Pages 17 and 18.

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They comparing number using base ten by adding and subtracting 1, 10 or 100 to find 1, 10 or 100 more or less than the given numbers. They also have to find 1, 10 or 100 more or less than without pictorial guidance. Pages 10 and 20. Teacher reviews concepts greater than or smaller than, the greatest and the smallest by comparing and ordering pictorial (base ten), standard and expanded form of numbers using a Video.


Unit 1 : Numbers to 1000 Comparing two Numbers: Teachers presents the Learning objectives for the class : 1. 2. 3. 4.

To use symbols greater than and smaller than. To compare and order numbers. To find 1, 10 or 100 more than a given number. To find 1, 10 or 100 less than a given number.

Fotocopies of worksheets: dictation and comparing and ordering of numbers. Video counting to 1000. ygZZw&t=121s Matholia

Actitudinal Objective: Show a positive attitude for Learning Math.( Worksheet) Teacher review numbers in their written form watching a video and Formative evaluation (dictation). They have to color the number said by the teacher.

Materials -

Cards of Expanded form of numbers from 0 to 1000.

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They practice comparing and ordering 2 and 3 numbers using symbols and concepts of greater, smaller than and equal to. They add (worksheet)


Cards of Standard form of numbers from 0 to 1000 and worksheet Fotocopy.


Deck Cards.

In pairs They play by taking turns and choosing numbers to add and subtract 1, 10, or 100 to find 1, 10, 100 more or less (Mental Math). In pairs they practice decompose number of 3 digits by using Expanded numbers Cards and Deck cards. .

Contents for Evaluation N°2: -


Unit 1 : Numbers to 1000

Evaluation Unit 1 : Numbers to 1000

Number written form Use symbols greater than and smaller than. Compare and order numbers. Find 1, 10 or 100 more than a given number. Find 1, 10 or 100 less than a given number. Interpretation of Graphs.

Fotocopies of Evaluation N°2 Comparing Numbers Unit.

Written evaluation N° 2. Checklist with Learning objective of the Unit.

Comparing Numbers Contents for Evaluation N°2: -

Use symbols greater than and smaller than.

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Compare and order numbers. Find 1, 10 or 100 more than a given number. Find 1, 10 or 100 less than a given number.

Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction without regrouping. Teacher presents the objective of the class: 1. 2.

To add within 1000 without regrouping. To subtract within 1000 without regrouping.

Actitudinal Objective: Be organized and follow steps to solve additions and subtractions problems.

Course and practice Book




Base ten blocks Place Value chart


Teachers review additions and subtractions using part, part whole strategy and base ten representation. Pages 25, 26 and 27. Course Book and pages 21, and 22 Practice Book. Adding without regrouping 

Teacher teaches students parts of a addition: Addends and sum and

Concepts related to Addition (add, sum, more, altogether, in all, etc.) and. Students write them in their notebooks.

Student use manipulative base ten blocks

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in the first Activity while the teacher carry out the demostration. Students represent with ten blocks the given numbers with in order to add them by using a place value chart. Teacher explain to students that is easier to solve additions by joinning first the ones, then tens and finally hundreds. They look at the example on page 28. Students solve additions using their base ten blocks and without pictorial guidance. Students are expected to add in horizontal and vertical form independently. Page 29. Students solve vertical additions Teacher remind them to first add the ones, then the tens, and lastly, the hundreds. Pages 23 and 24 Practice Book. Teachers students


checks the answers of the

Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction without regrouping. Teacher presents the objective of the class: 1. 2.

To add within 1000 without regrouping. To subtract within 1000 without regrouping.

Course and practice Book




Base ten blocks. Place Value chart Fotocopy.

Actitudinal Objective: Be organized and follow steps to solve additions and subtractions problems.

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Teacher teaches students parts of subtraction: minuend, subtrahend and difference and concepts related to Subtraction (take away, remove, less than,

minus, difference, how many left?, etc.) Students write them in their notebooks. Subtraction without regrouping Student use manipulative base ten blocks in the first Activity while the teacher carry out the demostration. Students represent with ten blocks the given numbers with in order to subtract them by using a place value chart.

Place Value Subtraction Mat Fotocopy

Teacher explain to students that is easier to solve subtractions by separating first the ones, then the tens and finally the hundreds. They look at the example on page 30. Students solve Subtractions using their base ten blocks and without pictorial guidance. Students are expected to subtract in horizontal and vertical form independently. Page 31. Students solve vertical subtractions. Teacher remind them to first subtract the ones, then the tens, and lastly, the hundreds. Pages 25, 26, 27 and 28 Practice Book. Students check their answers with teacher on board.

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Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction without regrouping. Teacher presents the objective of the class: 1. 2.

To solve a 1- step word problem involving addition Use a part –whole bar model to represent an addition situation.

Course Book




Manipulative material: Blue and Red Counter blocks.

Actitudinal Objective: Be organized and follow steps to solve a subtraction situation. Problems Solving Teacher remind students strategy procedure to solve problems: Understand, plan, answer and check. They remind strategies to solve addition and subtractions like part, part whole bar model and inverse relationship between addition and Subtraction to check if their results are right. Pages 32 and 33. Students practice in Solving a 1 step word problem involving the “adding on” or “counting on” concept of addition and “taking away” concepts of Subtraction. Students use the guiding questions and the part, part whole bar model to help them solve the addition and Subtraction

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word problems. Pages 34, 35, 36, and 37.

In group students solve the Activity Think about it. They solve 1 and 2 step word problems involving the “adding on” or “counting on” concept of addition and “taking away” concepts of Subtraction. They discuss the questions Presented. Teacher asks a students from each group to present their answers before proceeding with the questions ask for the teacher. Pages 38. Finally, students get into groups again and create a 1 step word problem by using a model problem with an addition concept. They have to replace the addition concept more for the Subtraction concept fewer, solve the problem and present the results. Students are expected to Identify as a Subtraction problem. Teacher encourage them to draw a comparison part, part, whole bar model with red and blue counters to help them understand and solve the problem. Page 39 and 40.


Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction without regrouping. Teacher presents the objective of the class:

Practice book.




Manipulative material: Blue and Red

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1. 2.

To solve a 1- step word problem involving addition Use a part –whole bar model to represent an addition situation.

Counter blocks. Student’s Notebook

Actitudinal Objective: Be organized and follow steps to solve additions and subtractions. Adding without regrouping Problems Solving Teacher review 1 step word problem involving the “adding on” or “counting on” concept of addition and “taking away” concepts of Subtraction. Students solve them by using the part, part, whole bar model. Pages 29 y 30. Students write in their notebooks horizontal additions in order to solve them using vertical algorithm. They use procedure of starting first with the ones, then with the tens, and lastly, the hundreds. They can use base ten (manipulative) to solve the additions. Teacher ask for volunteers to go to the board for solve de additions in order to check them.


Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction without regrouping.

PPT about expanded, standard numbers forms and base ten representation.

Teacher presents the objective of the class: 1.

To solve a 1- step word problem

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involving addition Use a part –whole bar model to represent addition and subtraction situations.

Actitudinal Objective: Be organized and follow steps to solve additions and subtractions. Teacher shows a PPT game as a review of expanded, estándar form os numbers using base ten as a pictorial representation. Students particípate in groups. Teacher reviews with a video Subtraction and additions without regrouping. Using base ten representation and students answer questions about the Subtraction algorithm presented. In group students solve 1 and 2 step word problems involving the “adding on” or “counting on” concept of addition and “taking away” concepts of Subtraction. They use part, part, whole bar model if they need it.

Video using Base ten to solve subtractions. NEbv7c&t=33s Video to teach the addition Algorithm without regrouping. b0Pow

Word problems: Thinking blocks modeling tool. locks/ ml Contents for the Test N°3: 

Add within 1000 without regrouping.

Subtract within 1000 without regrouping

Solve a 1- step word problem involving addition and subtraction

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situations. 


Evaluation N° 2: Unit 2 Addition and Subtraction without regrouping.

Compare numbers to 1000.

Fotocopies of Evaluation N°3 Unit Addition and Subtraction without regrouping.

Written evaluation N° 3. Checklist with Learning objective of the Unit.

Contents for the Test n°3:    


Add within 1000 without regrouping. Subtract within 1000 without regrouping Solve a 1- step word problem involving addition and subtraction situations. Compare numbers to 1000.

Unit 3: Addition Regrouping.




Teacher presents the objective of the class: 1.

To add with regrouping in ones and tens. To solve 1-step word problems.

2. 3. Actitudinal Objective: Be organized and follow steps to solve additions and subtractions.

Course Book


Practice Book


Materials: Base ten blocks. Fotocopies of algorithm for additions with regrouping.

Teacher reviews the previous Unit by adding and subtracting without regrouping 3 digit number in vertical and horizontal way and using part, part, whole bar model. Page 41.

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Adding with regrouping in ones. Students use manipulative base ten blocks. They follow the instructions given by the teacher to add a 3 digit number with a 2digit number. They represent numbers of the addition with base ten blocks, first add the one by combining the blocks so that students can see a group of 11 Unit blocks clearly. Teacher explains when they have 10 ones or more, they have to regroup them into tens and ones, so 11 ones can be regrouped into 1 ten and 1 one. They have to write 1, in the ones column and 1 above the digit in the ten column. Then they add the groups of ten- rods and write how many they have. Lastly, they add the hundreds. Page 42. Teacher reiterantes the steps of addition: add the ones, add the tens and add the hundreds. Students paste foldable Little book with the algorithm to solve additions with regrouping. Students in pairs work on pages 43 and 44 Solving additions of 3 digit number using base ten blocks and procedure explain them before. Teacher check the answer of the students. Students in pairs solve the additions with regrouping in ones in their Practice Book. Pages 31, 32, and 33.

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They check their work with the answer showing by the teacher on the board.


Unit 3: Addition Regrouping.




Teacher presents the objective of the class: 1. 2.

Video regrouping using Sticky notes.

Formative K84aAg


To add with regrouping in ones and tens. To solve 1-step word problems.

Actitudinal Objective: Be organized and follow steps to solve additions and subtractions. Adding with regrouping in tens. Teacher reviews the last class additions of 3 digit number with a 2-digit number. They practice doing exercises 0n page 34 practice Book. Students use manipulative base ten blocks. They follow the instructions given by the teacher to add a 3 digit number with a 2digit number.

Materials: 

Small white board.

They represent numbers of the addition with base ten blocks, first add the one by combining the blocks so that students regroup them into 9 ones. Then, they combine the groups of ten – rods. If they have more 10 or more, they have to regroup them into hundreds and tens.11 tens can be regrouped into 1 hundred and

Board Markers Blue and red.

Sticky notes.

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1 ten. . Students in pairs work on pages 45, 46 and 47 solving additions of 3 digit number using base ten blocks and procedure explain by the teacher. They check their work with the answer showing by the teacher on the board. On pages 48 and 49 teacher teaches them to use a new strategy to solve additions with regrouping “Regrouping with Sticky Notes”. Teachers shows a video with the strategy. Then, they apply it with exercises on pages 48, 49, 50 and 51 using post- it or Sticky notes., board marker and white board. Teacher checks their answer.


Unit 3: Addition Regrouping.




Teacher presents the objective of the class: 1. 2.

To add with regrouping in ones and tens. To solve 1-step word problems.

Actitudinal Objective: Be organized and follow steps to solve additions and subtractions.

Practice Book


Course Book.


Materials: 

Small white board.

Board Markers Blue and red.

Sticky notes.

Contents Evaluation process next class: Students in pairs work on pages 35, 36, and 37 by solving additions with regrouping 3 digit number using the “Sticky note Method.

3 digit number additions with and without regrouping.

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Exercises on Pages 38 and 39 they solve individually with the base ten block strategy and place value chart. They swap their books and check the answers of their classmates Students In pairs solve 1 step word problems using the procedure Understand, Plan; Answer, and check and the part, part, whole bar model. Pages 52 and 53. Teacher check the results.


Evaluation Process N° 1: additions with regrouping.

3 digit number

Contents: 

3 digit number additions with and without regrouping.

Fotocopies of the evaluation process.


Evaluation Process Objective: To add with regrouping in ones and tens.

Sticky notes.

Teacher presents the objective of the class: 1.

To add with and without regrouping in ones and tens.

Actitudinal Objective: Be organized and follow steps to solve additions and subtractions. Students solve additions without and with regrouping of 3 – digit number with base ten block representation and Sticky note

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Unit 3: Addition Regrouping.




Teacher presents the objective of the class: 1. 2.

To subtract with regrouping hundreds, tens and ones. To solve 1-step word problems.

Course Book


Practice Book



in Base ten blocks

Actitudinal Objective: Be organized and follow steps to solve additions and subtractions. Subtraction with regrouping. Students use manipulative base ten blocks. They follow the instructions given by the teacher to add a 3 digit number with a 2digit number in the ones and tens. They represent the greatest numbers of the subtraction with base ten blocks, first they subtract the one. They regroup the tens and ones in 3 tens and 13 ones. They subtract the ones, the tens and the hundreds. Pages 55 and 56. Teacher reminds them the steps of subtraction: the ones, the tens and the hundreds. Students Practice in subtracting from 1, 2 and 3 digit numbers with regrouping in tens and ones. Page 57. Using base ten blocks students together with the teacher solve the subtraction with

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regrouping in hundreds and tens. The procedures start subtractin g the ones, regroup the hundreds and tens and subtract the tens. 58, 59, and 60. Students in pairs work on pages 41 and 42 solving subtraction with regrouping. Students checks their answers with Tecaher on the board.


Unit 3: Addition Regrouping.




Teacher presents the objective of the class: 3. 4.

To subtract with regrouping hundreds, tens and ones. To solve 1-step word problems.


Actitudinal Objective: Be organized and follow steps to solve additions and subtractions. Subtraction with regrouping.

Video Subtracting: three digit numbers and basic regrouping | Arithmetic | Khan Academy. n-Cw3g Practice Book. Course Book. Fotocopies of algorithm for subtractions with regrouping.

Students review the las class watching a video about subtraction with regrouping. Teacher ask questions about the strategy used. Students paste foldable Little book with the algorithm to solve subtractions with regrouping. Students in pairs solve subtractions with regrouping pages 43, 44, and 45 of practice book as review. Teacher checks

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Formative Classwork

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their answers. Students and teacher together solve Word Problems involving the concept taking away. Students can use a part, part, whole bar model to help them to solve the problems and the procedure Understand, Plan, Answer and check. Pages 48, 49, 50 and 51. Pages 52 and 53 they do them by themselves. Teacher reminds them to use the procedure to solve problems: Understand, plan, Answer and Check. Teacher check the problems and the procedure used by students.


Unit 3: Addition Regrouping.




Teacher presents the objective of the class: 1.

To subtract with regrouping hundreds, tens and ones.


Actitudinal Objective: Be organized and follow steps to solve additions and subtractions. Subtraction with regrouping.

Practice Book.


Course Book


Materials: Base ten Blocks.

Contents for Evaluation of process N°2 : 

3 digit number subtractions with and without regrouping.

Teacher reviews a 3 digit number in hundred, tens and ones representation, write a 2 digit or 3 digit number given its corresponding number word and read a 3

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digit number and write the corresponding number word. Pages 54, 55, 56 and 57 Practice Book.


Evaluation Process N°2 of 3 digit numbers subtraction with and without regrouping.

Fotocopies of the evaluation.

Checklist with objectives.

Contents: 

Evaluation process N°2 of 3 digit numbers with subtraction with regrouping.

3 digit number subtractions with and without regrouping.

Students solve subtractions of 3 – digit number with base ten block or following the procedure taught by the teacher.


Unit 6: Multiplication

Course Book


Teacher present the objective of the class:

Practice Book



To recognize equal groups and find te total number in the groups by Repeated addition.


To use mathematical language such as “4 threes” to describe equal groups.

Manipulative counters.


Paper Plates

Actitudinal Objective: Show curiosity and interest for Learning Math. Teacher reviews how to add 2 digit numbers which are the same and how add

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3 1 digit numbers. Page 116. Teacher teaches students parts of a multiplication: factors and products. Students write them in their notebooks. Adding Equal Groups Students get in groups of four. They work with a set of counters and 6 paper plates to each group. They represent the exercises on page 117. Teacher asks them to count the total of pears and oranges on the plates using mathematical language such How many, total, altogether, etc. He / she ask questions the total of fruits, how many groups, how many elements in each group, There is an equal number of pears in each group, etc. Teachers ask students add the groups of pears using the concept “We add 5 Three” and the students complete the addition sentences by writing 15 and answer There are 3 groups of 5 pears altogether. Students work on exercises recognizing that when they add equal groups of elements the total number can be obtained through Repeated addition. They solve pages 118, 119, 120 and 121. In groups They Work with the manipulative

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and paper plates representing exercises on page 84 and 85. Teacher ask students to go the board and solve exercises of Repeated additions of page 86 and 87. Students are expected to follow instructions and answer questions from teacher such as, first count the objects in each group, complete the drawings to show equal groups, complete, Can you use a repeated addition? Why?, complete the number sentece, What skip counting are you applying? By 2’s, 3?s, 5’s. etc. Students complete pages 86 and 87. They check their answer together with the teacher.


Unit 6: Multiplication

Course Book


Teacher present the objective of the class:

Practice Book



To recognize equal groups and find te total number in the groups by Repeated addition.


To use mathematical language such as “4 threes” to describe equal groups.

Manipulative counters.


Paper Plates

Actitudinal Objective: Show curiosity and interest for Learning Math.

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Students reviews adding equal groups with manipulative material and paper plates They solve mental repeated additions according to the intructions given by the teacher, example: Make groups of 5 threes, 2 fours, 4 twos, etc. Telling number stories Students get in groups of four. They work with a set of counters. Teachers ask students observe Pictures on page 119. And they represent it. Teacher ask questions what number story they can tell about the representation on pages 119 and 120. Students answer questions about them such as: There is an equal number of elements in each group? How many groups are There? How many elements are There in total? What is the repeated addition? How do we express the repeated addition in Math language? 6 twos, etc. Pages 119 and 120. Students practice individually doing exercises on page 121: Teacher checks the answers. They solve exercises on the board with teacher about repeated additions of page 88 and 89. And answer questions from teacher such as, How many elements are you will draw to show equal groups?, complete, What repeated addition can

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you express from the Pictures? Then, the number sentece goes, What skip counting are you applying in the repeated addition? By 2’s, 3?s, 5’s. etc.


Unit 6: Multiplication

Course Book


Teacher present the objective of the class:

Practice Book




2. 3.

To use manipulatives to illustrate the meaning of multiplication. To make number stories for given multiplication sentences. To write number sentences for given situations involving multiplication

Paper Plates Manipulative counting blocks. Contents for Evaluation N°4:

Actitudinal Objective: Show curiosity and interest for Learning Math.

Making Multiplication Stories

Adding equal groups.

Telling number stories

Making multiplication stories.

Students get in groups of four. They work with a set of counting blocks and 3 paper plates to each group. They represent the exercises on page 122.



subtraction with


without regrouping 3 digit number.

Students have to describe in mathematical language the representation if they have the addition sentence or repeated addition 2+2+2 they are expected use expressions such as 3 twos, 3 group of 2. Teacher explains that students can write a multiplication sentence to find the total

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numbers of elements.3X2.Teacher teaches students to read the simbolic representation as “three times two equals six”. It means putting together/ combine/join equal groups. So, when we multiply 3 and 2, we get 6. Students work on pages 123, 124 and 125 In pairs, students work on exercises pages 90, 91 and 92 Practice Book. They are expected to match expression such as “3 groups of 8” and complete multiplication sentences by referring to the Pictures of equal groups of objects. Teacher asks why do students think that is important to learn add? It is expected to get an answer like because is part of/ or is related to the multiplication.


Evaluation N °4: Unit 6: Multiplication.

Fotocopies of evaluation.

Contents for Evaluation N°4: 1.

Written evaluation N° 4. Checklist with Learning objective of the Unit.

Addition and subtraction with and without regrouping 3 digit number.


Adding equal groups.


Telling number stories


Making multiplication stories.

Teacher present the objective of the class:

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To recognize equal groups and find te total number in the groups by Repeated addition.


To make number stories for given multiplication sentences.


To write number sentences for given situations involving multiplication

Actitudinal Objective: Show curiosity and interest for Learning Math.


Unit 6: Multiplication.

Course Book


Teacher presents the objective of the class:

Practice Book


1. To work out multiplication facts within Materials: 40 by repeated addition. Counters. 2. To observe the commutative property Individual white board/ board markers of multiplication. 3. To solve 1-step picture problems involving multiplication. Actitudinal Objective: Show curiosity and interest for Learning Math. Multiplication within 40 Students get in groups of four. They work with a set of counters to each group. They represent the exercises on page 126. Students are expected to find out


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2x6 is. Teacher ask them to arrange their Counters in the same way as in the example, they have to express that 2x6 is the same as 2 groups of 6. Students have to use repeated addition to find 2 groups of 6 on their Boards by counting their manipulative counters. So, they can answer how many elements There are altogether. So, 2x6 equals 12. They write 2x6 = 12. They solve exercises on pages 126 and 127. Students in pairs they solve exercises in Practice Book, pages 93, 94, 95 and 96 matching the expressions with number sentences showing repeated addition. They find the total number of objects by adding repeadly. They complete multiplication sentences by adding the objects in equal groups and the number of object.


Unit 6: Multiplication.

Course Book


Teacher presents the objective of the class:

Practice Book


4. To work out multiplication facts within Materials: 40 by repeated addition. Counters. 5. To observe the commutative property of multiplication. 6. To solve 1-step picture problems involving multiplication.

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Actitudinal Objective: Show curiosity and interest for Learning Math. Multiplication within 40: Related fact Commutative property of Multiplication. Teacher write a multiplication 4x2 on the board and ask students to represent it in groups with their counters (4 groups of 2). They count them, so 4x2 equals 8. Teachers ask students to arrange the counters in another way. Student rearrange the counters into 2 groups of 4. Teacher asks questions such as how many groups of four are There? How many counters are There altogether? What is the multiplication sentence for this pictorical representation? It is expected that students give the factors of the multiplication 2x4. Teacher write the multiplication sentences on the board 4x2 and 2x4 and their products. Teacher highlight that the numbers in the multiplication sentences are the same. So, 4x2 = 8 and 2x4= 8 are related multiplication facts. ( Commutative Property of multiplication) Students work on pages 127 and 128. In pairs work on their practice Books on pages 97, 98 and 99. Students write the multiplication sentences according to how the objects are arranged in ARRAY strategy and observe the commutative property of multiplication.(99) Teacher checks their answer on the board.

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Students write in their notebook Explanation of Commutative property of multiplication with examples: Orden does’nt matter when you multiply. If we change the order of factors the product will be always the same.

“Ser una real opción de Educación de Calidad Total y de Vida, inspirada en los valores del humanismo cristiano”


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