MBKU Student Handbook 2022-2023

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University Student Affairs Student Handbook

67 2022-23

are other living options for all needs and budgets in Fullerton, Yorba Linda, Placentia, La Habra, Brea, Orange, and Anaheim – just to name a few! All students are responsible for acquiring their own housing at their own discretion and risk.

B. Student Achievement Center and Other Student Support Resources 1.

Peer Advisor Program

Peer advising provides informal, non-academic advice and personal student perspectives about life and learning at MBKU to incoming/first-year students. New students gain informed student perspectives on MBKU based on their Peer Advisor’s personal experience within their program along with formal training. Peer Advisors show a strong commitment to helping new students make the transition from undergraduates to informed, successful professional students who will be responsible for their own academic goals and professional growth. Students interested in becoming a Peer Advisor during their second professional year may apply during winter quarter each year. Information is shared via email leading up to the application process and applications are submitted via Presence. In addition, faculty members in each program may nominate outstanding students for the program. The application process includes the following: a. a brief personal statement highlighting why they are applying for the position and what personal attributes make them suited for this role; b. current resume - any pertinent leadership and/or work experience should also be noted; AND c. a completed recommendation form from a current MBKU faculty/staff member. A meeting for interested students will provide information on the expectations of Peer Advisors in early January. University Student Affairs conduct applicant interviews during spring quarter. Qualified students will be offered Peer Advisor positions. In the event of an abundance of applicants, the applicants are ranked, and the top candidates will be offered the positions. University Student Affairs oversees and trains all Peer Advisors with input from Program representatives to enhance the students’ advising skills. They receive a training documents compiled by University Student Affairs. Peer Advisors provide guidance and advising during mutually agreed after class/lab hours. Advising can be face-to-face meetings or conducted electronically. Peer Advisors are valuable members of the MBKU community and, as such, are compensated as a work-study position. 2. Peer Tutoring Program Peer Tutors are upper-level MBKU students who have excelled in the course they tutor and are trained to facilitate discussions on course content as well as study skills and strong academic habits. Peer tutoring services are available at no cost for students experiencing academic difficulty and for students desiring additional assistance with course work. Arrangements for tutoring may be made by the instructor or student. Tutors are selected based on cumulative GPA/academic progress with faculty approval. Each Program is in charge of their own Peer Tutoring program: The Beta Sigma Kappa honor society provides optometry tutors (overseen by the SCCO Assistant Dean of Student Affairs), the SPAS Director of Didactic Education provides PA tutors, and the COP Assistant Dean of Student Services provides pharmacy tutors. Program Student Affairs representatives are available to assist faculty and students in the selection of tutors and/or course review session leaders. The earlier an instructor identifies students needing tutorial assistance, the more likely the services will be of value. Peer Tutors are valuable members of the MBKU community and, as such, are compensated as a work-study position. 3. Dr. Lorraine Voorhees Student Achievement Center Resource Room The Dr. Lorraine Voorhees Student Achievement Center Resource Room is a one-stop-shop quiet place to study, meet with a tutor, and peer advisor or study group. Open to all MBKU students and located in the Administration Building (second floor), there are a variety of Back to Title Page

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