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E. Classroom Etiquette
A legal first name, along with legal last name, will be used for the following functions: • Admissions Correspondence • Degree Verification • Enrollment Verification • Financial Aid • Federal and State Agency Reporting • Student Accounts • Official Transcript • Diploma • Accounts Payable and Payroll • Patient Records in Clinical Education (the record may also denote the preferred first name if the electronic health record system allows for it) Each Program will be responsible for collecting student names for use in the following areas: • White Coats • Commencement and White Coat Programs • Scholarship and Awards Programs Note: Students may use their preferred name for the above items. They should use their preferred name when placing orders for White Coats or when applying for scholarships. Registration and Records will notify the Programs of their students’ preferred names.
E. Classroom Etiquette
The following addresses the expectations of everyone participating in direct educational experiences, either lectures, labs or clinical assignments, your faculty may have different expectations. 1. Electronic Devices
To preserve the integrity and decorum of the academic and patient care programs, the following guidelines are in effect at MBKU and affiliated clinical teaching programs. a. Classrooms, laboratories, and Library • All cell phones/electronic devices will be silenced as these noises are disruptive. • Students and faculty should only respond to electronic messages between classes and labs. • Electronic devices may not be in any student’s possession during any test-taking situation in class or laboratory. b. Clinical Patient Care Facilities • All cell phones/electronic devices will be silenced as these noises disrupt patient care and clinical education. • No cell phones may be used by students in a clinical facility; faculty should use their offices when making such calls. 2. Food & Drink
The University understands students spend many hours on campus. While it is preferred that eating and drinking occur in designated common areas, we also understand that eating and drinking while in class and during studying is inevitable. We ask that trash is disposed of properly and consideration of others is a priority. Not only may items spill and destroy or ruin the property of others such as notes, electronic devices, clothing, etc., but certain fragrances may create an uncomfortable experience for those with allergies or those who are sensitive to odors. Please choose snacks/foods (and perfumes/colognes) wisely!
Please refrain from eating or drinking in the Library, laboratory, and clinical facilities, as it has the potential to damage equipment and be disruptive to the educational experience of others.
Beverages may be consumed; however, we ask that spill-proof containers are used. Items such as medications, both prescribed and over the counter, may be consumed on an as-needed basis.