Bulletin for july 28, 2014

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Superintendent’s Office

School Board Meeting Notes from July 2014 PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Public Hearing for 2014-2015 Proposed Budget and Proposed Tax Rate Dr. Troxell presented the 2014-2015 KISD Budget. No individual spoke from the audience. Mr. Stevens closed the public hearing at 6:15 p.m. RECOGNITION: The following groups and/or individuals were recognized: 1. Roger Weaver, KISD Bus Technician, Awarded the TAPT Bus Technician of the Year in Texas

Additional $35,000 to restore campus and department computer replacement cycle.

2. Consider Kerr Central Appraisal District Budget for 2015 The Board approved the proposed 2015 KCAD budget. The KISD estimated allocation is 38.75%. At this level KISD would be responsible for $362,443 of the $935,302 total budget. KCAD adopted their budget on July 10, 2014. After adoption the budget automatically goes into effect unless a majority of the taxing entities vote to disapprove it within thirty days of this adoption. 3.

INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Antler Stadium Dedication Date Report Dr. Troxell presented the Antler Stadium dedication date and time. The dedication will be held on August 29, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Superintendent Performance Goal 2: KISD Recruitment, Development, and Retention Plan Report The Superintendent Performance Goal 2 was presented by Mr. Wade Ivy.

Consider Interlocal Technology Agreement Between Kerrville ISD and Medina ISD The Board of Trustees approved the interlocal technology agreement between Kerrville ISD and Medina ISD. 4. Consider Purchases of $10,000 or More The Board approved a purchase of $10,000 or more.


3. 2013-2014 Employee Workplace Survey Report The Employee Workplace Survey was presented by Mr. Wade Ivy. 4. Financial Reports The Board reviewed the following monthly financial reports:  General Operating Expenditure Report  Property Tax Collection Report  Food Service Report  Capital Projects Report ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consider Adoption of the 2014-2015 Budget The Board adopted the 2014-2015 budget. The proposed tax rate is $1.04 for the General Fund and $0.14 for the Interest & Bonded Debt Fund for an overall rate of $1.18. This is the same rate adopted in the 2013-2014 school year. Highlights of the budget include:  2% increase of midpoint raise for Teachers, Nurses, Counselors, Librarians;  1% increase of midpoint raise for all other staff;  Salary adjustments from market study for auxiliary positions;  $780,000 approximate increase in state and local funding;  Additional $90,000 to restore bus replacement cycle;  Additional $30,000 to restore maintenance projects; and

5. Consider TASB Policy EIE (Local) Resolution The Board of Trustees approved the EIE (Local) resolution. 6. Review Personnel, including but not limited to Employee Performance, Resignations, Retirements, Professional Appointments, Requests for Leave of Absence, and Substitute Teacher List [This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 551.074.] Thirteen resignations, two retirements, sixteen professional appointments were reviewed: Resignations: Pamela Boyer (7-8-14); Emma Cano (7-2-14); Amy Hutson (7-7-14); Jennifer Hyde (7-11-14); George Kee (7-10-14); Joe McRorey (7-7-14); LouCinda Pohler (7-21-14); Jackie Swinney (6-614); Jeff Thames (7-4-14); Michelle Tubilla (7-7-14); Stephanie West (7-9-14); Sarah Womble (7-8-14); and Nora Zaizar (7-11-14). Retirement: Martha Brown (6-30-14); and Darla Pfiester (7-7-14). Professional Appointments: Holly Brite – Elementary Teacher for TES; Jessica Cervantes – Bilingual Teacher for DES; Courtney Collins – Physical Therapist; David Eickbusch – Assistant Band Director for THS; Amanda Horton – English Language Arts and Reading for HPMS; Regina Jackson – Math Teacher for HPMS; Jennifer Kelly – Counselor for DES; Shawn Mabry – Elementary Teacher for SES; Monica Martinez – Social Studies Teacher for BTW; Deborah Marusak – English Language Arts Teacher for HCHS; Latisha Miller – Art Teacher for BTW; Cherie Smith – Elementary Teacher for NES; Daniel Smith – Mathematics Teacher for THS; Virginia Stehling – Art Teacher for TES; Shanna Vecchio – Business Teacher for HPMS; and Landon Wright – Math Teacher/Football Coach for THS. The addendum to the KISD Substitute Teacher List was reviewed.

The Board approved Carolina Hurtado as the Maintenance Director for the 2014-2015 school year. The Board approved Seth Lafler as the Tivy High School Choir Director for the 2014-2015 school year. The Board approved Reece Zunker as the Tivy High School Head Boys Soccer Coach for the 2014-2015 school year. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AT 6:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2014.

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