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BAFTA’ AS Media By Kerry Higgins

Movie Trailer Storyline •  My Trailer is about a young girl who falls for this boy who isn't who he says he is. Her friends try to tell her there’s something wrong with him but she just doesn't’t want to believe them. •  She starts lying to her mum, about places she's going and who she's going to see. •  She finds out about all the lies the boy has been telling her, this doesn't’t stop her from loving him it makes her worse. •  She starts bunking school, smoking and gets involved with selling drugs for her boyfriend. •  She gets kicked out of her house. She starts losing all her friends. •  The boy is wanted by another drug dealer for taking his customers of him, if he cant get to the boy he will go for her!

Britishness •  During my Trailer I will be presenGng how BriGshness is shown though-­‐out BriGsh movies, I will be doing this by using scenes that people in Britain go though on a day to day basis to show the realism of it. •  I will also be showing different behavior's from different characters during the trailer that show how some people in Britain act, to show the realism. •  The last thing I will be doing to show BriGshness though-­‐out my trailer is to use locaGons that show the real side of Britain not how people may think its like. •  I will be using cast, clothing and directors that will show another side of BriGshness.

Cultural Diversity •  My trailer lets people see the different type of cultural diversity’s there are in Britain from the real view, to see what young people face and go though on a day to day basis. My trailer will show the realism of cultural diversity. •  I will also be filming my film in area’s around south London so people will get a real view of things and an understanding of what people go though.

Target Audience •  My target audience is for people in their teens from around 15+, I think that this would be a target audience because people this age will get more of an understanding of the film it will be able to draw them in, grab their aNenGon.

Message. •  The message of my story is to get across to people that some young teenagers go through a lot of problems during their life, and may need help. Its important that family’s of teens don’t just kick them out, they try help them get around their problems, kicking them out wont help, it will make things worse, they wont have anyone to turn to but violence and drugs.

Important Scenes •  I think that one of the most important scene of my film is when the young girl find out that her boyfriend has been taking drugs, that his been lying to her all along. •  I think this scene is important because it drags people in and makes them know what she's going to do about it? •  It may make people shocked by the face she choices to sGck around and stay with him aPer all his been lying about.

Theme and Colours •  At the start of my trailer all the colours are going to be bright, to show happy Gmes, she's happy and in love so red will be used a lot. •  When things start to change during the trailer the colours will start changing from nice bright colors' to dull dark colours this will show things are changing there not as happy as things use to be. •  By the end of the trailer lots of black is going to be used, and red, but this red wont show love it will show pain, blood and anger.

Location Environment •  The locaGon of my film will be in south London, though the media south London is shown as a violent and dangerous place which is known for many gangs and gang violence. •  I Think filming here will put across the realism of today, and make my film look more like a true story, and show how today’s society is today.

Relationship and Attitudes •  My trailer shows how people in todays society treat each other on a day to day basis, I think it shows that many young people don’t have respect for their parents and treat them like they don’t mean anything to them. •  I think my trailer shows aStudes that young people have for each others, by the way they speak to each other and treat each other, I think it shows that this day in ages, hardly any teenagers have respect for others and the area around them.

Crime, Policing and Judicial •  During my trailer some crimes take place, also breaking the law such as selling drugs, smoking drugs and using weapon's. •  I think this shows some of the crimes that are seen to day in the media. From my trailer I want to put across the message that doing this things can cause a lot of trouble for yourself and the people around you. Many crimes are happening today and I think my trailer shows the realism of these.

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