Brand Book
You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Oikos is home. We want to spur a renewal of Gospel identity in the heart of Memphis so that our local communities can tangibly experience the love of Jesus, the work of the Spirit, and the grace of the Father. We will accomplish this by pursuing incarnational and missional efforts. By this, we mean that all life should be lived in mission to God’s Kingdom and that we as disciples should embody Jesus wherever we are – in our homes, neighborhoods, schools, work, and city. By empowering home worship groups and providing a large, congregational gathering, we’ll foster flexibility and shared leadership to address local needs and support a network of service-minded leaders, resources, and churches. We’ll focus specifically on Spirit-led discipleship training to teach all members and families how to serve and also go out into their communities to spread the good news of the living King Jesus. We want families and communities to be enriched by the truth that they are lovingly made in the image of God. That’s why we say that Oikos is home – because we’re ready to invite you to experience church as family.
Again but shorter this time Elevator Pitch We want to spur a renewal of Gospel identity in Memphis so that families can tangibly experience the love of Jesus, the work of the Spirit, and the grace of the Father. We will accomplish this by pursuing community-facing service efforts and empowering home worship groups. We want families and communities to be enriched by the truth that they are lovingly made in the image of God. That’s why we say that Oikos is home – because we’re ready to invite you to experience church as family.
A Couple Sentences We want families and communities in Memphis to be enriched by the truth that they are lovingly made in the image of God. That’s why we say that Oikos is home – because we’re ready to invite you to experience church as family.
Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household.
Where we’re needed Problems to solve
By the power and grace of the Spirit, Oikos will address these problems: - There is a distinct lack of congregations near the University of Memphis. - Church is often attended but without a sense of discipleship, training, and family. - Congregational flight has moved out of East Memphis and into surrounding suburbs and cities, which has moved money and service out of the city. - Generational shifts in American culture have seen a decline in Christian affiliation. - Southern churches have become averse to proclaiming justice in regards to race, family, poverty, and migration. - Families of the digital age have learned to seek busyness as a worthwhile life. Sports, games, shopping, and events are sought instead of relationships and community.
Differentiators These aspects of Oikos will distinguish what we offer: - We’re located near the University of Memphis and easily accessible by students and families in the area. - Our organizational structure includes both home groups and large gatherings. Home groups will be empowered to serve the changing needs of their local neighborhoods, while the large gatherings will reinforce communal worship, discipleship, and study. - Oikos will be intentional about training our members to both be disciples and how to make disciples. - Our worship style will be casual and emotionally expressive. We want attendees to feel comfortable worshipping and allowing the Spirit to participate with us in our worship. - We’ll provide safe spaces for vulnerability, support, and relational depth.
Target audience Oikos will target the neighborhoods near the University of Memphis as well as the students living near or attending the campus.
Demographics: Traditional college and graduate students - Age 18-28 - Low income - Potential for high engagement and interest but low resources and training Young families and young professionals in East Memphis - Age 25-35 - Low to middle income - Likely looking for a community to plug into for longer term engagement Emotional attraction - People looking for community service and missional programs - People looking for expressive worship as well as in-depth Biblical study - People who feel hurt by more conservative congregations
Tone and style
To reinforce a consistent brand across all communication touchpoints, Oikos will use language and design that supports this tone: - Loving, encouraging, service-minded
- Friendly and simple
- Transformative and Spirit-led
- Grounded and warm
- Focused on the living King Jesus
- Our purpose is primarily to engage and educate.
gathering table 12 figures
Logo The Oikos logo is a simple logotype that symbolizes the table of the Lord. As a family, Christians gather to worship, eat, encourage, and serve. During worship, we gather around the table of communion to remember the death and resurrection of the living King Jesus. The logotype also subtly references the crown that King Jesus wears and has promised to share with his family in the New Creation to come. The word “oikos” is Greek for house, but just like our word “home” can refer to both a building and to relationships or to a sense of belonging, oikos also means family.
Logo Spacing
Logo Mark
use two C’s in church for mininum open space around logo
Logo Color Options full color - copper/navy
dark - all navy
light - all white
mininum size
Logo do not’s do not rotate logo
do not distort
do not resize any part
do not use black
CHURCH do not rearange
do not add elements
CHURCH lorem ipsum
do not use offbrand colors
do not add effects
do not place over crazy backgrounds
do not place over images
do not contain logo in box
do not use gradients
Color Palette Primary
Midnight #1e404d
Copper #d69f6e
Sand #d6ccbe
Brick #945d48
Water #869da3
CMYK: 89. 64. 51. 41. RGB: 30. 64. 77.
CMYK: 16. 39. 63. 0. RGB: 214. 159. 110.
CMYK: 16. 16. 23. 0. RGB: 214. 204. 190.
CMYK: 33. 65. 72. 20. RGB: 148. 93. 72.
CMYK: 50. 30. 31. 1. RGB: 134. 157. 163.
Typography Headline
Arno Pro - Semibold Display
Arno Pro - Semibold Italic
Body Copy
Proxima Nova - Regular
Lorem Ipsum
Dolor Sit Amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip
They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.
Brand Statements Oikos is home. Called to gather. Called to serve. Called to the table. Embodying God’s renewal to family, community, and all of Memphis. Find family. Find identity. Find the grace of the living King Jesus. Made in the image of
Oikos Strategy Group sub-brands
At Oikos, our strategy is to seek deep transformation through the Oikos Gathering, Oikos Groups, and Oikos Go initiatives. The seeds of each are Discipleship Groups, which are relational environments that seek Spirit-led transformation in identity, family, and ministry in smaller groups in short-term ways.
Our weekly Sunday, public worship meets in a space near the University of Memphis. The Oikos Gathering is a rich, attractive, instrumental worship environment with depth and emphasis on the table of the Lord.
Oikos Groups are intergenerational, missional communities of 20-40 people who meet in homes and venues around the Memphis area. These groups meet weekly to worship, study, fellowship, and serve their local neighborhoods.
Oikos Go initiatives help move our members into evangelism, justice, and disciple-making. There are opportunities to serve each week with blessing projects, and our partnerships provide pathways for members to serve with other churches and ministries in the Memphis area.
Discipleship Groups are the relational catalysts for each step of the Oikos ministries. These short-term groups are aimed at renewing identity and training members and families to join in and lead the various Oikos ministries.
Brand Summary Oikos wants to seek and serve the families of Memphis. We want our communities and neighborhoods to experience the love of Jesus, the work of the Spirit, and the grace of the Father. We want to see you enriched by Gospel identity and nourished by service-minded mission. We want to gather around the table to worship, commune, eat, share, and support.
Oikos is home – because we’re ready to invite you to experience church as family.
Oikos Church 3daUd]Qh DQ͙ ?R\_VWb͜ F@
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(901) 310-5060
Thank You
Oikos is home.