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Ads Re-Edit Creative Works Brand Strategy
Ads Re-Edit
Being able to see things in various perspectives is crucial to advertising.
got milk? California Milk Processor Board had been provocating dairy drinks due to the declining milk consumption in recent years. However, health attribute and celebrity endorsement were not enought to boost market demand. Milk always stands for warm feelings and energy. It is the kind of beverage that will trigger consumer’s inner emotion and memories. Just like Coke Cola and McDonald’s are sucessful by making the link to emotion - happiness. Idea: A drop of milk to imply tear and sweat that each of us have overcome.
Made by Jerry
Made by Jerry
精彩生活 由你决定 (原)
现代人的庸碌生活无法堪称精采,生活之美和感受美的原始欲望被吞噬,科技 的发明应要辅助消费者重拾原有对美感受的本能。 此提案提醒大家, 每个人生来就有感受美和追求美的基因。 即使生活的主宰 权被剥夺,但感受美的权力,还握在手中。
Creative Works
Boundless creativity is art, precise creativity is advertsing.
Work Project Company: Project Fixup, Inc. Role: Social Medial Marketing Specialist
Project Fixup, a Chicago local dating website, suspended two months because of website reconstruction. A fun and imperssive Facebook fanpage post to notice online members the site was back.
former logo
new logo
We designed a new logo for the new site. We changed this logo to an urban style to target our main customers in Chicago area.
Valentine’s Day Single Party Count Down Event
In order to remind online users that V-day party was pending, we created interesting posts to attrack their attention.
Personal Work New Year greeting post. Applying classic NOKIA cell phone game for greeting 2013 as “The Year of Snake“ in Chinese culture.
Persoanl Project Client: Tianmu Union Role: Creative/ Designer
Tianmu is an uniquie and historical neighborhood located at the north side of Taipei city. This place is known for its quiet, relax, and extoic vibe. However, in these years, more and more business have been trying to enter this area, and making it become a shopping center district. To preserve the original unique feature of this place, Tianmu residents unite together and establish an non-profit union to protect this lovely place.
Design a T-Shirt to clarify what Tianmun really should be, and also let people know its residents cherish this place and are trying to protect it. Clear message is the first priority.
It is all about space and distance. I found out residents who lives in Tianmu consider it is a place to slow down the pace and chill out with family and friends. They are not willing to see this place turn into an over crowded and busy commercial shopping district. They are protecting an unique space and fighting for a comfort distance.
Chinese Copy 我们敲击著空白键 试图与城市的喧嚣 保持距离 以拥有这一小片 山脚边的悠活空间
Brand Strategy
Marketing is all for selling, and all about brand buliding.
School Project Client: Metrixx, Inc. Role: PM/Creative
A Chicago-based financial service company, Metrixx, planned to launch a whole new financial All-In-One trading platform. Meanwhile, they would like to build a company brand starting with this product. TA: Chicago Great Area, age 25-35 , professional traders, or those who have peronal trading experience.
Low awareness and unclear brand postition They were trying to enter four different competitive areas (see right), and the product does not have a main USP. Besides, primary research showed: Their TA had no interest in All-In-One platform and software.
Secondary market research showed, not only instant online finanacial forum application interested in TA the most, but its market barrier was lower than other three functionalities. Therefore, we decided to take this function as product’s main USP.
The result from individual interview and focus group showed that TA’s most desired service was to be able to browse vast market information from different sources. Hence, we used the word “ access” as the core value of this brand. It would also be used parellel to the Online Financial Forum Application.
We positioned Metrixx as a supportive friend in financial investment industry. Our primary research showed that TA believed no certain kind of service or software could direct them to dominate the market. Therefore, we tried to incorporate friendly personality into the brand. Brand Position: The most resourceful finanacial supporter Brand Personality: Sensible, Friendly, Authentic Brand Tag Line: Greater Access, Broder Vision
We believed a word accompany with a picture could make people associate brand image more easily. Therefore, we chose a key and a lock to emphasize the link to “access.”
“ Unlock Your Vision “ (Print Ads) various locks were used to enhance the impression of image.
School Project Client: Ben & Jerry’s Role: PM/Creative
1. Introducing a new product along with a subbrand under Ben & Jerry to enter a new market segment. 2. Creating a digital marketing tactic.
In addition to keep B&J’s origina brand image - fun and high quality, we developed our sub- brand with the concept of share and surprise, called “Take a Guess.”
In terms of product, we invented ice cream puff B&J’s diverse choice of flavors come with puff outter shell. Consumers won’t know the flavor until they eat it. They will be surprised by each bite.
Five to ten flavors will be packed in one box, and we wanted to encourage more sharing action among customers.
Marketing Execution Mobile Game: Rolling the Dices We invented a mobile game to enhance this new brand image surprise and share.
1. Shake the cell phone to roll the dice in the cup. Each side of dice stands for one flavor.
2. Once two dices are matched with the same flavors, the system will then automatically lead to the next page without showing the flavor result.
3. Then, the player can invite a Facebook friend to take a guess what is the matching flavor.
4. If the answer is correct, both players can win a discount coupon for the next purchase.
WORDS Chinese Poem MagazineColumn Work
个人诗集创作 Chinese Poem Works
苍烟浮江轻绮绕 恰若薄幕叠静晓 晨音倚桩盪幽袅 镜水波面随柳摇 微阳东初伏叶梢 悉渐朱瓦光映照 忽闻鸡啼破长萧 万赖惊鸣巢中咆
浪潮 未退 足迹 未现 一惯的路线 痴迷的洗鍊
童儿卷袖把水杓 老妇裹扇乾柴烧 田埂中央稻穀挑 烈日顶上如火著 农妇榖米竭力捣 前额迫汗似浪涛 小童五人院中跳 嘻嘻闹闹眼眉笑
朱瓦边 脚尖踮 没有多馀时间 灯灭 引烟 渗入 屋沿 眼尖 耳纤 动静 漫绯 气 不颠 音 不现 心 定閒 神 凝结
战火熊熊 烟硝袅袅 鲜血泪水 决堤 搁浅在 凋零的礁岛 狼狈 聆听亡命乐章 霎时 枪声 拂掠 不祥 瞬间点燃 血泊中 平躺的你 紧阖双眼 未提 隻字片语 你 悄悄 远去 怆痛 阵阵
乌夜垂悬江面上 孙媳子兄谐满堂 粗食浅菜依续嚐 手持陶杯酒满肠 捉椅岸边话家常 烦恨忧愁眉头放 望天满是晨星繁 摇扇阖眼游四方 静夜子时坐岸边 独身握酒无人陪 遥想当年逢乱时 一诺千金早日归 事过境迁已十年 汝他早已偕双飞 夜思梦想倚窗扉 洁月同我曳江边
屋脊 留不住 足的馀温 月影 逐不上 他的影身 夜色 摇曳 一袭 黑衣 匆匆 破空 问谁 唯贼
回忆 被抽离 杂陈著五味思绪 如万匹野马 脱缰狂奔 奔向 遗的国度 拾起 哀愁号角 鸣向 飘渺山渊 回首 那思念 早已渲染 整座山丘 就任它去吧 乌云 稠稠 让哀恸 化作圣洁的墨水 洗涤著这片战地 也写进 我的回忆
品牌对话 台湾对外贸易发展协会(TAITRA)出刊之国际商情 双週刊杂志,为了增广台湾企业品牌知识,而规划了 『品牌故事』专栏。此篇为本人与该品牌之行销总监 深度访谈后之报导。(内容版权为国际商情拥有)
Magazine Column Work In order to exapnd horizon of brand knowledge for Taiwanese business, “International Trade Magazine“ pulished a new column called “Brand Stroy“. The following article was the report I edited after interviewing with a marketing director from a famous coffee brand - Intelligentsia Coffee , Inc. ( International Trade Magazine owns the article copyright.)
Ker Yang / Jerry Lin