Level Threshold Solutions for doorways and entrances
The problem Keeping external moisture out of the building
Level Threshold
is a term used for an entrance way from inside to outside where there is no change in floor height. While often desired for architectural reasons, this design brings forth a few issues that need to be addressed.
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The New Zealand Building Code stipulates requirements in the E2 Clause for External Moisture, specifically, Figure 17A: Level Thresholds for enclosed decks and Figure 17B: Level Thresholds for ground level. It stipulates a minimum depth for channel along the length of any entrance way on ground level where there is no change between the internal floor height and the external floor height. For details on the requirements, we suggest you refer to the Building Code. There hasn’t been a simple solution
to comply with the requirements of the code. Custom solutions which may or may not last, and certainly no simple to utilise system. We thought we should change that.
Now there is an easy way to create a
architectural grade level threshold. Allproof has been addressing this specific issue for years, and has come up with two elegant solutions to this problem. Decide on the width of the grate you want to use, and let us know the length overall. We can then take a look at the job, and advise of which of the systems is going to be more appropriate your in specific situation.
g th e d L i w d e e t d a ea n gr r h T o s e i Var
The solution Allproof Industries Level Threshold Systems
Instead of cumbersome prefabricated channel which has to be measured
perfectly and leaves no room for error, our system starts with the builder forming a channel in the substrate and allowing for fall along the path. Both systems then allow for any minor variances in the channel floor.
TL - Threaded Leg System The Threaded Leg system features adjustable rods with rubber feet that allow the installer to match any undulations in the formed channel with ease. A rubber packer is used to maintain the required 12mm distance from the joinery. The Threaded Leg is a simple, but elegant solution to level threshold requirements.
Please note: Installation details are indicative only. Doors and Floor details will vary dependent on building design.
Min 12mm
Threaded Leg Varies on grate width
Min 150mm
Min 200mm
CB - Cantilever Bracket System The Cantilever Bracket system is an alternative design that can be used when a more permanent mounting option is desired. The bracket is bolted into the slab before the finishing surface is put on. This mounting system also means a packer is not required to maintain the 12mm distance, and the bracket and joinery remain mechanically separated at all times.
Min 12.0mm
Min 150.0mm Optional Threaded Leg Support
Min 200.0mm
Both systems can be used with custom-made stainless steel channel. Please contact Allproof for specific requirements, as project applications can vary.
Grate Options Available
Wedgewire 17 Bay Park Place, Beach Haven, Auckland, NZ Ph: +64 9 481 8020 - www.allproof.co.nz