School Board Meeting Notes from December 2013 RECOGNITION: The following groups and/or individuals were recognized: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Hal Peterson Middle School Region 11 Honor Band Members Hal Peterson Middle School Region 11 Honor Choir Members Hal Peterson Middle School Region 11 Honor Orchestra Members Tivy High School Region 11 Honor Orchestra Members Tivy High School Volleyball Bi-District Champions Tivy High School TMEA Region Jazz Band Member and 13th Place at the TMEA All-State Auditions Tivy High School All-Region Choir Members
INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Antler Stadium Renovation Project Report The Antler Stadium Renovation Project Report was presented by the administration. 2.
Superintendent Performance Goal 1: Campus Improvement Plan Report Mrs. Wendy Tiemann, Nimitz Elementary School, and Mrs. Holly Jones, Principal at Tally Elementary School, presented a short overview of the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) for Nimitz Elementary School and Tally Elementary School. 3. 2014-2015 School Calendar Report Mr. Ivy updated the Board on the calendar process and discussed points of interest. A draft of the proposed calendar for 2014-2015 was reviewed. Action will be taken on this item in January. 4. TASB Policy Update 98 Report Update 98 includes revisions to Legal and Local policies designed to incorporate recent changes to Administrative and Education Codes as well as Exhibits which officer sample forms that can be used in the administration of Legal and Local policy. Legal changes are not adopted, but serve as guidance in local decision making. Included in Update 93 are these local policies: BBE (Local) DBA (Local) DFFA (Local) DFFB (Local) DGBA (Local) DH (Local)
Board Members: Authority Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Credentials and Records Reduction in Force: Financial Exigency Reduction in Force: Program Change Personnel Management Relations: Employee Complaints/Grievances Employee Standards of Conduct
Superintendent’s Office DNA (Local) EC (Local) EIA (Local) EIC (Local) FEA (Local) FEC (Local)
Performance Appraisal: Evaluation of Teachers School Day Academic Achievement: Grading/Progress Reports to Parents Academic Achievement: Class Ranking Attendance: Compulsory Attendance Attendance: Attendance for Credit
5. Financial Reports The Board reviewed the following monthly financial reports: • General Operating Expenditure Report • Property Tax Collection Report • Investment Report • Head Start Report • Food Services Report • Capital Projects Report ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consider Yearly Report of Board Member Training The Board approved the board member training information for the past year and caused the minutes to reflect that all board members have met or exceeded the required hours of continuing education as of December 10, 2013. 2. Consider KCAD Board of Directors Election Ballot The Board approved and submitted to Kerr Central Appraisal District the ballot with the sum of votes cast equal to 1,983 as follows: 983 votes cast for Mark Bigott and 1,000 votes cast for Ray Orr. 3. Consider Budget Amendments The Board approved the budget amendments. 4. Consider Purchases of $10,000 or More The Board approved the purchases of $10,000 or more. 5.
Review Personnel, including but not limited to Employee Performance, Resignations, Retirements, Professional Appointments, Requests for Leave of Absence, and Substitute Teacher List [This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 551.074.] The Board reviewed one resignation and four professional appointments: Resignation: James Logan Heatherly (10-1813). Professional Appointments: Charlie Boyd-Economics Teacher for THS; Mary Maness-Kerbow-Special Education Functional Living Unit Teacher for NES; Daniel MeekSpecial Education Teacher for THS; and Jennifer WittlerScience Teacher for THS. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AT 6:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2014.