School Board Meeting Notes from October 2013 RECOGNITION: The following groups and/or individuals were recognized: 1. Tivy High School student, James Lockwood, for being a National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalist. INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Antler Stadium Renovation Project Report The Antler Stadium Renovation Project was presented by Scott Klaus, PBK Architects, and Dan Troxell, Superintendent of Schools. 2.
Superintendent Performance Goal 1: Campus Improvement Plan Report Mr. Jim Harmon, B.T. Wilson Sixth Grade School, and Mrs. Donna Jenschke, Principal at Hal Peterson Middle School, presented a short overview of the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) for B.T. Wilson Sixth Grade School and Hal Peterson Middle School. 3. Board of Trustees Meeting Start Time Report The Board discussed the start time for all future meetings including special meetings. All future meetings will start at 6:00 p.m. 4. TASA/TASB Annual Convention Report On September 27-29, 2013 members of the Board attended the annual TASA/TASB Convention in Dallas. Board members discussed highlights of the convention. 5.
Review Personnel, including but not limited to Employee Performance, Resignations, Retirements, Professional Appointments, Requests for Leave of Absence, and Substitute Teacher List [This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 551.074.] The Board reviewed one resignation, one retirement, and the addendum to the KISD Substitute Teacher List: Resignation: Charles Boyd (12-20-13). Retirement: Nancy Smith (12-3113). 6. Financial Reports The Board reviewed the following monthly financial reports: • General Operating Expenditure Report • Property Tax Collection Report • Capital Projects Report ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consider Superintendent’s Summative Documents The Board approved the superintendent’s evaluation documents.
Evaluation summative
Superintendent’s Office 2. Consider KCAD Board of Directors Nominations The Board nominated Mark Bigott and Ray Orr to the Board of Directors of the Kerr Central Appraisal District and submitted the completed Resolution to KCAD. 3. Consider Purchases of $10,000 or More The Board approved the purchases of $10,000 or more. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AT 6:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2013.