School Board Meeting Notes from November 2013 RECOGNITION: The following groups and/or individuals were recognized: 1. Hal Peterson Middle School 7th Grade Boys Cross Country District Champions 2. Hal Peterson Middle School 7th Grade Girls Cross Country District Champions 3. Hal Peterson Middle School 8th Grade Boys Cross Country District Champions 4. Hal Peterson Middle School 8th Grade “B” Football District Champions 5. Tivy High School Marching Band – First Division Rating at the UIL Region XI Marching Contest INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Superintendent Performance Goal 1: Campus Improvement Plan Report Mrs. Amy Billeiter, Daniels Elementary School, and Mrs. Heather Engstrom, Principal at Starkey Elementary School, presented a short overview of the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) for Daniels Elementary School and Starkey Elementary School. 2.
Review Personnel, including but not limited to Employee Performance, Resignations, Retirements, Professional Appointments, Requests for Leave of Absence, and Substitute Teacher List [This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 551.074.] The Board reviewed one retirement, and the addendum to the KISD Substitute Teacher List: Retirement: Rhonda Bond (12-31-13). 3. Financial Reports The Board reviewed the following monthly financial reports: • General Operating Expenditure Report • Property Tax Collection Report • Capital Projects Report • Food Service Report ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consider Textbook Adoption Committee The Board approved the Textbook Adoption Committees. 2. Consider Maximum Class Size Exception The Board approved the maximum class size exception at Daniels Elementary School (2nd and 4th), Starkey Elementary School (K and 3rd), and Tally Elementary School (2nd and 3rd). 3. Consider Purchase of Additional Visitor Bleachers for Antler Stadium The Board approved the additional bleachers at Antler Stadium. Additional bleachers are needed on the north side of
Superintendent’s Office the current visitor bleachers to make up for the loss of seating due to the installation of additional aisles, handrails, and handicapped seating. Also, a fifteen row portable bleacher will be purchased for placement in the southwest end zone for the visitor’s drill team. The cost of the bleachers will be taken from the Maintenance Department’s construction projects budget. 4. Consider Purchases of $10,000 or More The Board approved the purchases of $10,000 or more. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AT 6:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2013.