Bulletin for january 19, 2015

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School Board Meeting Notes from January 2015

Superintendent’s Office

PUBLIC HEARING FOR 2013-2014 TAPR: The administration provided an overview of the Texas Academic Performance Report that is divided into two sections: section one is student performance data and section two includes student, staff, and financial information. Major highlights from the report were:

ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consider Annual Financial Report Year Ending August 31, 2014 The Board approved the Annual Financial Report Year Ending August 31, 2014 as presented by Pressler, Thompson and Company. The highlights from the report were:

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District Academic Rating-Met Standards, Campus Academic Ratings-all campuses earned Met Standards, Exceeded state averages in all subjects at the performance levels of Satisfactory Level II and Advanced Level III, Received a “Superior Achievement” Financial Rating for the 12th consecutive year, Earned higher scores than the state average on the ACT examination in English, Algebra, Reading, and Science, and Earned an average SAT examination score for the Class 2013 that is higher than the regional and the state averages.

No one from the audience had comments. RECOGNITION: Each of the Board members received appreciation and recognition from Kerrville ISD campuses and students as well as from the Kerrville Public School Foundation. INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Board of Trustees 2015-2016 Meeting Dates Report Dr. Troxell presented the Board of Trustees 2015-2016 Meeting Dates Report. 2. District Goal Setting Meeting Report Dr. Troxell presented the District Goal Setting Meeting Report. The Board discussed retaining the goals for the upcoming 2015-2016 academic year. The current goals will be placed as a consent agenda item on the February Board of Trustees meeting agenda. 3. Leadership Kerrville ISD Report Dr. Troxell presented the Leadership Kerrville ISD Report. The purpose of Leadership KISD is to develop knowledgeable KISD ambassadors and advocates in our community. 3. Financial Reports The Board reviewed the following monthly financial reports:  General Operating Expenditure Report  Property Tax Collection Report  Food Service Report

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An unmodified opinion, No findings in management letter, District Food Service budget is in the black, and District Transportation budget is in the black.

2. Consider Easements at Antler Stadium The Board approved the easements at Antler Stadium. 3.

Consider Kerr CAD 2013 Budget Surplus Amendment and 2013 Audit The Board approved the budget surplus amendment of $57,822 be applied to the Kerr CAD Building Reserve Fund. 4. Consider Adoption of 2013-2014 TAPR The Board approved the “2013-2014 Texas Academic Performance Report.” 5. Consider Purchases of $10,000 or More The Board approved a purchase of $10,000 or more. 6. Review Personnel, including but not limited to Employee Performance, Resignations, Retirements, Professional Appointments, Requests for Leave of Absence, and Substitute Teacher List [This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 551.074.] Five retirements and one professional appointment was approved: Retirements: Norma Bergeron (6-3-15); Ida Delgadillo (6-3-15); Robin Hall (6-3-15); Peggy Matthews (63-15); and Cathy Moretich (6-3-15). Professional Appointment: Pamela Boyer-Teacher for SES. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AT 6:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2015.

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