Superintendent’s Office
School Board Meeting Notes from March 2014 RECOGNITION: The following groups and/or individuals were recognized: 1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
Tivy High School National Merit Scholarship Finalist Nimitz Elementary School – TEA 2014 National Blue Ribbon Nominee Hal Peterson Middle School Athletic District or TriDistrict Champions a. 7th Grade Girls A and B Basketball Teams b. 8th Grade Girls A and B Basketball Teams Tivy High School Varsity Football Team Bi-District Champions and Area Finalist Tivy High School Girls Varsity Basketball Team BiDistrict Champions and Area Finalist
INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Board of Trustees Self-Assessment Report The administration recommended that the Board SelfAssessment instrument be completed by April 8 and returned to Mrs. Glenda Kelley, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent. Results of the instrument will be discussed at the board meeting on April 21, 2014. 2. Revised 2014-2015 District Goals Report The administration presented the proposed 2014-2015 District Goals to the Board for further discussion and for consideration as an action item during the April board meeting. 3. Overview of District #1 Report Mrs. Deb Wells Beasley, Associate Superintendent, and Dan Troxell, Superintendent of Schools, gave an overview of District Goal #1. 4.
Athletic Department Apparel and Sports Equipment Contract Report Mr. David Jones, Athletic Director, and Dan Troxell, Superintendent of Schools, presented information related to a proposed Athletic Department apparel and sports equipment contract. This will be a consent agenda item at the board meeting for April 21, 2014. 5. Child Nutrition Lunch Prices Report Mr. Michael J. Carrales, Assistant Superintendent, presented the Child Nutrition Lunch Prices Report. This will be a consent agenda item at the board meeting for April 21, 2014. 6. Financial Reports The Board reviewed the following monthly financial reports: General Operating Expenditure Report Property Tax Collection Report Investment Report Head Start Report Food Service Report
Capital Projects Report
ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consider Textbook Selections The Board approved the adoption of the textbooks recommended by the administration and the district’s textbook committee. 2.
Consider Proposals for Construction Services for Antler Stadium Press Box Renovation Project The Board approved Edmund Jenschke, JLG Structures, C&M, Chamberlain Roofing, PRO Tech Signs, and Home Elevators of Texas for construction services related to the Press Box Renovation project. 3. Consider Antler Stadium Scoreboard Donation and Advertising Agreement. The Board approved Antler Stadium Scoreboard Donation and Advertising Agreement between Kerrville ISD, Tivy Athletic Booster Club, and Centennial Bank. 4. Consider Purchases of $10,000 or More The Board approved a purchase of $10,000 or more. 5. Review Personnel, including but not limited to Employee Performance, Resignations, Retirements, Professional Appointments, Requests for Leave of Absence, and Substitute Teacher List [This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 551.074.] Eight resignations, seven retirements, and the addendum to the KISD Substitute Teacher List were reviewed, and nine professional appointments were approved: Resignations: Charlie Boyd (6-3-14); Dilana Gohlke (6-10-14); Lindsey Heatherly (3-7-14); Mario Juarez (3-28-14); Douglas Jung (63-14); Jarrad Maddox (6-3-14); Paula Mitchell (7-31-14); and Brent Neal (6-3-14). Retirements: DeeAnn Foley (5-31-14); Ona Fromm (5-31-14); Donna Hinton (5-31-14); Jolyn Meadows (5-31-14); Scott Rouse (5-31-14); Hollis Uecker (531-14); and Vicki Yates (5-31-14). Professional Appointments: Alma Garcia – Unassigned Elementary Teacher; Sarah Lewicki – Reading Specialist for SES; Terri Liles – Art Teacher for HPMS; Heather Mathews – Unassigned Elementary Teacher; Susan McCollum – Reading Specialist for SES; Lace Meyer – Reading Teacher for HPMS; Laci Nelle – Unassigned Elementary Teacher; Hannah Schwarz – 6th Grade Teaching Position; and Carissa Taylor – Unassigned Elementary Teacher. The Board approved Amy Ahrens as Starkey Elementary School Principal for the school year 2014-2015. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AT 6:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, APRIL 21, 2014.