September 2007

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September 2007



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September 2007


September 2007



Features Roaster’s Retreat

Calendar –

Sept. 07-09

Center, Orlando; 888-372-3976,

page 6– Kerri reports back on her trip to Minnesota’s North

Florida Restaurant & Lodging Show, Orange County Convention

Sept. 09-11

American Bakery Expo 2007, Las Vegas NV,, 215-732-4440,

Woods for the annual Roaster Sept. 09-11

Guild Retreat

Frozen Desserts Expo 2007, Las Vegas NV,, 212-239-0855 ext. 34,

Ratings and Grading – Sept. 14-16

begins a multi-part series,

3-Day Skill-Building Workshop event, Phoenix Coffee Roastery, Cleveland, Ohio, (216) 522-9744

page 8– CoffeeTalk Magazine

Sept. 16-17

The Canadian Coffee & Tea Show, Toronto, ON,, 416.504.0504 ext.114,

exploring the current methods Oct. 11-13

of Rating and Grading

NAFEM, (North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers) Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia,

coffee as well as potential

USA. , 312.821.0201, international standards

Oct. 13-17

Anuga’2007,The most important trade fair for the world of food & beverages, Cologne-Germany, +49-69-13376804


Oct. 15-17

NCA 2007 Fall Educational Conference, New York Marriott

Oct. 20

Coffee, Tea and Me Expo to Benefit The Café Femenino Foundation

Nov. 08-11

The Art of Food & Wine 2007, Palm Desert, CA,

at the Brooklyn Bridge, (212) 766-4007, page 12– Margaret Swallow reports on the annual Specialty Coffee

800-791-1181, <>

Association of Japan conference and exhibition, Raphaele Schnoll, 312.755.3592,


Nov. 09-11

Coffee Fest-Seattle, Washington State Convention & Trade center, Seattle, WA, 800.232.0083,,

Nov. 10-13


IH/M&RS, New York, New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, (914) 421-3296,



Nov. 16-18 The View


Cover Story


SCAJ – by Margaret Swallow


Report from the Fields –by Joan Nielsen


Coffee Review- by Kenneth Davids


Specialty Coffee Roaster Directory


Florida Restaurant Show Listings


Smart Marketing by Lisa Olson


The Cup of Excellence in Central America


10th Foodexpo 2007 East Africa, Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania.

2008 Jan. 27-30

ISM - International Sweets and Biscuits Fair, Cologne-Germany, Ph : +91-11-42448236/42448225

Feb. 15-17

Coffee Fest-DC, Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC, 800.232.0083,,

Mar. 09-11

2008 International Restaurant & Foodservice Show of New York, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York, New York, (203) 840-5556,

Apr. 12-13

Coffee and Tea Festival New York, NY,, 6319577035,

Apr. 12-13 Passion, with attitude – by Jimmy Sneed


Coffee & Tea Festival: NYC, Metropolitan Pavillion, New York, NY,, 631-957-7035

Apr. 27-28

Northwest Foodservice Show, Washington State Convention & Trade Center, Seattle, Washington., 800-645-7350

TeaTalk Welcome to the World of Tea – Donna Fellman

Jun 06-08

Coffee Fest-Hawaii, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Kona, HI, 800.232.0083,,


Nov. 12-15

4th edition of TriestEspresso Expo, Trieste, Italy,,


September 2007



September 2007


The View

The View





From the Roasters Guild Retreat













by Kerri Goodman-Small


Although I have visited various countries of origin and consumption, some of the most

famous specialty roasters in the world, and most of the coffee-related tradeshows for



the last 14 years, two weeks ago I ďŹ nally attended

the production of top-caliber coffees at the farm

my ďŹ rst Annual Roasters Guild Retreat. What an

level. The world of specialty coffee is changing

experience! Never before had I experienced such

fast. One of the most important developments is

open and professional collaboration amongst


competitors, genuine camaraderie, outstanding


educational classes, and of course a generally

positive change by stimulating and rewarding the

fabulous time. The Roasters Guild is a trade guild

production of sweeter, more articulate, and better

of the Specialty Coffee Association of America

tasting green coffees is achievable. This retreat

consisting of specialty roasters dedicated to the

deďŹ nitely stimulated conversation about how

craft of roasting quality coffee whose objectives

roasters can become even stronger supporters

include, to:

of the coffee growers who make their roasting businesses possible.


goal to create an event outside the other specialty coffee events that was focused exclusively on coffee roasting. Over the years it has grown into a large event. When asked what changes he has seen over the years, John Rapinchuck of Knudsen #OFFEES ,TD COMMENTED h)T S EVOLVED INTO A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN AND TO SHARE INFORMATION AND A LOT OF OUR CUSTOMERS ARE HERE SO IT S A CHANCE TO MINGLE WITHOUT PEOPLE WHO DON T ROAST IN THE AUDIENCE AND IT S NOT COMMERCIAL BUT IT S AN opportunity to visit with people over roasting. continued on p. 13...

Mail: Phone:

HNCT, LLC, 23712 49th Ave SW Vashon, WA 98070 206.686.7378 Fax: 206.463.0090

Since 1988 Publisher/CEO

Kerri Goodman-Small, ext 2

Editorial %DITOR IN #HIEF

Miles Small, ext 7


Linda Sanders, ext 41 Darcie Guyer, ext 42 Libby Smith, ext 51


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September 2007



September 2007



Toward standardized specialty coffee rating and grading By Sam Kornell

Can the specialty coffee industry settle on a common vocabulary, a common set of standards, and a straightforward way of communicating them to consumers, and a system to regulate it all? In addition, will that help bring stability and profitability to the market? This is the first of two articles. In May, Hacienda Esmeralda, a Panamanian coffee estate, sold at auction half a ton

is, the commercial (or commodity) grade coffee tested, bought and sold on the floor

of its prize winning Geisha beans for $130 per pound—a world record. Esmeralda’s

of the New York Board of Trade (NYBOT). “The [commercial] coffee market still

Geishas have been winning cupping competitions for years, but the price still

influences the specialty market drastically,” said Peter Giuliano, master roaster and

surprised many coffee industry insiders—and not, in every case, pleasantly. “It was

green coffee buyer for Counter Culture Coffee, a North Carolina specialty roaster.

joke and a half,” said Dan Cox, past president of the Specialty Coffee Association of

“The C market is volatile, which does not necessarily reflect supply and demand but

America (SCAA), and current director of Coffee Analysts, a coffee testing service. “It

instead is treated like a speculation tool by investors and even farmers. This all leads

gave a false sense of value. [The Geishas] are very unique. But just because they’re

to more volatility, which works against price stability and quality in the long run.”

unique doesn’t mean they’re worth one hundred and thirty bucks a pound.”

Currently, the NYBOT works as a hedging mechanism, a price discovery

Still, no one then or now disputed the high quality of the Geishas. “Call them the “Opus 1” of the coffee world,” said Ted Lingle, Executive Director of the

mechanism, and an inventory mechanism for commercial coffee (as well as a number of other products, including cotton and sugar). That it still heavily influences the

Coffee Quality Institute, and one of the founding heads of the SCAA. In

specialty market makes many specialty roasters and retailers—as well as

the flurry of press coverage following the sale, CNBC seemed to catch

many farmers—unhappy. Among other criticisms, they complain that the

the prevailing hook—and, quite possibly, growing cultural

C market is controlled by factors and concerns that have little or

impression—when it breathlessly announced, “Coffee is the

nothing to do with coffee, pointing to the fact that coffee is often

new wine!”

traded as part of an index fund that includes other commodities.

Is coffee the new wine? Or, to put a finer point on it, has

This means that investors may liquidate large index funds

specialty coffee managed to free itself from the commercial

for reasons that have nothing to do with coffee, but with

coffee market and earn broad recognition, in its own

significant consequences for prices in the coffee market.

right, as entire galaxy of products with sharply different

“In the 1970’s and early eighties we were very

characteristics and levels of quality?

much in control of this market as an industry,” said Steve

It is no secret that specialty coffee is popular. Even

Colten, a coffee merchant with Atlantic Coffee, former

as the commercial coffee market was wracked by

president of the SCAA, and certified NYBOT grader.

a massive infusion of cheap, Vietnamese Robusta

“Now”, Colten said, “we really don’t have much control

around the turn of the millennium—precipitating

over one of the main price discovery mechanisms that

a four year coffee crisis—sales of specialty coffee

we rely on”—that is, over the international floor price for

have increased every year since 2000. In 2001, the

the commercial, Arabica beans traded on the floor of the

total market size for specialty coffee was $8.3 billion,


according to the National Coffee Association; in 2006, it was

The other big problem for many specialty roasters and farmers is the idea that

$12.27 billion.

the C grade should determine the floor price for all green Arabica coffee, despite the

“I think there is a new appreciation of coffee as something other than just a

yawning gap in quality standards between commercial and specialty grade coffee.

blended commodity, where somebody goes to the grocery store and buys the

For coffee to meet the basic C grade, it has to pass six physical evaluations, and have

cheapest coffee they can get to color the water coming through their brewer,”

continued on p. 10...

says Susie Spindler, head of the Alliance for Coffee Excellence, a non-profit organization that oversees the international Cup of Excellence competition. “It’s fundamentally changing. People are demanding more of the product.” However, while more people may be demanding better coffee, how effectively the specialty coffee industry is responding to that demand is up to debate. The coffee-as-wine story line is popular with roasters, retailers, and farmers because it could mean better business, and with discerning consumers who recognize (and will pay for) the rich complexity of quality coffee. But the present state of the specialty coffee industry is complex and fractious, and there is only a rudimentary consensus about what makes for

the original co-founder of starbucks chose our coffee... *

specialty coffee and what doesn’t, how to tell, and what it’s all worth. The central issue assailing the specialty industry is whether or not it can

*a t

come up with a cohesive, broadly accepted, and consumer-friendly system of grading and rating coffee. At the moment, no such system exists, leaving

to be continued...

the specialty market vulnerable to the whims and caprices of the “C”—that

2002 m&s cup coffee competition sponsored by Mccormick and Schmick's


September 2007



September 2007


...continued from p. 8

a maximum of 23 full defects per 300 grams. By contrast, the most commonly

doubt this, but they also have no way to verify it independently.

used standards for specialty coffee, which were created by the SCAA’s Technical

The second problem has to do with the consumer base for higher end coffees.

Standards Committee in 2000; mandate no primary defects and no more than five

Counter Culture must, to some degree, assume a level of sophistication among its

full defects. (A third SCAA grade, allows up to eight full defects.)

buyers—not everyone can glance at a coffee bag, check the beans’ altitude, region,

“The C grade has next to nothing to do with taste,” said Dan Cox. “It talks

and estate, and makes sense of the price below it. “There is a consumer base [for

about what’s not supposed to be in the coffee, but there are tons of allowances,

high-end specialty coffee], but it’s small,” said Dan Cox. “People talk about fifteen,

and it’s incredibly generous about the number of defects…. Anybody in the

twenty percent of the coffee market being specialty. I’m still saying five or six percent

specialty coffee industry looks at NYBOT and just goes, ‘Why are we even looking

for single-estate, origin coffees from specific regions that are traceable.” He went

at this? This isn’t even the grade of coffee we’re dealing in, so forget it.’”

on. “A very small percentage of the world’s coffee is sold like that. However, there is

However, at present the specialty coffee industry cannot dismiss the C, if for no other reason than that it is effectively the only major international pricing

a group of consumers that are looking for that. They are paying ten to twenty dollars per pound of coffee.”

standard for Arabica beans (cheaper Robusta beans are traded on the London

Many coffee analysts believe the U.S. market for commercial coffee is in

Board of Exchange). “People are so used to trading coffees differentially that,

inexorable decline—Steve Colten actually used the word “dying” to describe it.

like it or not, good quality coffees are tied to the C,” said Ted Lingle. “It’s a

But the big commercial coffee companies are finding ways to adapt to increasing

very unfortunate circumstance for the producers”—because it creates an

demand for specialty coffee—Dunkin Donuts, Sara Lee, Procter and Gamble,

artificially low price for quality coffee— “and it could have very adverse

and even McDonalds have started selling higher quality beans and some

consequences for roasters, in the long run, if we don’t find a way to

tout fair trade certified coffee (which is not necessarily high quality,

break free of that tether.”

but is often perceived that way), and Kraft recently announced

For the specialty market to un-tether itself from the C,

that its flagship coffee brand Maxwell House is going to begin

it will have to come up with a system that is comparatively

using exclusively Arabica beans. Kraft has deep marketing

thorough in its specifications (albeit with much higher

pockets, and it can spend a great deal of money on making

standards), and, preferably, more rigorous in its testing

its coffee bags and tins look good—that is, making them

and certification. Standing in the way are serious structural

look like specialty coffee even if they offer no more

problems, which run a wide gamut, from the diversity of

descriptive punch than the name of the roast or blend and a

international markets to the validity of current statistical

“100 percent Arabica beans” label. So while Counter Culture,

methods of testing for defects and taints. Also standing in

and other regional roasters may be successfully reaching niche

the way are serious subjective problems, which are no less

markets with their highly specified—and more expensive—

intractable and fraught than their structural counterparts (so

coffees, there seems to be a general consensus that the industry

discordant is coffee language that there isn’t even a single

as a whole needs to find a way to educate consumers, and to

vernacular for roast levels; there is vigorous disagreement

convince them of the need to pay more for better quality. An

about how many defects should be permitted in specialty coffee;

international system of standards, it is hoped, would go a long way in

some roasters dispute that screening for defects is even a valuable

helping to accomplish this.

way of assessing coffee—the list continues). (Current methods—and possible

“We either continue to find ways to be different, to find ways that don’t break

alternatives—for rating and grading coffee, including the “Q” grade, will be

the bank and at the same time commit us to differentiate ourselves more and more

explored in a second article.)

from, literally, the run of the mill, or the consumer will move away from us,” said

The difficulty of coming up with a coherent, commonly agreed upon set of

Donald Schoenholt. Schoenholt, who owns New York-based Gillies Coffee, the

standards that can be systematically tested and sanctioned by an international

oldest coffee merchant in the United States, and was one of the founding heads

body begs the question: is it even worth trying? After all, the economic viability

of the SCAA, characterized the challenges facing the specialty coffee industry as a

of specialty coffee—on a broad scale—is based on a still obscure calculus. Many

“Talmudic quagmire.” Nevertheless, he believes the industry can come up with its

people, in America and elsewhere, at least seem to believe that they are part of

own system for rating and certifying coffee. Indeed, he said, it must “Not because

a “coffee craze.” Yet there exists a common misapprehension among consumers

consumers don’t like our product, but because they can’t tell the difference. If they

about what constitutes specialty coffee.

can’t tell the difference—and a substantial difference—they’re going to buy what’s

As a consequence, there still seems to be a broad consumer sense that while

cheaper, and I don’t blame them.”


a triple latte swirl is worth five bucks, a cup of black coffee should not cost more than what it has in the past, i.e. under two dollars at the café, and under ten a

Sam Kornell is a freelance writer living in San Francisco

pound in the bag. One of the challenges, then, for the specialty coffee industry is to find ways to distinguish quality roasts from commercial coffee, and to make it readily apparent to consumers that paying more for coffee makes sense. A number of high-end regional roasters now offer thorough descriptions of their coffees on the bags they sell. Counter Culture Coffee not only provides the country of origin, region of origin, varietal, estate, and altitude, but an actual map of the beans’ birthplace. However, roasters providing consumers with a list of attributes and expecting them to pay more than they would for cheaper alternatives

the chairman of tully’s chose our coffee... *

presents two dilemmas. The first is simple: how do consumers verify that that the roaster’s coffee is what it says it is, when FDA regulations basically mandate only that coffee be consumable, and the only international grade

*a t

for Arabica—the “C” grade—is effectively irrelevant? Counter Culture, for example, claims that no other coffee company in the world offers the same

to be continued...

descriptive specificity as they do. The consumer may not have any reason to

2002 m&s cup coffee competition sponsored by Mccormick and Schmick's


September 2007


September 2007



2007 SCAJ Conference and WBC set new records!


By Margaret Swallow

The Specialty Coffee Association of Japan (SCAJ) set new records with this year’s

Ms. Mary Petitt, Executive Vice President of the Colombian Coffee Federation

World Specialty Coffee Conference and the World Barista Championship events that

New York City ofďŹ ce and current President of the SCAA was also there to welcome

took place in Tokyo July 31-August 2.

the seminar attendees. Ms. Tomoko Nagase of the UCC Coffee Company was the

From the moment one entered the Big Sight exhibition hall in Tokyo Bay, you

moderator and translator for the seminar.

could feel the excitement! For the SCAJ conference there were record number

The gala reception on Tuesday night was produced under the theme of “Asian

of exhibit booths (76)

Night� and those attendees lucky enough to be there (it was a sold out event)


We Love Coffee Music by Tomio Terada, Lyrics by Shizuka Saiki Chorus We love coffee, We love coffee. Skies are blue and peaceful scenes of nature. Sparkling high aroma, easily brings you happiness. Everybody, let’s enjoy together. We love coffee. Dazzled by a whirl of changes, you feel alone sometimes. When you get lost, as if unknown city Think of the magic when the world was young. Repeat chorus Driven by a mass of moments, you miss ol’ home sometimes. Take breathing time and see what you really need. Wilderness spirits shows us the tree. Repeat chorus.


experienced a production that went beyond the best of what one might see on

representation from many


Broadway. The show included traditional songs and dances from the countries of

producing countries (e.g.,

Japan, Korea, China, Indonesia, India, and Australia with beautiful costumes and

Colombia, India, Rwanda,

music. There was also a special song commissioned for this event called “We Love

Costa Rica, Guatemala,

Coffee� and the evening ended with over 400 people from all around the world


singing this song from their hearts.



the leading international

The 2008 SCAJ conference will be October 15-17, 2008 in the same venue. If you

manufacturers of roasting


and brewing equipment

will be another memorable experience.



La Marzocco, and Bunn-

Margaret Swallow has


international marketing manager for Procter &


exporting such


23 years experience as an

Gamble and four years as the Executive Director

Ecom Coffee Group, and

of the Coffee Quality Institute. She is currently


a consultant working in the private and



such as Ueshima Coffee

public sectors with a focus on leadership


development. She was a founder of the


International Women’s Coffee Alliance.

Coffee Research Institute, and Bach Kaffee. Another record was set by the number of national barista champions (45)

Margaret has an MBA from Harvard

participating in the WBC. I was able to be there the morning of Monday, July 30 when

Business School and a BA in Sociology

the baristas were introducing themselves to each other and despite challenges such

from the University of Maryland.

as lost luggage (the barista from Argentina) and serious jet lag they were all happy to be there and eager to get on with the competition. On Wednesday, August 2 the six ďŹ nalists competed and James Hoffman from the UK become the 2007 champion. It was inspiring to see Silvia Magalhaes from Brazil compete in the ďŹ nals as this was the ďŹ rst time an origin country had a representative progress to this far in the competition. Another exciting â€œďŹ rstâ€? was the inclusion of the “Women in Coffee from Seed to Cupâ€? seminar which took place the afternoon of Tuesday, July 31. This was the ďŹ rst all-women panel to be included at an SCAJ conference and it was initiated by the International Women’s Coffee Alliance. The speakers

Why haven’t you?

were: s s



-S ,ISA "URCHlELD n -ANAGER )NTERNATIONAL 3ALES AND 5 3 'OVERNMENT Sales for Bunn-O-Matic Corporation.



award-winning coffee guaranteed to increase your profit for a free sample visit us at or call Adam for more information. 800.311.7275 ext. 103


September 2007


...continued from p. 6

Jeremy Raths of The Roastery, Inc. added, “Yeah, it’s gotten bigger and more exciting, but each one has been very different which is kind of cool. The very first one

people I saw last year, but I would say we always get maybe 50 % return people and then 50% new people. There is always a good mix.”

was only 60 attendees and was out at this old children’s home in Portland, Oregon.

When asked, ‘why are you here’, Aida

We had little tiny cells for our rooms and we shared the bathrooms, so it was really

Battle, an El Salvadorian coffee grower,

like a retreat. You know like you went to a monastery. And then it grew from there

said, “I sample roasts, and it’s a chance

and has been like an explosion…it’s a great opportunity to meet new people in the

for me to learn… it’s important for me to

business, so it’s pretty exciting. And the classes this year are stellar.”

understand what they [the roasters] are

Peter Giuliano, Counter Culture Coffee said, “My perspective is that the overall

doing with it and how they are achieving

expertise has increased a lot.” Each year has a different focus.

the flavors that they are.”

Paul Thornton, Coffee Bean International explained, “We like to stay focused





on the most recent trends, lighter roasting and brighter, sweeter coffees have been

were excited! Vendor Sponsor, Mike

more popular over the last couple of years. Those are the types of coffees you are

Tompkins of Newco Enterprises shared,

generally going to see at this type of event.

“Oh Yeah! The classes; I want to see

So, we listen to our membership. One year

David Roche’s presentation , and I want

they might say, well it was pretty intense, we

to see Paul Songer’s presentation, and

would like to loosen it up a little bit, so the

I want to take the cupping class here

next year it might be a little looser. The next

too, I’m really looking forward to the

year they might say, that was a little too loose,

education part.

so we tighten it up a little. We are driven by

“I came to the Roaster’s Guild,” explains

what our members want to do.” One constant

Heather Perry, “because I won the US Barista

is the Roastmaster Grand Slam Challenge.

Championship and the Roaster’s Guild wanted

“First of all, the challenge itself has always

to create a new kind of bond between the

been well received,” continues Thornton.

Roaster’s and the Barista’s Guild…It’s going to

“We’ve always had some sort of challenge

be a new kind of tradition that the champion is

and we try to mix it up from year to year.

always going to come to Roaster’s Guild. It just

One year we had a blending thing, next year

gives a different perspective to roasters.”

a single origin thing, the next year we might

Participants were in agreement, this

have a single origin thing and a price thing.

year’s event was a huge success! Tom Becklund

This year we have a single Origin thing, but

, roaster, said “The benefit of roasters coming

instead of blending we have three [origins].

here and working as a team is you’ve got a

So the challenge part hasn’t really changed

group of people you are working with and

and that ultimately is half of the event.”

developing because a lot of small roasters

Before I attended, I had wondered who

work by themselves and they don’t have other

would attend this event. Paul Thornton

people who are learning different concepts,

explained to me, “We opened this retreat up

and different methods for roasting. I mean

to beyond just Roaster’s

you may have an idea on how to bring out a




certain flavor, but when you have a group of

also have home roasters

people working in collaboration together you



are able to find ways that other people have found

SCAA or Roaster’s Guild


to develop other flavors and different profiles. Being at the Roaster’s



Guild Retreat is an opportunity for everyone to work with other


roasters and develop their skills and abilities… You have a team that

have a business where

has someone who is new with people who have been roasting for 20

they are not involved

years. And the new kids might teach the old people something and the

with SCAA or Roaster’s

old people might teach the new people something.”





Guild.” The bottom line









was that each individual

acknowledgement of the sponsors who made this event

had to have roasting

possible, especially Probat Burns, Inc, this year’s main

coffee as an integral

sponsor. Launtia Taylor, Probate team leader was thrilled that

part of their business

the Roasters Guild took Probat’s suggestion that the machine

life. Attendees ranged

they donated for the roasting competition be then donated to

from professional roasters to home roasters, allied vendors,

a country of origin. The grand champion team, Los Guapos

growers and importers who sample roast.

(Beautiful Men) generously donated the Probatino roaster to

When asked if the same people come year after year,

Maya Vinic in Mexico. Congratulations to everyone involved

Giuliano commented, “There is a core of us. I think there are

in this incredibly successful event.

seven of us that have been to all seven. And a lot of these www fgcoffeetalk com



September 2007



Artisanal Farms, Roasters and Independent Shops By Joan Nielson

- from the fields

STATS: Moore Coffee Company 1800 North Olive, Suite C Ventura, CA 93001 (800) 994-8060, Proprietor: Gayla Moore

Environment: Moore Coffee Company, a superb private roasting company, is a business that is humming, both literally and figuratively. Gayla Moore has always had music running through her head and right now, she is learning to play the cello, in order to “teach my head and my hands to talk to each other.” She has already acquired the skill and the art of roasting coffee, “teaching the head and the tongue to talk to each other” as she describes it. In love with coffee over the last 17 years, beginning with a small coffee house in Santa Barbara and then moving into the business of roasting, she downplays her accomplishments, but she cannot Gayla Moore hide the tune of success. It surrounds her wherever she goes, from online sales, to wholesale sales to private labeling—this lady hums! Personal Goals of Gayla Moore: “My business is up 12% from 2006. I have added a 30K afterburner. I am in the 11th year of my on-line business. This is all good, but the challenge is to continue to expand while at the same time maintaining close personal relationships with the growers and my customers.” Staying close to her sources is her core goal. Coffee Sourcing: Moore seeks out only top quality coffees from single origin estates and co-ops that must first meet the standards of her very discerning and picky palate. She cups dozens and dozens of coffees in order to find not just the flavor, aroma and body she demands but the farming practices that are in alignment with her own values. Thus, almost all of her coffees are “quality organic and fair-relationship coffees” that she desires, including Panama La Torcaza, Brazilian Fazenda Vista Alegre, Papua New Guinea Peaberry and some of her best sellers, a Traditional Dry Mocha Yemen Ismaili and Colombia Three Sisters, a co-op coffee from Cauca, named for Moore’s three sisters. (And not to slight her only brother, Moore named an outstanding “Brother’s Blend” in his honor.)

The Moore Warehouse

Coffee Clientele: The private label varietals and blends Moore creates and roasts are for a myriad of clientele. She tells a story that exemplifies her career path… about ten years ago, she got an invitation

from some of her faithful Santa Barbara coffee shop customers asking her to join them for a dinner at their home. Not aware of exactly where she was headed, she drove up a mountain and arrived at an imposing residence, knocked at the door and found herself ushered into… a monastery. It turned out that the friends she had made were actually monks running a coffeegrateful retreat! After a wonderful dinner, they approached her to give a donation to them. She could not afford it at the time, but instead offered to create a “Monk’s Blend” to serve during their services and then sell as a means to raise monies to help support their causes. Needless to say, this idea was welcomed, and to this day, ten years later, her coffee supplies them with revenue! Now, through word-of-mouth, she has churches and religious organizations across the country approaching her to make original blends to help them fund-raise or to simply serve some great coffee for their services.

The Wine Connection: Several years ago, Dan Phillips, of The Grateful Palate, (yes, that same quirky, bacon-loving, graphically beautiful, print and on-line catalog) turned to Moore to help him create a coffee addition to his offerings that would support his personal love of the vine and his wine-making friends. It was a match made in bacon-wine-coffee heaven! Moore had the refined and educated palate that could link the common taste profiles between grape and bean. She set out to help winemakers (currently about 15) fashion their own personal coffee blends that would perfectly reflect the nuances of their wines. Capturing the essence of the venture, winemaker Chris Ringland spent “hours and hours playing with different blends, until his palate went numb. The result was worth it. Power, finesse, pure coffee flavor, with length and layers and layers of interesting flavors. Chris Ringland’s wine is so rare and expensive that you may never be able to try it, but now you can experience the genius… in a coffee cup.” Moore assisted a coffee from Manfred Krankl, “an amazing stylist. His coffee is a gorgeous, sculpted blend. Rich, exploding mouth feel, with racy acid, creates a dazzling cup of coffee in the Sine Qua Non style.” Then there is the brilliant blend from Brian Talley. “Brian looks for subtlety, purity and focus in his wines and he wanted to create a coffee that would reflect this. He is the only Pinot producer in the group. His blend is the closest to a single estate… delicate, flavorful, yet gently powerful.” And Phillips states that this venture “was my attempt to make a super-rich, dark, full-flavored, intense cup of coffee in the style of Australian Shiraz. Some of our winemakers like this blend best of all.” Community Outreach: When all is said and done (or in Moore’s case, when the orchestra takes their bow) she is left with more humble satisfactions that may awake her in the mornings… There is a 6th grade field class coming to her roasting facility to learn about how to get their “head and tongue to talk to each other.” She will teach them with jellybeans of course, to recognize the difference between acidity (lemon jellybeans) fruitiness (tangerine jellybeans) and body (licorice jellybeans). Then she will “show” how to take coffee from its green state to its toasty brown finish, and that will have them “telling” about their visit to Moore Coffee Company for years to come… CT

September 2007




September 2007


Coffee Review by Kenneth Davids

Italy Seen from America Kenneth Davids, coffee expert, author, and co-founder of The Coffee Review, which reviews roasters’ coffees and rates them using the Coffee Review proprietary 100point rating system. To see the full reviews, visit Italians must both wonder and cringe when they observe the amazing globe-trotting journey of espresso, a beverage system so quintessentially (and once so exclusively) Italian. Espresso is now the variously interpreted centerpiece of sleek coffee bars and caffes from Cleveland to Sydney to Mumbai. How different in sensory character are actual roasted-and-blended-in-Italy blends from their American counterparts? The Italian Difference What makes the Italian blends different? First of all, most are lighter roasted than their American counterparts, sometimes dramatically so. Perhaps more importantly, Italian (and European roasters generally) apply heat during roasting in different ways than do American roasters. Many Italian roasters, for example, interrupt the roasting after the free moisture has been forced out of the beans but before the roast transformation begins (what American roasters call “the dwell”), then resume the roasting after the beans have cooled. The general impact of this practice is to mute acidity, but it doubtless impacts blend flavor profile in other ways as well. Italian roasters also may pursue other practices before and after roasting that doubtless

affect sensory profile, like allowing green beans composing a blend to “marry,” or sit together and stabilize their collective moisture before roasting, or allowing roasted beans a longer period of rest or degassing before packaging. Nevertheless, what to me mainly appears to drive the difference between these Italian blends and typical American blends is the character of the green coffees that make up the blends. Most of these Italian blends (Illy is the exception) clearly make effective and imaginative use of coffees of the robusta species, whereas the three benchmark American blends consist entirely of coffees of the arabica species. Although some American specialty roasters are beginning to make cautious use of clean-profiled, neutral-tasting wet-processed robustas in their espresso blends, many of these Italian blends also appear to incorporate some fruity, edge-of-ferment dry-processed or “natural” robustas, a coffee type so completely relegated to cheap commercial coffee in the United States that an American specialty roaster would be hard put even to find a high-quality version to try in its blends. CT

Segafredo Zanetti


Origin: Not disclosed. Review Date: August 2007 As a straight shot extraordinarily syrupy and liqueur-like. The aroma is sweet and round with a musty ferment that reads as a sort of drunken/brandyish chocolate. In the small cup startlingly full-bodied and smoothly viscous with long-finishing, tight-knit complexity that ranges in suggestion from carnal melon to semi-sweet chocolate to sweet, pungent, molasses-toned tobacco to an earthy morel mushroom. Curiously, given its monumental body, fades and thins in milk, the chocolaty notes persisting but not blooming. Overall Rating: 93 points Oro Caffe

Premium Bar Blend

Origin: Not disclosed. Review Date: August 2007 Sweet-toned aroma with a musty fruit that suggests bananas, dark chocolate and raisins. In the small cup syrupy but slightly rough mouthfeel, sweetly and richly pungent with a cedary semi-sweet chocolate that persists nicely into the finish. Impressive in milk: rich, with a sweet, mint-finishing dark chocolate. Overall Rating: 92 points Attibassi Espresso Italiano Crema d’Oro Origin: Not disclosed. Review Date: August 2007 Rich, balanced but subdued aroma: pruny fruit, nut, a hint of chocolate. In the small cup fullish in body with a slightly rough mouthfeel, aromatically simple but sweetly resonant in structure with hints of cedar and chocolate. Clean, sweet finish. Comes into its own in milk, where it blooms richly with a deep, malty chocolate. Overall Rating: 90 points

September 2007




September 2007


Specialty Coffee Roasters This is a listing of current SCAA Wholesale Roaster members. If you would like to add or edit your listing, please use our online form at


Juneau Ketchikan Little Rock North Pole Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Leeds Fort Smith Jacksonville Little Rock Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Scottsdale Scottsdale Tempe Tempe Tempe Tucson Tucson Tucson Alhambra Aptos Atascadero Baldwin Park Bell Gardens Berkeley Canoga Park Canoga Park Carlsbad Carmel Ceres Culver City

Heritage Coffee Co. The Green Coffee Bean Company River City Coffee & Tea North Pole Coffee Roasting Company Prime-Time Roasters Red Mountain Coffee Roasters Royal Cup Coffee Roasters Higher Grounds Roasters Inc. Fresh BeanZ Coffee Biffs Coffee Roasting Co. The Ultimate Coffee Rocket Coffee Roasters Coffee Reserve, Inc. Espressions Coffee Roastery Lindsey Coffee Co. Volcanic Red Coffees Mokarabia, USA Lost Dutchman Coffee Roasters Cortez Coffee Roasters Momentto Coffee Roasting Company Arbuckle Coffee Desert Rain Coffee Roaster X La Mill Coffee Specialists Surf City Coffee Company Joebella Coffee Tropical Premium Coffee Lingle Bros. Coffee, Inc. Kavanaugh Coffee Roasting Company Rocky Roaster Froid Coffee Company Hawaii Coffee Company/ca Carmel Coffee Zoe’s Coffee Roasting Company, Inc. City Bean

800.478.5282 907.247.5621 800.661.1496 907.488.7190 205.444.1446 205.945.8970 800.366.5836 800.794.8575 479.452.2404 800.438.2433 267.620.3218 602.548.2259 888.755.6789 480.946.9840 800.345.1984 480.922.3674 480.998.8807 623.217.1304 800.992.6782 480.948.8501 520.790.5282 520.297.0246 520.791.0400 606.202.0100 831.430.9112 805.461.4822 866.813.1006 800.352.2500 510.843.3040 818.347.1378 818.313.8661 800.338.8353 831.624.5934 209.541.3877 323.965.5000


Davis Java Detour El Cajon Renegade Roaster Design Group El Cajon Daymar Select Fine Coffees Emeryville Peet’s Coffee & Tea Emeryville McLaughlin Coffee Company Eureka Humboldt Bay Coffee Co Fort Bragg Zona Alta Coffee Fremont Sujus Coffee & Tea Gardena Family Food Company, Inc. Hayward Roast de Gourmet, LLC Irvine Specialty Coffee, LLC Irvine Danesi Caffe USA Inc. Irvine Halo Brand Irvine Diedrich Coffee Inc.-CA Junction City Strawhouse Organic Coffee Roaster Laguna Niguel South Coast Coffee Lake Forest Black Mountain Gold Coffee Long Beach It’s A Grind Coffee Franchise, LLC Los Angeles Groundwork Coffee Co. Los Angeles Mocha Kiss Coffee Los Angeles Start-up Los Angeles Bradford Coffee Manteca Jesus Mountain Coffee Mentone Inland Empire Coffee Company Murrieta Java Kai Newport Beach Kean Coffee N. Hollywood The Supreme Bean Coffee Roasters Novato Masterpiece Coffee Oakland Dale Bartlett/Bartlett Coffee Company Oakland Mr. Espresso Oakland Peerless Coffee & Tea Company Ontario Coffee Brothers, Inc. Orangeville Badda Bean Pasadena Coffee Roasters of Pasadena Pasadena Dona Mireya Estate Green Coffee

530.756.8020 619.590.3600 619.444.1155 510.594.2100 510.428.2951 800.787.5282 707.964.8200 510 742 8880 310.715.2698 510.783.1010 800.900.5282 646.742.9798 949.551.2579 949.260.1600 530.623.1990 949.443.5113 800.487.8445 562.594.5600 323.930.3910 323.512.9800 704.564.9679 323.268.2333 209.823.3121 909.794.2255 866.528.2524 949.642.5326 818.506.6020 415.884.2990 510-697-1234 510.287.5200 510.763.1763 909.930.6252 916.410.0314 626.564.9291 626.564.9488


Pasadena Jones Coffee Roasters Redwood City CoffeeTec Roastery Development Sacramento Java City Sacramento Beantrees Organic Coffee Co. Inc. San Diego Plantation Station Coffee Roasters San Francisco Jeremiah’s Pick Coffee San Francisco Capricorn Coffees, Inc. San José Willow Tree Coffees San Leandro Roger’s Family Company San Rafael Equator Estate Coffees & Teas, Inc. Santa Barbara Hair Raiser Coffee Santa Clara Barefoot Coffee Roasters Santa Fe Springs Apffels Coffee Co. Santa Paula Clean Foods, Inc. Santa Paula Limoneira Coffee & Tea Co. Santa Rosa Ecco Caffe Santa Rosa Loring Smart Roaster Sebastopol Taylor Maid Farms LLC Sonora Sonora Gold Coffee Roasters S. Lake Tahoe Alpen Sierra Coffee Roasting Co. S. San Francisco Mountanos Brothers Coffee Company Suisun Bay Area Coffee, Inc. Temecula Café Bravo Coffee Roasting Co. Truckee Truckee Coffee Roasters Vernon F. Gaviña & Sons, Inc. Vista Adore Espresso Walnut Creek Pacific Bay Coffee Co. & Micro-Roastery Berthoud Devils Backbone Coffee Roasters Boulder Brewing Market Coffee Breckenridge Breckenridge Coffee Roasters

CO Colorado Springs High Rise Coffee Roasters

800.729.8114 650.556.1333 877.528.2289 916.444.1164 858.676.8306 877.537.3642 415.621.8500 408.472.7086 800.829.1300 800.809.7687 866.972.4737 408.248.4500 800.443.2252 805.933.3027 866.321.8953 707.525.9309 707.526.7215 707.824.9110 209.589.9368 530.541.1053 800.624.7031 707.864.6264 951.491.7790 530.587.2583 800.428.4627 800.570.9010 707.751.0871 866.776.5288 303.447.9523 970.453.5353


September 2007



Denver Gourmet Reserve LLC Denver Boyer Coffee Company, Inc. Denver Dazbog Coffee Company Denver Café Novo Coffee Roasters, LLC Denver Café Cartago Denver The Scottish Roaster, LLC Denver Kaladi Coffee Durango Durango Coffee Company Englewood Mountain State Golden Roast, LLC Fort Collins Café Richesse Grand Junction Colorado Legacy Coffee Minturn Vail Mountain Coffee & Tea Steamboat Springs Steamboat Coffee Roasters Thornton Allegro Coffee Branford Willoughby’s Coffee & Tea goshen coffee-tea-etc,llc Hartford Baronet Coffee Inc. Lyme Ashlawn Farm Coffee Newington Omar Coffee Co., Inc. Old Saybrook Barrie House Coffee & Tea Co. Delaware City Delaware City Coffee Company Boca Raton 30 West Gourmet Coffee Cape Coral Java Gold Gourmet Coffee Roasters Clearwater Cinnamon Bay Coffee Roastery Clearwater Melitta Usa, Inc. Coral Gables Cafe Bom Dia Fernandina Beach Latitudes Coffee Roasters & Tea Merchants Gainesville Sweetwater Organic Coffee Company Hollywood San Giorgio Coffee Jacksonville Martin Coffee Co. Key West Island Joe’s Coffee Key West Baby’s Place Coffee Bar, Inc. Melbourne Carmo Specialty Coffee Miami Café Don Pablo Miami Bebidas y Alimentos S.A. (BASA) Miami Colonial Coffee Roasters, Inc. Miami Cafiver, S.A. De C.V. Port Charlotte Mrs. McDougalls Roasting House LLC Santa Rosa Beach Amavida Coffee and Trading Company Sarasota Latitude 23.5 Coffee & Tea Sarasota One World Coffee and Tea South Miami Abecafe Plantations LLC St Augustine Mystic Bean Coffee Company St Petersburg Kahwa Coffee Roasting Tampa Valrico BROS. Coffee Co. Tampa Joffrey’s Coffee Alpharetta Queensport Coffee Americus Cafe Campesino, Inc. Atlanta Partners Coffee Company Atlanta JavaJoe Java Co. Atlanta Beanealogy Atlanta The Buckhead Coffee Company Atlanta Martinez Fine Coffees Decatur Atlanta Coffee & Tea Company Duluth Coffee Coffee Coffee!!!, Inc. Gainsville St. Ives Coffee Roasters, Inc. Marietta Rona Inc Roswell Viazza Coffee Smyrna Lakehouse Coffee

720.849-3213 800.452.5282 303.892.9999 303.295.7678 303.297.1212 303.922.3104 720.570.2166 800.748.2275 303.868.4454 970.484.1979 866.344.6558 970.827.4008


970.879.4276 303.444.4844 800.388.8400 860.491.9920 860.527.7253 860.434.3636 860.667.8889 860.388.3605 302.832.3303 561.367.0405 800.381.1752 727.466.9200 888.635.4882 888.470.8010


904.277.8081 352.372.8342 888.253.6881 904.355.9661 305.294.1190 305.744.9866 321.298.0805 305.249.5628 504.551.6909 305.634.1843 866.511.1051 941.276.0381 850.376.1650 877.260.9212 941.400.2160 786.385.5945 904.669.7610 727-388-1340 866.792.3267 813.250.0404 800.747.1984 229.924.2468 404.344.5282 678.315.5717 678.296.1770 866.407.3090 800.642.5282 770.981.6774 678.473.1400 770.287.3200 770.421.9600 770.664.5176 404.799.7774


Smyrna Woodstock Tyrone Captain Cook Captain Cook Holualoa Holualoa Honolulu Kahului, Maui Kailua-Kona Kailua-Kona Kailua-Kona

Atlanta Coffee Supply Group 404.799.7774 Zambia Coffee Growers Association 800.803.7774 Jungljava Coffee Co. 678.463.7836 Koa Coffee Plantation 808.328.8803 Hoku Lani, Inc. 808.328.9910 Sugai Kona Coffee 808.322.7717 Buddha’s Cup Coffee 808.322.6712 Hawaii Coffee Company 808.847.3600 Maui Coffee Roasters 808.877.2877 Kona Brothers Coffee Roasting Inc. 808.331.0800 Hula Bean Coffee Inc. 808.329.6152 Mountain Thunder Coffee/Plantation Int’l Inc. 808.325.2136 Kauai Kauai Coffee Co. 808.335.3440 Kealakekua Greenwell Farms Inc. 808.323.2862 Kealakekua, Kona Kona Joe Coffee LLC 808.322.2100 Kualapuu Coffees of Hawaii 808.567.9490 Puunene Maui Oma Coffee Roasting Co., Inc. 808.871.8664 Des Moines US Roasterie 515.243.4409 Urbandale Friedrichs Coffee 888.612.5050 Boise Treasure Valley Coffee, Inc. 208.377.8488 Coeur d’ Alene Cafe Avion 877.432.7890 Sand Point Monarch Coffee Inc. 208.265.9382 Bourbonnais Moon Monkey Coffee Company 815.304.1922 Champaign Columbia Street Roastery 217.352.9713 Chicago Intelligentsia Coffee Roasters & Tea Blenders 312.563.0023 Chicago The Coffee and Tea Exchange 866.266.1936 Chicago Specialty Coffee Retailer 832.444.7675 Downers Grove Sara Lee Foodservice 800.682.7272 Edwardsville Goshen Coffee Company 618.659.0571 Evanston Casteel Coffee 847.424.9999 Geneva Cafe Navilu 866.339.1004 Gurnee Hearthware Home Products Inc. 888.689.2831 Hanover Coffeemaria 630.768.2043 Huntley Chicago Coffee Roastery, Inc. 847.669.1156 Lake Forest PACTIV Corp 847.482.2700 Loves Park JavaMania Coffee Roastery Inc. 888.280.5282 Palos Hills South Chicago Coffee 708 228.0873 Schiller Park Fratelli Coffee Co. 847.671.7300 Spring Grove Coffee Masters, Inc. 800.334.6485 Avon Bear Creek Coffee 317.272.1446 Fort Wayne Three Rivers Coffee Co. 260.469.2233 Greencastle Jameson Coffee 800.694.9559 Indianapolis Julian Coffee Roasters 317.247.4208 Indianapolis Stanton Coffee 866.280.1230 Indianapolis Hubbards and Cravens 317.251.3198 Indianapolis Harvest Cafe Coffee Roasters 317.585.9162 Muncie Alliance World Coffees 765.282.1004 Noblesville Noble Coffee & Tea 317.773.0339 New Century Danisco USA, Inc. 913.764.8100 Wichita Corsair Coffee Roasters 316.941.9995 Wichita Riffel’s Coffee Co. 316.269.4222 Louisville john conti Coffee Co. 502.499.8600 Louisville Heine Brothers Coffee 502.456.5108 Winchester Southern Heritage Coffee Co. 727.573.0101 Baton Rouge Community Coffee Company, L.L.C. 225.368.4544 Baton Rouge River Road Coffee, Ltd. 225.751.2633 Covington New Orleans Coffee Works 866.766.6629 Kenner Coffee Roasters of New Orleans 800.344.7922 Natchitoches Cane River Roasters 318.354.7747

LA Shreveport LA Shreveport Jelks Coffee Company, Inc. MA Acton Terroir Coffee MA Canton Dunkin’ Brands MA Chicopee Galapagos Coffee Roasters MA Florence Indigo Coffee Roasters MA Lee Barrington Coffee Roasting Co., Inc. MA Malden New England Coffee Co MA Northborough Armeno Coffee Roasters MA Orange Coffeelands Landmine Trust MA West Newburg Invalsa Coffee MD Annapolis Caffé Pronto Coffee Roastery MD Baltimore Keffa Coffee LLL MD Crofton Chesapeake Bay Roasting Company MD Laurel Orinoco Coffee & Tea, Ltd. MD Millersville The Cosmic Bean Coffee Company MD Rockville Mayorga Coffee Roasters, Inc. ME Bar Harbor Benbow’s Coffee Roasters ME Brunswick Wicked Joe ME N. Berwick Carpe Diem Coffee Roasting Co. ME Rockland Rock City Coffee Roasters ME Westbrook The Freaky Bean Coffee Co MI Ann Arbor Zingermans Coffee Roaster MI Brooklyn The Evelyn Bay Coffee Company, Ltd. MI Flushing The Coffee Beanery MI Goodrich Shadrach, Meshach & ABeanToGo MI Grand Rapids Schuil Coffee MI Grand Rapids Ferris Coffee & Nut Co. MI Kalamazoo Water Street Coffee Joint MI Lake Leelanau Higher Grounds Trading Co. MI Lansing Paramount Coffee Company MI Nunica Magnum Coffee Roastery MI Okemos Coffee Barrel MI Plymouth Coffee Express Co. MI Troy Enchantment Coffee MI Walled Lake Java Master MI Waterford Beanstro Specialty Coffee Roasters MN Anoka Paradise Roasters MN Buffalo Custom Roasting, Inc. MN Buffalo Asplund Coffee LLC MN Duluth Alakef Coffee Roasters, Inc. MN Le Center European Roasterie, Inc. MN Minneapolis Caribou Coffee Company, Inc. MN Mpls B & W Specialty Coffee Co. MN Paynesville Midnight Roastery MN Saint Paul White Rock Coffee Roasters MN St. Louis Park Tom Becklund Coffee MO Kansas City Parisi Artisan Roasters MO Kansas City The Roasterie, inc. MO Laurie Omega Coffee Co. MO Raytown Puddin’ Head Coffee MO St. Louis Ronocco Roasters MO St. Louis Chauvin Coffee Corp. MO St. Louis Ronnoco Coffee Co. MT Billings Rock Creek Coffee Roasters MT Billings City Brew Coffee & Cool River Roasters MT Billings Beartooth Coffee Roasters MT Great Falls Cool Beans Coffee Pub MT Great Falls Morning Light Coffee MT Great Falls Montana Roastery Group Inc. MT Kalispell Fieldheads Coffee Company MT Lolo Hunter Bay Coffee Roasters, Inc.

318.347.3205 800.235.7361 866.444.5282 781.737.3000 413.593.8877 800.447.5450 800.528.0998 781.844.3566 508.393.2821 800.325.3008 978.363.8100 410.626.0011 410 369 8997 800.927.6885 301.953.1200 410.370.1782 301.315.8093 207.288.2552 207.725.1025 207.676.2233 207.594.5688 877.278.0175 734.929.6060 800.216.7617 888.385.2326 248.819.7780 616.956.6815 616.459.6257 269.373.2840 877.825.2262 800.968.1222 616.837.0333 517.349.3888 734.459.4900 734.945.4037 248.669.1060 866.239.1212 877.229.6336 763.682.4604 763.682.6633 218.724.6849 507.357.2272 888.227.4268 800.331.2534 320.333.0168 651.699.5448 952.929.9027 816.455.4188 816.931.4000 573 374 6393 816.868.5581 800.428.2287 800.455.5282 314.371.5050 406.896.1600 888.545.4675 877.777.5282 406.454.8860 800.290.8443 406.453.8443 406.249.5775 406.273.5490

For more

Specialty Coffee Roasters see page 20



September 2007


Specialty Specialty Coffee Coffee Roasters Roasters MT Missoula Liquid Planet MT West Yellowstone Morning Glory Coffee & Tea inc. NC Carrboro Carrboro Coffee Company NC Cary Mr. Toad’s Coffeehouse & Roasters NC Charlotte Dilworth Coffee NC Concord S&D Coffee Inc NC Durham Counter Culture Coffee, Inc. NC Durham Broad Street Coffee Roasters NC Greensboro Carolina Coffee Roasting Company NC Hampstead Java Estate Roastery, Inc. NC Hillsborough Joe VanGo gh NC Raleigh Stockton Graham & Co. NC Raleigh Eighth Sin Coffee Company NC Wilmington Port City Roasting Co. NC Wilmington Cape Fear Roasters, LLC NC Winston-Salem Krispy Kreme Coffee Company ND Westhope MoJo Roast, Inc. NE Bellevue Harvest Roasting NE Lincoln The Mill Coffee and Tea NE Omaha Midwest Custom Roasting NE Omaha Pear’s Coffee NH Amherst A&E Custom Coffee Roastery NH Canterbury Granite Ledge Coffee NH Center Tuftonboro The Black Bear Micro Roastery NH Dover Piscataqua Coffee Roasting Co. NH Manchester Java Tree Gourmet Coffees, Inc. NH Strafford Two Loons Coffee NJ Avon Coffees and Teas of Yesteryear NJ Boonton MG Coffee NJ Bricktown Corim Coffee NJ Deptford Talk N’ Coffee NJ Forked River Davan Espresso, Inc. NJ Hackensack Oro Caffe’ NJ Hackettstown Nashville Coffee Company, Inc NJ Jersey City Kobricks Coffee Co. NJ Lambertville Rojo’s Roastery NJ Maywood Moon Doggie Coffee Roasters NJ Mickelton Crescent Moon Coffee Raosters NJ Millville Kaffe Magnum Opus, Inc. NJ Newark The Law Coffee Company NJ Pennsauken Lacas Coffee Co NJ Skillman Orpha’s Coffee Shop NJ Titusville Coffee Bean Direct NM Albuquerque New Mexico Coffee Co. NM Albuquerque Flying Star Cafe, Inc./Satellite Coffee NM Albuquerque New Mexico Pinon Coffee NV Las Vegas The Whole Bean NV Las Vegas Organic Planet Coffee & Tea NV Las Vegas Keoki’s Donkey Bean Coffee Company NV Reno Wood-Fire Roasted Coffee Co. NV Reno Agtron, Inc. NY Binghamton Java Joe’s Roasting Co., Inc. NY Bowmansville Parkside Coffee NY Brooklyn Café La Semeuse NY Brooklyn Coffee Holding Co. NY Brooklyn Hena Coffee NY Brooklyn Cup for Education NY Corning Soul Full Cup NY Kingston Monkey Joe Roasting Co. Inc. NY Long Island City White Coffee Corp. NY Long Island City Fresh Direct NY Maspeth Eldorado Coffee Ltd. NY Melville 7-Eleven Inc. NY New York Nespresso NY New York LavAzza NY New York Colombian Coffee Federation, Inc. NY New York Porto Rico Importing Co. NY Oneonta B. K. Associates International NY Port Chester Waterfront Roasters NY Red Hook J.B. Peel Coffee & Tea Company NY Rochester Spin Caffe Coffee Roasters NY Rye Brook illy Caffe North America, Inc. NY Syracuse Cafe Kubal Coffee Roasters NY Troy Grafton Hills Coffee Roasters, Inc. NY Water Mill Hampton Coffee Company NY Woodside Shock Coffee

866.663.4820 NY OH 406.646.7061 OH 919.968.4760 OH 919.462.3320 OH 704.554.7111 OH 800.933.2210 OH 919.361.5282 OH 919.688.5668 OH 800.457.2556 OH 800.573.5282 OH 919.644.0111 OH 919.881.8271 OH 919.832.8898 OH 910.796.6647 OK 910.254.9277 OK 336.726.8845 OR 701.245.8080 OR 402.932.8856 OR 402.475.5531 OR 402.330.6368 OR 402.551.8422 OR 603.578.3338 OR 603.267.9444 OR OR 603.569.6007 OR 603.740.4200 OR 603.669.7625 OR 603.664.5722 OR 732.500.7377 OR 973.277.5693 OR 732 840-1670 OR 800.597.2326 OR 609.693.8822 PA 201.343.1793 PA 908.852.1619 PA 201.656.6313 PA 609.397.0040 201.556.0111 PA 856.832.0626 PA 856.327.9962 PA 973.344.2270 PA 856.910.8662 PA 609.430.2828 PA 888.232.6711 PA 505.856.5282 PA 505.255.1128 PA 505.298.1964 PA 877.536.5662 RI 866.814.6728 RI 702.216.0982 RI 775.856.2033 RI 775.850.4600 SC 607.348.0444 SC 716.681.3078 SC 718.387.9696 SC 800.458.2233 SC 718.272.8237 SD 800.458.2233 SD 607-936-9030 SD 845.331.4598 TN TN 800.221.0140 TN TN 718.928.1195 TN 718.418.4100 TN 631.421.7809 TN 800.566.0571 TX 800.466.3287 TX 212.421.8300 TX 800.453.5908 TX 607.432.1499 TX 800.690.7230 TX 845.758.1792 TX 585.506.9550 TX 800.872.4559 TX 315.278.2812 TX 518.686.3336 TX 631.726.2633 TX 888.337.4625 TX

Continued from page 19

Yonkers Barrie House Gourmet Coffee Akron Susan’s Coffee & Tea Akron Angel Falls Coffee Company Brecksville Caruso’s Coffee Cincinnati P&G Cleveland Berardi’s Fresh Roast, Inc. Columbus Crimson Cup Coffee & Tea Columbus Stauf’s Coffee Roasters/Cup O’ Joe Malvern Rosta’s Roast Rockbridge Hocking Hills Roasters, Inc. Sylvania Drake’s Fine Coffee Roasting Vandalia Boston Stoker West Chester A Coffee Affair L.L.C. West Chester Queen City Coffee Company Oklahoma City US Roaster Corp./Roasters Exchange Oklahoma City Neighbors Coffee Albany Allann Bros. Coffee Co., Inc. Ashland Noble Coffee Roasting Bandon Rayjen Coffee Company Central Point Mellelo Coffee Roasters Eugene Cafe Mam/Royal Blue Organics Joseph Motley Brew Coffee Company Newberg Caravan Coffee North Plains Oregon Coffee Roaster, Inc. Portland Coffee Bean International Portland Great Coffees of America Portland K&F Select Fine Coffees Portland Nossa Familia Coffee Portland Bridgetown Coffee Company Portland Portland Roasting Portland Kobos Coffee Company Portland Boyd Coffee Company Stayton Tico’s Coffee Roasting Co. Ardmore Main Line Coffee Roasters Beach Lake Beans, Inc Collegeville Claddagh Coffee Company Delaware Water Gap Watergap Coffee Company Hershey The Harbour Coffee Co. Lancaster College Coffee Roasters Langhome Bucks County Coffee Company, LLC Lewisburg Cafe Latte Philadelphia Ellis Coffee Company Philadelphia Blue Water Coffee Philadelphia La Colombe Torrefaction Reading The Reading Coffee Roasters Verona Arbuckle Coffee Co. Inc. West Chester Morning Star Coffee Cranston Hottop USA Lincoln Autocrat Coffee and Extracts Providence Coffee Exchange Rumford New Harvest Coffee Roasters Blythewood Iron Brew Coffee Co. Columbia Turtle Creek Coffee Greenville Upstate Coffee Roasters Orangeburg Orangeburg Coffee Roasters Travelers Rest Leopard Forest Coffee Company Hill City Dry Creek Coffee Rapid City Bully Blends Coffee & Tea Shop Rapid City Dark Canyon Coffee Co. Chattanooga Greyfriar’s Coffee, Chattanooga Stone Cup Roasting Chattanooga Bluff View Art District, Inc. Knoxville Goodson Bros Coffee Company, Inc. Maryville Vienna Coffee Company, LLC Nashville Bongo Java Roasting Co. nashville Gridge’s Coffee & Roasting Co. Addison Addison Coffee Roasters Arlington Mawker Coffee Austin Caffe Sanora Beaumont Texas Coffee Co. Brenham Independence Coffee Co. Carrollton Aah! Coffee Cedar Park Waterfall Gourmet Beverages Dallas Globex America El Paso El Paso Coffee Roasters, LLC Euless Java Nights Fort Worth Rodak’s Custom Roasted Coffee Fort Worth Mother Parker’s Tea & Coffee Inc. Houston Voyava Republic

800.876.2233 800.237.9056 330.376.5282 440.546.0901 513.983.1000 800.876.9109 888.800.9224 800.778.2837 330.863.1726 740.994.0454 419.882.0800 937.890.6401 513.759.2200 800.487.7460 405.232.1223 800.299.9016 541.812.8000 541.535.6825 541.347.4065 541.779.9884 888.223.3626 541.432.2326 503.538.7365 503.647.5102 503.227.4490 503.223.0033 800.558.7788 800.525.1610 503.224.3330 800.949.3898 503.222.2302 800.545.4077 503.999.8426 610.642.3066 570.575.6500 610.416.1534 570.897.6898 717.534.2439 717.293.0605 215.741.1855 570.546.6501 215.537.9500 215.848.3498 215.426.2011 610.373.7323 412.653.8378 888.854.2233 401.497.1008 401.333.3300 401.273.1198 401.438.1999 888.448.1441 803.419.2020 864.275.0442 803.536.9684 864.834.5500 605.209.4999 605.342.3559 605.394.9090 423.400.8929 888.698.4404 423.265.5033 800.737.1519 865.567.2058 615.777.2572 931.525.3900 972.404.1145 469.569.6718 512.732.8300 409.835.3434 979.836.3322 214.636.6790 512.258.5281 214.353.0328 915.587.7526 469.682.5355 817.924.6821 800.387.9398 713 579.4963


Houston Houston Houston Nacogdoches Oak Point

Lola Savannah GP 713.222.9800 R. Dalton Coffee Co. 713.934.8234 Jumel Leasing 713.516.8750 Java Jack’s Coffee House Brand 936.560.3975 Fair Farms Coffee Roasters and Tea Company 972.294.1266 TX San Angelo DeCoty Coffee Co. 915.655.5607 TX San Antonio Aspen Beverage Group 210.684.6363 TX Spring Cuvee Coffee Roasting Company 866.688.6608 TX Tyler Distant Lands Coffee Roaster 800.346.5459 TX Tyler Coffee City USA 888.583.9526 UT Logan Caffe Ibis Coffee Roasting Co 888.740.4777 VA Charlottesville Shenandoah Joe Coffee Roasters 434.295.4563 VA Lexington Lexington Coffee Roasting Co. 800.322.6505 VA Luray Kiariz Coffee Source 540.743.3280 VA Norfolk First Colony Coffee & Tea 800.446.8555 VA Orange Orange Roaster 866.739.5282 VA Portsmouth Segafredo Zanetti USA Inc./La San Marco 281.821.3717 VA Ruckersville Mountain View Coffee Roasters 434.985.1563 VA Salem Mill Mountain Coffee 540.989.7749 VA Stuart Honduras Coffee Company 877.466.3872 VT Bristol Vermont Coffee Company 802.453.2776 VT Burlington Speeder & Earl’s Inc. 802.660.3996 VT Waterbury Vermont Artisan Coffee & Tea 866.882.7876 VT Waterbury Green Mountain Coffee Roasters 800.545.2326 WA Bellevue Attibassi 425.957.1725 WA Bellingham Moka Joe 360.714.1953 WA Burlington Fidalgo Bay Coffee 360.757.8818 360.387.7493 WA Camano Island Camano Island Coffee Roasters WA Camano Island Black Dot Coffee/Hendrix Brother Coffee 877.262.3706 WA Cle Elum Pioneer Coffee Roasting Company 509.674.4100 WA Ellensburg D&M Coffee Company 800.264.5282 WA Everett Urban City Coffee Roasters 866.797.5282 WA Kent McCauley Coffee Roasters, LLC 253.859.4303 WA Lynnwood Silver Cup Coffee 800.311.7275 WA Maple Valley Java! Java! Coffee Co. 425.432.2184 WA Mt. Vernon La Crema Roasting Company 360.333.1035 WA Olympia Batdorf & Bronson Coffee Roasters 800.955.5282 WA Olympia Olympia Coffee Roasting Co. 360.753.0066 WA Seattle DC3 Entertainment 206.622.0490 WA Seattle Fonte’ Coffee Roaster 888.783.6683 WA Seattle Caffe D’Arte 800.999.5334 WA Seattle Caffe Luca Coffee Roasters 206.575.2720 WA Seattle Caffe Vita Coffee Roasting Co. 206.709.4440 WA Seattle Caffe Umbria, Inc. 206.762.5300 WA Seattle Tully’s Coffee 206.233.2070 WA Seattle Zoka Coffee Roaster 206.217.5519 WA Seattle Starbucks Coffee Co 206.318.6937 WA Seattle Pura Vida Coffee 877.469.1431 WA Shoreline Seattle Gourmet Coffee 206.417.5599 WA Shoreline Giday’s Coffee 206-407-4163 WA Snohomish Lowery & Co. Inc. 360.668.4545 WA Spokane Craven’s Coffee Company 800.214.2326 WA Spokane Thomas Hammer Coffee Roasters 509.535.4806 WA Sumner Coffee Island Corp. 253/863.1451 WA Sumner Dillanos Coffee Roasters 800.234.5282 WA Sumner Fox Hollow Coffee, Inc. 253.891.0500 WA Tumwater Raven’s Brew Coffee-WA 800.917.2836 WA Tumwater Dominic’s Coffee Co. 866.759.9036 WA University Place Firehouse Coffee Company 253.606.4134 WA Vancouver BJ’s Coffee Roasters 503.357.1195 WA Woodinville Isle of Granelli 425.487.6824 WI Beloit The Broaster Company 800.365.8278 WI Lake Mills Coast-to-Coast Cafe, LLC 866.648.8244 WI Madison Ancora Coffee Roasters, Inc. 608.255.2900 WI Madison Kaldi’s Best, LLC. 608.252.9700 WI Milwaukee Wild Grove Roastery 414.807.3699 WI Milwaukee Alterra Coffee Roasters, Inc. 414.273.3747 WI Sheboygan Wild Carrot Cuisine LLC/Vida Coffee 920.207.7672 WI Sturgeon Bay Door County Coffee & Tea Co. 800.856.6613 WI Two Rivers The Metal Ware Corporation 800.624.2949 WI Watertown Berres Brothers Coffee 920.261.6554 WV Ellenboro Happy Trails Cafe 304.869.3635 WY Jackson Hole Great Northern Coffee Co., Inc. 800.216.5323 WY Laramie Coal Creek Coffee Co. 800.838.7737 WY Sheridan James Smith 307.672.1744

September 2007




September 2007


Ryan Dennhardt and Heather Perry remain undefeated in The Ultimate Barista Challenge USA

Jo To Go Coffee launches ‘On the Go Foods’ The “On the Go” gourmet food concept is currently being tested and developed at the company’s Jo To Go Coffee® café and that items such as sandwich wraps and additional soups may be added to the menu soon. On The Go Foods will eventually be offered at Jo To Go Coffee® drive-thru locations nationwide. Executive Chef Matt Rotter has been busy developing and testing his gourmet recipes, drawing on his considerable experience in the restaurant industry to come up with fast, portable creations that appeal to the taste buds and energize the body. The menu includes a selection of gourmet salads, sandwiches, and soup to go, all priced at under $5.00. For more information about Jo To Go Coffee®, please visit

Carousel Cakes partners with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation Introducing the Pink Ribbon Cheesecake and Pink Velvet Cake from Carousel Cakes, just in time for October/Breast Cancer Awareness Month. What a fun and delicious new way to contribute to such a worthy cause! $3 from the sale of each cake sold will be donated by Carousel Cakes to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Both cakes are available nationwide via

Dunkin’ Brands selects Radiant Systems as exclusive POS provider Dunkin’ Brands has selected Radiant as the exclusive point-of-sale (POS) technology provider for its U.S. Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants. Franchisees will be offered a fully integrated Radiant technology solution, including software and hardware for point of sale, order confirmation and kitchen displays. Over the last three years, Radiant has served as one of two approved store point-of-sale technology providers for Dunkin’ Donuts. The Radiant solution is currently installed in over 1,000 Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants. The Radiant solution is expected to provide benefits that support Dunkin’ Donuts’ operational goals such as improving speed of service and order accuracy. For more information, visit

Coffee roaster is now carbon neutral Inland Empire Coffee (IE Coffee), California’s leading purveyor of high quality coffee, announced today that the company can now officially claim to be “carbon neutral.” IE Coffee replaced all office lighting with energy efficient florescent bulbs, and roasts most of its coffee between 2 and 8am, meaning the company uses far less air conditioning than if it roasted coffee beans throughout the day. IE

Coffee also added a solar security lighting system to help light the outside of the building at night, and is currently involved in the worldwide organization Trees for the Future, having already committed to plant 250,000 trees per year. For more information visit

The Ultimate Barista Challenge® USA was once again featured at the Western Foodservice and Hospitality Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Ultimate Barista Ryan Dennhardt and owner of Barista’s Daily Grind in Kearny, Nebraska maintained his undefeated status in the Latte Art Challenge. In the Espresso Frappe Challenge, Ultimate Barista Heather Perry took home the coveted UBC medal. For more info, to register, or inquire about available sponsorships, please visit

Gloria Jean’s Coffees steps up commitment to Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee Australian-owned Gloria Jean’s Coffees, one of the world’s fastest growing specialty coffee retailers, announced this week that it will significantly increase the amount of coffee it purchases from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms to nearly 3.9 million pounds (1,750 metric tons) this year. The increase in beans purchased by the company translates into tremendous benefits for farming communities in Latin America, where the coffee is produced. Moreover, the company said it would continue to increase its commitment to the Rainforest Alliance by planning to source up to 80 percent of its total coffee supply, or more than 5.5 million pounds (more than 2,500 metric tons) annually, from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms within the next three years. For more information visit

Klatch WBC competition espresso wins Best Espresso in World at WBC On Thursday August 2, 2007 Klatch WBC Competition Espresso used by US Barista Champion Heather Perry, at the WBC in Tokyo Japan won Best Espresso. The Klatch WBC Competition Espresso won this honor over 45 competing countries. US Barista champion Heather Perry came in second of 45 countries, at the World Barista Championships in Tokyo, Japan. This is the highest finish in the World Barista Championships ever by an American, and the highest finish by a female. The WBC Competition Espresso features three beans: Brazil Yellow Bourbon, Sumatra Lake Tawar, and an Ethiopian Natural. Each is roasted separately then blended together for peak flavor. For more information visit

First Colony Coffee & Tea Company launched its new web site on Friday, July 27, 2007 with a dynamic new look. The new site -provides online visitors with dramatic improvements in navigation, information, and appearance. In addition to a new look and feel, the redesigned web site introduces revamped, updated and improved content and a variety of interactive features – including a flavored coffee table, single-origin map, and company story book showcasing First Colony’s 105-year history. For more information visit

The Coffee Quality Institute awarded new contracts CQI to expand the Q Grading Program in Kenya and Ethiopia

Innovative Beverage Concepts, Inc. acquires new facility to improve on-time deliveries of its highly consumable coffee and tea drinks Innovative Beverage Concepts, Inc, manufacturers of Mocafe™, Mocafe Organics™, Teaology® and a leading supplier of coffee, tea and smoothie based drink mixes sold worldwide since 1996, recently purchased 9600 Research in the Irvine Spectrum which is one of the most desirable and prestigious sought after address in all of Orange County. For more information visit

First Colony Coffee & Tea introduces new web site.

Radiant Systems increases focus on China Radiant Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: RADS) is increasing its sales and support capabilities through a new reseller agreement with Rinpak Technology (SH) Ltd., a leading distributor of innovative technology solutions in Greater China. The agreement enables Rinpak to sell and support Radiant’s comprehensive suite of hospitality software and hardware solutions to operators in China’s rapidly growing restaurant industry. This new partnership adds to Radiant’s existing presence in China through manufacturing partnerships and positions the company to serve not only new customers, but also support existing Radiant customers as they expand their businesses in Asia. For more information visit

Cappo - the gourmet ice blended drink… delicious Cappo is proud to introduce a new versatile line of high quality dry powdered ice blended drink mixes for the foodservice industry. We have gone through great lengths to ensure that every package we manufacture has quality you can see and quality you can taste. The results are a naturally delicious unparalleled product you’ll be proud to serve. Cappo unveiled their newest creation - a tantalizing dry powdered ice blended drink mix line, at the Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo, in August 2007. We are also proud to announce that we have gone into a blender program partnership with Hamilton Beach Commercial. For more information visit

john conti Coffee Co. Receives “Best Beverage Award” at the 27th Annual Taste of the Bluegrass For the second year in a row the john conti Coffee Co. has won the “Judge’s Best Beverage Award” at the Annual Taste of the Bluegrass. john conti’s White Chocolate Mocha was awarded the honor with each drink prepared to order fresh on site from an espresso bar in front of the consumer. The award recognized an excellent finished product and showmanship by john conti’s on site Barista Jackie Freeman. For more information visit

The Coffee Quality Institute, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to improve the quality of coffee and the lives of the people who produce it, was awarded two separate contracts to train cuppers and establish its Q Grading Program in Kenya and Ethiopia. With both projects, the emphasis is on cupping training, which benefits origin countries by enabling them to correctly identify specialty and premium coffees and to correctly assess the required quality improvements, both of which are vital steps to increasing farmer incomes. For more information, contact Tracy Ging, Director of Marketing & Communications at™ adds new “Fusion” cups from Dart® With the addition of the new Fusion cups from Dart®, now offers three insulated cup options; two made from expanded polystyrene (EPS) and one from paper (Insulair®). Dart, a leading manufacturer of disposable foodservice packaging only recently made this new product available as a stock design. The new Dart Fusion cups come in 12, 16, 20 & 24 oz sizes and are suitable for both Hot and Cold beverages. Five different lid options (one lid fits all 4 size cups) are available including the new “Optima” reclosable lid in both black and white from

Reunion Island awards Rainforest Alliance Peru Organic Coffee Reunion Island Coffee announced that a Rainforest Alliance and Organic certified coffee from Peru has won the company’s summer Seasonal Harvest Award. This award recognizes rare and exceptional quality coffees that have been grown in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. The coffee is an exotic offering from Peru’s Altomayo region, located in the upper Amazon basin. Reunion Island has chosen to award this Rainforest Alliance Certified organic coffee as part of its continued commitment to socially responsible products and environmental conservation. For more information visit

Continued on page 26

September 2007


Florida Restaurant Show Listings Astoria-General Espresso Equipment Corp. Greensboro, NC 336.393.0224 Astoria General Espresso is a subsidiary of CMA of Italy, which is one of the largest manufacturer of commercial espresso coffee machines worldwide. CMA has been certified ISO 9001 for the highest quality standards applied to all aspects of the manufacturing process, making its espresso machines the most dependable on the market. Booth #2270 Dr. Smoothie Fullerton, CA 888.466.9941 Famous for a healthy approach to specialty beverages, Dr. Smoothie formulates products with the consumer’s good health in mind! Dr. Smoothie 100% Crushed Fruit Smoothie Concentrates contain premium vine-ripened fruits, and contain NO corn syrup. Each 16 oz. smoothie provides 3+ servings of fruit. Fat free, non-dairy and fortified with vitamins and minerals. Shelf stable, just add ice & water! Café Essentials are incredibly smooth and delicious mochas, lattes, chai(s), vanillas, bases, decaffs and flavored blends. Soy based, no trans fats and reduced calorie blends available. Bio Bars are healthy and delicious whole foods nutrition bars; the perfect snack! Booth #1781 Everpure Hanover Park, IL 800.323.7873 Booth #1315 Latitude 23.5 Coffee & Tea Sarasota, FL 877.260.9212 Booth #1832

LBP Cicero, IL 800.545.6200 LBP Manufacturing, Inc. is a manufacturer of innovative packaging for the foodservice industry. We specialize in creating packaging for the Coffee and Catering segments. Our packaging includes the signature hot cup sleeve, Coffee Clutch®. The Coffee Clutch® is a patented, pre-assembled sleeve with a heat-activated adhesive that allows the sleeve to stick to the cup. Another key item is the disposable, Beverage on the Move™. It is a patented package that insulates 96 ounces of coffee (or cold beverage), which can fill 12 eight-ounce cups or 10 twelve-ounce cups for up to 3 hours. Booth #1935 Monin Gourmet Flavorings Clearwater, FL 800.966.5225 Backed by thee generations of family tradition, Monin Gourmet Flavorings is the single source provider for all your beverage flavoring needs offering Classic and Organic Syrups, Sugar Free Flavors, Gourmet Sauces, Tea Concentrates and Liquid Sweeteners. Booth #1657 Service Ideas, Inc. Woodbury, MN 888.999.8559 Booth #1255 Ultimate Barista Challenge Portland, OR 503.232.1016 Booth #1689 Vita-Mix Corporation Cleveland, OH 800.437.4654 With over 80 years in business, Vita-Mix is a recognized leader and is considered “the blending expert” in the foodservice industry. Booth #1211



September 2007


FG! NewsBites International Paper launches All Aboard campaign International Paper is pleased to announce that they have partnered with the City of Memphis, Friends of City Beautiful and FCR of Tennessee in the All Aboard campaign to broaden the scope of recycling in the city in a way that benefits the environment, our community and the City of Memphis. Through this cooperative effort, the City of Memphis has added corrugated packaging (also called cardboard) and paperboard packaging material to its list of acceptable recyclable items in the curbside recycling program. With the launch of All Aboard nearly all items made from paper-based products can now be recycled by the City of Memphis. For more information visit

IH/M&RS to present global resources at November Market more than 90 international companies to participate The International Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show® (IH/M&RS) will expand its international reach for the November 2007 market. Taking place November 10-13, at New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, the 92nd annual IH/M&RS will feature more than 90 international companies representing at least 20 countries, and will draw nearly 1,500 international buyers. The total market experience will feature 1,250 exhibitors and attract some 35,000 trade attendees. Adding to the international focus are the Gold Key Awards for Excellence in Hospitality Design, which this year will recognize 15 hospitality design firms that have created remarkable properties around the globe. Additional information is available online, at

by Lisa Olson

Fall fun with Smucker’s® Platescapers® dessert toppings Smucker’s® PlateScapers® dessert toppings are the perfect way to transform your dessert menu into memorable seasonal creations. For just a few pennies per serving and minimal effort, transform a butterscotch maple brownie into a fall leaf, or decorate your plates with chocolate and caramel spider webs-make the season truly special for your customers! Smucker’s® PlateScapers® dessert toppings are available in five delicious flavorsChocolate, Raspberry, Caramel, Vanilla, and Chocolate Fudge. For more information on Smucker’s® PlateScapers® visit

Love and Quiches Desserts names two new key members to sales & marketing team Love and Quiches Desserts is pleased to announce the appointments of Jeffrey Purdy and James Cleveland as Western and Southeast Regional Sales Managers, respectively. Mr. Purdy brings 20 years of experience in national, regional and distribution sales management and marketing to the company. James Cleveland has over 20 years of sales and sales management experience in the food industry, managing both direct and broker sales forces. For further information visit

Former White House executive chef and New Orleans restaurant legend to keynote next week’s Sara Lee Foodservice Ferdinand Metz Foodservice forum introduces Caffiato at The Florida Restaurant & Sara Lee Foodservice’s new Caffiato Iced Coffee and Tea System helps operators Lodging Show The Ferdinand Metz Foodservice Forum is pleased to announce that the former White House Executive Chef, Walter Scheib, and Ralph Brennan, Owner of the Brennan Restaurant Group will both be keynote speakers during the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Show taking place September 7-9 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. Walter Scheib, “The American Chef” will discuss “Serving at the Pleasure of the Presidents” on Friday, September 7 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm. New Orleans restaurant legend Ralph Brennan will speak on Saturday, September 8 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm presenting “Rising Tide: The Rebirth of the New Orleans Restaurant and Foodservice Industry.” Visit for the most up-to-date schedule.

respond to exploding consumer demand for delicious iced coffee-house quality beverages. Caffiato is available in three coffee varieties and Chai Tea Latte. The iced coffees – Original, Mocha and French Vanilla – are made with Douwe Egberts 100% Colombian coffee combined with fresh dairy, flavors and sweetener to provide a high quality, convenient ready-to-use beverage. The Caffiato Chai Tea Latte is made with Black and green teas combined with fresh, whole milk and a medley of spices to create a high quality, convenient ready-to-use chai latte. For more information visit

5 Tips for Search Engine Optimization (Columnist note: This is the second in a series of articles focused on the newest marketing tools using your web site.) Connecting potential buyers to sellers; that’s the whole purpose of marketing. If you read my article from last month, you have a better understanding of why it is so important to consider the Internet’s search engines as an important target audience that can connect you directly to your buyers. When considering how much time and effort you want to put into learning more about web and search engine marketing, consider these statistics: • 80% - Internet traffic that begins at a search engine (Harris Interactive). • 45% - Web users who type a query into a search engine to find you rather than typing a URL directly into their browser. (DoubleClick). • 37.76% - Traffic on food and beverage sites coming from search engines, compared to the average of 20.07% for all categories (Hitwise). • 70.71% - Search phrases that contain 1, 2 or 3 words (Hitwise). So, exactly what does all of this mean to you? Learning some basic web marketing and search engine tools is an absolute must! With statistics like those above, you can’t afford to not pay attention. If you are not working hard on web marketing and using the search engines to attract customers to your web site, you will lose business to your competition. It’s that simple. There are two basic methods of search engine marketing that drives traffic to your site: organic and paid placement. Either way, using various techniques within these tools improves how well your site or pages get listed by the search engines for a particular topic defined by key words or phrases. Yes, that was a mouthful. So let’s break it down. Key words/phrases – These are words and phrases that people literally type into the search box of a search engine when looking for your product or service. Organic placement – Uses methods of coding, content, and relationships to other sites that are built right into your site to attract the search engines and get listed. Last month we talked about search engines as everyone’s new target audience. If you missed it, you can find it at Paid placement – Often referred to as “Pay-per-Click” (PPC) advertising. You purchase keywords through programs such as Google AdWords and Yahoo Search “Precision Match” resulting in a higher rank on the search engine results list. In this case, you pay a fee for each time someone uses the key word and clicks through to your site. With Google taking the lion share of the search engine use, we typically focus on organic tools that will help our ranking with Google. This approach will automatically help your ranking with other search engines as well. For some additional ideas for search engine optimization, I asked writer and national search engine expert, Heather Lloyd-Martin (, for her top five tips. Heather’s Top Five • Want to see how many pages of your site that Google has indexed (that is, knows about)? To find out, simply type site: in the Google search box (your domain = your Website name). • Did Google show just a few of your Web pages (when you know you have many more on your site) – or worse, only one? That means that the missing pages are “invisible” to searchers. A well versed consultant who specializes in search engine optimization can help you figure out why. In the meantime, know that… • The search engines love well-written, key phrase-rich content. If you aren’t getting the rankings you want, rewrite some of your pages and include well-researched key phrases. • Check out and They are great key phrase research tools and offer more information than the free tools from Google and Yahoo. • Stop obsessing over short-term rankings! Ranking fluctuations are completely normal and nothing to worry about. Instead of looking at daily and weekly rankings, look at overall trends. You’ll feel much calmer. Thank you, Heather. Another good source of search engine information is Portland’s search engine marketing association at There are many archived articles, written for search engine novices, by well-respected experts like Heather. Next month we will continue our series on marketing your business on the World Wide Web. There is so much to learn and it’s always changing. If there is a specific topic you would like me to cover, just e-mail me at If I don’t know the answer, I know someone who does and I’ll get them involved in our conversation. CT Lisa Olson is the President of Smart Marketing, Inc. Have a marketing question? Submit it to Lisa at

September 2007




September 2007


Record-breaking prices for Central American Cup of Excellence® programs ensure future sustainability

by Jimmy Sneed

Should we cuddle them, or eat them? Give me the right nuts and berries and I will thrive on a handful a day. Mohandas Gandhi. I’m a chef. I like food. I like my carbs, my protein, my vegetables, and since I quit drinking, my sweets. My wife also likes food, although in much, much smaller quantities. And so it is that my two adult daughters are vegetarians. Actually they are culinary vegans: no animal products at all in their diet. No cheese, no yoghurt, no Häagen Dazs. How awful. Or is it? My oldest has pretty much been vegetarian since she saw a side of beef hanging in a Fuddruckers when she was nine. Her sister joined her some years ago. They don’t really seem to have a problem with it, other than finding something to eat in a restaurant. For some reason they have an issue with the slaughtering of animals to provide flesh for the rest of us. Silly girls. If we aren’t supposed to eat animals, then why are they made of meat? Throw them on the grill, for crying out loud. Just don’t ask me to kill them, slit their throats and hang them by their hind legs. Ah, now there’s a thought. If we had to kill the cows ourselves we might just become a vegan nation. In fact, we might be evolving that way as a species. In a hundred years carnivores might be treated like smokers are now, sneaking out back

The Honduras Cup of Excellence® auction, held July 10, 2007, was the culmination of the five successful Central American COE programs, which included record-setting average prices for Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Honduras. In total, more than $2 million was returned to farmers and the producing country organizers for use in furthering their pursuit of coffee excellence. The Central American auctions began on June 6, 2007 for the 34 Nicaraguan winning coffees. Less than 5 weeks later they culminated with the successful July 10th Honduras auction. Despite the back-to-back events, all five auctions were in high demand with serious bidding and set new records for individual countries. One hundred three buyers from around the world, including Japan, Taiwan, U.S., Europe, and Canada were the winning bidders for the 125 lots of award-winning coffee. In all, 357,000 pounds of exemplary coffee went up for sale in the 5-week period. This year’s Central American programs also attracted new buyers from South Korea, in addition to welcoming bids from producing countries, including Espresso Americano in Honduras. More than 2,300 bags of coffee were sold with an average price of $5.70/lb. The top price from the 5 regional auctions went to the first place Nicaragua farmer who garnered over $47/lb. for a fabulous coffee that also scored the highest points of any other coffee in the 5 competitions. The Guatemalan winners, however, as a group received the highest overall average price at $7.70lb. These high prices, coupled with the number of bags sold, solidify the sustainability of the Cup of Excellence program in the region and re-emphasizes to the more than 125 farmers who won as well as the hundreds of farmers who entered, that efforts towards producing high-quality coffees, are a critical first step in ensuring sustainability of their livelihood. The approximate total cost of executing the five programs was $750,000, which was paid for by the producing country coffee organizations from membership fees, government donations, sponsorship money from donor organizations as well as corporate donations in each country. The competitions are an open event to the farmers with no fee attached. Of the total Central American program earnings, slightly more than $300,000 was returned back to the event organizers to help pay for the program, with the balance of the $2 million going to the winning farmers. Since its beginnings in 1999, the Cup of Excellence® program has hosted programs in Brazil, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Bolivia, and Colombia. The Cup of Excellence program is managed by the non-profit Alliance for Coffee Excellence, Inc, The state of the art Cup of Excellence auction has been managed in partnership with CommoditiesOne, a leading software development firm since 2002. Dates for next year’s competitions and auction are yet to be set. For more information about the Cup of Excellence program, to become a member log on to CT

to grab a burger. But this column isn’t about our eating habits. It’s about caving in. Why in the world would high profile chefs and city leaders decide to ban foie gras, for example. Frankly, if you think about how animals are raised for food, the ducks lead the life of Riley. Have you ever seen a pig killed or watched a chicken run around like a chicken with its head cut off? I saw, on TV no less, where an activist took a camera into a beef plant and filmed the final three minutes of a steer’s life. Frankly, it was brutal. But why would a chef take foie gras off the menu but leave baby lamb on it? Or scalded lobster? Years ago, I came up with my top ten great foods of the world. Three of them were what I refer to as the ‘cheaters’: foie gras, truffles and caviar. They are the cheaters because just by putting them on a menu you’re elevating the status of your restaurant. The point is, foie gras is one of the most exceptional food experiences in the culinary world. If you’re going to ban something, ban green peppers. In a perfect world, we should stop the killing. We should all eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. We should stop taking lives when there are other sources of food. We should stop burning fossil fuels, wearing neckties, talking on cell phones, and for god’s sake stop voting Republican. But unfortunately it ain’t gonna happen. Not anytime soon anyway. CT Jimmy Sneed was chef/owner of The Frog and the Redneck in Richmond, Virginia and a two time James Beard nominee. He currently operates SugarToad Management, a restaurant and product development consulting business. Email Jimmy


Continued from page 22

Versalab’s introduces its new Ultimate Espresso Grinder with all of the features you always wanted a grinder to have The Versalab Grinder has an unusual and very effective burr set, a convenient portafilter holder, a grind adjustment scale and a dosing hopper. Instead of holding the beans down into the grind chamber, our dosing hopper drops an adjustable volume of beans into the grind chamber on demand. Also available with twin hoppers. This new design eliminates the horrors of existing grinders: heat and stale grounds. Starts at $1,550.00. / 970-622-0240.

Business 2.0 Magazine names Smart Coffee cup lid as one of “The Best Business Ideas in the World” The annual list published by Business 2.0 Magazine showcases 29 global business ideas set to take the mainstream consumer market by storm. The company has received two prestigious industry awards, a Silver Dupont Innovation Award and a QSR / FPI Packaging Award, and a finalist at Innovic, the largest technology awards in Australia.

The innovative lid alerts consumers their coffee/tea may be too hot by changing from a dark coffee bean color to a bright red when the lid is applied. More importantly, the lid visually indicates whether or not it is securely attached to the takeaway cup. For more information visit

Dunkin’ Donuts Partners with Procter & Gamble to sell coffee nationwide Partnering with Dunkin’ Donuts, the largest coffee and baked goods chain in the world, Procter & Gamble will provide Dunkin’ Donuts packaged coffee to mass merchandisers, club stores, and grocery stores throughout the U.S. P&G Coffee will support the launch through a national multifaceted marketing campaign. Seventy-nine percent of American coffee drinkers consume their coffee at home and eight million cups of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee are served per year. With this new partnership, shelves across the nation will be stocked with a variety of Dunkin’ Donuts great tasting coffee flavors and roasts stemming from Dunkin’s 50 year-old gourmet recipe. For more information visit

September 2007




September 2007


second of three existing blends transitioning

Katia (650) 964-3000, or email


to organic in 2007, Organic Spring Jasmine


joins the recently introduced Organic

perfect cup of tea. Tea Lover’s

Breakfast in retail cartons of 15 individually-

Chocolates are shaped into

wrapped Tea Pouches™. Organic Breakfast

The search for healthier drinks turns up Yerba Mate










was tapped in July 2007 by “Cook’s

ABF Beverage is the creator of Herbal

to nibble on between sips.

Illustrated” magazine as their pick for “best

Mist a popular new line of all-natural



plain black tea” in the premium category.

premium sweetened iced teas that are

Factory offers three chocolate

This blend pairs well with savory food such

infused with healthful herbs. Herbal Mist,

pairing options for tea lovers,

as Asian cuisine or rich chocolate desserts.

which features six flavors, is sweetened

For more information visit:

with natural cane sugar, as opposed to

the unhealthy high-fructose corn syrup so



based on a series of in-house tastings. Tea Lover’s chocolates

many drinks rely upon today. Herbal Mist

are available nationwide and online

Introducing Moroccan tea glasses, a new experience in drinking tea

beverages are also infused with Yerba

Casablanca Market is a fair-trade Moroccan

of the Americas, it provides many health

import company that offers an exclusive

benefits, such as antioxidants, that aid in

selection of high-end quality hand-crafted

mental clarity, enhanced immune system

Moroccan products. Our Moroccan tea

functions, weight control and proper

glasses are hand painted and can be used

digestion. For more information visit:

Mighty Leaf Tea continues expansion of organic tea offerings with new Organic Spring Jasmine in retail

for tea, coffee, wine, candle holder or a

As part of an expansion to transition more

white wine on a summer afternoon. Also

teas to organics, Mighty Leaf Tea proudly

works as a votive candleholder for a gentle

introduces Organic Spring Jasmine. The

romantic touch. For more information call


San Francisco Chocolate Factory infuses tea time with new Tea Lover’s™ chocolates Chocolates designed for pairing with green, black and chai teas enhance tea experience. Tea time never tasted so good. As tea drinking continues to surge in popularity throughout the U.S., the San Francisco Chocolate Factory is adding an extra drop of pleasure to tea drinking with today’s launch of Tea Lover’sTM Chocolates, an exclusive line

nice gift. Each glass cup is a piece of art. Serve filled with Moroccan mint tea as the perfect drink in the late evenings or chilled

mate, a popular South American herb. According to the Yerba Mate Association


September 2007


Tea Today

Tea Today By Donna Fellman

When introducing teas to a new audience, I am always faced with the dilemma of

packet. It can be ready-to-drink (RTD) in a can or a bottle, with or without sweeteners

where to begin. Of course, I am only talking about true teas, teas made from the

or fruit juice. And there are new forms introduced every year at the trade shows and

leaves of the Camellia sinensis. That excludes spearmint, chamomile, rooibos, and

on the grocery store shelves. I am going to refrain from mentioning all the other

various botanicals. They all have their own virtues, but they technically are not tea.

ways tea comes to us in pharmaceuticals as well as health and beauty products.

They are herbal infusions, often called herbal tea in America or tisanes in Europe. However, that is a whole other dilemma which we can explore another day.

Teabag teas are easy and convenient for a lot of people. And tea bag designs are being improved so that larger pieces of tea leaves can be used in a teabag, which

There is such a diversity of teas. Which of the five major types of tea available in

can increase the quality of the tea in the cup. Loose-leaf teas are becoming more

the US today - white, green, oolong, black and pu’erh - should I talk about first? Green

and more popular. They are considered the best quality tea available in the eyes of

teas come first, historically speaking. They were the first loose leaf teas

many tea drinkers. Tea drinkers are becoming much more educated and

made in China. Did you know we were originally a nation of green

discriminating regarding their choice of loose-leaf teas. Consumers

tea drinkers back before the Boston Tea Party? Drinking tea

also recognize the value loose leaf tea represents for the quality

became unpatriotic until the exorbitant tax situation was

received, even as retailers learn to appreciate the profitable

resolved. We actually drank more green tea than any

margins in selling bulk tea.

other tea up until World War I. During World War II,

Most of the powdered tea on the market is

green tea became virtually unavailable from China and

matcha. It is the bright green tea that is whisked with

Japan, the two major producers. So, we turned to the

hot water in a bowl for chanoyu, the Japanese tea

black teas of India and Ceylon, the island now known

ceremony. It is probably most well known as the key

as Sri Lanka. Since that time, black teas imported from

ingredient in green tea ice cream and other foods that

many countries of origin have consistently accounted

are made with green tea. It lends itself readily to the

for over 90% of tea imports into the United States.

recipes for tea lattes and other barista-style tea drinks.

There are five traditional countries of origin and

RTDs are proliferating, providing a wide range of choices

another handful that are exporting teas with country of

for consumer preferences, and a labor-free option to offering

origin labels. Many countries in Africa, South America, and


Asia produce teas used in teabags and blends and largely are

If you are interested in bringing tea onto your product list,

unlabeled for origin. While processing predominantly determines the

be aware of the many choices there are. Each form of tea has its own

type of tea, it’s the terroir of tea - aspects of the country of origin and its culture that

appeal and advantages, and should be evaluated in the context of your own business

influence the final product and its unique flavor profiles – that creates a seemingly

goals and needs and the demographics of your own customers. Additionally, you

endless spectrum of teas from that one Camellia sinensis plant.

need to consider the logistics of how to serve or deliver each form of tea in your

However, this month I would like to elaborate on yet another way diversity

particular venue.


manifests in today’s world of tea. Unlike the Eskimos who have a whole vocabulary for the word ‘snow’ to discriminately refer to its many forms; we have only one word

Donna Fellman is co-author of Tea Here Now and director of the Tea Education

to use for the many forms of tea. Tea can be dried tea leaves in a tea bag or loose

Alliance (T·E·A), offering professional consulting and training programs to the tea

leaves in bulk. Tea can be powdered or instant; hot or cold. It can be scented, flavored

industry. She is also chairman of the Specialty Tea Institute’s Education Committee.

or unflavored; decaf or regular; or a concentrate in an aseptic box, a bottle or a

You can reach her at

Tea Talk — Tea Talk — Tea Talk (214) 353-0328

Cavallini Unique hand flavored teas & herbs. You name it, we make it, DELICIOUSLY! ie: Blackberry Basil, Italian Fruit, Peach Champagne Our address is 2324 Shorecrest Dr Dallas, TX 75235

Casablanca Market

(650) 964-3000 Fair-Trade Co. Exclusive selection of high-end quality hand-crafted Moroccan tea glasses, trays, tea pots, and other goods. 793 Castro Street, Mountain View, CA 94041

(877) 892-0013

Divinitea® Certified Organic Loose Leaf Teas Over 200 varieties Custom blending available Organic tea specialists since 1997

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