MBKU Student Handbook 2022-2023

Page 62

University Student Affairs Student Handbook

62 2022-23

IV. UNIVERSITY STUDENT AFFAIRS & STUDENT SERVICES A. University Student Affairs University Student Affairs is comprised of a variety of departments and services that support the personal and professional development of all students at MBKU. Each Program has a Student Affairs professional designated for program-related concerns. Although University and Program Student Affairs representatives work collaboratively to support students on a regular basis, they do not operate within the same office. SCCO has an Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and COP has an Assistant Dean of Student Services that report to their respective Program Dean. SPAS designates a faculty member to serve as the Program Student Affairs representative in tandem with any teaching or academic advising responsibilities they may have. This person also reports to the Program Director. In addition to the functional areas described in this section, University Student Affairs serves as the campus advocate for student concerns and issues. When questions and/or issues arise that cannot be addressed or resolved by an office or department on campus, a Student Affairs representative is a good place to begin. University or Program Student Affairs staff may give advice, direct students to the appropriate resource(s) for assistance or problem resolution, and/or advocate on behalf of the student with other departments/offices. In addition to filling distinct student services roles, student affairs professionals are dedicated to creating an atmosphere of support, inclusion and belonging within each program and the University community. 1.

Mission and Learning Outcomes

University Student Affairs Mission The Mission of University Student Affairs is to offer programs and services that provide a safe and inclusive campus environment to support student success. University Student Affairs Co-Curricular Learning Outcomes University Student Affairs support student learning both in the classroom and in the larger campus community. Student learning happens throughout and across the MBKU experience. We promote student learning outside of the classroom with a variety of programs, services, and development opportunities. University Student Affairs documents its impact on student learning by establishing Program and Student Learning Outcomes. These outcomes describe the co-curricular learning that takes place through the programs, activities, and services offered by University Student Affairs. These outcomes also consider and reflect the missions and strategic plans of the University and University Student Affairs. Program Learning Outcomes a. Professional and Career Development: Students will develop life-long skills they can use to seek jobs, residencies/internships, apply to post-graduate school and make career decisions. b. Leadership Development: Students will develop the knowledge of organizational structure and best practices, effective leadership communication skills and a capacity to be an ethical, compassionate, and effective leader. c. Academic Development: Students will develop academic excellence using goal setting, organization, strategic learning, and test-taking skills. d. Personal Enrichment/ Development: Students will develop effective communication skills to allow for collaboration, healthy lifestyle choices, a positive sense of self, a personal code of ethics, an appreciation of differences, financial literacy, a strong social connection with the MBKU campus community and an understanding of MBKU resources. 2. Accommodating Students & Applicants with Disabilities MBKU is committed to full and equal opportunities for all students and applicants. MBKU does not unlawfully discriminate against qualified applicants or students with disabilities and encourages their full participation within the MBKU community. To this end, MBKU accepts and supports qualified students and applicants with disabilities and complies with the Back to Title Page

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