2 minute read
C. Expression, Assembly & Forum
a. Submit complaint via the online Report a Concern form, email, call, or in person with the VPSA. b. The complaint should be addressed to the Office of the President, the Program Dean/Director or VPSA. Complaints submitted to offices other than University Student Affairs should be forwarded immediately to the VPSA. c. The complaint should be signed by the student, sent from their University email, or otherwise identify the complainant.
To properly track a complaint, the following information shall be entered into the log: a. The date the complaint was first formally submitted to an appropriate University Officer. b. The date the complaint was received by the VPSA. c. The nature of the complaint. d. Steps taken by the University to resolve the complaint. e. The University’s final decision regarding the complaint, including any referral to outside agencies. f. Any other external actions initiated by the student to resolve the complaint. 2. Complaint Notice Disclosure
The MBKU complaint reporting process is outlined above and again in detail below. Students are encouraged to first utilize the MBKU conduct processes; but we are required by the Bureau for
Private Postsecondary Education to inform students of the availability of the state complaint process. An individual may contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education for review of a complaint. The Bureau may be contacted at 2535 Capitol Oaks Dr., Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833, http://www.bppe.ca.gov, 916-431-6924 or FAX 916-263-1897. 3. Anonymous Material
The University will consider acting on a case by case basis if it receives anonymous material concerning student health, welfare, or safety, or if it is audio/video of a potential student conduct violation.
Verbal, written, or electronic communication forms of anonymous material related to a potential student conduct violation will not be considered for University action.
Anonymous material that threatens the safety of any persons or property at the University, shall be brought to the immediate attention of the President, Director of Campus Safety, and/or any appropriate law enforcement agencies.
C. Expression, Assembly & Forum
MBKU is committed to promoting an inclusive campus culture and fostering a learning environment where free inquiry is celebrated. Dissent, disagreement, a difference of opinion, or thinking differently from others is an aspect of expression in higher education, whether it manifests itself in a new and differing theory in quantum mechanics, a personal disagreement with a current foreign policy, opposition to a position taken by the University itself, or by some other means. The University recognizes the crucial importance in maintaining an open communication and dialogue in the process of identifying and resolving problems which may arise in the dynamics of life in a university community. 1. Related Policies
In addition to the information included below certain existing policies under other categories within this handbook also address issues related to expression, assembly and forums including the Student & University Expectations, University Student Code of Conduct, Student Association
Handbook, Prohibited Discrimination, Unlawful Harassment & Sexual Misconduct Policy, On-
Campus Organization/Class Events with Alcohol, and Professional Standards of Dress.
Additionally, each Program has its own Professionalism policies located in the Program
Handbook. Familiarity with these policies is extremely important as it relates to expectations of professionalism in clinical settings.