School Board Meeting Notes from August 2013
Superintendent’s Office
SPECIAL MEETING: The Board adopted the ordinance setting for the 2013-14 Maintenance & Operation tax rate at $1.04 and the Interest & Sinking tax rate at $0.14. The total tax of $1.18 is the same rate adopted last year.
Teacher and Tennis Coach for THS; Edward MathewsAnimation, Graphic Design and Illustration Teacher for THS; Robyne McClung-Kindergarten Teacher for DES; Lou Cinda Pohler-Part-Time Art Teacher for BTW; and Alexis Von Biedenfeld-Orchestra Teacher for KISD.
INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Antler Stadium Renovation Project Report The Antler Stadium Renovation Project was presented by the superintendent and a representative of PBK Sports.
The Board approved Deb Wells as the Part-Time Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.
2. State Accountability Report Deb Wells presented the State Accountability Report along with the district and campus results. 3.
Superintendent Performance Goal 3: Safety and Security Progress Report The Superintendent Performance Goal 3 was presented by Wade Ivy, Assistant Superintendent of Administration and Human Resources. Mr. Micah Wrase presented information related to the character and kindness committee. 4. Distribution of Employees Signing Bonuses Report The superintendent discussed the distribution of the employees signing bonuses. Bonuses will be distributed the week of September 9. 5. Financial Reports The Board reviewed the following monthly financial reports: General Operating Expenditure Report Property Tax Collection Report ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consider 2013 TASB Delegate Assembly Designation The Board named Rolinda Schmidt as the Official Voting Delegate and Vickie Isom as the Alternate to the 2013 TASB Delegate Assembly in Dallas, Texas. 2. Consider Budget Amendments The Board approved the budget amendments. 3.
Review Personnel, including but not limited to Employee Performance, Resignations, Retirements, Professional Appointments, Requests for Leave of Absence, and Substitute Teacher List [This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 551.074.] The Board reviewed the two resignations and approved the eight professional appointments: Resignations: Karon Reed (8-12-13) and Matthew Turner (8-15-13). Professional Appointment: Tyler Brown-Computer Aide for NES; Charlie Boyd-Government and Economics for THS; Lisa CookSpeech Therapist for Special Education; Kirk Kniffen-Math
The Board approved a 1% raise, equal to the percentage given to KISD employees, for Dr. Dan Troxell, Superintendent. INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Framework for Understanding Poverty – Book Study Report Chapter Two, pages 27-35 and Questions #1, #2, and #3, of Framework for Understanding Poverty was discussed. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AT 6:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2013.