School Board Meeting Notes from August 2014 PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Public Hearing to Set Tax Rate The Board adopted the ordinance setting for the 2014-15 Maintenance & Operation tax rate at $1.04 and the Interest & Sinking tax rate at $0.14. The total tax of $1.18 is the same rate adopted last year. No individual spoke from the audience. Mr. Stevens closed the public hearing at 6:09 p.m. INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Superintendent Performance Goal 3: School Safety Progress Report The Superintendent Performance Goal 3 was presented by Mr. Wade Ivy. 2.
Superintendent Performance Goal 6: Public and Media Relations Report The Superintendent Performance Goal 6 was presented by Mrs. Jamie Fails. 3.
KISD Representative for the Kerr Economic Development Corporation (KEDC) The term of Dan Troxell as a board member for the Kerr Economic Development Corporation (KEDC) will expire on October 1, 2014. The Board of Trustees may reappoint Dr. Troxell or select another member of the school district to represent KISD on the KEDC Board. The appointee may be a KISD duly elected Board member. The appointment must be received by KEDC on or before September 26, 2014. This item will be placed on the September 15, 2014 Board of Trustees agenda for action. 4. Financial Reports The Board reviewed the following monthly financial reports: General Operating Expenditure Report Property Tax Collection Report Food Service Report Capital Projects Report ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consider 2014 TASB Delegate Assembly Designation The Board named Mrs. Vickie Isom as the Official Voting Delegate and Mrs. Rolinda Schmidt as the Alternate to the 2014 TASB Delegate Assembly in Dallas, Texas. 2. Consider Adoption of Chapter 41 Wealth Recapture Plan The Board adopted the Chapter 41 Option 3 as its wealth recapture plan. 3. Consider Budget Amendments The Board approved the budget amendments.
Superintendent’s Office 4. Consider Purchases of $10,000 or More The Board approved a purchase of $10,000 or more. 5. Review Personnel, including but not limited to Employee Performance, Resignations, Retirements, Professional Appointments, Requests for Leave of Absence, and Substitute Teacher List [This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 551.074.] Two resignations were reviewed and five professional appointments were approved: Resignations: Deborah Lammons (8-4-14); and Katy Manes-Kerbow (7-30-14). Professional Appointments: Emma Cano – Prekindergarten Teacher for EEC; Brad Manning – History Teacher for HPMS and THS and Assistant Football Coach for THS; Sharon Pintsch – Health Science Tech Teacher for THS; Jodi Werner – Special Education English Teacher for THS; and Sherry Whitton – FLU Teacher for NES. The addendum to the KISD Substitute Teacher List was reviewed. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AT 6:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2014.