Anthology 2018 twi low res

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Estudiantes de 1er Grado TWI 2017-­‐2018

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Sr. Adam Macedo

Benjamin Adan Aaron Athans Mateo Chookaszian Ximena De La Luz Munoz Zoey Donovan Silvio Duarte Marlowe Flores-­‐Deter Jesus Herrera Noah Hunt Joanne Lee

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Brandon Leon Jimmy Leon Maya Mangrich Brinley Mason Clara Bea Melson Victor Montoya Yasir Pineda-­‐Blas Christopher Puchuela Orion Varhely-­‐Davis Nicole Villanueva 3

Our WriVng Project AWer studying various works by Leo Lionni, students embarked on a literary adventure where they used their endless imaginaVon. They worked diligently and thoughZully for many weeks to create their vision and their story.

Step by step, from creaVng imaginaVve characters to the culminaVon of their very first “official” published book, students, parents, and teachers worked together to make this endeavor a proud and personal success for each child.


We first started with noVcing and charVng various elements that characterize Lionni’s wriVng: describing a detailed sedng at the beginning of the story, all the characters are animals, the main character has a problem that worsens before the soluVon arrives, and a “life” moral to be learned.

At that point students brainstormed possible characters and problems for their story. CreaVng story maps and a character-­‐trait-­‐web followed.


They then began their iniVal draW, which included many mini-­‐lessons to really capture and emulate Lionni’s style of wriVng. Once the revision phase was over, students then edited their work and began the publishing process, creaVng all their illustraVons as well.


Leo Lionni Nuestro Relato de Ficción Después de estudiar las obras de Leo Lionni, los estudiantes emprendieron una gran aventura épica que los llevó por todo el maravilloso proceso de creación literaria hasta su culminación con este su primer libro “oficial” publicado.

Este fue un proyecto muy ambicioso en el que alumnos, padres y maestros trabajamos juntos para hacer de este esfuerzo un éxito personal para cada uno de los niños.


En el aula, empezamos por idenVficar y definir los cuatro elementos caracterísVcos de la narraVva de Leo Lionni: Describir todo un escenario detallado al inicio de la historia, todos los personajes son animales, el personaje principal Vene un problema que se agrava antes de encontrar la solución, y al final hay una “moraleja” que los chicos aprenden.

Posterior a esto los estudiantes analizaron posibles personajes y problemas para su relato. Hicieron primero un mapa de su historia.


Más adelante iniciaron el primer borrador de su obra, mismo que incluyó varias mini-­‐lecciones para realmente capturar y emular el esVlo de escritura de Lionni. La fase de revisión fue un momento muy especial en este proceso. Concluida esta etapa, los alumnos editaron sus textos y comenzaron el proceso de publicación y diseño de las ilustraciones.


Acknowledgements The young writers of room 103 wish to thank so many kind and generous people who helped our wriVng project come alive. It started as a seed, yet blossomed into a beauVful work. Thank you Leo Lionni for inspiring us with your imaginaVon and creaVvity. An enormous thank you to Sra. Becerril who was with us during every writer’s workshop, helping us to think, write, reflect, and become stronger writers. Finally, we cannot give enough thanks to Sra. Chookaszian, Sra. Kovacs, Sra. Varhely who played an integral part throughout the whole wriVng project offering their endless support in the planning and implementaVon of this ambiVous endeavor. We also give a great and warm thanks to our parents, who support, encourage and believe in us as writers and learners. Also, many thanks to our teacher Adam Macedo for his care in guiding us on this journey and for helping us see that the classroom can open the door to worlds beyond our imaginaVon.


Agradecimientos Los pequeños escritores del salón 103 queremos agradecer muy especialmente a tantas personas amables y generosas que nos ayudaron a dar vida a este proyecto. Comenzó como una semilla y floreció hasta converVrse en una hermosa obra. Gracias a Leo Lionni por inspirarnos con su i m a g i n a c i ó n y c r e a V v i d a d . U n e n o r m e agradecimiento a la Sra. Becerril quien estuvo con nosotros en cada uno de los talleres de redacción ayudándonos a pensar, escribir, reflexionar y fortalecernos como escritores. Por úlVmo, no podemos dar suficientes gracias a la Sra. Chookaszian, Sra. Kovacs, y Sra. Varhely que tuvieron una parte integral en todo el proyecto de escritura ofreciendo su apoyo incondicional en la planificación y ejecución de este esfuerzo ambicioso. También damos un gran y cálido agradecimiento a nuestros padres, quienes apoyan, alientan, y creen en nosotros como escritores y aprendices. Finalmente y sobre todo, muchas gracias a nuestro profesor Adam Macedo por su cariño para guiarnos en este camino y por dejarnos ver que el aula de clases puede abrirnos las puertas a mundos inimaginables.


Benjamin Adan ¿Cuándo empezó su hijo a escribir algo, cualquier relato, historia, etc? El empezó a escribir cuando tenia 6 años en la clase de Ms. Carbone ¿ Q u e e r a l o q u e e l escribia? El escribia acerca de una anecdota que a el le sucedio. ¿Cómo ha visto usted crecer a su hijo como escritor? A Benjamin le ha estado gustando mucho la lecura. Yo le llamo “ El Super Lector”, tanto en ingles como en español. ¿Que es lo que más le gusta hacer a su hijo? Le gusta jugar mucho el futbol, armar casas, edificios, carros con sus legos. ¿Cuáles son sus intereses? Le gusta mucho leer ¿Que le gustaria ser su hijo cuando crezca? A Benjamin le gustaria ser un ingeniero para construir casas y edificios. ¿Que mensaje le daria a su hijo ahora que ha inicicado una etapa como pequeño escritor? Ahora que es un super escritor, el mensaje que le doy es que siga escribiendo que tenga mucho interes en la escritura usando su maravillosa imaginacion. 12

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En un estaque de auaw fria se miadar el sol estaba briante y amaria. Habia pajaros volando sobere las nues. tabien habia mucho frio en el bosque el aire vuela despeasito y es fresco. 15

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La tortuga yasir y el tortuga Noah miraron uno jugete en el caja azul en carrito café era muy bonito.


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Los tortugas estában peliando para la carrito se pegaran en la concha juro le estábaa doliendo y la tortuga yasir estába muy triste y tortuga Noah estaba triste y


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llorando ya gimas azul. Vino El ratón Silvio los miro y llro otraves los tortuga. El ratosito estába amable y trajo uno jugete mono de peluche rojo.


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El Ratón Silvio dio el jugete a los trotugas y los tortugas estában feliz y el Raton vio a los tortugas y se saludadon con la mano y se fue con la jugete. Los tortugas estában couparVeñon con la jugete y era más diverdido. 23

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El Ratón Silvio le dio el jugete a los trotugas y los tortugas estban feliz y el Ratón vio a los tortugas y si saludadon can la mano se fu con lajugete. 25

Aaron Athans When did your child first begin to write anything, names or a story, etc.? Aaron started wriVng his name at 3. At around 5 he started to write liwle love notes to us. He sVll does that to this day. What did he/she write? He wrote “I love you Mommy”, “I love you Daddy” most of the Vme. How have you seen your child grow as a writer? Ever since he is in Mr. Macedo’s class, his wriVng skills exponenVally exploded. He now writes complete “published” comic books with grabber sentences, funny stories and amazing colorful illustraVons by himself at home. And he is selling them to us for $5 each. Whoever is luckiest to grab the deal fast gets the book. What are some of your child’s interests? His favorite acVvity became reading and wriVng books! He also loves listening to stories, building with Legos, drawing, biking, playing with friends and playing with his dog (or brother) Grizzly. What does your child want to be when they are “all grown up?” A space scienVst AND an architect. And of course, President of the United States and President of Hungary. All while publishing his books. What message would you give to your child now that he/she has begun their journey as a writer? Just keep reading, keep wriVng and each day you’ll get bewer and bewer. Don’t worry about mistakes -­‐ we learn the most from mistakes. Be prolific. What you do most of the Vme, that’s what you will become. Don’t raise the price of your books.


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On a butuful day when the levs where falling and the wea-­‐ ther was geVng colder and the flowur petuls wher falling and thar was lots of sun and there was lots of tres and the gras was stel green 29

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thar was a bike road in the middle. Vue was a blak deir Vue loved karits koowe loved grapefruit Vue is a smu-­‐ -­‐l deir Koowe is a blak deir they leved in the forust tug-­‐ ether the forust was Durk Vue and Koowe tok exsursise evre day they war ENEMI-­‐ ES then they starVd to 31

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fuyt about what to eat the fuyt got wars Vue wanted to eat Grapefruit Koowe wanted to eat carrots they loved the food too much to stoP eaVng it av-­‐


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avenchuly the fuyt got so bad that they started to kick echuther they started to wack echuther they felt very angre they said NO Grapefruit no karits no Grapefruit no karits noooo it was sVl wenter and they whar sVl fuyVng then one day a turtul came he teched 35

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them not to fuyt he told them that if you get food then you can take care of yourself if you fuyt for food then can’t take care of yourself so finde your ow-­‐


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n food and don’t fuyt then they realized that turt-­‐ le was right then Vue tas-­‐ ted grapefruit and Koowe ta-­‐ sted carrots and they reali-­‐ zed it was good and they became friends the end. 39

Mateo Chookaszian When did your child first begin to write anything, names or a story, etc.? Mateo learned to write lewers when he was 3 years old and could read and write his name too. He started wriVng stories in Kindergarten. How have you seen your child grow as a writer? Mateo is beginning to use more complex sentences and adding details to his stories. I love seeing his imaginaVon flourish through his wriVng. This year he has started wriVng books at home. He is really enjoying the wriVng process. What are some of your child’s interests? Mateo loves just about anything! He enjoys all sports, especially soccer & basketball. He loves playing chess, reading, drawing, wriVng and playing outside with friends. What does your child want to be when they are “all grown up?” Mateo says he doesn’t really know yet. I think it’s because he loves such a wide range of things that it makes it difficult for him to choose just one! What message would you give to your child now that he/she has begun their journey as a writer? Mateo, I hope you never lose your enthusiasim for wriVng and using your imaginaVon to create new stories! Reading books will always help you with that. Also, keep a journal of your thoughts, acVviVes and travels. You never know what could 40 come of it!

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There whans was a oshaen longer then the Planet mars. it was a brayt and sunny day for the anamials to relaks. whel this osean is caled the Gaynt wave But on that day the osean was calm. It’s such a nice day said the anamials. 43

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There was a where buny a shrklion a frog and a crokadile and a monster. the where buny is evil. I wishe I wasnt evil because if I wasnt evreone will like me said the where buny.


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the frog is lasy. the sharklion was Curious. The crokadile was curios to. the monster IxsPlodes allat But He gets rey-­‐Belt again so Hes very crasy. 47

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The where buny had no frends. The monster had no frends. the other anamails had friends. The where buny was making a Plan withe the crokadile. And the crokadile was triking the where buny 49

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They dasaydid they wold curs the frog. Of corse the crokadile did not want the frog to get curst. But he went with him.


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wile curs the frog said the where buny ok said the crokadile. HeH HeH I’m not so shure about this. caman said the where buny. They are going to curs the frog and it turns Him into a… 53

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Human beinG. I’m scareb that when the frog turns into a human being said the crokadile. The reson why the crokadile Dosen want to curs the frog cus…


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The frog was his friend so He wanted a plan to save the frog he made it cuick. I’m sad that the frog is going to be curst I need to get help said the crokadile. 57

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the planc was that they where going to take the baderies aut of the where buny.


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wile the where buny was shurching for the frog the crokadile was thiking of all the memoris that he had withe the frog He Hopetd He Havent curst Him yet. 61

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I wish i was withe the frog said the crokadile. ladre that day the buny was reliy mad that he havnt found the frog but he just did.


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!fond ya ya scared.¡? And then some anmials came and there nams are vue and kue they where dears they went for a swim the crokadile askt them for…


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Help but they didint want to help so they leW the oshan the crokadile was very sad sader then ever.


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Then he was aBaout to curs the frog so the monster came. And a Pease came off of the monstere. The Pease stopt faling the where buny said fuf… 69

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I wold of did how where did that frog go cum aut cum aut where ever you are.


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I’m going to curs you frog. before the where buny fauond the frog the crokadile told the sharklion what the wher buny is triyg to do.


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the sharklion went to the where buny secritly and thoGh of Haw t mak Him stop He tok the…


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Baderies that made Him stop. the end


Ximena De La Luz Munoz ¿Cuándo empezó su hijo a escribir algo, cualquier relato, historia, etc? Ella empezo a los 5 años. ¿Que era lo que el escribia? E l l a e s c r i b i a s u nombre. ¿Cómo ha visto usted crecer a su hijo como escritor? Pasos agigantados ¿Que es lo que más le gusta hacer a su hijo? Ella le gusta leer y escribir porque quiere ser como su hermana. ¿Cuáles son sus intereses? Le gusta mucho leer ¿Que le gustaria ser su hijo cuando crezca? Un gran chef ¿Que mensaje le daria a su hijo ahora que ha inicicado una etapa como pequeño escritor? Que siga pracVcando para que logre su meta y realize sus sueños.


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Etaban ne un bosce crande Pia mucho sol ya pia mucho adules y pia mucho Tamien abia mucho Palto bedes y pasto goenbe se modia apia tres osos en adoles grabes


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a adia oso y panda gierer trapar Los dos y el oso y no puede tapar mucho despues panda trdo beasl lo y la miro no pueren tapar mucho oso qieren tapar para ber el sol muy serga el panda es guVboa. 83

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oso no pirian trapar porrge no Ve ne canes crandes pero oanda si puedo llpomr muy y rapido el panda qiere a chydra oso panda es puso el cabesa ne la patas de oso. 85

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oso y Panda na puiVerlan trapar y trataron y trapal y TraTaron y raraon y no pudian TraPan pero TraTaTaron y TraTaron oTo vez Tespues Torapia y no puedian aselo pero no puedian aselo mucho y oso TraTo deaselo.


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oso pudia trapar a ora y o puere dede vere el sol muy bien pandce tambien ceria tapar para ber muy bien el pundo muy serca dijo muy bien dijo oso a ora pudeo bien dijo oso a ora pueber muy bien dijo oso a ora 89

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puedo bien srer bien dijo oso y panda.


Zoey Donovan

When did your child first begin to write anything, names or a story, etc.? Zoey began to write at a fairly early age. She has older sisters and she was always trying to keep up with them. What did he/she write? She started out with the basics. How have you seen your child grow as a writer? AWer drawing for many months she started to write lewers. Quickly she was able to learn her name as it is prewy short and has lewers that are easy to form. What are some of your child’s interests? Zoey loves books, dance, swimming, gymnasVcs and playing outside. What does your child want to be when they are “all grown up?” Zoey would like to be an arVst when she gets older. What message would you give to your child now that he/she has begun their journey as a writer? I would tell Zoey to conVnue working on her wriVng. She has so many great ideas and it’s wonderful that she can now put them down on paper. It is a great way to share with family and friends.


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Onec in the antarVca in the wintr the grawnd was full of sno and the erthe was full of wind but on the top of the world it was hot and there was a farm.


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The sun was rit ofr the farm that day and the gras was grin. The farm jist got panted red and the horeses that livd there wra so scerd because of thos wrcrs that came they wrivol to the horeses.


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In the antarVca this hores thot he was a paguing because of that all the pagueings laW at her. The pangings shoted wat a pagin you are Ha Ha Ha to you ofr


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and ofr agen. The hores was so mad her iyes wrer scuintd her mawth was shot. She allwase thot why do I not atc and look like a paging. Hre life was rowind she thot but it wasint because thene 101

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she rammbrd wat she loved to take a wak. she made sno traks she look at the difrint tres she ifen galupt this is so fun she side. Then she ramembrd


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wat hapind thos paguins well get a tast of me were I get bac wene evre they do somethin funy ore somethin siris that dosint make sens or something like jest get revenj thats al ok how em I even toking to nobodi wate was I thiking. 105

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Then she noVst how warm it was. she wasint in antarVca inimore she was on the top of the worold. She wispred I have a filin I’m not in antarVca inmore she was confusd. Then she was walking 107

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thre day and nithe and galapin thene she saw a blak and wat thig a hed. She askde hre self wats that let me get closr and cuicklie let me galop let me see wat that abjekt is let me let me let me see who it is. Let me plis. how em I taking to this Vme? Nobodi 109

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it was a piging! Who are you askt the hores? I em a hores. No you arnt you are a paguin I em a paguing to. No you are a hores thats why evre peguin lafs at me. So thats why evry hores 111

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Lafs at mi side the paguing I have en idiy said the hores hau obout you go to the antarVca and I will go to the farm good idiy I will see you agen and they wakt off happaly THE END 113

Silvio Duarte When did your child first begin to write anything, names or a story, etc.? Silvio has been wriVng a b o o k i n h i s “ o w n ” language probably since age 4. What did he/she write? He also used to draw pictures of liwle guys he called, “Piopi”s. He wrote those lewers a lot.

How have you seen your child grow as a writer? Silvio has so much to say! He has grown so much in terms of details that he writes. What are some of your child’s interests? Silvio is super creaVve. He loves to create stories with cars or stuffed animals as the characters and use lots of props. He loves soccer and scooters too. What does your child want to be when they are “all grown up?” A famous soccer player, a famous singer and be a teacher. What message would you give to your child now that he/ she has begun their journey as a writer? Silvio, you are so smart and creaVve. You are full of light and language. WriVng is a tool you will use for the rest of your life whether for yourself or others. It is a giW. Just like you are a giW to us.


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Es un dia Maravirosa en el oseano un Vburon Felis y dijo tuu tuu !pez! Dijo el Vburon y senVa mas feliz y esca Paran y el Vburon fue triste


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Aue vive en un cueva grande los pezes viven en un en una cueva grande pero para entrad a la enetrada esta pequeño para entra los pezes son Molestando el Vburon y el Vburon tenia 119

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un idea voy a esblotra un tat para los pezes no puede escapar y los voy a comer dijo el Vburon y pero esploto en el Vburon


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y un pez dijo el Vburon esplotado pankeke malo y echaren a riid y escucho ja ja ja ja y comenso a yorar Los pezes son malos yoro el Vburon El Vburon no sabia que los pezes estraban traendo un sia majica


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El si majika iso que el Vburon senVa triste y iso que sofio firiente de Vempo y vo un chiquito pez y lo atrapo


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Y dijo YaY y el majico’ sia sefe con los pezes elVburon dijo voy a disid al Vburon majika y dijo quiero un sia majika no dijo el Vburon majika tu nesesitas


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a comemer mucho y despues te voy a darte el sia majika de pronto se encontro los pezes y es ploto y


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Ariba de el y los pezes escaparo de el vocan y dijeron las peses el Vburon no va a comer el fin no es el fin los pezes aprendieron que no sen un molesto el Vburon aprendio que no sere 131

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malo aregreso Fin


Marlowe Flores-­‐Deter

When did your child first begin to write anything, names or a story, etc.? Marlowe started wriVng as soon as he could hold a pencil. He started storytelling about the same Vme. What did he/she write? At first it started as just

pictures and he would tell us their stories. It evolved from there. How have you seen your child grow as a writer? This school year we have witnessed a big growth as a writer, reader, and in his vocabulary. What are some of your child’s interests? Comic books, video games, Pokémon, and movies What does your child want to be when they are “all grown up?” Right now, a video game designer. What message would you give to your child now that he/ she has begun their journey as a writer? Keep going! You will write things you may not like right now, but later you can pick it up again that may spark something bigger and bewer!


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There was a quiet beach there was a cowconot chre the sand and a storfash and a werd seashell the werd seashell on top of the werd seashell there was a bol and you pupt watr ei The bol and there was olot ov wotr and te was so hat laike a sane day. 137

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The smarZash was hiz brodr and the smarZash sed 20 feys he got so mad that hi stamd the dor and swam away. The fasZash was lost. Then the fasZash heard a noys. Thene hi holwd the noys. The fasZash luct laic amost ol the colrs. The srcol fash wanted reveng on the fasZash and smart fesh. 139

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The smorZash went to hiz feydoret Pleas the srcol fash sed a bad neam tow him he got sow mad that he slam the dor went the smarZash aWr a tany wile a tnt went in the watr thene the tnt stort on thene the fast fash grab the smort fash thene hi swam of. 141

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If and thvey or frens and breth and a stom cam and two new fash. The twe fashes lrnd that nevr be bules ensted be kind to ever bote.


Jesus Herrera ¿Cuándo empezó su hijo/hija a escribir algo, cualquier relato, historia, etc.? Jesus empezó cuando entro a primer año. ¿Qué era lo que él/ella escribía? Escribía sobre animales. ¿Cómo ha visto usted crecer a su hijo como escritor? Jesus ha aprendido bastante a leer y a escribir. ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta hacer a su hijo/hija? ¿Cuáles son sus intereses? Le gusta leer y salir en la bicicleta. ¿Qué le gustaría ser su hijo/hija cuando crezca? Jesus quiere ser bombero.


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En un bgke con paesto vrde y largo. Habia arboles muy grandes y acia mucho calor. tamdien Habia nubes blancas en el sielo azul.


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el aigre estaba calinte. Y Se movia bien rapibn. el pjarito yasir se cayo del arbol peroyle trato debolar y su alita estba muy chacita a ay ay me caigo ayudame grito pajarito Yasir. trato denuevo abrio sus aros y volo un binoel gepardo y yepado 149

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pajrito Yasir estaba muy triste y empeso a llorar. digo Boi a tratar de nuevo Con una bos Fuerte. guepado Ben esVba corien do y escucha pajrito


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Yasir que Pedian ayuda. dise geppardo mi amigo pajarito me nesesita Boi muy rapido. gepardo es muy amable y es de amigo Pajarito Pajpalrito Yasir estaba feliz y tenie una sonrisa en su cara. El guepardo ayudo el pajarito lo 153

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subio ensu espalda. corro bien rapido y pajarito se agaro de la esparlda de guepardo. despues se callo callo pajaraito y volo rapido.


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pajarito se sinVo muy valiente y feliz.


Noah Hunt When did your child first begin to write anything, names or a story, etc.? Noah liked to write about Elephant and Piggie in kinder and stories about his family in preschool. What did he/she write? He likes to write stories with magic, and wriVng and illustraVng comic books. How have you seen your child grow as a writer? He adds so much more detail now and his plots are more complicated. What are some of your child’s interests? Noah loves books and collecVng book series, math and swimming. What does your child want to be when they are “all grown up?” When Noah grows up he’d like to be a detecVve. What message would you give to your child now that he/ she has begun their journey as a writer? Our message to Noah-­‐keep telling stories and let your imaginaVon conVnue to take you to wonderful places.


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Ond day in The woods Ther was so so so mani tres and some raks no one wad go ther. it was alwes a dark and storme night and there was nathin 161

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to do and there was las of litning and a boy levd Ther weth hes dad and hes mom. thow one day the boys mom got zapt By liVng and then she got trnd evil and she got a big colad on her hed trned ito a wech and sed voya with her hans and that trnd 163

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her haz-­‐ben in to ston and the wech wakt a way and the wech chanch es her name to Volagu and movd weeel The boy was at hes house and he met a trtal and a dog. The boy… 165

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sayd do you want to play Rac papar sesarz. they both she-­‐kt ther hedz. they all becam vere good frends and the boy wandrd about hes mom and hes dad. he askt them, they deden know and then the wech came and trnd the boy in to a… 167

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…Bunny. the wech said Ya-­‐ha and the Dak cowd an her hed zapt the boy and then the wech wakt away. now thet they all wer anamals they cod all camina-­‐kat. The bnuur said… 169

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…wat do we do now. The dog exlamd if we get the ultament wepins we can turn her back into a mom!!! good idea said the dog. trtal was Vard. the dog was redy to go. the bunny was redy to be a boy again. they saw Lazaz prtekteg the ultamenta. the dog… 171

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…said uuuuu a Fre ben borito stand. the dog ate 1000000000 ben boretos. Thos ben baritos gav hem enarge but it was usLes because his Farts wer so stenki thet the lazarz trnd of then they… 173

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…got the ultamet wepens and they went to the weches casal. The wech said Ha! Ha! ha! you can’t get the wech ast a spel. the dog blakt the spel with the ultamet sheald. the spel banced back to the wech and that trnd the wech into a elafit the elafint smeld the Fart she… 175

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was soprist. The fart holded the ultament sord and the fart stabd her and now shes a mom agen and the boy es a boy was a boy and they all we home and the dada 177

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was a dada. They all eta piza. the boy tesht the laguesh of heumens and anamals evrebadey had fun. the End


Joanne Lee When did your child first begin to write anything, names or a story, etc.? I do not remember exactly, but I believe she started to try to write her name when she was around 2.5 years old. What did he/she write? She started to write her name, mama and papa. How have you seen your child grow as a writer? Despite the mistakes in her wriVng, she is able to write messages that are perfect in a given occasion. For example, wriVng get well cards when her mom has a cold. What are some of your child’s interests? She is interested in ballet, ice-­‐skaVng, drawing, singing, and hanging on the monkey bar. What does your child want to be when they are “all grown up?” She wants to be a ballerina. What message would you give to your child now that he/she has begun their journey as a writer? With absolute freedom, express your heart!


181 Â

182 Â

It was a bofra Oshn there was Sun and there was NO it was Quit and there was Buweflys. and there was Brirds. and the red Buweflys and blue. and and the Blue Brirds. and red Brirds and tow blue Brire and tou blue Buweflys.


184 Â

One day Puppy come to Play with kiwy bet kiwy was mad because Puppy srkemd at kiwy yestrday. Puppy is wute and kiwy was all blat Puppy was cute. Puppy kiwy was cute kiwy Puppy was shedn to kiwy Puppy shedn you are layer?


186 Â

Puppy was sad because kiwy Was mad With You Piess keen You Play With you Puppy Said kiwy Said NO I’m gonig Home She ran home then.


188 Â

Puppy Whet home sad Puppy Said Sorry Puppy Said Hey What up Puppy Kiwy said I’m mad Kiwy was rila mad. Puppy Look Sad he sniffled. Puppy Wanted kiwy to be happy the Nest day. Puppy When to Kiwy home Puppy said I’m sorry 189

190 Â

I was Sking at you Kiwy Said I’m sorry I was mad at you the sou Puppy and Kiwy went to the bech Puppy and Kiwy Play ball and


192 Â

Play Samy. Puppy and Kiwy eat food and foot. Puppy and Kiwy lend to say sorry and to be nice.


Brandon Leon ¿Cuándo empezó su hijo/hija a escribir algo, c u a l q u i e r r e l a t o , historia, etc.? T r e s a ñ o s , c u a n d o empezó el preescolar. ¿Qué era lo que él/ella escribía? Su nombre, y letras que él conocía ¿Cómo ha visto usted crecer a su hijo/hija como escritor? Usa acentos, mayúsculas y puntuación. Hace oraciones mas grandes. ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta hacer a su hijo/hija? ¿Cuáles son sus intereses? Le gusta dibujar, jugar futbol, cantar. ¿Qué le gustaría ser su hijo/hija cuando crezca? Le gustaría ser futbolista, y pintor. ¿Qué mensaje le daría a su hijo/hija ahora que ha iniciado una etapa como pequeño(a) escritor (escritora)? Le diría que lea más para que mejore como escritor, es muy importante que lea para aprender y mejorar la escritura. 194

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196 Â

Era un bosque tenia 3 arboles y mucho pasto verde. El sol brillaba y nuves. El sielo azul las ohjas muy verdes y el sol era muy grande había arbustos


198 Â

pequeños y Vera debajo del pasto. Había un Leon y una tortuga y el Leon se acercaba más y más serca más pronto asta que quedo poquito espacio. Tu no sabes como correr ripido tu 199

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Te cansas muy pronto dijo el leon y la tortuga escondio debajo de su caparson la cadesa adentro porque tenia miedo. Pronto ya no


202 Â

quedo más espacio. El leon le dijo muchas cosas y la tortuga se desespero mucho y ya no soportada más. Se tapo los oidos porque no queria oir más. 203

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Vino una tormenta muy grande y se mojaron poquito y había relampagos al leon le daba mucho miedo. La


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tortuga agaro un paraguas para allurdarlo de la tormenta. La tormenta estaba muy grande y la tortuga se mojo mucho. El leon se arepenVo de ser muy grocero y se hicieron amigos. 207

Jimmy Leon ¿Cuándo empezó su hijo/hija a escribir algo, c u a l q u i e r r e l a t o , historia, etc.? Empezo cuando estaba en el prescolar. Le estaban enseñando el abecedario y los colores y a dibujar. ¿Qué era lo que él/ella escribía?

El trataba de hacer el abecedario y tambien su nombre. ¿Cómo ha visto usted crecer a su hijo/hija como escritor? Ha mejorado bastante. Aún mezcla las mayúsculas con las minúsculas pero ahora el trata de escribir y siempre intenta hacerlo de la mejor manera. ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta hacer a su hijo/hija? ¿Cuáles son sus intereses? Le gusta jugar fútbol y se divierte mucho con sus luchadores, con sus legos y su paVn scooter. ¿Qué le gustaría ser su hijo/hija cuando crezca? Le gustaría ser un policia o quisas un bombero. Tambien le gustaría jugar fútbol para el Real Madrid de España o para el Pumas de Mexico.


209 Â

210 Â

Habia un Pote grande y flotatores y soL F e caliente y cocodrilo Jesus no Sabe nadar y cocodrilo Jimmy si sabia nadar en el agua y en la Noche cocodrilo Jesus trato y trato taBien agua y el bosque 211

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y muy grande y palos semi rapan pezes abajo De la Verra en la agua


214 Â

cocodrilo Jesus no sabia y estaBa en el Río trato tres Dias enteras y cocodrilo Jimmy Le Dijo trata muchos Dias mejoras a nadar si tratas muchas peses cocodrilo Jesus 215

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se estaBa procupento porque tenia poquitos años y cocodrilo Jimmy Dijo ay un lugar para aprenDer como nadar y cocodrilo Jesus ay si quieto entrar 217

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cocodrilo Jimmy lo puedes arselo yo te ayudo cocodrilo Jesus le aYudo en la Noche y en Dias De sol grandes cocodrilo Jesus Dijo si claro que si Dijo cocodrilo Jesus


220 Â

cocodrilo Jesus estaBa enojado se Fue Dela la cs casa Y cocodrilo Jesus Lo hizo Pero no Lo hizo cocodrilo Jimmy le Dijo trata a si lo haces cocodrilo Jesus aprente cocodrilo Jesus no te rindes cocodrilo Jesus y cocodrilo Jimmy Dijo siemre los cocodrilo en el agua sienpre 221

222 Â

cocodrilo Jesus ya sabes como Nadar en el agua cocodrilo Jesus Dijo una carera quien gana en el agua y taBien patras men el agua gana mejor otra Dia cocodrilo Jesus tek lo prometo el otro Dia ok cocodrilo Jesus dice ok si el otro Dia cocodrilo Jesus ya ya Lo quiero aserlo ok La vamos aserla calmate 223

224 Â

cocodrilo Jesus estaBa aprediendo no riendose y trato y trato como nadar este cocodrilo Jesus Ya sabes como nadar en el agua cocodrilo Jesus Dijo una carera quien gana en el agua 225

226 Â

cocodrilo Jimmy y cocodrilo Jesus casaron y cocodrilo Jesus se Fue en la espalta De cocodrilo Jimmy


Maya Mangrich When did your child first begin to write anything, names or a story, etc.? Maya started wriVng when she was 4 in preschool. What did he/she write? Mostly just her name and lewers.

How have you seen your child grow as a writer? She is gedng very creaVve and confident. What are some of your child’s interests? Maya loves animals, especially dogs. What does your child want to be when they are “all grown up?” She wants to be a veterinarian who dances hip-­‐hop. What message would you give to your child now that he/she has begun their journey as a writer? Keep those creaVve juices flowing. I hope you are always bold in your wriVng and never afraid to share your incites and ideas. 228

229 Â

230 Â

ther was a Medow that had a lot of trees, a PoNd Weith alot of Fesh aNd uNder ground ther was lots of dirt aNd it was…


232 Â

Verri dorc. It hade a lats of cabwebs. The paNd is as Beg as a tabOl. Its Bluw weth plants orawd it. lusy was Sad that she codNot go op to the Medow then oeN day she sNac aut of her 233

234 Â

Bot her Mathr sal lusi aNd she gat cat aNd Seda lusi sead her. Bat Mathr I just want to go up to


236 Â

to the Medow wats so bad abwt that. Lusi is a racuN she is vare BrawN she is vare ciut. Lusi Seda No I’m Not. lots of Spics. Weth 2 Is a frawn a BrawN Nows.


238 Â

aNd the Is ar Bluw the Mawth is drte. Latr that day Lusi trid to snic out of the haus ageN. her MOM WeNt op to…


240 Â

the Medow to chec If She was ther. She wasteNt ther. But ther was Samthig ther that was biutafol Lusis Mom wesprd WOW!!! liusi’s PlaN hade wrc lusi’s PlaN was that she gos up to 241

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the Medow ther for a wiyol then she raNs bac and her MoM wold love the Medow. lusi’s MoM dasited that thay wor Muvig to the Medow. 243

244 Â

lusi was so ixsited that she screM soo mach lusi Seda thak you MoM I thak you ageN. I can Stel chang my miNd Sedu lusi’s MoM. lusi screMd NO DON’T


246 Â

lusi wonts to go to the Medow becas she fels free iN the Medow Not under grawNd and Becas she Jast waNts to go to a feld bot thar was No felds undr


248 Â

grawnd. aNdr grawd ther was omnle cabwebs. aWr a capl of days thay wor yust to it a lots Mor. lusi was no lagr sad she was happy lusi is wer of her Is wer beg lusi’s dad Seda I NeVr 249

250 Â

agred to ther to bad Seda lusi’s MoM Ya to bad seda lusi. lusi seda fold ya MoM the Medow wasent that bad. lusi lrNd that it tas Vme tu get


252 Â

wat you waNt like gonig to the Medow. the ENd


Brinley Mason When did your child first begin to write anything, names or a story, etc.? Brinley began wriVng when she was about 3 years old. What did he/she write? She would write “lewers” to me in her ‘Mama and Me’ journal. She would also pracVce wriVng her name, Sienna’s name, and Mom; as well as tracing lewers.

How have you seen your child grow as a writer? She has grown in the way that she knows how to put stories in order and she loves to add details. She loves to write all the Vme. What are some of your child’s interests? Brinley loves to swim, dance, act, and play with friends. She also loves arts and craWs. What does your child want to be when they are “all grown up?” She would love to be a dog trainer and work with dogs of all kinds. What message would you give to your child now that he/she has begun their journey as a writer? Brinley, I love your creaVvity in your wriVng. Your stories truly come alive when you read them to me. 254

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256 Â

One day it Was sunny there Were birds and bright White Clouds and bright green leaves on trees and bushes and a nice Path that Was Very Prewy it was a nice land 257

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named thuPeter and the land ShaPe Was Part dog Part cat and there Was Very good food in thuPeter. then there Was this dog named theo and a cat named JuPeter. they Were brother 259

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and brother. theo Was a boy and JuPeter Was a boy they loved each other google Plus and there hearts were full they loved each other Sooooooo Much then


262 Â

JuPeter Said “lets go Play theo out in and the backyard” and they Played tackle and they Played tag they Kiss each other SomeVmes and they alWays Will be brothers and theo is bright 263

264 Â

brown and juPeter is grey and there cute and they always say stuff like juPeter said “oyah” or “lets Play tackle” or “come on dude” and theo and JuPeter


266 Â

learned to be best best best budys and be caring and Nice. then juPeter and theo Went in the forest and they said “lets go inside?” and theo said “ok” and and then they Went in the forest 267

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and they Wondered What Was in the forest then theo said to juPeter “I Wonder What is in the forest” then there Were birds and trees and bushes with green leaves that was very very very fresh apples there. 269

270 Â

then they Went in the forest they stayed there For a long Vme and there mother and father Were looking for them and then it Was night and they Were scared and theo and juPeter huged each other and shook Wile they Were huging 271

272 Â

and they stayed there for a day and they Wished that they Were out of the forest but they did’t. then juPeter Saw at tree juPeter Climed on the


274 Â

tree but he could’t see the Way out then it Was morning and they found the Path out of the forest and there mother and father Was at the end of the forest and they found each other and theo yelled 275

276 Â

to there mom and dad i love you soooooooooooooooo much and they kissed the dad and mom and juPeter and theo and they all liVed haPPy alWays together forever and ever. 277

Clara Bea Melson When did your child first begin to write anything, names or a story, etc.? Clara Bea first began to write her name in preschool. In kindergarten she began to write words, in English and in Spanish. What did he/she write? In kindergarten and first grade, Clara Bea labels her pictures with text bubbles and

writes “to-­‐do” checklists combining pictures and words. She has started to write lewers and stories. How have you seen your child grow as a writer? Clara Bea is wriVng full pages of text and beginning to write, and illustrate, her own ficVonal stories at home. What are some of your child’s interests? Art and all things visual, dance, unicorns and rainbows, feminism, making wonderful celebraVons for her family members’ special occasions. What does your child want to be when they are “all grown up?” An arVst. What message would you give to your child now that he/she has begun their journey as a writer? Clara Bea, keeping on takings risks and do not aim for perfecVon, aim for fun! 278

279 Â

280 Â

In the medow where the sun is brite the clowds are clear and flowers bloom the old oke tree stand the Pound is filled with lillY Pands


282 Â

that are Pink and green it was Summer Vme beaufull. the theer unicorns also known as the theer suPPer unicorns where PracVsing their magic they were makeing flowers fly skiping raindow rocks 283

284 Â

the theer unicons looked diffrint Emily was Pink her horn was Yellow and her hoves where black Lilly was wite her hair was rainbow and her hoves where Pink APrel was blue 285

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in the water and grass twinkaling they were trYing their best on the on the magic they were called for there normel name lillY APril and Emly.


288 Â

her hair was green her horn horn was Yellow. then there was a boom boom from the medow and a thaP thaP to the


290 Â

Knew what they had to they all said Vme to tranceform they said there magic world StoPed there feet claPed there hands. and the magic


292 Â

unicorns harts where beated quickly there sholders shouk and there eyes froze a wiserd was canding a SPela the unicorns Puzzeld and Puzzeld what could he want but they 293

294 Â

Werld was zigateyazagat-­‐ ayzoom and then then they said mashmellow and Poof they where suPer hearows with SParcaleY horns desaling of its and awesome SPells they figerd out the 295

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the SPell on thir tadlet the SPell wanted to distroy the Werld and rule it and the foresta animals would be his slaves that


298 Â

was his SuPPer Powers said the unicorns and then they had to thiger out where he was no Probleum they could senice them when he was loo mielse away they flew 299

300 Â

to him and used Love Power on him and tured him into a liwel kid and the unicorns said another mystery solved


302 Â

and he haPPy so where the unicorns they quickly trancedformed back into normle and then they did not have Sparkaley horns or amezing costumes or Powers they where them 303

304 Â

and theY learend that there always another w ay t hats not fiaVng that is be kind. The End


Victor Montoya ¿ Cuándo

empezó su hijo/hija a escribir algo, cualquier relato, historia, etc.? V i c t o r c o m e n z o a escribir a los 6 años. ¿Qué era lo que él/ella escribía? El escribía sobre como pasaba los dias con su familia.

¿Cómo ha visto usted crecer a su h ijo como escritor? El forma más oraciones y se expresa mejor. ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta hacer a su hijo/hija? ¿Cuáles son sus intereses? A el le gusta mucho nadar y ayudarme en casa. ¿Qué le gustaría ser su hijo/hija cuando crezca? El quiere ser maestro de natación. ¿Qué mensaje le daría a su hijo/hija ahora que ha iniciado una etapa como pequeño(a) escritor (escritora)? Yo le diría que con mucha prácVca el puede llegar a ser un gran escritor.


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308 Â

Era muy adajo lo el oseiano. Hadiya unas aglas mdaimo su colares era verbe briyante y Se movibam muY lentamente can las


310 Â

olas las racas grande y gises se movian porque el agua estáda empujand a los raccas. El Tiburon ceria comer al pez liber porque el tenia amdre porque no a comibo Por mucho Vempo. El Pez 311

312 Â

liber Yamo a sus amigos moviya sus aleta yllamando con barbuas muy raPids Y tobos los Pezs vineron.


314 Â

El Pez liber gito ¡muerban al Vburon! Y tobos los Pezs murdieron al Vburon y el Vburon grit no me gusta! Vburon teniya mucho miebo sus aletas tembava. Los Peses 315

316 Â

se sentayn enojhos con el Vubron y lo estában sgieno y todos los Peses estábá


318 Â

¡amaricenh al Vburon no me murbes! el Vubron estaba lloranbo Por bolor. Su aletas colcvaran abajo el Vburon fue a casa muy lento con su aletas muy lentos ya 319

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no pobia air muy rapibo. los Pezs se feron a casa my felises y emocionabos sus caras está senñanbo sus bentes.


322 Â

El Vburon a prenbyo que no comer Pezs ny molestar Pezes que Venen amiegos.


Yasir Pineda-­‐Blas ¿Cuándo empezó su hijo/hija a escribir algo, cualquier relato, historia, etc.? Hace unos meses atrás empezamos a notar que el escribía sus propios relatos. ¿Qué era lo que él/ ella escribía? Le gustaba escribir

historias con sus primos. ¿Cómo ha visto usted crecer a su hijo como escritor? Cómo escritor puedo decir que muy bien, estamos felices por el, hemos notado buen avance. ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta hacer a su hijo/hija? ¿Cuáles son sus intereses? Le gusta jugar fútbol. ¿Qué le gustaría ser su hijo/hija cuando crezca? Se interéza en muchas cosas, bombero, futbolista y arquitecto etc. ¿Qué mensaje le daría a su hijo/hija ahora que ha iniciado una etapa como pequeño(a) escritor (escritora)? Queremos demostrarle nuestro apollo en cuál quier sueño que el elija.


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326 Â

Era afuera rico habia sol Pusto y un Parque y un culumpio afuera las nubes son limPias y suaves.


328 Â

estaba caminando donde esta los columPios y vio a Blay! y! estaba! sigiendo a Blay estubo coriendo


330 Â

vio a su sPaick que lo estaba sigiendo y lo garo! en su cuerPo y lo rasguñaba y lo rasguñaba en la cara.


332 Â

Pero el massss mallllo y estubieron Peliando los dos y mordian el jugete de Blay tortuga y era de Blay.


334 Â

Blay estubo tan triste como rompieron su jugete de tortuga estubo rompida de su cabesaaaa! y todo el cuerPo.


336 Â

Pero eran amigos Por siemPre y nunca! vana Peliar nunca! Pero jamas vana Peliar y estubieron jugando todo el dia de la noche.


Christopher Puchuela

¿Cuándo empezó s u h i j o / h i j a a e s c r i b i r a l g o , cualquier relato, historia, etc.? Chris comenzó a escribir sus relatos desde Pre-­‐K. ¿Qué era lo que él/ella escribía?

Escribía sobre como le gustaba la escuela y el parque, libros que le gutaban y tambien las acVvidades en el parque. ¿Cómo ha visto usted crecer a su hijo como escritor? Christopher le gusta expresar lo que siente. ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta hacer a su hijo/hija? ¿Cuáles son sus intereses? Leer en Ingles y Español. Le gustan los dos idiomas. ¿Qué le gustaría ser su hijo/hija cuando crezca? Christopher le gustaria ser maestro bilingüe.


339 Â

340 Â

Un día estan pajarito y eStrella del mar descansan-­‐do y el Sol y la arena brillanban. Plantas queSe movian con el algua el algua aSia olas.


342 Â

Un pez estaba durmiendo en el oceano. Vino una tor-­‐ menta de algua el pez temblaba de miedo porque estaba frio, el pez Se eScondio en un ollo chiquito y Se cubrio con Su 343

344 Â

aleta y arena Se cayó en el el pez eStaba triste muy triste no podía res piraP ¡AAAAAAAA! grito al amigo y el amigo Se vino.


346 Â

¿Que paso? arena Se cayó en mi ¡huuu! el amigo no puedo salir dijo el pez. Le Saco del ollo grito de contento “aaaaa Fresco aire” “ay que loco” gritó y grito el otro pez eStaba contento graSiaS grito. Se obSebaron 347

348 Â

pararon de gritar oops y Se Fueron a casa para desaylluno. orita eStaban canSadaS zzzzz cuando Se dieSpierta el pez no estaba alli


350 Â

la mamá. Se vino con comida. huuuu y Selacomio ummm ya estoy llena dijo y la mamá prendio la tlviSion la la la la la ha ha ha pez apriendio ayudar a otros y eS amable.


Orion Varhely-­‐Davis When did your child first begin to write anything, names or a story, etc.? Rio started wriVng when she was about four years old. What did he/she write? Rio wrote her first book, Vtled Rainbow Roses. It was a story about baby animals and a princess that help free them aWer they were taken by a bad guy. How have you seen your child grow as a writer? Rio has grown as a writer because she is able to understand and convey more complex narraVves. What are some of your child’s interests? Rio sVll loves baby animals. She has a baby bunny at home that she dotes on, named “Cucumber.” What does your child want to be when they are “all grown up?” Rio has talked consistently over the past year to two years about being a veterinarian so she can help animals. From an early age— just a liwle aWer the Vme she began to speak full sentences—she decided she didn’t want to eat meat because she didn’t want to hurt criwers. It showed early on that she understood what she did in her own life impacted other living creatures on the planet. What message would you give to your child now that he/she has begun their journey as a writer? Keep wriVng! There is a lot of discontent in the world today, tensions over so many things. But one thing that unites people, no mawer what their age, background, race, religion or gender is a great story.


353 Â

354 Â

In a Forest far away with a lot of flowers and a lot of Brds and Prity Gras and lots of Trees a Byoodufl Pond That The Forist anmils Got mor wotr. Thar was… 355

356 Â

a aPilbush that the anmils Got Food. It was a bioodfl forist. The cat’s look lice The rell cats bat Thay have Soopr pawrs and a kaps and brllaslitss That can coll if the cat’s are lost and best Thing abaoot The forist, it


358 Â

was prtcdid bi The 3 soopr cat’s, cloe bella and trase thay where the best at mackgk spells to mack the bad Things God wan day… 359

360 Â

The 3 cat’s hrd a BOOM! BOOOM BOO!!!!!!!!! it was a monstr. The monstr was Big and supisingli nise But thar was wun ProBlum…The 3 cat’s wonVd to By frende wiTh The monstr. 361

362 Â

Bot thay didn’t knoe haoo To Brens with The monstr Bcus Thay dont know wat Themonstr licte. aWer aFioo wEx The 3 cats and The monstr bicun Frens dot Thay sVll dont 363

364 Â

no wut The monstr llike. z wics Past and monstr bicn Frends dot Thay sVl bont know what The monstr liked. 2 wics Past and thay Finley know what the monstr liked. Then The monstr and The 3 cats wreu best frends 365

366 Â

wun doy They had a picnic wiTh cupcacs and cace and Foot and carits and Tumados and cracrs and many yume Foods. They soon They had to go hom then 367

368 Â

Thoy Hab to go slep For The nite. and Thay lrnd That not evre monstr is bad.


Nicole Villanueva ¿Cuándo empezó su hijo/ h i j a a e s c r i b i r a l g o , cualquier relato, historia, etc.? ¿Qué era lo que él/ ella escribía? En Kinder, Nicole escribió un libro sobre un gato y un perro. Se trataba de como eran buenos amigos y jugaban juntos mucho. ¿Cómo ha visto usted crecer a su hijo como escritor? Nicole a desarrollado mucho como escritora. Tiene mucha imaginación y escribe más detalles para capturar sus ideas y imaginación. Le encanta comparVr sus cuentos con todos sus amigos. ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta hacer a su hijo/hija? ¿Cuáles son sus intereses? A Nicole le encanta escribir en su cuaderno de redacción. Le gusta escribir sobre cosas que ha hecho y lugares adonde ha ido como Legoland. Cuando esta con sus amigas, le encanta jugar familia y jugar en el paVo en días soleados. ¿Qué le gustaría ser su hijo/hija cuando crezca? Cuando sea mayor, a Nicole le encantaría ser veterinaria. Le encantan los perros, los gatos, y muchos otros animales. Quere cuidar, curar, y proteger a todos los animales. ¿Qué mensaje le daría a su hijo/hija ahora que ha iniciado una etapa como pequeño(a) escritor (escritora)? Esperemos que Nicole sigue imaginando y creando maravillosos cuentos en su cuaderno de redacción.


371 Â

372 Â

Habia una vez un Pez que no puede nadar y la mamá pez llevo al pez que le ayuden a nadar y todabia no sabe nadar Pues…


374 Â

Pues se fue a casa muy muy triste. Era en un bonito bosque y la Playa estaba muy caliente. Pez estaba muy precupado. y Pez lloro porque quiere nadar y se fue a cama. 375

376 Â

Pez-­‐dijo mejor me voy a dormir. lloro otrabes pez estaba muy triste. La hermana esta siempre esperando que su hermano


378 Â

pez se salga de la picsina. La hermana dijo-­‐quiero nadar quiero nadar grito. su nombre es Sofia solo tenia 4 Años y el hermano solo tenia


380 Â

9 Años y la hermana si puede nadar Pero el hermano no Puede. Estaba pensando en que Podia nadar y si queria nadar Pero


382 Â

no puede nadar y ya casi era dia y su mamá y su hermana estan durmiendo y eran las 5:09 y durmio y durmio y durmio el segundo dia


384 Â

fue donde le ayudan a nadar y casi casi casi pudo pero necesita más ayuda proque todabia le ayudan mas. Pez grito casi casi Puedo y esta


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aprendiedo a flotar y Para aprender andar abajo de la agua y casi casi casi casi Pude hacerlo. ¡Lo iso! de pues Fue a la Playa Y se encontro


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un tesoro y Pudo nadar. Pez excalmo Puedo nadar me enconte un tesoro. y muchos animales del mar y tambien


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rocas y estreyas de mar, el se senVa Feliz nadando ariba y abajo El Fin


To My Liwle Writers As always, my liwle first-­‐grade writers have amazed me with their wonderings, imaginaVon, and hard work. They conVnuously show me the incredible creaVvity and feats they are able to achieve. Their imaginaVve stories once again display this ability and talent. I want to thank them for filling our classroom and my days with so much laughter, kindness, and learning. I am incredibly fortunate and proud to be their teacher. Their creaVve and wonderful stories are a giW I will enjoy for many years and will bring a smile of happiness with each reading. Sr. Macedo


A Mis Pequeños Escritores Como siempre, mis pequeños escritores de primer grado me han sorprendido con s u c u r i o s i d a d , s u i m a g i n a c i ó n y dedicación. Siempre me muestran la creaVvidad increíble y las hazañas que son capaces de lograr. Sus cuentos creaVvos, una vez más, muestran esta capacidad y talento. Quiero darles las gracias por llenar nuestra aula y mis días de tanta risa, b o n d a d , y a p r e n d i z a j e . S o y increíblemente afortunado y orgulloso de ser su maestro. Sus cuentos creaVvas y maravillosas son un regalo que voy a disfrutar por muchos años y tendré una sonrisa de felicidad con cada lectura. Sr. Macedo 393

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